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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Done with Chest/Shoulders/Triceps for three weeks. Thank god. As many times as I've done this workout, it is still borderline torture for me.


Neo Member
Done with week 2 of insanity (cardio abs weren't as tough as I thought.)
I was about to cough up a lung yesterday so decided to lay down the cigarettes.

Already today I felt a difference, maybe smoking with asthma isn't such a good idea after all haha...ha...

I'm excited about the fit-test now =)


Hang out with Steve.
Might just be me, but I consider Chest/Shoulders/Triceps to be easily the worst workout of P90X.

It'll be the first to go if I go through it again.
Something that really helps me is getting an android app that lists all the exercises then you can do them without the dvd.
Another thing that you can probably do is get the YAYOG (you are your own gym) app and then do the listed exercises. The app itself includes photos of the exercises so you can do it whenever you want.
Oooh, something like this would be perfect for the gym. I could at least do the Sculpt segments, maybe supplementing them with swimming.

Les Mills Pump is only I think 3 times per week. T25 is great because you only need 30 minutes or so 4 days/week, and an hour on the fifth.

Another thing you can do for motivation is join a support group. Are you a member of Team Beachbody.com? You can sign up here if you're not.

On their message boards they have a lot of "accountability groups", which are people who post their daily workouts and encourage each other. It helps to keep you motivated.

I can also get you into some VERY active closed Facebook groups where people are doing the same thing. I've got one going for Focus T25 that has around 80 people in it right now, for example.
I like the idea of T25. I keep reading that P90 isn't really that good despite being for beginners, is T25 better at this?


Hang out with Steve.
Oooh, something like this would be perfect for the gym. I could at least do the Sculpt segments, maybe supplementing them with swimming.

I like the idea of T25. I keep reading that P90 isn't really that good despite being for beginners, is T25 better at this?

P90's only real problem is that the base package doesn't include enough exercises to keep many people engaged and challenged for the full 90 days. You can buy the P90 Master Series, which includes phases 4 and 5, separately and build them into last month, and that's definitely better. I didn't do that & got pretty tired of the phase 3-4 workouts by the end, as is done them for about 60 days!

T25 is great for beginners because there's someone in all the videos doing lower impact modifications of the moves, so you can follow her if you need to.


On my 3rd day of Body Beast's 2nd week and it's a lot more doable than I expected. Sagi is insufferable, though. I don't know if it's the meathead talk, the homophobic put-downs or the fact that he seems to have mastered no more than half a dozen phrases in English, but he's getting on my nerves fast. It's like he based his persona on that SNL bodybuilding sketch without realising it was meant to be a joke.

P90's only real problem is that the base package doesn't include enough exercises to keep many people engaged and challenged for the full 90 days.

If the bits I saw are any indication, P90 has the production values of a FMV computer game circa 1995, complete with obnoxious borders that occupy half the screen for no apparent reason. I'm not sure I could stand it for 90 days.


Hang out with Steve.
Not too far off; Power90 was released in 2001.

Body Beast is a great workout program. Once you learn the moves, mute it & play your own music.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Is your improvement noticeable yet? I just did chest shoulder triceps yesterday for the 1st time.
Barely. I'm on the second of my two most-recent runs of P90X, and while I've progressed modestly in other workouts, C/S/T just kills me. It never gets easier.

If the bits I saw are any indication, P90 has the production values of a FMV computer game circa 1995, complete with obnoxious borders that occupy half the screen for no apparent reason. I'm not sure I could stand it for 90 days.
Its cheesiness is endearing to me. And Tony is much more toned down, which some people might appreciate.
My lower back/thighs are feeling extra sore after plyocide. I haven't been this sore since the beginning of P90X. Maybe its because i switched to a 12 lb medicine ball instead of the 8lb I always use.


Hang out with Steve.
So I started T25 Gamma on Monday. Yesterday was Rip'T Up. This morning I have mild DOMS in my chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Used 20lb and 15lb dumbbells.

Gamma is officially the real deal. Extreme Circuit shortly.


Yeesh, really don't feel like I'm improving so far in month 2
'Spose I'm still not yet at the halfway mark.
Weird, I feel like after the first recovery day in week one of month two I'm in full beast mode. Aside from level 3 drills; those forever suck.
Just finished up T25 Alpha. Nothing original here, but I thought I'd share a few thoughts:

First, a picture to show before and after


As you can see, there have not been huge changes but the difference is there, especially if you squint a little. In terms of raw numbers I've only lost a pound or so, fluctuating down to as many as two on a good day. That is in line with my expectations, but a couple more would still have been nice.

I felt the first week was, unsurprisingly, the hardest and that is where I got my best results. After that things have plateaued leading to a couple of conclusions.

* Focus T25 Alpha is too long. It really only needs to be 3 weeks, 4 would be pushing it. If you don't want to work out for the heck of it? I'd do the first week, skip the next two and then complete the final weeks of the program. It really does feel like you are running on the same spot (especially the bits where you are running on the same spot...) and if you are in any sort of shape you'll move on quickly.
* Having said that, the programs are very well put together and feel more "complete" than something like Insanity.
* Whilst the weight hasn't been flying off me, I feel I am a lot fitter.

There are negatives. Whilst the progression each week feels good, the "double up" on Friday where you do two workouts feels forced and just thrown together. The first week especially asks you to do Cardio and then Lower Focus, which will have your leg muscles screaming and possibly getting injured. I'd suggest taking it easy through this.

The big advantage is that whilst the 25 minute workouts are a little short, they do push you hard enough whilst giving you enough scope to play a sport or do something else. Insanity or P90X took up all the time and energy I had for exercise which isn't the case here. On the other hand, this means you may not be getting quite enough in "Alpha" so the recommendation to shorten it still stands.

Workout Thoughts

* Cardio: Gives you a good taste of all the different workouts and really gets you sweating. Well balanced and just the right difficulty for the first few tries. You will find it a little easy by the end.
* Speed 1.0: Gets a bad rap as the "easy program". However I actually enjoyed it because even though it is easy, there is more scope to "push yourself" than some other routines. Just watch out the first time for the 9 minute stretch at the end with no breaks. You'll want to save a bit of energy to get through that.
* Ab Intervals: I thought the insanity ab workouts were a waste of time, so I was pleasantly surprised to see how difficult this workout is. Not only does it really work your abs, but there is enough cardio work to push you too. A really solid workout and probably my favourite of the Alpha round.
* Lower Focus: The star here is a progression in the middle of lunges, pulses and holds. There is no getting around it, that progression hurts. The overall workout is easy outside of this in cardio terms, but you'll probably hate going through it, especially in a "double up" context.
* Total Body Circuit: You'll hit this three times in the last week and they do this because it is the hardest workout. However it isn't hard in a good way, it is hard in the "I'm going to stop" way which I don't enjoy. The reason for this is it has long progressions of push-ups where you are either doing it or you are not. It is hard to modify and still be active in any meaningful way. An easy fix would have been to breakup the pushup sections more, rather than having them back to back (so you can only choose one sequence to push yourself).
* Stretch: Too easy and short and doesn't really feel like it is worth doing. I do wish there was more neck/shoulder stretches, as these are the areas where I tend to feel it the most.


I enjoyed my time with Focus T25 Alpha, even if the results were a little hard to make out. You can feel assured that it does what it says on the box. It will make you fitter, it will only take 28 minutes a day (they sneak in a couple of minutes of cooldown... so ok not exactly like the box). However the Alpha round does stretch on for too long and you'll be more than ready to progress before it ends.

For now, on to Focus T25 Beta...


Hang out with Steve.
Good writeup, toddhunter.

I've been telling Insanity veterans to start Alpha at week 3, skipping the first two weeks. That way you're doing more of the harder workouts but you still get a chance to learn the moves & flow of the workouts in preparation for Beta.

The plank work in Total Body Circuit is definitely the toughest part. The pike progression and spider-lunge progression always wear me out, even having completed Beta. The plank walk to squat isn't so bad for me. But with all that I'd say the burnout towards the end of Total Body Circuit is one of the harder sequences in the whole program.

Hope you enjoy Beta. Speed 2.0 remains my favorite workout from any program I've done.


Good stuff toddhunter!

They're showing T25 infomercials now. heh I didn't know that the guy that has what looks to me like Star Wars tats on his forearms is Tanya's husband.

I'm about to bust out Beast shoulders and destroy it before I go to class.

lets do it

Btw. I said I wouldn't buy Gamma, but now that I'm down to two weeks left in Beta... I'm having second thoughts on that stance...
Help guys! I'm in week 5 of Insanity (Core Cardio and Balance) and I finished 3 out of 6 days only :( I hurt my ankle and was resting it for two days and then I got my tetanus shot yesterday and my shoulder is having a bad reaction to it. I should be fine by next week but what do I do to get back on track? Another week of month 1, then core cardio and balance again?


I think you should continue where you left off and adjust accordingly. If you keep repeating month 1 you would probably get bored and end up quitting.
I think you should continue where you left off and adjust accordingly. If you keep repeating month 1 you would probably get bored and end up quitting.

I don't quit workouts because I get bored, I just want to make sure I haven't messed my progress up. It is a week of rest, somewhat, but you are still supposed to be doing some stretching and cardio. You're saying I should just go ahead and start Month 2?


I don't quit workouts because I get bored, I just want to make sure I haven't messed my progress up. It is a week of rest, somewhat, but you are still supposed to be doing some stretching and cardio. You're saying I should just go ahead and start Month 2?

I think a week layoff won't hurt your progress that much. Keep pushing ahead from where you left off!
One of my roommates just picked up P90 last week, so I'm giving that shot.

I can see myself getting tired of it over the full 90 days, but we'll see. I'm mostly a jogger, so my upper body definitely needs a beginner setup like this before I try P90X.
Started into T25 Beta. I thought Core Cardio was pretty disappointing. Seemed a bit easy and the floor moves at the end are maybe a bit out of place.

Speed 2.0 on the other hand:


Now that is more like it. I think Steve already expressed it, but it is indeed a very fun workout.


Hang out with Steve.
New teaser for P90X3!

Looks like they're taking a page from Focus T25 -- workouts are 30 minutes/day!

Still says "Coming Soon!" Super Saturday (a coach event) is a week from Saturday, so perhaps we'll find out more then. I'll keep everyone posted!


Anyone done an Insanity/P90X2 hybrid workout before? I was thinking of doing both programs simultaneously where I would do Insanity in the morning before work, and X2 after work. Does this sound like a decent idea or is there a hybrid schedule that works better?


New teaser for P90X3!

Looks like they're taking a page from Focus T25 -- workouts are 30 minutes/day!

Still says "Coming Soon!" Super Saturday (a coach event) is a week from Saturday, so perhaps we'll find out more then. I'll keep everyone posted!
"We already did everything we could in P90X and P90X2; now what?"
"Chop the old shit in half!"

I kid. :) Definitely looking forward to hearing more about it.


I don't like the approach to cut everything. I mean they have T25, they have Tony Horton 10 minutes, I don't see the need to cut the time in all the programs now.


Hang out with Steve.
I don't like the approach to cut everything. I mean they have T25, they have Tony Horton 10 minutes, I don't see the need to cut the time in all the programs now.

Focus T25 and P90X3 don't invalidate any of the other workout programs. Beachbody is trying to offer workout programs for everyone, and one of the most common excuses people have for not doing a workout program is a lack of time.

Focus T25 and P90X3 are for people who want intense workouts but have limited time. There is new thinking that shorter, intense workouts can be as or more effective as longer, less intense ones and these programs reflect that thinking, but at the end of the day it's about how much time you have to put into it.


Focus T25 and P90X3 don't invalidate any of the other workout programs. Beachbody is trying to offer workout programs for everyone, and one of the most common excuses people have for not doing a workout program is a lack of time.

Focus T25 and P90X3 are for people who want intense workouts but have limited time. There is new thinking that shorter, intense workouts can be as or more effective as longer, less intense ones and these programs reflect that thinking, but at the end of the day it's about how much time you have to put into it.
Especially when a lot of people who get into these programs probably do it to lose weight first, then improve stamina/speed/etc. -- in which case it's far more effective to just drop calories by a bit than work out for an extra thirty minutes.


I don't like the approach to cut everything. I mean they have T25, they have Tony Horton 10 minutes, I don't see the need to cut the time in all the programs now.
Currently there is a lots of criticism on how the gain of p90x is not equal to effort you put in. Maybe x3 can address that.
Basically what Steve said.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
30 minute workouts? That'll make morning workouts much easier.


Focus T25 and P90X3 don't invalidate any of the other workout programs. Beachbody is trying to offer workout programs for everyone, and one of the most common excuses people have for not doing a workout program is a lack of time.

Focus T25 and P90X3 are for people who want intense workouts but have limited time. There is new thinking that shorter, intense workouts can be as or more effective as longer, less intense ones and these programs reflect that thinking, but at the end of the day it's about how much time you have to put into it.

I have nothing against the shorter workouts. But what bugs me is that it seems longer workouts are being almost marketed as something bad because of the constant complaining that there is never enough time. Before, we had programs like Power90, and then for those who wanted a bit shorter version Power half hour was made. Nowadays, it seems that the longer programs are just being replaced with these shorter ones. Instead of releasing P90x 30 minutes, they just named it P90x3 . When you limit yourself to 30 minutes some things will suffer: the workouts will be hysterically revolving around minute counting (ugh); stretching, warmup and mobility will probably take a big hit in all workouts; and yoga 30 minutes? :/
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