Totally missed this. Great news.
So. A lot of people seem to want to get T25. I know Coach Steve might get the thing early, but who's up for a big group run when it finally comes out?
I'd be down for this. Only issue is the price of T25 at launch. I may have to wait until it hits craigslist and I can buy second hand.I'm going to be running a challenge group, it'd be great if everyone was in on it. Make me your coach and I'll get everyone added to the group. I was planning to run it in this thread and in a closed Facebook group. Daily accountability posts from everyone, and I'll be sharing info & insights about the workouts as the program progresses.
Twisted my ankle pretty good last night. I'll be off insanity for a week at the least. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to start when I return. Do I pick up where I left off? Or maybe I should just start week one over. FUCK I'm so disappointed I feel like a failure.
Yeah you're right. And you mean start week 2 over?If you end up being out of commission for the week I'd recommend starting the week over. Don't beat yourself up over injuries. They will happen, and you will recover from them.
Yeah you're right. And you mean start week 2 over?
Sorry manTwisted my ankle pretty good last night. I'll be off insanity for a week at the least. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to start when I return. Do I pick up where I left off? Or maybe I should just start week one over. FUCK I'm so disappointed I feel like a failure.
I guess my modified recovery week (a bunch of cardio, really) did something, because I woke up today at my lowest weight ever after sort of plateauing for a bit. I'm not really even trying to lose weight anymore, but if I can keep burning fat, than that's great.
Insanity Fit Test - Part 2
Switch Kicks - 111 ---> 120
Power Jacks - 35 ---> 39
Power Knees - Left 76 / Right 74 ---> Left 90 / Right 90
Power Jumps - 35 ---> 45
Globe Jumps - 10 ---> 11
Suicide Jumps - 14 ---> 17
Push Up Jacks - 19 ---> 24
Low Plank Oblique - 37 ---> 52
I'm really proud of myself in how much I improved with Power Jumps. Everytime those fuckers showed up during the dvd's I pushed myself as hard as I could. Obviously it payed off. Wish I could have done more Globe Jumps, but i'm glad it at least went up by one. I was also really surprised to see how many more Low Plank Obliques I could do.
Hah, I saw that on my feed yesterday Steelo and cracked up. Tony can sometimes be a very funny dude.
I'd be down for the T25 group, but I know I won't be able to cardio in my home until mid-August so I'll probably not be able to join y'all.
Twisted my ankle pretty good last night. I'll be off insanity for a week at the least. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to start when I return. Do I pick up where I left off? Or maybe I should just start week one over. FUCK I'm so disappointed I feel like a failure.
I guess my modified recovery week (a bunch of cardio, really) did something, because I woke up today at my lowest weight ever after sort of plateauing for a bit. I'm not really even trying to lose weight anymore, but if I can keep burning fat, than that's great.
Shaun T recently did Insanity himself, and he was able to do 16 globe jumps in his final fit test. I need to see video of that 'cause I can't even see how that's humanly possible :-D
Going from an hour a day working out to 25 minutes seems like a step back, though. Not sure if t25 is for people who have done p90x and insanity.
For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
That does happen. It's hard to stay committed to a 30 or 60 or 90 day fitness program. You're certainly not going to have success of you quit.
But that's where communities like this thread come in. That's where Beachbody coaches can help. It's easier to stick with a fitness program if you're participating in it with others. Posting about your workouts, getting encouragement and support, and encouraging others yourself. It helps.
But people not sticking with a program doesn't invalidate the program. Most everyone in this thread has successfully completed at least one video workout program and achieved great results. They DO work. But you have to stick with it. Not doing so is a personal choice, and no reflection on the program itself.
This is a problem that is not at all exclusive to these or any other workout-at-home programs. People resolve to start dieting, exercising, going to the gym, etc. repeatedly and fail probably more often than not.For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
I actually decided today to buy Insanity off craigslist and try that first. Picking it up in an hour. I figure I can finish Insanity and by the time 60 days rolls around T25 will be out and I'll see if its the next step for me or if I can borrow it off someone/buy the first month of insanity the actual workout portion is only about 20-25 minutes. the other 15 minutes is warm up, and stretching. have they said how the warm up and stretch(if any) factors into t25? if the entirety of each workout never exceeds 25 minutes then it might be a step back but if the 25 minutes is the hardcore part then it will be like a boxset of insanity cardio days and if thats the case, im in. pure cardio days are my fav because theres no breaks and being on my 5-6th go of insanity im up for something new.
They absolutely are better. I need a regimented program. I love that it is all laid out for me. Just do it. Simple. It works. Done.If you ask me, these programs are better than joining a gym or setting out on your own because they tell you exactly what to do every day for several months. They don't give you the option of indecisiveness, which I personally always used to struggle with when deciding what to do to get fitter. Hopefully, if you can grind it out for a while, you'll start to see results and, in turn, gain more and more motivation to stick with it.
Couch to 5k is awesome. Great thing to start with. Although if you fucked up your knees it may be better to just ride the bicycle for a bit so you can put less pressure on your lower body. Don't stress out not being able to work out for two weeks. Cliche I know, but diet is the ultimate key.I'm too fat for Insanity.
Actually, I started the couch to 5k treadmill program at my gym a few months ago, and have fucked up my knees.
Went to get X-rays yesterday and my doc said to rest for 2 weeks.
I'm 264 pounds and need to lose weight because I just had a kid and I want to be around for a long time.
I've done Kenpo with 3lb Wrist or Ankle weights (working back up to that level now) and it is a seriously great workout with that handicap. Like, drenching. Recommended if you want a little more out of it!About to finish my first week of X after having stopped during the spring semester. I've forgotten how much I like the Kenpo X workout. Yoga still sucks just as much as I remember it.
For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
Ironically people do say that! HahaWait, so waste of money is now determined by a person's drive and not the quality of the product? I guess people can blame pizza for gaining weight and not their inability to quit eating it.
In the same vein as your note one could say a gym membership is a waste of money if someone doesn't have the determination to go.
I'm too fat for Insanity.
Actually, I started the couch to 5k treadmill program at my gym a few months ago, and have fucked up my knees.
Went to get X-rays yesterday and my doc said to rest for 2 weeks.
I'm 264 pounds and need to lose weight because I just had a kid and I want to be around for a long time.
I'm too fat for insanity.
I'm 264 pounds and need to lose weight because I just had a kid and I want to be around for a long time.
Sucks for them I guess. If they quit or can't complete a program for whatever reason and don't have the desire, will, and/or motivation to eventually finish. Then yeah, they wasted their money.For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
Finished week two. The ankle seems ...okay
Pure cardio was my bitch today. Cardio abs got my number though.Great job!
I'm sure by now you feel much more in shape.
Pure cardio was my bitch today. Cardio abs got my number though.
The double leg workout is insane! I can't do it either. I may double up on cardio abs as well. The workouts for it are great.Good to hear
I think I'm doint quite well with cario abs, or I'm doing something wrong...
The first 2:30 minutes (not warm up) I'm doing great, and then I have trouble with the "double-leg" exercise, but because of my legs, not my abs. The low plank and the last are tough as hell, but I'm doing them quite good. Maybe now that I've upped cardio abs to 3 times a week it will get easier...
Operating under the sanguine assumption that this wasn't a drive-by, I'd take issue with "vast majority," "inflated" and the assertion that the field you work in makes your anecdote somehow more valuable...For a vast majority of people, these programs are an inflated waste of money. I work in health care and I know of at least seven coworkers that have bought one of these programs, did the program for a week, and then said fuck it.
Recovery is a really short video. It also doesn't work you out as much. I think it'd still be beneficial to do it though.I'm supposed to do recovery on Wednesday, but I might have a problem since tons of people are coming over for a holiday and we have a big lunch.
I might be able to do it, but do you think worst case scenario I can skip it? I feel good, not sore or anything
Recovery is a really short video. It also doesn't work you out as much. I think it'd still be beneficial to do it though.
Operating under the sanguine assumption that this wasn't a drive-by, I'd take issue with "vast majority," "inflated" and the assertion that the field you work in makes your anecdote somehow more valuable...
Where are you getting "vast majority?" I'd love to see the ratios of how many people, for example, meet their personal fitness goals and ascribe the credit to buying a treadmill, a gym membership, diet changes alone, a non-Beachbody workout program, sports, etc. compared to these workouts. But we don't have those numbers to my knowledge, so it's unusual to see something like that stated with such conviction based just on your personal observation.
As to inflated, it's a waste of money if you don't take advantage of it. So is exercise machinery, a gym membership, buying supplements, a new bike or free weights. So are healthy cooking ingredients, for that matter. But why your "at least seven" examples of people who were not motivated to stick with the program should invalidate the program itself is beyond me. Actually, if you're describing their behavior accurately, I'd say the fact that they said "fuck it" after a week is specifically not related to the programs in question. There is basically nothing that you can do within a single week in terms of physical fitness to get an accurate picture of the value of what you were doing.
Yes, if you buy a program and do a single week of exercise from it, it's an enormous waste of money. It gets pretty murky beyond that though.
If you stick with it for a month without any other lifestyle changes, you may still have wasted your money, but you'll have done yourself a solid for that month anyway. Something is better than nothing. If you stick with it for two months and make accompanying changes to your nutrition to help out, I'd say you officially didn't waste any. Just those two months of diet alteration and exercise can make a huge impact on your overall fitness. If you, as I have, complete a full cycle more than once, the program actually becomes a pretty good value in terms of what you might pay over the same timeframe in terms of other structured exercise regiments like a gym schedule.
Finally, I'm just not understanding why you brought up the fact that you work in healthcare. Does that make them more or less likely to stick with intensive exercise?![]()