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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Thanks guys for making me feel a bit better.
It was definitely a one time thing.
In the past two months I've been eating great (apart from the occasional drink or two).


Hang out with Steve.
Went to my Insanity Certification class yesterday. I won't get the results of the exam for a while, but I'm confident I aced it. Really enjoyable & informative class. Learned about the science behind Insanity's design, stuff about anatomy and the kinetic chain, assessing & correcting form, and class leading techniques. So once I get my results, I'll be certified to teach Insanity group classes :)


So this is my new space and my vest.

Planning on starting p90x next weekend after I return from my trip to visit family in Marseilles.. some might think why I wont bring the videos with me but naww, I'm going to take the week off from everything and just enjoy my week to the fullest without worrying about diet or working out. I'll be up and about all the time and eating nothing but real food all week any way, I'll survive.




Quote tagged for massive photos. Vest is 30 pounds. I'm going to do chest and back in about 10 minutes with it on so I know what I'm getting into next week. Should be amazing.


Hang out with Steve.
Nice setup!!

So one thing folks might not know about Coaching is that you get a 25% discount on everything Beachbody sells. Fitness programs, equipment, supplements, Shakeology. Suddenly that $4.50 per meal Shakeology cost drops to about $3.40. If you're active US military, being a coach is free. Otherwise it's $39.95 to sign up and $15.95/month after that. If you start being a coach with a Challenge Pack, the $39.95 is waived. A challenge pack is a workout program plus Shakeology on automatic monthly shipping (which you can cancel at any time). Challenge Packs also include free shipping. Right now the Les Mills Combat challenge pack is on sale for $140, not a bad deal at all.

And of course should you decide to turn your coaching into a business, you get a commission on everything your customers purchase. Get 3 people on Shakeology and yours is free. There are people who have become millionaires as Beachbody Coaches. A friend of mine is a lawyer who gave up his practice to be a full-time Coach, partnering with his wife.

For me, my motivation to become a coach is the desire to help people reach their fitness goals (and the discount is nice, too -- I buy a lot of Beachbody stuff!)

I'm part of an extensive, active group of coaches who provide training, support and cameradrie and if I sponsor you you'll be part of that group as well. Whether you're interested in the discount, the business opportunity, helping others out, or all three, being a Coach can be rewarding & fun. If you're interested in finding out more, shoot me a message.


First day of insanity, so fitness test it was. up at 5am, doing my best not to wake up the other half or my son.

Man, I thought I was going to throw up at the end of it. So much so I couldn't even complete the cool down session.

Drop Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 46
Power Knees - 79
Power Jumps - 22
Globe Jumps - 6 (had an issue with my gym mat sliding on the floor which may have cost me about 1 Globe Jump)
Suicide Jumps - 7
Push up Jacks - 13
Low Plank Oblique - 55


Hang out with Steve.
First day of insanity, so fitness test it was. up at 5am, doing my best not to wake up the other half or my son.

Man, I thought I was going to throw up at the end of it. So much so I couldn't even complete the cool down session.

Drop Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 46
Power Knees - 79
Power Jumps - 22
Globe Jumps - 6 (had an issue with my gym mat sliding on the floor which may have cost me about 1 Globe Jump)
Suicide Jumps - 7
Push up Jacks - 13
Low Plank Oblique - 55

Yeah I can see you getting tired as you went along. Not bad results though! It'll be fun comparing your final Fit Test to this one. One of the best things about Insanity is the Fit Test -- it's a very concrete way to gauge your progress, which is important for a program where reps & weights aren't counted!


First day of insanity, so fitness test it was. up at 5am, doing my best not to wake up the other half or my son.

Man, I thought I was going to throw up at the end of it. So much so I couldn't even complete the cool down session.

Drop Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 46
Power Knees - 79
Power Jumps - 22
Globe Jumps - 6 (had an issue with my gym mat sliding on the floor which may have cost me about 1 Globe Jump)
Suicide Jumps - 7
Push up Jacks - 13
Low Plank Oblique - 55

These are really good first day numbers! Good luck on your journey!

30 pounds holy shit my friend.

Had to take it off for the second half. First half numbers were about 3/4 of my usual numbers w/o the vest, so I was going for about 15 pull-ups and 23 or 24 push-ups for each set (dive bombers don't apply I pushed out 10, which is half of my usual goal, I was exhausted). I have my first small goal with my next run!


Alright, week 1 of Insanity, done. Results, besides wanting to throw-up? Last Monday I weighed in around 220 lbs. Today, I weighed in about 216 lbs. So happy. And my jeans fit a bit better than last week. So I feel the results. Also, while today's workout was tough, as always, I did manage to get more out of it, and not being on time out a lot as I was last week.


Alright, week 1 of Insanity, done. Results, besides wanting to throw-up? Last Monday I weighed in around 220 lbs. Today, I weighed in about 216 lbs. So happy. And my jeans fit a bit better than last week. So I feel the results. Also, while today's workout was tough, as always, I did manage to get more out of it, and not being on time out a lot as I was last week.

Keep it up :)

I'm redoing P90X Phase 3 starting tomorrow. I want monday to be my stretch x day, as I have my daughter that day and it will just be easier. Can't wait to get started again.


Good lord, my workouts (lack of) and eating habits went down the toilet the past week. haha

On a positive note, my left shoulder doesn't hurt as much anymore, so the rest time was probably worth it.


Hang out with Steve.
Good lord, my workouts (lack of) and eating habits went down the toilet the past week. haha

On a positive note, my left shoulder doesn't hurt as much anymore, so the rest time was probably worth it.

Gotta listen to your body! In Insanity Certification they told us under no uncertain terms, if someone has an injury they should NOT do an Insanity workout. I'm glad I took a few days off from Body Beast when I pulled a muscle in my arm last week. I was definitely ready to go again when I started yesterday!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Today was my first day of Phase 3 of P90X. Nice to return to Chest & Back!

It was also the first time doing 25 reps of all ARX exercises on this go-round. The last time I did P90X, I was doing 25 reps of everything right out of the gate, which left me dying on the floor, taking like 35 minutes to get them all done. This time, I increased my reps gradually from week to week, from 15 on up, to finally get to the full 25 for the final phase. It's remarkable how much harder just a few more of each move makes the whole thing, ha.


Gotta listen to your body! In Insanity Certification they told us under no uncertain terms, if someone has an injury they should NOT do an Insanity workout. I'm glad I took a few days off from Body Beast when I pulled a muscle in my arm last week. I was definitely ready to go again when I started yesterday!

Did you get a chance to try out T25 when you went to take the certification?


Hang out with Steve.
Did you get a chance to try out T25 when you went to take the certification?

No, the class was very much focused on teaching live Insanity classes. I wish I could go to the Beachbody Summit that's coming up later in the month, they'll definitely be showcasing it there (and it'll be available to coaches there, too! I have to wait until after Summit to order it).

On that front, I am putting together a challenge group for T25. To join it sign up with me as your coach here and send me a message and I'll make sure you have all the pre-order info as soon as I have it & get you into the group.

I also have a TON of Tropical Strawberry Shakeology samples. Click the link above to make sure I'm your coach & send me a PM if you want to try it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Man these forums have been a nightmare for e3times...
Today was my first day of Phase 3 of P90X. Nice to return to Chest & Back!

It was also the first time doing 25 reps of all ARX exercises on this go-round. The last time I did P90X, I was doing 25 reps of everything right out of the gate, which left me dying on the floor, taking like 35 minutes to get them all done. This time, I increased my reps gradually from week to week, from 15 on up, to finally get to the full 25 for the final phase. It's remarkable how much harder just a few more of each move makes the whole thing, ha.
Nice strategy man. I always just did as many as I could on ARX but I was only able to hit 25 for a majority in the last couple weeks. I'm like halfway through phase 2 just about. But honestly I'm thinking about extending it a bit or maybe going back to a week or two of the phase 1 schedule. I just haven't been making the progress I want to yet. Need to get more regimented with my nutrition, too.


Neo Member
I just started my Insanity workout again this is my third time doing it. I am In the 3rd day of week two(month 1) and greatly looking forward to my cardio recovery workout tomorrow. The first time I did insanity I lost 36 lbs., but I did one round through all the way then I did it again a week later so I doubled up. I really like doing insanity I always feel amazing after finishing a workout. Also that T25 looks awesome I might like to try that because its only 5 days a week 6 days a week is killing me right now lol.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
If anyone is looking for a good protein shake, I can't recommend this stuff highly enough:


Holy crap, it is tasty as hell. After months of the Optimum Nutrition Powder I had gotten used to it, but Syntha 6 tastes so, so much better.
I guess the trade-off is that it has more calories, fat, carbs, etc. than ON, but I really doubt that matters for a lot of people that are using it anyway. I may give the vanilla or strawberry a shot — I need a new jug soon.


I guess the trade-off is that it has more calories, fat, carbs, etc. than ON, but I really doubt that matters for a lot of people that are using it anyway. I may give the vanilla or strawberry a shot — I need a new jug soon.
I've heard strawberry is excellent. Chocolate cake batter is the one I have, and it's delicious.

I didn't mind the ON stuff, but this tastes so good that I actually look forward to drinking it.


With 1 week of Insanity to go, I'm starting to think about what's next.
At first I thought I'll try P90X, but I don't think I'll do anything BB related since it's so intense, and I feel like I need something more relaxed for the next few weeks.

I know it's a BB thread, but I'll still ask here since I feel comfortable.
A friend of mine is jogging every other day, nothing too serious, so in order to keep a certain level of shape, I was thinking about joining him.
On top of that, I might do Cardio Abs and \ or the second circuit of Max Plyo which I feel focuses on the chest on the days I'm not running.

Around September, when I'll find a new apartment, I might do another round of Insanity, or something else.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Hang out with Steve.
With 1 week of Insanity to go, I'm starting to think about what's next.
At first I thought I'll try P90X, but I don't think I'll do anything BB related since it's so intense, and I feel like I need something more relaxed for the next few weeks.

I know it's a BB thread, but I'll still ask here since I feel comfortable.
A friend of mine is jogging every other day, nothing too serious, so in order to keep a certain level of shape, I was thinking about joining him.
On top of that, I might do Cardio Abs and \ or the second circuit of Max Plyo which I feel focuses on the chest on the days I'm not running.

Around September, when I'll find a new apartment, I might do another round of Insanity, or something else.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Well, there is Tai Cheng, which looks pretty relaxing to me.


Hang out with Steve.
Beast: Tempo Chest & Tris.. First time I've done this since way back before the Bulk phase. Wow, this is one tough workout! I think this is definitely one that's better done with the video muted -- you really have to concentrate on your timing counts & rep counts, and Sagi doesn't help because sometimes he counts up, sometimes he counts down, sometimes the other guys are counting, and nobody counts reps.

For those of you who haven't heard of it, the Tempo sets are 15rep/12rep/8rep sets with increasing weights as usual. However, on the 15 rep set you count 6 seconds on the concentric, and 6 seconds on the eccentric. On the 12 rep set it's 3 seconds concentric, 6 seconds eccentric, and on the 8 rep set it's 3 & 3. It really gets you to focus on form, and on the very specific muscles you are working. You have to use lighter weights than you could with "normal" moves.

And each round is a superset with an ab move. Just a great workout. I'm really feeling it!


So I haven't posted in this thread since my last fit test results, and that's because i've currently had to put my workouts on hold.. because i've been on vacation with the family since last Friday.

I got four days into the first week of the second month until I had to stop. Spent two full days on the road going from Arkansas to Florida to go to a Disney World Resort. My mom got us (us being my Mom, Dad, brother, and sister) four day Disney World park passes, and a one day Sea World park pass for when that was over.

I did do a workout last Sunday (max interval circuit), but then didn't get a chance to for the next four days because we woke up super early then stayed at the parks all day until close. I did walk a lot, probably 5+ miles every day, so it's not like I was just sitting around all day.

I did fit in a pure cardio yesterday morning before Sea World since we slept in a little late, and pure cardio isn't as long as the month 2 dvd's. I felt so great after the workout, probably the best i've felt after a workout in a long time.

Now that Disney World and Sea World are over, we are at Pensacola right now on a hotel right next to the beach for another week. So hopefully i'll be able to start my regular workout schedule again tomorrow morning since we have no other plans besides being lazy all day and laying out on the beach.

Sorry for the blog post, just felt like doing an update on everything. It sucks not being able to workout, i've kind of become addicted to it. It felt amazing doing Pure Cardio yesterday, so I really hope I can start working out again tomorrow. I also did some pushups and situps when I woke up in the morning since I can do them really quick, but nohting comapres to a complete 50 minute Insanity workout.

TL;DR: On vacation, put workouts on hold, will hopefully get to workout again soon because I miss seeing Shaun T's face every morning.
With 1 week of Insanity to go, I'm starting to think about what's next.
At first I thought I'll try P90X, but I don't think I'll do anything BB related since it's so intense, and I feel like I need something more relaxed for the next few weeks.

I know it's a BB thread, but I'll still ask here since I feel comfortable.
A friend of mine is jogging every other day, nothing too serious, so in order to keep a certain level of shape, I was thinking about joining him.
On top of that, I might do Cardio Abs and \ or the second circuit of Max Plyo which I feel focuses on the chest on the days I'm not running.

Around September, when I'll find a new apartment, I might do another round of Insanity, or something else.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I only have 2 days left of Insanity also (yay!) so then I'm taking a full week off with no workouts. My body feels pretty beaten up so I do want a nice break to get everything recovered fully.

Then I'm going to start up Insanity again but with the following changes:
Month 1: Alternate between cardio abs and 5 x 3min rounds of heavy bag workouts everyday (1 day abs, next day heavy bag)
Month 2: Move to Insane abs but follow the schedule. Reduce the heavy bag works to once every 3 days


Started back on (day 4) p90 body is rejecting the cardio lol. But after 2 weeks of doing it i should be in a lot better off Im hoping i can lose the last 23 pounds I need to and get to where I can run a mile with out stopping.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Aah, rather crazy father's day brunch on what's supposed ta be a rest day. Maybe I'll try to get some intense ball in on my friend's hoop before the game tonight. :p


Hang out with Steve.
Busy Fathers Day for me. Tempo: Back & Bis this morning (which is one tough workout), then brunch with the family followed by some errands and 3 hours cutting grass on the tractor (30 minutes of which was extricating some weed blocker mesh I ran over that got tangled up in the mower deck). Now I'm finally relaxing.

Only 8 more Body Beast workouts!

Oh, and I'm teaching my first live Insanity class on Thursday, practicing with some folks at work.


I only have 2 days left of Insanity also (yay!) so then I'm taking a full week off with no workouts. My body feels pretty beaten up so I do want a nice break to get everything recovered fully.

Then I'm going to start up Insanity again but with the following changes:
Month 1: Alternate between cardio abs and 5 x 3min rounds of heavy bag workouts everyday (1 day abs, next day heavy bag)
Month 2: Move to Insane abs but follow the schedule. Reduce the heavy bag works to once every 3 days

So if I understand correctly - a mix of some cardio and abs, which is my direction.
Taking a week off is a good idea. I might do it myself.

BTW, how is your last week?
Today was day 1 (max plyo) and for the first time, I just stopped halfway through.
I had zero motivation to carry on and do this to myself, and I just said screw it. I felt really bad afterwards...

Busy Fathers Day for me. Tempo: Back & Bis this morning (which is one tough workout), then brunch with the family followed by some errands and 3 hours cutting grass on the tractor (30 minutes of which was extricating some weed blocker mesh I ran over that got tangled up in the mower deck). Now I'm finally relaxing.

Only 8 more Body Beast workouts!

Oh, and I'm teaching my first live Insanity class on Thursday, practicing with some folks at work.

3 hours mowing lawn?! I've never done such a thing myself, but it sounds crazy.
And good luck on your first class! Kick their ass :p


This is my first time posting in this thread. I will be starting P90X this week. I am not in good shape but I have been training to run a 5k so I'm actually in better shape than I have been in years (still not good, though). Our apartment is super old and I don't have the option of a pull up bar... I just ordered some resistance bands and they will be here Wednesday. I am planning to do the Fit Test Tuesday and begin bright and early on Tuesday morning. I have read some different opinions on eating before a morning work out. I am going to get getting up around 5 and I really don't like to eat that early in the morning... looking for some suggestions of things I can drink/small items to eat before working out.

What changes should I be making in my diet over the next few days? I borrowed the DVDs from a friend so I don't actually have the dietary information. Is there a good site I could use to plan my P90x diet?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I will be posting updates in this thread and I am sure I will be coming here for advice. I have been overweight my entire life and I really want to make some changes. I know that it will be a big commitment but if I hold myself accountable by posting here it will be a little easier.
So if I understand correctly - a mix of some cardio and abs, which is my direction.
Taking a week off is a good idea. I might do it myself.

BTW, how is your last week?
Today was day 1 (max plyo) and for the first time, I just stopped halfway through.
I had zero motivation to carry on and do this to myself, and I just said screw it. I felt really bad afterwards...

The last week has been rough. My body is pretty beaten up and not recovering at a good rate. It's a combination of duration and pushing myself harder each workout.

I did cardio and balance yesterday and took today off. Tomorrow, I have Max Plyo and then Core Cardio n Balance before the final fit test.

Today is the only day we (fiancé and I) have taken off that's not part of the schedule due to social stuff. I'm not too bothered as I want a little extra rest to finish strong. Looking forward to posting my Fit test 1 vs Fit test 5 results this coming week! Also, my review on Insanity. It's great at some things while quite lacking in others.
I'm starting Insanity today! Have to walk into town to hand in my CV so I'll probably start sometime from 3-5pm. Is everyone here consistent with the times they do the workouts, or do you just do them whenever you have time?

Also, has anyone else done the 60 days fragmented? Ie, I'm a Uni student in my summer holidays so I'll be going to visit friends for a few days at a time at points. Is it possible to just start where I left off after a break?

Wish me luck, gaf!


I'm starting Insanity today! Have to walk into town to hand in my CV so I'll probably start sometime from 3-5pm. Is everyone here consistent with the times they do the workouts, or do you just do them whenever you have time?

Also, has anyone else done the 60 days fragmented? Ie, I'm a Uni student in my summer holidays so I'll be going to visit friends for a few days at a time at points. Is it possible to just start where I left off after a break?

Wish me luck, gaf!
I always do it in the morning about half an hour after I wake up. I'm not weighed down by anything I've eaten and I always have enough energy to get through the workouts. It's different for everyone though, I think a few people in here can't do mornings. The fragmented thing shouldn't be an issue, just start again where you stopped I reckon.


Hang out with Steve.
TL;DR: On vacation, put workouts on hold, will hopefully get to workout again soon because I miss seeing Shaun T's face every morning.

Vacations can be rough especially if there's no gym. I've been pretty lucky in that regard, I've only missed a few workouts when on vacation. The only real exception was when I was doing P90X2 & went to Vermont for a week. But the resort had a nice gym and also some very cool P90X2-like classes that I took, so I was able to get in similar workouts even without the DVDs.

I only have 2 days left of Insanity also (yay!) so then I'm taking a full week off with no workouts. My body feels pretty beaten up so I do want a nice break to get everything recovered fully.

Then I'm going to start up Insanity again but with the following changes:
Month 1: Alternate between cardio abs and 5 x 3min rounds of heavy bag workouts everyday (1 day abs, next day heavy bag)
Month 2: Move to Insane abs but follow the schedule. Reduce the heavy bag works to once every 3 days

Sounds pretty good. I have never tried heavy bag work. There's one in the gym here at work and some guys who can show me what to do, maybe I'll give it a shot some time.

3 hours mowing lawn?! I've never done such a thing myself, but it sounds crazy.
And good luck on your first class! Kick their ass :p

Thanks! As far as cutting grass goes, most weekends it doesn't take that long. I have 5.6 acres and less than one of it is "lawn" that I cut just about every week. The rest is divided into two fields that get cut about once a month-6 weeks, if we can get to it. So yesterday I cut the back field and the perimeter of the front field.

This is my first time posting in this thread. I will be starting P90X this week. I am not in good shape but I have been training to run a 5k so I'm actually in better shape than I have been in years (still not good, though). Our apartment is super old and I don't have the option of a pull up bar... I just ordered some resistance bands and they will be here Wednesday. I am planning to do the Fit Test Tuesday and begin bright and early on Tuesday morning. I have read some different opinions on eating before a morning work out. I am going to get getting up around 5 and I really don't like to eat that early in the morning... looking for some suggestions of things I can drink/small items to eat before working out.

What changes should I be making in my diet over the next few days? I borrowed the DVDs from a friend so I don't actually have the dietary information. Is there a good site I could use to plan my P90x diet?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I will be posting updates in this thread and I am sure I will be coming here for advice. I have been overweight my entire life and I really want to make some changes. I know that it will be a big commitment but if I hold myself accountable by posting here it will be a little easier.

We're here to help you! I work out early in the morning as well. When I'm doing strength building exercises, I don't eat anything before I start, but I make sure I have a recovery drink afterwards. If I've got a heavy cardio day like Plyometrics from P90X, or Insanity, then I might use something like Beachbody's Energy & Endurance or MusclePharm's Assault pre-workout drink. Some people will eat a spoonful of peanut butter or a banana 15 minutes or so before working out. For me though, I prefer an empty stomach.

I'm starting Insanity today! Have to walk into town to hand in my CV so I'll probably start sometime from 3-5pm. Is everyone here consistent with the times they do the workouts, or do you just do them whenever you have time?

Also, has anyone else done the 60 days fragmented? Ie, I'm a Uni student in my summer holidays so I'll be going to visit friends for a few days at a time at points. Is it possible to just start where I left off after a break?

Wish me luck, gaf!

Good luck! Insanity's tough but it's not impossible. Here are my key points about a successful Insanity run:
1. You don't have to keep up with the people in the video! Go at YOUR pace. Do YOUR best.
2. Form is KEY. You must do these moves with perfect form, or you can risk injury. So modify: First, try doing the moves more slowly. If you still can't do them, if there's a jump/plyometric portion of the move, remove the jump. And finally if you start to see your form slipping during a block, start modifying.
3. Don't press PAUSE. The timing of the exercises is specifically designed. So watch the timer bar at the bottom of the screen. You want to start each exercise right on time, go as long as you can, and if you need to stop early to catch your breath, that's OK. But be ready to start when the team does. The reason is that you don't want your heart rate to drop down too low, or you'll lose the benefits of Max Interval Training, which is the entire point of Insanity.

And please ask questions!


Second week of Insanity is now complete. I did the Fit Test today, and I haven't been keeping track of how many reps I did for each exercise. However, I do feel like I did much better than the first time.

Weight was up, from 216 to 217. I was expecting it, cause for me, whenever I start working out, I lose a few pounds the first week, and then on the second week, I either stay at the same weight or gain one or two pounds. So it's no big deal for me.
Good luck! Insanity's tough but it's not impossible. Here are my key points about a successful Insanity run:
1. You don't have to keep up with the people in the video! Go at YOUR pace. Do YOUR best.
2. Form is KEY. You must do these moves with perfect form, or you can risk injury. So modify: First, try doing the moves more slowly. If you still can't do them, if there's a jump/plyometric portion of the move, remove the jump. And finally if you start to see your form slipping during a block, start modifying.
3. Don't press PAUSE. The timing of the exercises is specifically designed. So watch the timer bar at the bottom of the screen. You want to start each exercise right on time, go as long as you can, and if you need to stop early to catch your breath, that's OK. But be ready to start when the team does. The reason is that you don't want your heart rate to drop down too low, or you'll lose the benefits of Max Interval Training, which is the entire point of Insanity.

And please ask questions!

Thanks a bunch for the tips. I ended up being in town longer than I thought I would be (walked about 8 miles!) and I've just finished my third meal of the day. I'll give it an hour to digest and get on with this fitness test. I've put a mirror next to where I'm working out so if I'm unsure if my form is correct I can just glance at it to check.

I don't really know what I'm expecting. I doubt I'll come out the other side with a 6-pack or anything but any improvement in my athleticism is worth the effort. I'm really looking forward to starting :)


Hang out with Steve.
Second week of Insanity is now complete. I did the Fit Test today, and I haven't been keeping track of how many reps I did for each exercise. However, I do feel like I did much better than the first time.

Weight was up, from 216 to 217. I was expecting it, cause for me, whenever I start working out, I lose a few pounds the first week, and then on the second week, I either stay at the same weight or gain one or two pounds. So it's no big deal for me.

Write the numbers down! Insanity is unique in that it has the fit test you do every 2 weeks. The numbers are going to be your best gauge of progress, along with your measurements. If you haven't taken measurements yet, do it before you go too much further. While Insanity isn't a strength building program, it does work muscles and you will see some growth there. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Your measurements & fit test results are a way better indicator of what Insanity does for you than your weight :)

Thanks a bunch for the tips. I ended up being in town longer than I thought I would be (walked about 8 miles!) and I've just finished my third meal of the day. I'll give it an hour to digest and get on with this fitness test. I've put a mirror next to where I'm working out so if I'm unsure if my form is correct I can just glance at it to check.

I don't really know what I'm expecting. I doubt I'll come out the other side with a 6-pack or anything but any improvement in my athleticism is worth the effort. I'm really looking forward to starting :)

No prob! Best of luck!
I can already see mine and Shaun T's relationship being a love/hate one. The bastard made me throw up! I think I ate a bit too close to the fitness test. Plan for tomorrow if a teaspoonful of peanut butter and then a workout before breakfast. I don't think a stomach-ful of food helped me out too much.

I can't believe how much my fitness levels have dropped in the last 2 months or so. I was breathing heavily after the warm-up. I guess that's what sports seasons ending and my diet getting steadily worse do to you.

Anyway, if anyone cares, my results. I'm sure I did some of them wrong - I could barely bend down to stretch by the end so my mind wasn't at its peak either when taking in instructions.

Switch Kicks: 60
Power Jacks: 33
Power Knees: 50
Power Jumps: 17
Globe Jumps: 4
Suicide Jumps: 7
Push-Up Jacks: 19
Low Plank Oblique: 29.

Not completely happy with my performance, but I felt like I was going to throw up after about the second stage, so that was always on my mind. Hopefully in time I'll feel less sick and more enthusiastic.

Bring on day two!

Edit: has anyone else thrown up on a fitness test? Surely I can't be the only one here.
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