Jesus lord chest and back was done for the first time today. I am... barely functioning at this point.
Month 1 of insanity complete!
Rest day tomorrow followed by recovery week.
Any tips for shoulder stamina? My shoulders start burning when doing long plank work and they give out much earlier than my core. Anyone else experience this?
Report in after PlyoX! Listen to Tony throughout the video and stick with it.
so many excited!
Are you as excited as I am?
T-25 announcement tomorrow?
I know you are wondering what the next challenge is we are doing. It is still going to be Asylum 1, Hip Hop Abs, or a hybrid called Hipsylum. Tomorrow we release some further details about a Jump STart Challenge we will do until our OFFICIAL START DATE OF MONDAY, MAY 20TH. There will be no contest, other than the contest within yourself to be the best YOU possible.
Month 1 of insanity complete!
Rest day tomorrow followed by recovery week.
Any tips for shoulder stamina? My shoulders start burning when doing long plank work and they give out much earlier than my core. Anyone else experience this?
Congrats! I'm 3 days away from it
BTW, I saw that day 1 of month 2 is fitness test.and max... Something. Are you supposes do them one after another? Doesn't that mean insta death?
nearing the end of P90X. Got stretch x tomorrown and that wraps up week 10. I've seen great progress so far, but I have a feeling that when I'm done with round 1 of P90X I wont be satisfied with my results. I want to get more cut and build my chest some more, so what to do? I'm getting sick of the cardio workouts in this program. I like Core Synergetics and Plyo is ok, even if it has some bullshit moves here and there that does nothing. I can't drag myself off the couch to do Kenpo X (too easy) or Yoga X (it can gtfo with that bs length).
What would you guys recommend? I've been thinking of either one of the following (advice appreciated):
1. keep doing phase 3 with my current diet till im satisfied. do core synergetics on the cardio days. Is that overdoing it?
2. get body beast and stay with current diet. about 1400kcal, 165g protein and 100g carbs a day. I know this won't make me grow, but will it help shred fat? I like the short length of these videos but will I have the juice to do it?
3. start P90X all over from day0. This option makes no sense to me, as I've now built myself to do phase 3?
My goal is to bulk a bit of my chest and shoulder as they are lacking compared to the rest of my body, and get my fat % down to 10.
with the rate im going I figure I will end on 76kg ~165lbs , 15% bodyfat.
I live in an appartment with thin walls so no jumping around stuff, which I think insanity is?
nearing the end of P90X. Got stretch x tomorrown and that wraps up week 10. I've seen great progress so far, but I have a feeling that when I'm done with round 1 of P90X I wont be satisfied with my results. I want to get more cut and build my chest some more, so what to do? I'm getting sick of the cardio workouts in this program. I like Core Synergetics and Plyo is ok, even if it has some bullshit moves here and there that does nothing. I can't drag myself off the couch to do Kenpo X (too easy) or Yoga X (it can gtfo with that bs length).
What would you guys recommend? I've been thinking of either one of the following (advice appreciated):
1. keep doing phase 3 with my current diet till im satisfied. do core synergetics on the cardio days. Is that overdoing it?
2. get body beast and stay with current diet. about 1400kcal, 165g protein and 100g carbs a day. I know this won't make me grow, but will it help shred fat? I like the short length of these videos but will I have the juice to do it?
3. start P90X all over from day0. This option makes no sense to me, as I've now built myself to do phase 3?
My goal is to bulk a bit of my chest and shoulder as they are lacking compared to the rest of my body, and get my fat % down to 10.
with the rate im going I figure I will end on 76kg ~165lbs , 15% bodyfat.
I live in an appartment with thin walls so no jumping around stuff, which I think insanity is?
A lot of people have done P90X multiple times. There is no way to "master" the program, and starting over is in no way a downgrade (the word phase is kind of misleading, really). I mean, think about it; some of these workouts you're only doing 5 times over the course of three months. There is a LOT of room to improve and push yourself further. Also, do the yoga; either shorten the beginning and ending stretches, or just do the first half. IT WORKS.big post
You don't have to do them back-to-back, or even in order. You just need to do both in the same day.
Month 2 is like starting over![]()
I feel like I'm doing really good in the past week.
Kinda off-topic, and I have no idea if anything will come out of it, but I'll ask:
My mom wants to do "something" as well. Insanity is definitely not for her IMO, especialy since she has bad knees. She's 58 years old, and beside the occasional walk on the beach, doesn't do much. Do you have any ideas what can she do as a programme (not necessarily BB I guess)? She really likes the idea of a schedule that will make her do some exercise.
Her goal is to "stablise her mucsles" as she phrased it. A bit of this and a bit of that I suppose.
I don't think she's overweight, but she's not thin either...
Thanks a lot for any suggestions, even if it's a simple "I have no idea"![]()
I feel like I'm doing really good in the past week.
Kinda off-topic, and I have no idea if anything will come out of it, but I'll ask:
My mom wants to do "something" as well. Insanity is definitely not for her IMO, especialy since she has bad knees. She's 58 years old, and beside the occasional walk on the beach, doesn't do much. Do you have any ideas what can she do as a programme (not necessarily BB I guess)? She really likes the idea of a schedule that will make her do some exercise.
Her goal is to "stablise her mucsles" as she phrased it. A bit of this and a bit of that I suppose.
I don't think she's overweight, but she's not thin either...
Thanks a lot for any suggestions, even if it's a simple "I have no idea"![]()
Investing big cash in a program can be a waste if they find it too difficult. Small steps. Encourage the walking and increase intensity of that. If knees are a bother then some sort of low impact cardio like walking or biking is best.Do you have any ideas what can she do as a programme (not necessarily BB I guess)? She really likes the idea of a schedule that will make her do some exercise.
Yep. This is what Shaun T means by "dig deeper". When it starts getting difficult, when you feel like you have to quit. Your body tells you you can't do any more. So you "dig deeper" and hold out longer. That's how you improve your stamina.
It's hard, but it's supposed to be![]()
SteeloFinished Plyometrics. Still the monster I remember and feared, haha.
I had Plyo X today as well. I will always dread doing it, even if it's not that bad (it's still pretty bad). I just hate the warm-up; it feels so long.
I think it had something to do in gaming.Oh no, what'd he do?! Sigh.
I never could get the hang of those rock star jumps. Too uncoordinated.
Tai Cheng challenge packs are on sale this month. It's Tai Chi. Nice & gentle & non-impact. Might be just the ticket.
nearing the end of P90X. Got stretch x tomorrown and that wraps up week 10. I've seen great progress so far, but I have a feeling that when I'm done with round 1 of P90X I wont be satisfied with my results. I want to get more cut and build my chest some more, so what to do? I'm getting sick of the cardio workouts in this program. I like Core Synergetics and Plyo is ok, even if it has some bullshit moves here and there that does nothing. I can't drag myself off the couch to do Kenpo X (too easy) or Yoga X (it can gtfo with that bs length).
What would you guys recommend? I've been thinking of either one of the following (advice appreciated):
1. keep doing phase 3 with my current diet till im satisfied. do core synergetics on the cardio days. Is that overdoing it?
2. get body beast and stay with current diet. about 1400kcal, 165g protein and 100g carbs a day. I know this won't make me grow, but will it help shred fat? I like the short length of these videos but will I have the juice to do it?
3. start P90X all over from day0. This option makes no sense to me, as I've now built myself to do phase 3?
My goal is to bulk a bit of my chest and shoulder as they are lacking compared to the rest of my body, and get my fat % down to 10.
with the rate im going I figure I will end on 76kg ~165lbs , 15% bodyfat.
I live in an appartment with thin walls so no jumping around stuff, which I think insanity is?
I feel like I'm doing really good in the past week.
Kinda off-topic, and I have no idea if anything will come out of it, but I'll ask:
My mom wants to do "something" as well. Insanity is definitely not for her IMO, especialy since she has bad knees. She's 58 years old, and beside the occasional walk on the beach, doesn't do much. Do you have any ideas what can she do as a programme (not necessarily BB I guess)? She really likes the idea of a schedule that will make her do some exercise.
Her goal is to "stablise her mucsles" as she phrased it. A bit of this and a bit of that I suppose.
I don't think she's overweight, but she's not thin either...
Thanks a lot for any suggestions, even if it's a simple "I have no idea"![]()
That looks like an interesting program. What's the major benefit of doing it?
Tai Chi improves your balance, and is also said to lower blood pressure and reduce the chance of injuries due to falls. The program is 90 days, divided into four phases. In the first three 3-week phases, you learn 6 Tai Chi moves, and in the fourth 4-week phase you learn how to put the moves together in sequence.
"The Tai Cheng program shows you how to customize a workout that feels good, challenges your body, gives you energy, improves circulation, straightens posture, opens your joints, reduces painful trigger points, and promotes balance and flexibility so that your health actually improves as you age."
Hmm. Do you think its something that can be combined for a doubles program with P90X2? If so, I might be interested in giving it a go.
I forget which is better in Body Beast, do I want to do the build or tempo routines during the first month?
I forget which is better in Body Beast, do I want to do the build or tempo routines during the first month?
I don't see why not. Might be a good way to wind down at the end of the day. Nice thing is all you need is about a 6'x6' area and a foam roller, which comes with it. If you order it through a coach you get a bonus workout with it. Also, the challenge pack is on sale this month, $180 with free shipping, Shakeology on Home Direct, and a free 30 day Club membership. About $90 less than ordering everything separately.
I alternated on the workouts that the schedule suggests, doing the "normal" workout one week and the tempo variant the next. I'll do that in Phase 3 as well.
If it's your first time I recommend starting with Build and then Tempo for the last phase.
Tempo is great tho! Six second up, six second down pull ups are no joke.
Yesterday's chat with Shaun T, in case you missed it. He answers questions about Focus T25.
Did you watch the whole thing? Got any cliff notes for us?
First of all holy shit that is some low calories..You are already quite thin from the numbers so restricting calories like that won't help. Worst that can happen is that your body will hold on to those last resources even tighter. I would seriously advice to up your calories to at least 1800..
Hell, I am 57kg, 168 and eat 2000 a day approx..
Not to mention, nothing burns and ramps up your metabolism more than lean muscles.
I started losing those last resources not with cardio but with weight training..
I would actually suggest P90X2 for you.
Also, if you think KenpoX is too easy here is what I did: added weighted gloves and ankle weights..not try again![]()
Listening to it now![]()
K, I was trying to be lazy. I'll watch it when I get home from work. Really excited for this program. Seems like it will be a great compliment to any weight lifting routine.