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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Sounds pretty good. I have never tried heavy bag work. There's one in the gym here at work and some guys who can show me what to do, maybe I'll give it a shot some time.

Have someone who boxes regularly show you. It's very easy to hurt yourself on the heavy bag and worst, pick up bad form which will quickly be habit forming.

The heavy bag is the best workout next to sparring but it's also one that can cause long term wrist, shoulder and hand injuries.


Hang out with Steve.
Have someone who boxes regularly show you. It's very easy to hurt yourself on the heavy bag and worst, pick up bad form which will quickly be habit forming.

The heavy bag is the best workout next to sparring but it's also one that can cause long term wrist, shoulder and hand injuries.

Thanks for the advice!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Man I gained like 6 pounds on vacation like 3 weeks ago and can't seem to lose it. Hopefully T-25 will do the trick...

Trying to figure out what workouts to do the next two weeks before it arrives.


Hang out with Steve.
Cliffsnotes on T-25? Is it mostly intended for weight loss?

Well, if you look at the testimonial videos from the focus group, it definitely does that.

I'm envisioning workouts like Insanity: Fast & Furious, and throw in some weights towards the end.

We'll find out soon. I'll post up a pre-order link the INSTANT I have one!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well, if you look at the testimonial videos from the focus group, it definitely does that.

I'm envisioning workouts like Insanity: Fast & Furious, and throw in some weights towards the end.

We'll find out soon. I'll post up a pre-order link the INSTANT I have one!

Yeah, from what I gather it'll be like Insanity. Look at Insanity now, the actual workout (when you take out the warm up/cool down and stretching) is like 20 minutes. I bet they do something like that with 5 minutes of stretching thrown in.

I just need to decide what workouts to do until it shows up. I'm not motivated at all right now, and don't really want to go home and work out. :(
Well, if you look at the testimonial videos from the focus group, it definitely does that.

I'm envisioning workouts like Insanity: Fast & Furious, and throw in some weights towards the end.

We'll find out soon. I'll post up a pre-order link the INSTANT I have one!

Yup, I'm picturing Fast & Furious or Pure Cardio with some of the stuff Shaun does with weights in the Asylum videos.


I can already see mine and Shaun T's relationship being a love/hate one. The bastard made me throw up! I think I ate a bit too close to the fitness test. Plan for tomorrow if a teaspoonful of peanut butter and then a workout before breakfast. I don't think a stomach-ful of food helped me out too much.

I can't believe how much my fitness levels have dropped in the last 2 months or so. I was breathing heavily after the warm-up. I guess that's what sports seasons ending and my diet getting steadily worse do to you.

Anyway, if anyone cares, my results. I'm sure I did some of them wrong - I could barely bend down to stretch by the end so my mind wasn't at its peak either when taking in instructions.

Switch Kicks: 60
Power Jacks: 33
Power Knees: 50
Power Jumps: 17
Globe Jumps: 4
Suicide Jumps: 7
Push-Up Jacks: 19
Low Plank Oblique: 29.

Not completely happy with my performance, but I felt like I was going to throw up after about the second stage, so that was always on my mind. Hopefully in time I'll feel less sick and more enthusiastic.

Bring on day two!

Edit: has anyone else thrown up on a fitness test? Surely I can't be the only one here.
We care, always post up your results and next time post the old results next to it so we can see your progress. I didn't throw up on my first fitness test but I was rather close and felt horrible afterwards but that'll be long gone by your next one ;) And as you mentioned, a stomach filled with food would not have helped your performance or overall feeling at all haha.


Hang out with Steve.
I wanted to post a bit about becoming a Beachbody Coach & some of the reasons you might consider it.

1. You get a 25% discount on all Beachbody products. This includes fitness programs, supplements, equipment, Shakeology, even things like Insanity certification. A lot of people become coaches simply to get the discount. It's definitely worth it if you want Shakeology. This is the primary reason I first decided to become a coach.

2. You get access to all kinds of support & information you wouldn't otherwise get in the name of helping you to help others. Really detailed day-by-day guides of every workout program so you can answer questions & keep people motivated.

3. You can turn it into a business. Some people have done so well they've left their day jobs and do coaching full-time.

I'm part of two very supportive networks of coaches who provide training, guidance and motivation every step of the way. I feel pretty fortunate to have landed in the group I'm in.

If you're interested, you can sign up to be a coach here, and feel free to PM me any questions you might have.


The last week has been rough. My body is pretty beaten up and not recovering at a good rate. It's a combination of duration and pushing myself harder each workout.

I did cardio and balance yesterday and took today off. Tomorrow, I have Max Plyo and then Core Cardio n Balance before the final fit test.

Today is the only day we (fiancé and I) have taken off that's not part of the schedule due to social stuff. I'm not too bothered as I want a little extra rest to finish strong. Looking forward to posting my Fit test 1 vs Fit test 5 results this coming week! Also, my review on Insanity. It's great at some things while quite lacking in others.

That's awesome that you have someone to workout with you.
I started Insanity with a friend, but he quit at week 3.
Due to some schedule problems, I skipped today workout as well.
Since I stopped halfway thorught Max Plyo yesterday, I think I'll just start that last week tomorrow, and write it up as a 3 day break.
That's awesome that you have someone to workout with you.
I started Insanity with a friend, but he quit at week 3.
Due to some schedule problems, I skipped today workout as well.
Since I stopped halfway thorught Max Plyo yesterday, I think I'll just start that last week tomorrow, and write it up as a 3 day break.

Wrapped up Max Plyo tonight. Did the best I've ever done on it. The extra day certainly helped.

Can't wait to see my final results.
Hmm, day 3 and I'm wondering if I should take the day off. I've got pretty bad DOMS in my legs. What does Gaf suggest? I'd rather just get on with it but I don't want to risk properly injuring myself.


Hmm, day 3 and I'm wondering if I should take the day off. I've got pretty bad DOMS in my legs. What does Gaf suggest? I'd rather just get on with it but I don't want to risk properly injuring myself.
Suffer through it. After the first week or so that completely goes away.


Hang out with Steve.
Cool. Just what I needed to hear :) Thanks.

Yeah, DOMS isn't fun but it doesn't last. My first few weeks of Body Beast were rough. A good recovery drink within an hour of working out can help, with the right mix of protein & the right kinds of carbs. Beachbody has their Results & Recovery formula, but I use a mix of Beachbody Fuel Shot, Hardcore Base Shake and Creatine as suggested in the Body Beast nutrition guide. Lots of companies make recovery drinks, so just do a search.

BCAAs are supposed to help too.

Looks like I am going to take the Insanity plunge tomorrow. Wish me luck GAF! I hope I pull through all 60 days.

Good luck! Remember to go at your own pace, and keep perfect form. You can modify moves by slowing them down & removing jumps. Don't press pause -- even if you stop one move early to catch your breath, you need to start the next one on time.

And post any questions you have!

Wrapped up Max Plyo tonight. Did the best I've ever done on it. The extra day certainly helped.

Can't wait to see my final results.

Looking forward to seeing them!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was not prepared for phase 2. Chest shoulders and triceps absolutely murdered me.
I love c/s/t. Kills you but goes really fast, the pace is great. Got great gains in my tris the first cycle I did.

Anyone know what t-25 will cost? I'm starting to think I'm interested in somethin new.


Hang out with Steve.
I love c/s/t. Kills you but goes really fast, the pace is great. Got great gains in my tris the first cycle I did.

Anyone know what t-25 will cost? I'm starting to think I'm interested in somethin new.

I'm thinking they'll announce tomorrow! I'd imagine a similar price to Insanity.

I'll post an order link as soon as I have one.


well, I took 2 weeks off and decided to start P90X from day1. Chest&back destroyed me. Oh my GAWD! I can't believe how fast you loose your strenght/form. I did slightly worse than week 11 but I haven't taken creatine/protein shakes for about 1½ weeks.

I feel pretty incredible right now. Great pump, especially in my arms. :)


Just an update on my Insanity journey so far.

Still managing to get up at 5ish every morning (usually between 10 to 5 and 20 past) and managed to keep to the schedule with no hiccups yet. Just finished day 11 with my second cardio recovery session this morning - man does Sean really get your Quads and hams burning with those squats. I can't manage the full minute squat and pulses yet though. I have to relent and relax the muscles, but I do my best to shake them down and get back into position as quickly as I can. But can't help but feel as if I'm letting myself down when I can't last the pace.

Even more so during other sessions. I mean, I can now last all the way through the warm up with no need for a cheeky break and can usually last all the way through the first 3 circuits, also, without needing a cheeky extra break. But once the second set of circuits start, I'm too weakened by the first set to last the pace and I find myself taking too many extra breaks to catch my breath of to give my muscles a break. I'm not adverse to pushing myself that extra 'mile', I would usually push myself when I would run on a treadmill, but this is pushing yourself on a different level of effort. The most annoying thing is that the second set of circuits usually focus on the upper body more than the first set, so I feel as if my lower body is getting all the work, but I get too tired to work the upper set.

I also never really appreciated the rejuvenating properties of a recovery drink until I was forced to miss it after yesterday mornings workout. Wow.

In fact, can someone give me their expert advice on recovery drinks? I haven't bothered to buy any protein powder or anything like that. Instead I opted to make my own and this is what I came up with:

100g strawberries
100g blackberries
100g blueberries
1 frozen banana
125g of Soy Yoghurt
250ml tropical juice
25g of mixed crush nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds)

Does this seem like overkill or is it missing anything essential? Been drinking it everyday since I started last Monday and it tastes fantastic and refreshing.

However, to end this on a positive note. I started this adventure sitting at 218lbs. By the end of day 8 I was sitting at around 213lbs - which I'm not sure is a good result for my first week or a poor showing? I'm quite ignorant when it comes to stuff like this.

What I will say is that my change in diet is causing me no end of hassle with some epic cravings. I literally went cold turkey the day I started Insanity. No fizzy juice, sweets or anything with refined sugars and processed meats (mostly). Instead I'm drinking tonnes of coffee and diluted juice to try and suppress the old appetite. A typical days eating for me these days:

Morning - Recovery shake (see above)
Mid-morning - 2 portions of Bacon, with fat trimmed. Portion of baked beans and one or two hard boiled eggs. Usually washed down with 500ml of diluted juice. Probably have a sugar free, milky coffee to fight any hunger pangs before lunch.
Lunch - Tub of mixed salad (Spinach, cucumber, grated carrot, spring onion, chicken pieces, croutons, mangetout and either a portion of rice or plain pasta) then a small tub of flavoured Greek Yoghurt. Again, washed down with 500ml of diluted juice).
Mid afternoon - probably a coffee and maybe an apple.
evening meal - possibly a coffee and maybe another apple before I sit down to dinner, but depends on what's available in the fridge. Trying to keep portion sizes sensible though and avoiding any processed meats, anying overly fatting or greasy.

Does that sound excessive?

On my day off, I did reward myself with an unhealthy off-the-shelf chocolate browny flavoured milkshake which tasted fucking godly. I tried to spread the experience out to enjoy it more, but there is only so far you can stretch 470ml to. I also had a cheeky Chow-mein thanks to a situation of getting home very late with nothing quick to make in the fridge/cupboards. Thought a Beef Chow-mein would have been the lesser of evils compared to what else you can buy from a chinese.

Sorry for the excessive drivel people. This was only meant to be a quick update and I ended up bloating it out with questions and personal uncertainties.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Anxiously awaiting T-25 impressions. I'd like to see what one of the videos looks like too. Any word on cost? Hopefully being that it's smaller it's not $120...
Sorry for the excessive drivel people. This was only meant to be a quick update and I ended up bloating it out with questions and personal uncertainties.

Don't be. I can't help you out with any answers but I'm just as ignorant as you are (and I'm sure there are many others like us lurking) and any answers they give to you will benefit me and the rest of us as well :)

nah. You'll be fine. Bet you're glad you didn't take that early rest day earlier in the week, eh?

Yeah! Not that I wanted to take the day off, I was just worried about injuring myself and having to rest even longer. Luckily, it seems Shaun T has me covered :p

I just checked and it's your first day of pure cardio tomorrow. Have fun with that one! It's a killer the first time

Haha I'll do my best!

I don't know if it's an effect of the workouts or the diet or just being away from my student house and back home, but my sleeping pattern is a hell of a lot better at the moment than it has been for years. I'm feeling tired around 11-12pm and waking up at about 5am every morning. I'm having to 'sleep in' till 8am. It's madness for a student used to staying in bed till 12 at the earliest.


Just an update on my Insanity journey so far.

Still managing to get up at 5ish every morning (usually between 10 to 5 and 20 past) and managed to keep to the schedule with no hiccups yet. Just finished day 11 with my second cardio recovery session this morning - man does Sean really get your Quads and hams burning with those squats. I can't manage the full minute squat and pulses yet though. I have to relent and relax the muscles, but I do my best to shake them down and get back into position as quickly as I can. But can't help but feel as if I'm letting myself down when I can't last the pace.

Even more so during other sessions. I mean, I can now last all the way through the warm up with no need for a cheeky break and can usually last all the way through the first 3 circuits, also, without needing a cheeky extra break. But once the second set of circuits start, I'm too weakened by the first set to last the pace and I find myself taking too many extra breaks to catch my breath of to give my muscles a break. I'm not adverse to pushing myself that extra 'mile', I would usually push myself when I would run on a treadmill, but this is pushing yourself on a different level of effort. The most annoying thing is that the second set of circuits usually focus on the upper body more than the first set, so I feel as if my lower body is getting all the work, but I get too tired to work the upper set.
The whole point of Insanity is to go at your own pace so don't sweat the breaks. Take them as needed and get right back in there like you have been and you'll improve more and more and need less breaks

I also never really appreciated the rejuvenating properties of a recovery drink until I was forced to miss it after yesterday mornings workout. Wow.

In fact, can someone give me their expert advice on recovery drinks? I haven't bothered to buy any protein powder or anything like that. Instead I opted to make my own and this is what I came up with:

100g strawberries
100g blackberries
100g blueberries
1 frozen banana
125g of Soy Yoghurt
250ml tropical juice
25g of mixed crush nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds)

Does this seem like overkill or is it missing anything essential? Been drinking it everyday since I started last Monday and it tastes fantastic and refreshing.
Pretty epic shake right there, not too sure on this so I wont pretend like I know what I'm on about. I'm sure someone else will have some good input on it though.

However, to end this on a positive note. I started this adventure sitting at 218lbs. By the end of day 8 I was sitting at around 213lbs - which I'm not sure is a good result for my first week or a poor showing? I'm quite ignorant when it comes to stuff like this.
Anything positive is a good showing in my opinion. Not everyone loses weight at the same rate.

What I will say is that my change in diet is causing me no end of hassle with some epic cravings. I literally went cold turkey the day I started Insanity. No fizzy juice, sweets or anything with refined sugars and processed meats (mostly). Instead I'm drinking tonnes of coffee and diluted juice to try and suppress the old appetite. A typical days eating for me these days:

Morning - Recovery shake (see above)
Mid-morning - 2 portions of Bacon, with fat trimmed. Portion of baked beans and one or two hard boiled eggs. Usually washed down with 500ml of diluted juice. Probably have a sugar free, milky coffee to fight any hunger pangs before lunch.
Lunch - Tub of mixed salad (Spinach, cucumber, grated carrot, spring onion, chicken pieces, croutons, mangetout and either a portion of rice or plain pasta) then a small tub of flavoured Greek Yoghurt. Again, washed down with 500ml of diluted juice).
Mid afternoon - probably a coffee and maybe an apple.
evening meal - possibly a coffee and maybe another apple before I sit down to dinner, but depends on what's available in the fridge. Trying to keep portion sizes sensible though and avoiding any processed meats, anying overly fatting or greasy.
One thing I will say is drink more water over anything else. It's a hunger suppressant too and will be better for you than the coffee. Maybe lower the fruit intake too as they're high in sugars. Don't stop altogether but maybe try nuts as another snack as they're good protein(this keeps you feeling full longer than fruit will as it's mostly carbs and sugar) which means you'll feel less cravey throughout the day.

If any of this is wrong someone please correct me.


Hang out with Steve.
Anxiously awaiting T-25 impressions. I'd like to see what one of the videos looks like too. Any word on cost? Hopefully being that it's smaller it's not $120...

All the folks in my Coaching group who went to Summit got their copies last night. JEALOUS. So far all I've heard is that orders will be starting on Monday -- I'm assuming for everyone -- but I haven't heard word on the price yet. It's possible there may be several versions available like there are for many of the other programs, too.

Ubersnug said:
questions about recovery drinks

Ideally, a recovery drink should have twice as many grams of carbs as it does protein. Take your body weight in kg. Multiply that by 0.8 -- that's how many grams of carbs you should add. Now multiply your body weight by 0.4 (or divide the carb amount in half) -- that's how many grams of protein you should add.

It's best though if you buy a dedicated recovery drink, though, because you really should get the right KINDS of carbs and protein because it makes a difference.

I have only tried the Beachbody Results & Recovery formula and the Body Beast drink (Base Shake + Fuel Shot + Creatine). I prefer the Body Beast drink, even though it's more expensive. But a quick search for Recovery Drink on Amazon reveals a bunch of them. I can't recommend one over the other because I haven't tried them. That said, I have used OTHER products from Optimum Nutrition and Muscle Pharm and been happy with them, so those are brands I'd tend to gravitate towards if I were looking for an alternative.

Maybe someone else can chime in on what they use.


I use BSN Syntha 6 protein powder with a teaspoon of creatine. Stuff is delicious and seems to help my results. I've also used Optimum Nutrition's whey protein, but I prefer Syntha 6's flavor by a mile.


Syntha-6 chocolate milkshake tastes incredible.
It kinda cracks me up how protein shakes are always flavored like the unhealthiest shit imaginable. For example, the Syntha 6 I'm drinking now is chocolate cake batter.

It's only a matter of time until there's Fried Snickers Bar with Bacon as an option.


Just an update on my Insanity journey so far.

Yeah, I remember those crazy quad pulses. I doubt that even now, when I'm nearing the end of the programme I could do it right. It's insane.

Like others said, don't worry about the breaks so much. Just do your best, and when you absolutly can't push further, then it's time to stop for a few seconds. That's how I do it anyway. Lately, I look at the clock, and set a target, and it somewhat helps me.

Day 4 was a nice surprise! Didn't expect a recovery day so soon. Got a feeling tomorrow will be worse for it though lol

I remember I was so sore after the first few days, and then I had recovery and it was like magic. I felt so much better afterwards.
Enjoy pure cardio tomorrow! It's hell at first, but in week 2 or 3 I think you'll grow to like it.

Regarding recovery drinks - I've never tried one. Hopefully I'm not hurting myself or something, but it just seems too much of a hassle.
I just eat around 200g of chicken breast and some veg. (potato, onion, zucchini and cauliflower) that I made in the oven around 30 minutes after the workout.


Hang out with Steve.
T25: Efficiently work at your max intensity for 25 minutes. Moves from body part to body part so you don't have to stop.

25 minutes, zero rest. "You can rest when you go to bed" -- Shaun T

3 Phases
Alpha Phase: The beginning. Gym class 101 with a Shaun T twist. All body weight.
Alpha cardio -- every move is standing, no burpees, no weights, no equipment. Progressive workout. Focus on form, range of motion. Tanya does the modifiers.
Total Body Circuit -- "My favorite part of the program because you're going to die" -- Shaun T. As soon as you start to get tired, switch the muscle group that's completely rested. Then when you start to get tired again, switch again & so on.
Lower Focus -- all lower body movement.
Ab Intervals -- The death of your abs. Abs on the floor, then cardio moves slow & controlled, using your core.
Speed 1.0 -- Athletic movements done to a rhythm.

Beta: Strictly designed around your core. Focus on the center.
Upper Focus: All upper body.
Core Cardio: Standing & on the floor. Getting heart rate up.
Speed 2.0: Movements change quicker, you have to focus.
Dynamic Core: 7 standing ab moves, 7 seated, then a mixture of different core moves. Learn to use your lower abs over your hip flexors.
Rip Circuit: Hold movements, move with control.

That's the base kit. Two 25-day rounds.

Gamma Phase: Upgrade option. Gets into strength. Weights come into play. They didn't go into much detail about it.

T25 Challenge Pack goes on sale on Monday for $180. Normally $205. That includes Shakeology.

They also announced VANILLA SHAKEOLOGY! Finally!! They've been working on this for YEARS. They found when they've tried it before that they had to add artificial flavors to make it taste right, but they finally figured it out. They found a source of pure, organic, ethically & sustainably farmed vanilla with an intense vanilla taste in Madagascar. I'm going to switch my HD order to alternate between vanilla & chocolate. Note the Vanilla is not vegan. Available starting tonight at midnight PST. Until July 7, free shipping on Vanilla Shakeology, even without Home Direct auto shipping. It'll be available on Monday with the Focus T25 challenge pack, and all of the challenge packs will be available with it by Tuesday/Wednesday.


That's it for now.


In fact, can someone give me their expert advice on recovery drinks? I haven't bothered to buy any protein powder or anything like that. Instead I opted to make my own and this is what I came up with:

100g strawberries
100g blackberries
100g blueberries
1 frozen banana
125g of Soy Yoghurt
250ml tropical juice
25g of mixed crush nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds)

Does this seem like overkill or is it missing anything essential? Been drinking it everyday since I started last Monday and it tastes fantastic and refreshing.

It sounds delicious and also pretty elaborate. IF you're comfortable making it, then that's good. I'd calculate the macros for it though!

The best recovery drink post workout is chocolate milk. Research supports it. If you can use milk as a base instead of soy and juice then I'd recommend that.
100g strawberries
100g blackberries
100g blueberries
1 frozen banana
125g of Soy Yoghurt
250ml tropical juice
25g of mixed crush nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds)

That is a ton of sugar. Remove some of those berries and the juice. Need more protein. Milk as well (or water if you prefer that).


Hang out with Steve.
So what should the T-25 OT title be?

Right now I have:
Focus T-25 Workout |OT| Shaun T, 25 Minutes, 5 Days a Week

I like it! Official tag line is "Get it Done" or "Get it Done in 25 Minutes a Day".

Here's a video from yesterday's announcement where Shaun T talks about the Alpha & Beta rounds. Not the best quality.

And a shorter video where Shaun T talks briefly about the Gamma phase.

And you'll definitely want to include a link to this video.


Hang out with Steve.
Sounds like the ab stuff is including in the 25 mins right?

I'll be doing a week of T25 by itself before incorporating Body Beast. Sounds intense, Shaun is scaring me.

Yeah, everything is within the 25 minutes. My impression is that unlike Insanity you don't have a 4-minute break for stretching in between the warm-up and the main workout. But I haven't seen any more details about the specific workouts other than my "live blog" above.
Yeah, everything is within the 25 minutes. My impression is that unlike Insanity you don't have a 4-minute break for stretching in between the warm-up and the main workout. But I haven't seen any more details about the specific workouts other than my "live blog" above.

Interesting. Shaun always stresses how important stretching it. I wonder where it is in the videos.


Hang out with Steve.
Interesting. Shaun always stresses how important stretching it. I wonder where it is in the videos.

I wouldn't be surprised if we ever see an Insanity 2, where the static stretches after the warm-up are replaced with a shorter segment of dynamic stretches. My guess is that T25 will have something similar, albeit with a much shorter warm-up.

In the Insanity Live 30 minute class, you have a standard Insanity warm-up followed by 3:30 of stretching, 30 second water break, followed by the workout proper and then a few minutes of stretching. It all fits in pretty tidily, like Insanity Fast & Furious.
I wouldn't be surprised if we ever see an Insanity 2, where the static stretches after the warm-up are replaced with a shorter segment of dynamic stretches. My guess is that T25 will have something similar, albeit with a much shorter warm-up.

In the Insanity Live 30 minute class, you have a standard Insanity warm-up followed by 3:30 of stretching, 30 second water break, followed by the workout proper and then a few minutes of stretching. It all fits in pretty tidily, like Insanity Fast & Furious.

You haven't done Asylum 2 yet, right? The stretch time in those workouts are pretty short, but effective. Maybe T25 will have something like that.

Got me thinking, Shaun has pumped out two new workouts in a short period of time. You're slacking Tony!


Hang out with Steve.
You haven't done Asylum 2 yet, right? The stretch time in those workouts are pretty short, but effective. Maybe T25 will have something like that.

Got me thinking, Shaun has pumped out two new workouts in a short period of time. You're slacking Tony!

Nope, haven't done A2. I'm thinking about doing an Insanity and/or Asylum 1/Asylum 2 run after T25 though. We'll see.


Can't wait for T25, gonna do it when i'm done with Insanity.

Just got back from vacation last night, looking to start my workouts again tomorrow. I think what i'm gonna do is try out the fit test tomorrow, and see where my numbers are compared to two weeks ago. Depending on the results, i'm gonna do 1 of 2 things:

  1. If they're a little less or equal to what they were before, i'm just going to restart month 2.
  2. If they're a lot less than before, i'm gonna re-do the last week of Month 1, do a rest day, do one day of core cardio and balance, another rest day, then start month 2.


Can't wait for T25, gonna do it when i'm done with Insanity.

Just got back from vacation last night, looking to start my workouts again tomorrow. I think what i'm gonna do is try out the fit test tomorrow, and see where my numbers are compared to two weeks ago. Depending on the results, i'm gonna do 1 of 2 things:

  1. If they're a little less or equal to what they were before, i'm just going to restart month 2.
  2. If they're a lot less than before, i'm gonna re-do the last week of Month 1, do a rest day, do one day of core cardio and balance, another rest day, then start month 2.

Good plan.

I'm too excited about T25. Screw the xbone and ps4.
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