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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

I get what you are saying, but remember this is P90X3.

I think a lot of their client base will be pretty used to working out by now and if they are spending an hour and a half it'll be on specialised workouts.

On the other hand there are 20 workouts. It may be you do two per day.


Hang out with Steve.
Last year they released Les Mills Combat & Body Beast, both of which have workouts an hour or so in length. I wouldn't call this a trend just yet.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Tony has some good fitness tips up today.

And incentive to stick with Yoga! (Which I need to stick with)

If there were a way to feel full of vim and vigor in your golden years, wouldn't you want to know about it? Now that I'm pushing 50, I'm writing about the golden years. More and more studies are saying . . . strike a pose.

That's right. Even if you've never tried yoga before, regularly practicing some simple yoga stretches and poses when you're older can give you back some of the energy and flexibility of your younger years. Here's a laundry list of all the other health benefits:

After 6 months of taking beginner yoga classes, men and women ages 65 to 85 reported:

Feeling more energized compared to how they felt before they started
Less pain overall in their day-to-day lives
Feeling more outgoing socially (Can you say hippocampus?)
Having better balance
Greater flexibility in their trunk and limbs

Not only that, yoga may also be good for your heart. A study was conducted on a group of people with heart disease who adopted a "yoga lifestyle," a holistic approach to health, including eating right, getting those zzzz's, and maintaining a generally positive attitude. Heart disease lesions diminished in almost half of the people who had signs of the disease at the beginning of the study.

Ommmm . . .



Y'all better come back to the thread once P90X3 hits! Been reading the thread from the beginning every few days and it looks like it was more fun before :(


As of now I'm starting week 5 of phase 1 of P90X... week 5, you ask?!?! Well I added two weeks because one I feel like I butched it and wanted to make up for it, and the other because of getting a flu that make me suck a lot at the workouts for around one week.

No matter, I'm moving on after this week, nothing stops this trainnnnn.


Hang out with Steve.
Y'all better come back to the thread once P90X3 hits! Been reading the thread from the beginning every few days and it looks like it was more fun before :(


As of now I'm starting week 5 of phase 1 of P90X... week 5, you ask?!?! Well I added two weeks because one I feel like I butched it and wanted to make up for it, and the other because of getting a flu that make me suck a lot at the workouts for around one week.

No matter, I'm moving on after this week, nothing stops this trainnnnn.

Yeah, this thread's pretty quiet since the move to OT Community. Unfortunate.

Nothing wrong with extending phases -- in fact, in P90X2 you're encouraged to do each of the three phases as long as you need to, moving on only when you feel you're ready. Even the auto schedule in the tbb.com Super Gym is broken up into separate per-phase schedules to make it easier for you to set up.

I was sick last week & took off a few days myself, so I restarted the second week of the Focus T25 Gamma phase yesterday. Still thinking about how I'm going to fill up the 8-or-so weeks between finishing up T25 and P90X3's release...


Yeah, this thread's pretty quiet since the move to OT Community. Unfortunate.

Nothing wrong with extending phases -- in fact, in P90X2 you're encouraged to do each of the three phases as long as you need to, moving on only when you feel you're ready. Even the auto schedule in the tbb.com Super Gym is broken up into separate per-phase schedules to make it easier for you to set up.

I was sick last week & took off a few days myself, so I restarted the second week of the Focus T25 Gamma phase yesterday. Still thinking about how I'm going to fill up the 8-or-so weeks between finishing up T25 and P90X3's release...

I still think community forum is a terrible idea. There should be a better way of addressing official threads. Everytime a thread is moved to community it immediately stagnated because there is no new members. After awhile it turns into a clique.


Yeah, this thread's pretty quiet since the move to OT Community. Unfortunate.

Nothing wrong with extending phases -- in fact, in P90X2 you're encouraged to do each of the three phases as long as you need to, moving on only when you feel you're ready. Even the auto schedule in the tbb.com Super Gym is broken up into separate per-phase schedules to make it easier for you to set up.

I was sick last week & took off a few days myself, so I restarted the second week of the Focus T25 Gamma phase yesterday. Still thinking about how I'm going to fill up the 8-or-so weeks between finishing up T25 and P90X3's release...

Thanks for the advice then! Makes me feel better to know that its encouraged (even if it is in X2 instead of X).

I still think community forum is a terrible idea. There should be a better way of addressing official threads. Everytime a thread is moved to community it immediately stagnated because there is no new members. After awhile it turns into a clique.

Yeah, maybe there should be an option way to display both Off Topic and Comunity threads at the same time, and whoever doesn't want to mix both things just goes to each respective forum.


Hang out with Steve.
This reminds me, in general, do you guys notice difference in how offten you get sick per year, when compared to when you weren't working out and eating properly?

Yep. Definitely get sick a lot less often, and USUALLY it's not as severe & doesn't last as long. This time I didn't start drinking Emergen-C morning and night as soon as I thought I might be getting sick (we were out) and I can't help but wonder if that would have helped. Already restocked.

I still think community forum is a terrible idea. There should be a better way of addressing official threads. Everytime a thread is moved to community it immediately stagnated because there is no new members. After awhile it turns into a clique.

Yeah, I agree. I think the best we can do is post news about Beachbody workouts in the main OT forum, and link back to here, encouraging people to subscribe. You really need to change your NeoGAF browsing habits when your favorite threads are in Community. I now look at "Subscriptions" first before I go anywhere else, but that's a behavior I had to force myself to do.


This reminds me, in general, do you guys notice difference in how offten you get sick per year, when compared to when you weren't working out and eating properly?

Much less, yes.

I still managed to get the flu last winter though, so it doesn't make you invincible.

Oh, as far as activity in the thread goes. I'm still working out every day like always. I've just had a lot less time to come on GAF since starting up the semester and working all day... I had to cut something down a bit. Seems like I was on GAF a lot because I've actually notice how little I come on at the present. Don't really see that changing anytime soon.. :/

Edit - as a matter of fact, Friday is my last day of T25 Beta. I'm going to get Gamma, but not right away. I'm coming up on the time that I plan to pay for next semester's classes so I need to wait and see where I am when that happens. So now I think I'm going to mix up the t25 workouts for a little bit and then move into Gamma when I eventually get it.


This reminds me, in general, do you guys notice difference in how offten you get sick per year, when compared to when you weren't working out and eating properly?
I basically don't get sick anymore, which means more vacation time for me. :D I've had a few near bouts of illness, but nothing even approaching a cold.


I haven't been able to participate because i messed up my shoulder 5 weeks ago :( (only 2 weeks after finishing Insanity, too). Before I could do about 52 pushups in a minute and now I can only do about 6 good ones before my shoulder starts really hurting. I'm also starting physical therapy tomorrow, so hopefully I can get back to working out soon, and as soon as I can start working out, i'm starting Insanity again.


I haven't been able to participate because i messed up my shoulder 5 weeks ago :( (only 2 weeks after finishing Insanity, too). Before I could do about 52 pushups in a minute and now I can only do about 6 good ones before my shoulder starts really hurting. I'm also starting physical therapy tomorrow, so hopefully I can get back to working out soon, and as soon as I can start working out, i'm starting Insanity again.

Sorry to hear this man. :( My best advice is to take it easy, and try not to do pushups for quite some time. Go to therapy, afterwards do easy mobility exercises, some ultra easy stretching.

BTW, how did it happen?


Sorry to hear this man. :( My best advice is to take it easy, and try not to do pushups for quite some time. Go to therapy, afterwards do easy mobility exercises, some ultra easy stretching.

BTW, how did it happen?

After I did Insanity, I decided to move onto p90x and I guess I just overdid it in one of the dvds, not really sure how it happened. I usually keep good form and everything.


Haven't been eating anything out of the ordinary. Haven't had a gout attack for months until the day after I did Insanity...

This happened last time too

Hmmm. I was reading about gout and I guess exercises that's hard on your leg joints will tend to worsen your gout attack. Maybe you should consider other exercises? Swimming is the best supposedly.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, check this "test" page that just went up on Xbox.com. Go to the second person image... then the fourth...




Damn, Free Insanity and P90X for a year with a gold membership. That's crazy. I hope everyone who buys an Xbone tries either one of those at least once (especially Insanity since no weights are required).
Damn, Free Insanity and P90X for a year with a gold membership. That's crazy. I hope everyone who buys an Xbone tries either one of those at least once (especially Insanity since no weights are required).

Sounds great...but watch it be US only :|


I wonder how they will utilize kinect. If it's just a watch a video thing it will be kind of underwhelming. It would be awesome if you can somehow track your reps maybe there is a live rep counter where you can compete against other people training live.
I wonder how they will utilize kinect. If it's just a watch a video thing it will be kind of underwhelming. It would be awesome if you can somehow track your reps maybe there is a live rep counter where you can compete against other people training live.

The screens suggest it will track your form and probably offer advice/tips as per the dancing games.
In theory anyway. In practice? I expect it will be utilized poorly because I couldn't see it accurately tracking anything (people and exercises are just too diverse?). Even if it could track reps, it doesn't help you unless you have a home gym in front of your TV. Anything with weights I do at the gym and anything at home is generally just by the clock.

The nice thing is people not having to "pay" for the workout videos (for a year). However I wouldn't be surprised if beachbody end up going F2P for their videos at some stage anyway. Just speculation, but I imagine they make a lot more off equipment and supplements?
If you've ever used Nike + Kinect Training then you'll know it's quite capable of tracking very diverse movements / reps etc. YourShape did a pretty good job of it too. At the end of the day it's not really any more complicated than say, Dance Central. Should be even better with the new Kinect too.

As for having a home gym in front of your TV, I imagine the only thing it couldn't really do is pullups as obviously they tend to be done in doorways etc for most people. But either way, just having the vids with tracking on a few exercises would do me fine.


I hate hate hate leg workouts.

Not because of the excercises themselves but because my legs are made of thin air or something and can't stand some intensity.

Doesn't help that I'm overweight and that my balance sucks mayor ass, seriously I spend a lot of the legs and back routines tumbling all over the place instead of doing the workout with good form.

Same for Yoga and lets not even talk about Plyo.

But whatever, gonna keep bringing it.

/end rant
I also hate leg workouts because they "hurt". Lower focus pulses, legs and back squats. I always assumed this meant they were doing a lot... They had better be!


I also hate leg workouts because they "hurt". Lower focus pulses, legs and back squats. I always assumed this meant they were doing a lot... They had better be!

Yeah, thats what the burn is supossed to be, sweet sweet burn.

On that same note, I've been thinking of taking a pre workout drink to boost performance but I've also read about how taking a daily dose of creatine helps the muscles to have a much bigger performance on the workouts, so what do you guys think of pure Micronized Creatine vs something like Muscle Pharm Assault? I know the MPA already has creatine but I also know that taking creatine before WO can cause bloating because of the water.

So much broscience, my head is spinning from all of it.


On that same note, I've been thinking of taking a pre workout drink to boost performance but I've also read about how taking a daily dose of creatine helps the muscles to have a much bigger performance on the workouts, so what do you guys think of pure Micronized Creatine vs something like Muscle Pharm Assault? I know the MPA already has creatine but I also know that taking creatine before WO can cause bloating because of the water.

Personally, I never noticed any water retention due to creatine, but it's temporary anyway, so I'd give it a go. Can't say it's helped me with the actual training, but being a vegetarian I kind of have to supplement. Plus, it's cheap.

Muscle Pharm Assault didn't yield any results for me and tastes awful, but YMMV. It's also a lot more expensive than creatine since you'll be taking much larger doses. My advice would be to try both, but not at the same so you can see what works for you.

I hated, hated, hated P90X leg day. It seemed to go on forever and - correct me if I'm wrong - was the only workout that you have to do every single week of the program. Next time I do P90X I think I'll sneak in Body Beast's leg routines every now and then.


Personally, I never noticed any water retention due to creatine, but it's temporary anyway, so I'd give it a go. Can't say it's helped me with the actual training, but being a vegetarian I kind of have to supplement. Plus, it's cheap.

Muscle Pharm Assault didn't yield any results for me and tastes awful, but YMMV. It's also a lot more expensive than creatine since you'll be taking much larger doses. My advice would be to try both, but not at the same so you can see what works for you.

I hated, hated, hated P90X leg day. It seemed to go on forever and - correct me if I'm wrong - was the only workout that you have to do every single week of the program. Next time I do P90X I think I'll sneak in Body Beast's leg routines every now and then.

I'm also starting on a creatine cycle. I also take BCAA as a pre-P90X2 workout and protein shake post workout

Thanks, right now I'm on a limited budget so I guess it makes sense for me to go with the cheaper option for the moment (besides everything here costs an arm and a leg) so for now I will try creatine and will keep eating a tbs of peanut butter before the workouts, but will follow the suggestion of trying Assault later on.


Yeah, thats what the burn is supossed to be, sweet sweet burn.

On that same note, I've been thinking of taking a pre workout drink to boost performance but I've also read about how taking a daily dose of creatine helps the muscles to have a much bigger performance on the workouts, so what do you guys think of pure Micronized Creatine vs something like Muscle Pharm Assault? I know the MPA already has creatine but I also know that taking creatine before WO can cause bloating because of the water.

So much broscience, my head is spinning from all of it.
When I worked out I took NO Xplode and Beast Creature 30 minutes before working out and then I took another scoop of Beast Creature and some Syntha 6 Whey Protein 30 minutes after working out. It worked great for me and I saw awesome results.


Hang out with Steve.
A little more P90X3 info:

- 90 days of course
- 30 minute workouts
- Separate warm-up video if you need it
- Tony: "The science shows that the bulk of the results come in the first 30 minutes of exercise anyway"
- There's an MMX routine
- Four alternative schedules -- classic, lean, mass, doubles
- Not considered a "graduate program" of P90X or P90X2.

Still scheduled for December of this year. I've heard December 10th but that's not official.

And to commemorate the P90X3 announcement, they're putting both the P90X and P90X2 Challenge Packson sale for $180 for the entire month of October. Normally they cost $205, or $250 + shipping if you bought the workout program and Shakeology separately. Shipping on challenge packs is always free.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I may consider myself done with T-25 and jump into a T-25/Insanity hybrid so I can end just about when P90X3 hits. The hybrid schedule is on the T-25 calendar right? I thought I saw something about it.

I enjoyed T-25 for sure, and saw some results but mostly in my arms and core. Didn't so much for my spare tire. I'm thinking adding Insanity will help.


Hang out with Steve.
I may consider myself done with T-25 and jump into a T-25/Insanity hybrid so I can end just about when P90X3 hits. The hybrid schedule is on the T-25 calendar right? I thought I saw something about it.

Not on the printed T25 calendar or in the SuperGym. I haven't seen any T25/Insanity hybrids schedules online.

I'm thinking of doing one with my wife after we finish Gamma in a couple weeks though -- I'd incorporate the strength workouts from Beta and Gamma with Insanity workouts. But I haven't planned it out yet.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Not on the printed T25 calendar or in the SuperGym. I haven't seen any T25/Insanity hybrids schedules online.

I'm thinking of doing one with my wife after we finish Gamma in a couple weeks though -- I'd incorporate the strength workouts from Beta and Gamma with Insanity workouts. But I haven't planned it out yet.

Hmm, what was the hybrid that came with T-25? Was it with P90X? Maybe I'll do that then.

May take this week "off" and do some running while it's still nice, then start up the hybrid next week.


Not on the printed T25 calendar or in the SuperGym. I haven't seen any T25/Insanity hybrids schedules online.

I'm thinking of doing one with my wife after we finish Gamma in a couple weeks though -- I'd incorporate the strength workouts from Beta and Gamma with Insanity workouts. But I haven't planned it out yet.
I'm planning on doing something like this, to help prevent Insanity burnout. Essentially:
- Max Interval Training
- Max Plyo
- Max Cardio.

once per week each, with some T25 sprinkled in. I will probably change out one of the Max days with Core Cardio and Balance, Sports Training, or Recovery days every now and then.

You mentioned an MMX routine for P90X3, what is that exactly? I understand MMX in two contexts: Megaman X and the computer instruction set. XD
You mentioned an MMX routine for P90X3, what is that exactly? I understand MMX in two contexts: Megaman X and the computer instruction set. XD

That is what I was wondering. I was thinking lots of jumps and slides.

But based on a couple of youtube videos it looks like a boxing/kempo/MMA themed workout?


Hang out with Steve.
I'm planning on doing something like this, to help prevent Insanity burnout. Essentially:
- Max Interval Training
- Max Plyo
- Max Cardio.

once per week each, with some T25 sprinkled in. I will probably change out one of the Max days with Core Cardio and Balance, Sports Training, or Recovery days every now and then.

You mentioned an MMX routine for P90X3, what is that exactly? I understand MMX in two contexts: Megaman X and the computer instruction set. XD

I'm assuming it's some sort of mixed martial arts, "X" (as in P90X3) style. Tony demonstrated his favorite move from it, elbow strike/downward strike/sprawl (Burpee)/stand.
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