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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


So, I took your guys advices and I'm changing my diet.
I bought some vegies, whole rice, kinoa and other healthy stuff. It's still not perfect since I eat 3 meals per day and a sandwich or two, but I guess it's a start.

On top of that, I just finished the Insanity fit test about a hour ago. I thought I was gonna die. It was just brutal, and while doing the final stretching segment I just stopped and stepped outside for some fresh air. I just felt like I'm about to go down and had to get some air and lie down...

I mainly feel my thighs \ crotch. I hope it's part of the drill and I didn't do some exercises in wrong form.

Anyway, I feel shit and good at the same time, and I'm dreading for tomorrow and... quite frankly the next few weeks. I know it should get a bit easier, but still...

(Sorry for the not so great English. I blame Insanity :p )


Neo Member
Also checking in. On my second day of my second week of P90X. I did Chest and Back yesterday and already saw improvement over week 1. I can also see some nice changes after only one week!

I have not lost my fire, and can't wait to keep at it!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Heya, fellas.

Finally time to jump all the way back in. Basic cardio and free weights a few times a week weren't cutting it... after a couple months, I just wasn't feeling truly "fit" like I had during my X cycles and indeed, I've gained back about a third of the weight I lost during my first cycle and certainly lost some of the muscle I put on during my second cycle. So it's back to Day 1 for me, back to the diet and time to get more serious than ever for another round of P90X Classic. I want to really focus on form and eliminating the need to modify by the time my 3 months are up.

To that end... just finished a rather humbling Chest & Back session. I didn't exactly have any expectations, but hot damn. "Regular" exercise doesn't really keep you X-ready. :p I didn't even hit any of my Round 2 numbers from my last cycle on today's Round 1. Especially with regard to pull-ups, I was disappointed with just how much ground I'd lost. The highlight was only having to pause the video for an extra 45 seconds, but other than that my work is definitely cut out for me. The low point was getting a ridiculously painful leg cramp during the ab workout- not something I'd run into before, and I wound up simply unable to finish (took a breather, laid back down for scissors and got a big ol' NOPE from my thigh muscles). That said, looking at my old numbers compared to these is encouraging, because now I know I can absolutely shatter them with persistence, whereas my first week ever it was hard to overcome the feeling of "I'll never be able to do better than this."

Also, holy hell my muscles are on fire. I had honestly forgotten how horrible/amazing this feels.

So anyway, I'm back to the world of unbelievably disgusting green apple MP Assault, oh-so-delicious Vanilla Cream recovery drinks, green tea extract every morning and sweet dreams each night. To those of you who remember me, awesome, and for those I've never met, hiya. I'll be around here quite a bit for the next 90 days.

Well, 89. :D


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Hey, Hawkian! I was just wondering about you and LaneDS earlier today, and what you guys were up to, fitness-wise, since you haven't been around lately. Nice to see you.

I'm back to square one with P90X as well — started last week, and finished Week 2 Plyometrics a bit ago. I've lost almost all of the weight that I gained over the winter months, but now, I'm motivated to getting stronger and fitter than I've ever been.

Let's crush this bitch together.
So, I took your guys advices and I'm changing my diet.
I bought some vegies, whole rice, kinoa and other healthy stuff. It's still not perfect since I eat 3 meals per day and a sandwich or two, but I guess it's a start.

On top of that, I just finished the Insanity fit test about a hour ago. I thought I was gonna die. It was just brutal, and while doing the final stretching segment I just stopped and stepped outside for some fresh air. I just felt like I'm about to go down and had to get some air and lie down...

I mainly feel my thighs crotch. I hope it's part of the drill and I didn't do some exercises in wrong form.

Anyway, I feel shit and good at the same time, and I'm dreading for tomorrow and... quite frankly the next few weeks. I know it should get a bit easier, but still...

(Sorry for the not so great English. I blame Insanity :p )

I laid down and felt like I was going to throw up for a good 30 minutes after I did the fitness test so don't worry about getting crushed by it.

Some general soreness will be your companion for first couple weeks, but you should struggle through as long as you don't feel 'pain'. You'll eventually be able to identify the difference.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Oh hell yeah. You just doing a Classic cycle too?
Yep. Big difference this time around, though: actually using a pull-up bar instead of pull-downs with bands, and I have a nice, new set of adjustable dumbbells. Bringing it, as the kids say.


ugh i fell off the wagon...finished 30 days of p90 and felt tightness in the back of my legs and ended up stopping for an entire weekend whilst stuffing my face with sweets.


I've enjoyed my time with bodybuilding workouts, but it's time for me too to go back to the X. This program resonates with me so well. I saw great gains, specially strength wise doing Body Beast, but I miss the feeling of living the P90X lifestyle.

This new round of X will be much different to the others though: I'm gonna try to nail the goddamn nutrition part. It will also be a hybrid with X2:

Mon: Chest & Back
Tues: Plyocide
Wed: Shoulders & Arms
Thu: Yoga X2
Fri: Legs & Back
Sat: Running
Sun: Rest or Foam Roller

Really excited to start next week.


The Cryptarch's Bane
WB Hawkian. Were you at least pedaling under your desk on your hiatus?
Oh you know it. More intensively today than other days, even. ;)
Yep. Big difference this time around, though: actually using a pull-up bar instead of pull-downs with bands, and I have a nice, new set of adjustable dumbbells. Bringing it, as the kids say.
I made those two mods from my first to second cycle, both make a huge difference.


I laid down and felt like I was going to throw up for a good 30 minutes after I did the fitness test so don't worry about getting crushed by it.

Some general soreness will be your companion for first couple weeks, but you should struggle through as long as you don't feel 'pain'. You'll eventually be able to identify the difference.

Cheers, great to know!

I can definitely still feel the soreness - puting clothes on without any pain is really under-appreciated. But after starting the next day practice it seems most of the soreness is gone, and it's all good.

Yesterday I did... resistance IIRC, and I felt qutie okay after. I was crying during it, but I didn't want to die after the exersice so that's a plus. Of course the first thing I thought about after was "if I'm not crushed any lying on the floor, maybe I didn't push hard enough?", but then I remember that I fell down during the moving push-ups, so...

Overall - I feel good! Doing some excersice and eating so much better than before. Really hoping to see some results eventually. Too bad I don't have anywhere to weigh myself.


Hang out with Steve.
Glad you're getting back to it, Hawkian!

Have any of you considered adding Shakeology to your diet? My wife & I have been drinking it for a couple months. I use it to supplement my meals (Body Beast, need the calories) but my wife is using it as a meal replacement. It's really good stuff.

I can get you samples if you're interested in trying it. Send me a PM.


Hang out with Steve.
I don't suppose you can send samples outside the US? (^^;;

Unfortunately it's not currently available outside the US and Canada, although if you're in the US military stationed abroad it can be shipped to an APO address. :-/

They are apparently working on that but it's a customs thing.


Some day, I'll just quit my job and try to launch the beachbody brand here in Japan. I'm sure there's a huge market for it here. And it's not just the DVDs, but all the supplements industry. There's almost no choice in whey protein, protein bars don't exist, everything else is imported and overpriced. Oh well :(
Forgot how hard the second month of Insanity is. I've thrown some Max Interval Circuits into some hybrids I've done and it's always tough but nothing like when you're doing it the same week as max Plyo and the other month 2 workouts. T25 sounds so good right now.


Small update from me:

Since doing my first two rounds of P90X last year, I've been doing kind of a hybrid P90X2 program, but my consistency hasn't been nearly as good as I'd like.

I'm going to Florida for vacation in 3 weeks, so I've committed to:

1) Cutting out all alcohol until then
2) Running 4-5 5ks per week
3) Doing 3-4 days of selected X workouts per week (Core Syn, Ch/Sh/Tri, and Back & Biceps are my standby workouts).

I'm also really trying to keep my carbs to a minimum.

After I get back, I really need to re-commit to a full program. I might be getting a bit burned out on Tony, I'll probably do Insanity next.


Hang out with Steve.
Forgot how hard the second month of Insanity is. I've thrown some Max Interval Circuits into some hybrids I've done and it's always tough but nothing like when you're doing it the same week as max Plyo and the other month 2 workouts. T25 sounds so good right now.

Hah it's just like starting over, right? :)

Shaun T's been re-doing Insanity himself the past several weeks and he said pretty much the same thing you did.

Can't wait for T25. If I find out anything about pre-orders or specials I'll let everyone know.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Man, Insanity is kicking my ass again. Just buying time until Shaun T's new workout comes out.

I think I've found that I tend to like the workouts where you don't repeat moves more. I like Pure Cardio from Insanity a lot more than Plyo Cardio Circuit for that very reason. You can really go all out knowing you won't have to do that move again.
Hah it's just like starting over, right? :)

Shaun T's been re-doing Insanity himself the past several weeks and he said pretty much the same thing you did.

Can't wait for T25. If I find out anything about pre-orders or specials I'll let everyone know.

First month was a lot easier than the first time I went through Insanity (how ever many years ago that was). But ya, second month feels like starting over again. Glad I did a couple months of Asylum 2 after Body Beast or this month would have been even tougher.

I've been meaning to ask you, have your heard if Tony has anything coming down the pipe (or is it pike)? Whether it'd be X3 or something else. I feel like he's due for something new.


Hang out with Steve.
I've been meaning to ask you, have your heard if Tony has anything coming down the pipe (or is it pike)? Whether it'd be X3 or something else. I feel like he's due for something new.

I haven't heard anything. But right now BB is super-focused on T25, so I guess it stands to reason. Last year they released Asylum 2, Les Mills Combat and Body Beast, so it's not impossible that they'd have another program scheduled they're not talking about.

Coach Summit is coming up in June, I imagine if they have anything new in the pipeline they'll talk about it there. I wish I could go. Hopefully next year.
I haven't heard anything. But right now BB is super-focused on T25, so I guess it stands to reason. Last year they released Asylum 2, Les Mills Combat and Body Beast, so it's not impossible that they'd have another program scheduled they're not talking about.

Coach Summit is coming up in June, I imagine if they have anything new in the pipeline they'll talk about it there. I wish I could go. Hopefully next year.

Right on. Keep us updated. Btw, does T25 have an official release date yet?


Neo Member
The wife and I just started P90X this week. We made it through plyo last night, so I'm feeling good about making it through the hardest workout.

I'm finding it difficult to fit in ab-ripper though. I've seen people suggest doing ARX first, but that just seems weird. I almost wish they'd just combine the workouts into one instead of separating it the way they do.


Neo Member
Heya, fellas.

Finally time to jump all the way back in. Basic cardio and free weights a few times a week weren't cutting it... after a couple months, I just wasn't feeling truly "fit" like I had during my X cycles and indeed, I've gained back about a third of the weight I lost during my first cycle and certainly lost some of the muscle I put on during my second cycle. So it's back to Day 1 for me, back to the diet and time to get more serious than ever for another round of P90X Classic. I want to really focus on form and eliminating the need to modify by the time my 3 months are up.

Just curious - did your diet change considerably when you gained some of the weight back?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Glad you're getting back to it, Hawkian!

Have any of you considered adding Shakeology to your diet? My wife & I have been drinking it for a couple months. I use it to supplement my meals (Body Beast, need the calories) but my wife is using it as a meal replacement. It's really good stuff.

I can get you samples if you're interested in trying it. Send me a PM.

This flavor absolutely blows by the way. Huuuuuuge mistake.
The wife and I just started P90X this week. We made it through plyo last night, so I'm feeling good about making it through the hardest workout.

I'm finding it difficult to fit in ab-ripper though. I've seen people suggest doing ARX first, but that just seems weird. I almost wish they'd just combine the workouts into one instead of separating it the way they do.
What I've taken to doing is pausing the main X workout when the actual round 2 is over (before the cool down), then doing either Ab Ripper X or this shorter but still very effective ab routine, then switching back for the cool down and ending with a much more sensible heart rate than the way they'd have you do it normally. I always found it weird to cool down to a rest, then get crazily sweaty with a ton of blood pumping for ARX, and no cool down after it.


Hang out with Steve.

This flavor absolutely blows by the way. Huuuuuuge mistake.

Hah, love the pic :)

I've only tried the Greenberry once, and the person who made it put in so much banana that was all I tasted.

My favorite is still the non-Vegan Chocolate, with the Vegan Chocolate and Tropical Strawberry tied for second. The non-Vegan Chocolate also has more protein & fewer carbs than the Vegan variants.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Banana can definitely make it palatable... it kind of overpowers the flavor of anything powdered in my opinion.

I don't always drink this stuff, but when I do, I try to drink it without adding anything
stay thirsty my friends

Seriously though. It's called greenberry. I imagined this to be because it tasted like a combination of greens... and berries. Not so. It takes like liquid kale, with a dash of liquefied solid kale. It is intolerable.

The chocolate's not bad, especially with almond milk it's actually borderline tasty.
I've always felt that the p90x resistance workouts were largely ineffective given the short rest between exercises.

After modifying the Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps workout to eliminate (what I think are...) pointless exercises and increasing rest time between sets while doing every rep as slow as possible to maximise the strain on my muscles, I think I had a much better workout.

I may have to migrate onto a 20-30 minute HIIT regime that I do 3 times a week instead of the hour a day p90x thing.


Hang out with Steve.
The chocolate's not bad, especially with almond milk it's actually borderline tasty.

My go-to recipe (works with chocolate & strawberry): 1/2-2/3 cup of crushed ice, 1/2 cup milk, a handful of fresh blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 tbs almond butter, 1/2 tbs coconut oil, Shakeology. Blend until smooth.

Sometimes I've added a scoop of unflavored protein powder (right now I'm using Base Shake).


The Cryptarch's Bane
My go-to recipe (works with chocolate & strawberry): 1/2-2/3 cup of crushed ice, 1/2 cup milk, a handful of fresh blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 tbs almond butter, 1/2 tbs coconut oil, Shakeology. Blend until smooth.

Sometimes I've added a scoop of unflavored protein powder (right now I'm using Base Shake).
Well that sounds freaking delicious. Maybe one day I'll motivate myself to put that much effort and ingredient selection into my Shakeology ritual. :)



I signed up for a half-marathon today (Navy Air Force Half in DC in September) and pushed back my Tough Mudder from this past Saturday (where someone happened to die) to October, so now is as good a time as any to stop making excuses for myself and get back into P90X and living healthy.

Awesome to see all the familiar faces still active in here, and BeautifulMemory was a very good source of encouragement (in addition to PM'ing a while back, he linked me to vatstep's recent post which really does help). Also saw that Steve is now a BB coach, which is very awesome.

I'll set some legit goals and get going any way I can (current place still isn't great for the program, but I'm making sure wherever I move at the beginning of September is), but just wanted to pop in and commit in writing/say hello to everyone.



The Cryptarch's Bane

I signed up for a half-marathon today (Navy Air Force Half in DC in September) and pushed back my Tough Mudder from this past Saturday (where someone happened to die) to October, so now is as good a time as any to stop making excuses for myself and get back into P90X and living healthy.

Awesome to see all the familiar faces still active in here, and BeautifulMemory was a very good source of encouragement (in addition to PM'ing a while back, he linked me to vatstep's recent post which really does help). Also saw that Steve is now a BB coach, which is very awesome.

I'll set some legit goals and get going any way I can (current place still isn't great for the program, but I'm making sure wherever I move at the beginning of September is), but just wanted to pop in and commit in writing/say hello to everyone.

Welcome back m'friend.
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