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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I was almost done with Body Beast (had like two weeks left) when I started getting worried, it was like my body wasn't recovering well at all, I felt weak and slow. I'm guessing I pushed myself too hard. On top of that, I had a lot of work (was going into game dev crunch) and not sleeping well, which probably contributed to it. So I ended up taking a break, which lasted for about a month.
But as things have calmed down in life, I'm back to doing Body Beast again, about one month in now. I have some catching up to do and first week was hell of course, but it feels great to be back and posting in this thread again.
I'm starting to miss P90X2 though, haven't touched it since February (would be fun and probably very awkward and painful to do X2 Yoga now :D).


Hang out with Steve.
I was almost done with Body Beast (had like two weeks left) when I started getting worried, it was like my body wasn't recovering well at all, I felt weak and slow. I'm guessing I pushed myself too hard. On top of that, I had a lot of work (was going into game dev crunch) and not sleeping well, which probably contributed to it. So I ended up taking a break, which lasted for about a month.
But as things have calmed down in life, I'm back to doing Body Beast again, about one month in now. I have some catching up to do and first week was hell of course, but it feels great to be back and posting in this thread again.
I'm starting to miss P90X2 though, haven't touched it since February (would be fun and probably very awkward and painful to do X2 Yoga now :D).

Glad you're back into it! Game dev crunch is why I started doing Beachbody workouts in January of 2012 -- I'd gained 25lbs & reverted to bad eating habits :) A lack of sleep & increased stress will absolutely have an effect on your recovery. Your guess is probably correct. Might also be related to what you were eating during the time -- all that free pizza was hard to pass up for me!

I haven't done yoga for a while either. My wife & I are doing a second round of Focus T25 Gamma right now, maybe I should rotate in an X2 Yoga here & there. We're going to have about a month or so after we finish before P90X3 rolls in, can't wait for that!


Restarting P90X again, after a year. I've gained some weight after all the hard work I put into the program. Wish me luck guys. Will post in the thread to maintain my motivation.


Hang out with Steve.
Today at my Fit Club at work, we all did the Insanity Fit Test. I hadn't done it since finishing Insanity on 6/10/12, so it's been a long time. Here are my Fit Test results during Insanity:
Switch Kicks (count left leg): 45/67/65/71/70
Power Jacks: 40/56/57/64/71
Power Knees: 100/96/110/110/122
Power Jumps: 37/46/46/71/73
Globe Jumps: 9/12/13/13/13
Suicide Jumps: 12/19/20/22/22
Push-up Jacks: 28/39/42/45/39
Low-plank Obliques: 78/82/75/95/93

I did not look up these old results before doing the Fit Test today. Here's what I did today:
Switch Kicks (count left leg): 71 (+1)
Power Jacks: 60 (-11)
Power Knees: 121 (-1)
Power Jumps: 96!! (+23)
Globe Jumps: 12 (-1)
Suicide Jumps: 20 (-2)
Push-up Jacks: 45 (+6)
Low-Plank Obliques: 72 (-21)

Just thought it was an interesting set of results, having just completed an entire round of Focus T25 Alpha/Beta/Gamma. Since finishing Insanity, I've also done P90X, Asylum Volume 1, P90X2, Les Mills Combat, Body Beast and then Focus T25.

Can't believe those power jumps! I might have pushed harder in some of the moves if I'd known my old results.
I thought Alpha was pretty darn good, so I was looking forward to picking up the pace and continuing to get strong results. Now that I'm done, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the program. As per before, nothing too original here and sorry if it is a bit long, but it is what it is.


General Thoughts and Results

First, final before and after shot of the entire T25 program:


It would be easy to look at that and be a bit disappointed. Of course taking a before and after shot that isn't complete bullshit is a bit of an art, but I'm telling it like it is here. In terms of weight, I've dropped from 91kg down to 89 or 88 on a good day. It isn't a whole lot but it is in line with my expectations given my starting point.

Fitness wise I am feeling a lot better cardio-wise. As mentioned previously I got through my end goal of Tough Mudder without too much difficulty, which is a great endorsement for the beachbody products. These programs will do a job for you, albeit one that could also be done elsewhere.

In short, Beta was an inconsistent program for me. There were some high points in the workouts, but also some much lower. Where as Alpha felt like it did a great job of getting the body ready for Beta; Beta really suffered from the same lack of focus and ultimately didn't deliver quite what I was after.

Some general thoughts:

  • Production is still top-notch and Shaun and the supporting cast are great. Even Tanya picks things up this round and there is a lot less modifying to be done (useful for those modifying to date).
  • Like Alpha, the program is too long, if only by about a week this time. The last week in particular felt like a waste of time (more on Rip'T circuit later) so it might be an idea to wrap it up early.
  • Of the five workouts, only Dynamic Core and Upper Focus are of any great value. I feel they make Core Cardio and Rip't Circuit largely redundant, which is something that didn't really happen in the Alpha round.
  • The lack of focus on stretching is a real weakness of the program. In particular in Beta, stretches are recycled from the previous rounds. Whilst Shaun telling you that you are working your neck during lower focus makes sense, the exact same thing during an upper body workout just stands out as sloppy production.

That all sounds a bit negative. Let me be clear right now in saying the T25 Beta is not a "bad" program or a waste of time, it is just an unfocused one. You'll get fitter, no doubt about that, but with increasingly diminished returns. For example the addition of weights into upper focus is welcome, but they are really only used for a couple of bicep and shoulder exercises that will be nothing compared to lifting real weights at the gym. Personally I'd rather do Speed 2.0 and then hit the weights before or after to get some real gains in that regard.

Similarly the cardio workouts are difficult, but don't feel like they build on Alpha. Often they are just the hard moves all over again, the same moves you have already got used to and have mastered. What this means is that the "next level" just never eventuated. You'll certainly keep your fitness up, but you will not be expanding too much on anything here.

Where I think T25 Beta has real value is in being inserted into other similar programs. Once you have the moves down over a few weeks, you could easily start to use one of a morning before your later workout or sport. This is because they all do a decent job in their own way, it just all doesn't come together as a whole.

Workout Reviews

  • Core Cardio: Basically this workout is air planks (ouch) and shuffle burpies (ouch, ouch) and not a lot else. You'll barely get the heart rate up through most of it and if you can push through the two hard sets (which you should be able to after alpha) the rest is really clear sailing. To me the poorest workout in T25.
  • Speed 2.0: This workout is way too easy. On the other hand? It is also the most fun of the entire T25 program. It will not change your life, but it is a keeper and one to work into other programs.
  • Ript't Circuit: Replaces Total Body Circuit as the "hard one" that you need to do three times in the last week. The catch is that it really isn't that hard at all. You do a bit of everything, but not much of anything and it'll leave you wanting. It isn't terrible and is still a decent all-around set of moves, but it is nothing like the Alpha equivalent and should have been a lot tougher.
  • Upper Focus: Takes the upper body moves of Ript't circuit and really ramps it up. It isn't a real upper body workout, but it is good enough to keep you going or as a warm-up to something a bit more intense. A good all around workout and one to keep hold of.
  • Dynamic Core: The abs workout, which ironically has more cardio than core cardio. It has a lot of tough moves during the great middle section, but suffers a bit during the side plank sequence. Superman is a good move, but the added pulses just seems like adding something for the sake of adding something. Still, the ending is tough and it will leave you feeling like you put in the work. Probably the best all around workout of Beta.

To summarise all that? Upper Focus and Dynamic Core are the keepers with Speed 2.0 representing a fun little diversion to do here and there. Core Cardio and Ript't Circuit are decent workouts, but you can do a lot better with your time in T25 alone, let alone other programs.


Focus T25 Beta is an enjoyable program even if the pieces don't really come together. Beyond the lazy stretching, the production values are high and Shaun T is amazing and in even better form than Insanity. But even more than Alpha, it'll leave you wanting to move on quickly to something more challenging or focused.

In a sense, this sums up T25 as a complete package. It isn't an end to your fitness, or even a clear step on the path like P90X. I feel it is something you will do, enjoy and then move onto something completely different whilst adding a few good workouts to your new routines.

There are great workouts to be found here and you will get fitter, but the lack of focus is T25 ... umm ... focus' major issue. If you are looking for something to fill a gap in your repertoire or to just keep your fitness up during the off season? Check it out.


Hang out with Steve.
Nice write-up, toddhunter!

I pretty much agree. Alpha: Total Body Circuit is the toughest workout in both phases. Especially if you go deep into those squats & lunges. One thing they stress throughout Beta is to focus on your core, no matter what move you're doing, and that does make things a little more challenging (along with as always going deep into lunges & squats, and exaggerating the hips forward when you stand up from a squat, that sort of thing).

And Speed 2.0 is SO much fun. It really is one of my favorite workouts.

You should try Gamma now. And do the Pure Strength schedule, which incorporates Total Body Circuit, Upper Focus, Dynamic Core and Rip'T Circuit.
PAP lower oh my god my legs are dead. Didnt help that I did base and back the day before yesterday. The hardest move for me surprisingly was the side bridge leg left. I can only hold it for 15 secs before crashing
Pretty keen to try Gamma... But might leave it a few months. It is coming up to Summer here so keen to get out and about before it gets too hot.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I think I'm going to start my cardio-heavy plan next week as allergies are killing me this week, I'm tired, and I am heading out of town Friday so it'd be a shorter week.

What's a good workout to do to still burn some good calories but have it not be as intense since I'm feeling a bit under the weather? Was thinking Kenpo or something.
PAP lower oh my god my legs are dead. Didnt help that I did base and back the day before yesterday. The hardest move for me surprisingly was the side bridge leg left. I can only hold it for 15 secs before crashing

That's in the top five hardest moves of any beachbody workout I've done, in my opinion. The rest of PAP lower got really easy by the time I wrapped up P90X2 but I could barely hold that side bridge for 30 seconds at my absolute best.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Was looking up calories burned in P90X workouts, apparently Kenpo is meant to be 600? Is that the highest calorie count?

Most people seem down on Kenpo so I always assumed it was because they didn't think it was that great for burning calories. 600 is a ton. I'll do it more if this is the case.


I'm on the skinny side and try to put on weight while working out. I hear Insanity is pretty great but also is cardio heavy. Should I avoid it until I'm done bulking up?


Hang out with Steve.
Was looking up calories burned in P90X workouts, apparently Kenpo is meant to be 600? Is that the highest calorie count?

Most people seem down on Kenpo so I always assumed it was because they didn't think it was that great for burning calories. 600 is a ton. I'll do it more if this is the case.

That seems arbitrary. Calories burned depends on your age, weight, gender, overall fitness and level of effort. The only real way to know is to wear a heart rate monitor, have accurate inputs to the calorie formula, and measure it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
That seems arbitrary. Calories burned depends on your age, weight, gender, overall fitness and level of effort. The only real way to know is to wear a heart rate monitor, have accurate inputs to the calorie formula, and measure it.

Yeah, it just seemed like the general consensus is that Kenpo is one of the higher calorie burning workouts in P90X. Which is great because I enjoy it. I just never did it as much because it seemed people were down on it a lot, so I figured it wasn't as good of a workout as the rest.
Lost 10 pounds in 5 days.

Insanity + strict diet (Brocolli, other veggies. No meat. Water)

Stopped smoking and drinking.

Feels fucking good, man.
So, I'm in the last week of the second phase of Body Beast. I will be done with the program a little before Thanksgiving. I was thinking of taking that Thanksgiving break off and either doing P90X2 (done twice) or Insanity a shot (done about 3 times).

Then I got to thinking, why not give Asylum a shot? The 30 days seems like a good set time for me because I'll be able to start around Thanksgiving and finish around Christmas. I see there is an Asylum 1 and 2 already though. For anyone that has done both, could you write up any positives/negatives of either one? I mean, I can only do one at a time, so which one would you go with?

EDIT: If it makes a difference, aside from "looking good" one of the main reasons I work out is because I enjoy playing pick up basketball. So, if one of those programs is "better" at developing agility/speed, that would be a plus


I want to start P90X. I've done it 50% of the way through before, and I have all the equipment necessary to start again.


Since the last time I've done this, I have moved into a new apartment, and there is literally no place I can put my in-door-frame pull-up bar. And not only that, but I can't find a place (yet alone a stable place) in which to place the bands as a substitute.

Any suggestions here? I don't want to just skip some of the most important back exercises, but I'm truly at a loss here.

Edit: I've noticed there are some dumbbell routines that can be substitutes. Is this wiser than using bands? I keep hearing bands are less effective than dumbbells but I've also heard the opposite. What's my best second choice? If it's bands, I would most definitely try to go with some suggestions on what exactly I can use (or buy) in order to have a place to wrap these around. Unfortunately, there are no conveniently located hooks/bars in my apartment in which to wrap them around....is there something I can rig up? I'm not too handy....

Edit2: Like, what is this guy using???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEue6ovExnE
Any suggestions here? I don't want to just skip some of the most important back exercises, but I'm truly at a loss here.

I'd pick up a pullup stand, something like this:


If you check out your local trading post equivalent, you can generally pick up exercise equipment pretty easily. It'll save stuffing around with doors and bands.


Was looking up calories burned in P90X workouts, apparently Kenpo is meant to be 600? Is that the highest calorie count?

Most people seem down on Kenpo so I always assumed it was because they didn't think it was that great for burning calories. 600 is a ton. I'll do it more if this is the case.

It can be a great (and fun) workout, but I personally find Kenpo too easy if left unmodified. I usually strap on weights on my legs and do a lot more punches than instructed, about 1,5 to 2 times the amount.


Finally decided to get (back) in to shape and I started T25 2 weeks ago. I've tried workout programs many years ago (P90X being one of them) but I usually gave up on them after a week or so from falling behind or time commitments. So far I'm keeping up with T25 and I think a big part of it is that the workouts are short but also enjoyable. I plan to start the Beta program right after Alpha so I can finish in time for the Christmas holidays. I'll then go with Gamma in the new year if I can get it as a Christmas gift.

I also just read about P90X3 in this thread. I'll wait for impressions from you guys but with 30 minute workouts now, I could see myself taking another crack at "P90X" after I complete T25.

Anyone think they should have called it P30X instead of P90X3?


Hang out with Steve.
There are rumors that a T25 Delta phase is in the works. I haven't heard anything official on this. Between P90X3 and the new 21 day workout coming in February I'd be surprised if it'll be here/announced any time soon, but I'll post if I hear anything different.

Also, Shaun T has been doing filming for a new Insanity infomercial. That may be the source of some rumors about an update to Insanity itself. As far as I know it's just for a new infomercial.


There are rumors that a T25 Delta phase is in the works. I haven't heard anything official on this. Between P90X3 and the new 21 day workout coming in February I'd be surprised if it'll be here/announced any time soon, but I'll post if I hear anything different.

Also, Shaun T has been doing filming for a new Insanity infomercial. That may be the source of some rumors about an update to Insanity itself. As far as I know it's just for a new infomercial.
I definitely wouldn't mind an Insanity update, though. Switch up the stretches, hopefully not forget to do one in one of the videos, etc. XD


Hope you all are still pressing that play button. I'm currently just working with heavy heavy weights.. I hope to get p90x3 when it comes out but it will depend where I am as far as weight and lifting goals I have set. I'm going to hold off until I do meet those goals.


Hey guys,

Alright, I think I'm finally all ready to begin P90X. I'm really nervous I'm going to give up partway through, so I'm going to try to make this my go-to place for encouragement :(

Anyway, I'm trying to get away from the super technical stuff, as it always just discourages me when I try to think of precise numbers and such, but here's what I think you guys ought to know:

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Body Fat Percentage (using only a fat calliper): ~9.5%
Daily Caloric Goal: 2500
Current Physique: Scrawny with a belly pouch of fat
Ultimate Goal: To get in shape and look good, of course. I want noticeable results.

Eating the right foods in enough quantities is going to be a hurdle of mine. I'm worried I'm not going to be able to eat enough throughout the day in order to build muscle. I should be okay, though, if I really apply what little free time I have to making good meals. Gonna be tough. 2 jobs + P90X + cooking is going to take up almost all of my time.

Also, I took a 'before picture' but I won't post it until I take my second picture in 30 days.

Anything I'm forgetting, here? Anything I have WRONG going in? I feel semi-unprepared but I'm not sure what else I need to begin...

Day 1 is tomorrow before I head into work. Should I eat breakfast before or after the workout?

I also think I'm going to "weigh in" (lololo) on this thread after every workout to report my progress and get feedback, if that's cool :)


Nah, it's still 90 days.
Yeah I guess. I'm just thinking calling it X3 might put off people that never did X or X2. If it is not the next step up but rather a 30 minute offshoot, maybe a name like P90S might have been better. As long as they get the message out though the name don't matter.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I think I may just start Insanity again. Since my vacation in May I have gained about 7-10lbs depending on the day. Some of it is some muscle from T-25, but I know based on my eating that a lot is fat. I need a program that will help me drop back down to around 200 lbs where I need to be.

Lost 10 pounds in 5 days.

Insanity + strict diet (Brocolli, other veggies. No meat. Water)

Stopped smoking and drinking.

Feels fucking good, man.

5 days? Damn. I could do the same but I don't think I'd lose any weight. During the week I already eat great yet I never seem to lose any weight. We'll see when I start back up Insanity.


I think I may just start Insanity again. Since my vacation in May I have gained about 7-10lbs depending on the day. Some of it is some muscle from T-25, but I know based on my eating that a lot is fat. I need a program that will help me drop back down to around 200 lbs where I need to be.
Just started Insanity again this morning, it would be helpful to have someone to help keep me accountable too, especially when it comes to food.

I've been doing it on and off for months (realistically I've probably completed it twice over) but I've skipped days, taken a few days off here and there. I'd like to do it start-to-finish this time.

We should help track each others' progress via PM. I know it would definitely help me.

Pyrokai said:
Hey guys,

Alright, I think I'm finally all ready to begin P90X. I'm really nervous I'm going to give up partway through, so I'm going to try to make this my go-to place for encouragement :(

Anyway, I'm trying to get away from the super technical stuff, as it always just discourages me when I try to think of precise numbers and such, but here's what I think you guys ought to know:

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Body Fat Percentage (using only a fat calliper): ~9.5%
Daily Caloric Goal: 2500
Current Physique: Scrawny with a belly pouch of fat
Ultimate Goal: To get in shape and look good, of course. I want noticeable results.

Eating the right foods in enough quantities is going to be a hurdle of mine. I'm worried I'm not going to be able to eat enough throughout the day in order to build muscle. I should be okay, though, if I really apply what little free time I have to making good meals. Gonna be tough. 2 jobs + P90X + cooking is going to take up almost all of my time.

Also, I took a 'before picture' but I won't post it until I take my second picture in 30 days.

Anything I'm forgetting, here? Anything I have WRONG going in? I feel semi-unprepared but I'm not sure what else I need to begin...

Day 1 is tomorrow before I head into work. Should I eat breakfast before or after the workout?

I also think I'm going to "weigh in" (lololo) on this thread after every workout to report my progress and get feedback, if that's cool :)
Good luck! Some general advice--don't eat a full meal directly before you work out. A lot of people here will eat just a tablespoon of peanut butter just to keep your stomach from growling.

Don't worry too much about reaching calorie goals, either. Just eat a nutritionally-sound diet (emphasis on protein, de-emphasis on carbs, lots of veggies, beans, and lean meat). Also, cooking meals in advance will probably really help you. Just cook 10 chicken breasts on Sunday and re-heat them throughout the week for meals. That kind of thing.

I'd also recommend using protein powder and bars (since you're emphasizing muscle and mass gain), they really helped me. I use Syntha-6 protein powder with creatine, and I usually have a Quest Bar in the afternoon.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just started Insanity again this morning, it would be helpful to have someone to help keep me accountable too, especially when it comes to food.

I've been doing it on and off for months (realistically I've probably completed it twice over) but I've skipped days, taken a few days off here and there. I'd like to do it start-to-finish this time.

We should help track each others' progress via PM. I know it would definitely help me.

Sounds good.

Due to weekend eating/traveling, etc. I have eaten terribly on most weekends. So I need to get that fixed and get on a workout that will burn a bunch of calories and get me back in shape.


Hey guys,

Alright, I think I'm finally all ready to begin P90X. I'm really nervous I'm going to give up partway through, so I'm going to try to make this my go-to place for encouragement :(

Anyway, I'm trying to get away from the super technical stuff, as it always just discourages me when I try to think of precise numbers and such, but here's what I think you guys ought to know:

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Body Fat Percentage (using only a fat calliper): ~9.5%
Daily Caloric Goal: 2500
Current Physique: Scrawny with a belly pouch of fat
Ultimate Goal: To get in shape and look good, of course. I want noticeable results.

Eating the right foods in enough quantities is going to be a hurdle of mine. I'm worried I'm not going to be able to eat enough throughout the day in order to build muscle. I should be okay, though, if I really apply what little free time I have to making good meals. Gonna be tough. 2 jobs + P90X + cooking is going to take up almost all of my time.

Also, I took a 'before picture' but I won't post it until I take my second picture in 30 days.

Anything I'm forgetting, here? Anything I have WRONG going in? I feel semi-unprepared but I'm not sure what else I need to begin...

Day 1 is tomorrow before I head into work. Should I eat breakfast before or after the workout?

I also think I'm going to "weigh in" (lololo) on this thread after every workout to report my progress and get feedback, if that's cool :)

Some more advice:

- Don't go overboard with the water on the first day, you WILL want to puke mid workout if you do this.
- Go at your own pace and modify when necessary, there is no need to rush to be at the same place the guys in the videos are, you will get there eventually.
- SLEEEEEP, I hate I cannot find enough time to do this and it really affects my performance, so try to get as much sleep as possible.
- Drink lots of water through the day, I'm guilty of not doing this so lately I've really been paying attention.
- As said, if you feel you have problems reaching your protein intake for the day you can use protein shakes/bars as supplements, but try not to depend entirely on these and get most of your needs from food, then the rest from supplements.
- If you workout in the nights after dinner, wait some 2-3 hours before workout but try not to procrastinate it too much or you will end up doing them too late / too tired. Not that I do this... err....

Congrats on taking the initiative! and every time that you need motivation you are welcome to come here :)


Sounds good.

Due to weekend eating/traveling, etc. I have eaten terribly on most weekends. So I need to get that fixed and get on a workout that will burn a bunch of calories and get me back in shape.
The weekend is my bad time too, especially during football season.

I'll shoot you a PM soon.


Good luck! Some general advice--don't eat a full meal directly before you work out. A lot of people here will eat just a tablespoon of peanut butter just to keep your stomach from growling.

Don't worry too much about reaching calorie goals, either. Just eat a nutritionally-sound diet (emphasis on protein, de-emphasis on carbs, lots of veggies, beans, and lean meat). Also, cooking meals in advance will probably really help you. Just cook 10 chicken breasts on Sunday and re-heat them throughout the week for meals. That kind of thing.

I'd also recommend using protein powder and bars (since you're emphasizing muscle and mass gain), they really helped me. I use Syntha-6 protein powder with creatine, and I usually have a Quest Bar in the afternoon.

Some more advice:

- Don't go overboard with the water on the first day, you WILL want to puke mid workout if you do this.
- Go at your own pace and modify when necessary, there is no need to rush to be at the same place the guys in the videos are, you will get there eventually.
- SLEEEEEP, I hate I cannot find enough time to do this and it really affects my performance, so try to get as much sleep as possible.
- Drink lots of water through the day, I'm guilty of not doing this so lately I've really been paying attention.
- As said, if you feel you have problems reaching your protein intake for the day you can use protein shakes/bars as supplements, but try not to depend entirely on these and get most of your needs from food, then the rest from supplements.
- If you workout in the nights after dinner, wait some 2-3 hours before workout but try not to procrastinate it too much or you will end up doing them too late / too tired. Not that I do this... err....

Congrats on taking the initiative! and every time that you need motivation you are welcome to come here :)

Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm about to start my Day 3 routine. First day wasn't so great. I thought I was pacing myself for the first half of the video like he kept telling me to do, but then the second half of the video came and I couldn't even do 1-2 reps on some of the exercises. It was absolutely pathetic. I'm sooooo weak and I can't emphasize that enough to you guys :( .

This is normal...right?

Same story with my first time with Ab Ripper. Pathetic play on my part.

Day 2 I did Plyo. Cardio is my strong-suit so while it was really, hard, I was mostly able to keep up. The downside was that I had to cut it short by about 20 minutes because I would have been late for work in the morning. This is really, really difficult balancing the time to do this with two jobs AND get enough sleep. I realize sleep is key for me.

Also, as far as protein, I'm eating a Quest Bar, having a recovery drink, and almost doubling my egg intake (4-5 eggs a day) along with meals primarily of meat + veggies. Very little carbs, but I am eating occasional fruit and Larabars. Am I overdoing it in the protein department or am I "doggin'" it, as Tony would say?

And now off to do my Day 3 routine!
Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm about to start my Day 3 routine. First day wasn't so great. I thought I was pacing myself for the first half of the video like he kept telling me to do, but then the second half of the video came and I couldn't even do 1-2 reps on some of the exercises. It was absolutely pathetic. I'm sooooo weak and I can't emphasize that enough to you guys :( .

This is normal...right?

Same story with my first time with Ab Ripper. Pathetic play on my part.

Yeah all normal. If you could do all the workouts perfectly at the start there wouldn't be a lot of point in it!

For reference I was doing things like 5 diamond pushups on me knees at the start. By the end I was doing 10 properly. With ab ripper I was dying at 30 mason twists. At the end I was churning out 80 just because I could.

God Enel

Some more advice:

- SLEEEEEP, I hate I cannot find enough time to do this and it really affects my performance, so try to get as much sleep as possible

One of the most important things. Make sure to get enough of it. Imho it's my number one reason to skip a training day. Thankfully this round of p90x I'm having no problem with it as I'm going to bed a little bit earlier.

And don't be frustrated if you don't see and results after some weeks. You will see them in time and in the numbers you're crackin'.


One of the most important things. Make sure to get enough of it. Imho it's my number one reason to skip a training day. Thankfully this round of p90x I'm having no problem with it as I'm going to bed a little bit earlier.

And don't be frustrated if you don't see and results after some weeks. You will see them in time and in the numbers you're crackin'.

Yeah, I've been making it a priority. I average about 7 hours of sleep, and honestly that's about the max I can sleep and have enough time for other things. Is that enough?

Also, since you mentioned skipping a training day, I think today I'm going to have to skip Yoga. It's so long and once I get back from my jobs today, I'll have to go straight to bed. Unfortunate, I know....but I hope this is a rarity for me :(

Also, I'm not worried about getting results. It's probably my imagination but

Yeah all normal. If you could do all the workouts perfectly at the start there wouldn't be a lot of point in it!

For reference I was doing things like 5 diamond pushups on me knees at the start. By the end I was doing 10 properly. With ab ripper I was dying at 30 mason twists. At the end I was churning out 80 just because I could.

This makes me feel way better. I'm about on par with this, maybe slightly worse.

Also, any idea on a good protein intake for the day? I was reading that I should have 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight....and that seems crazy high to me. That's nearly 200g of protein! I don't know how I can get that much per day lol


Thanks for the advice, guys! I'm about to start my Day 3 routine. First day wasn't so great. I thought I was pacing myself for the first half of the video like he kept telling me to do, but then the second half of the video came and I couldn't even do 1-2 reps on some of the exercises. It was absolutely pathetic. I'm sooooo weak and I can't emphasize that enough to you guys :( .

This is normal...right?

Same story with my first time with Ab Ripper. Pathetic play on my part.

Day 2 I did Plyo. Cardio is my strong-suit so while it was really, hard, I was mostly able to keep up. The downside was that I had to cut it short by about 20 minutes because I would have been late for work in the morning. This is really, really difficult balancing the time to do this with two jobs AND get enough sleep. I realize sleep is key for me.

Also, as far as protein, I'm eating a Quest Bar, having a recovery drink, and almost doubling my egg intake (4-5 eggs a day) along with meals primarily of meat + veggies. Very little carbs, but I am eating occasional fruit and Larabars. Am I overdoing it in the protein department or am I "doggin'" it, as Tony would say?

And now off to do my Day 3 routine!

I'd say that if you feel you are eating enough protein in your day then you probably are, then again I could be off too since I don't count it, but I don't think it's easy to overdo protein so don't sweat it.

Remember that since you are working out then the occasional (complex carbs) will help instead of hurt but there is people that still do very well with little to no carbs through their day, so YMMV.

Yeah, I've been making it a priority. I average about 7 hours of sleep, and honestly that's about the max I can sleep and have enough time for other things. Is that enough?

Also, since you mentioned skipping a training day, I think today I'm going to have to skip Yoga. It's so long and once I get back from my jobs today, I'll have to go straight to bed. Unfortunate, I know....but I hope this is a rarity for me :(

Yeah, you should be golden with 7-7:30.

If you skipped Yoga try to fit it somewhere else in your weekly schedule as I think it is very important for strength / balance/ flexibility / core (Tony says so himself), but if you can't really find the time for Yoga at all then do at least the first half of the video (until the end of the moving asanas, or the balance postures that are just three exercises).

One of the most important things. Make sure to get enough of it. Imho it's my number one reason to skip a training day. Thankfully this round of p90x I'm having no problem with it as I'm going to bed a little bit earlier.

And don't be frustrated if you don't see and results after some weeks. You will see them in time and in the numbers you're crackin'.

Y...yeah... That was me yesteday :( I do make it up in the rest of the week but I'd rather not have to, at least I got enough sleep for today and it's one of my "personal favorites"! (Biceps and back).


Hang out with Steve.
scuba steve,

i'm ready to jump into T25 after 2 rounds of insanity. What do I need to buy to get a proper workout.

For Alpha you won't need anything, except maybe a yoga mat for floor work.
For Beta you'll want some dumbbells -- adjustable or a range of weights.

If you decide to go with Gamma, you'll need the dumbbells as well, and maybe a chin-up bar (some of the workouts one of the guys does work on the chin-up bar as an alternative).

They always have someone working with resistance bands too, and the program comes with one, but IMO dumbbells are much better.

One issue I have with the weight routines is that they use the same weights for every move -- and if you do that, you end up going to a lighter weight than you could for a lot of moves. So I usually set up my two pairs of adjustables to two different weights, a heavy & a light. Heavy for leg work, deadlifts, that sort of thing; light for shoulder presses/upper body work. But even that's not enough. I've had to "fail" down to my wife's 8lb dumbbells on occasion, which is really too light for those particular moves. So I ordered sets of 10, 12 and 15lbs dumbbells to augment my adjustables.

God Enel

Yeah, I've been making it a priority. I average about 7 hours of sleep, and honestly that's about the max I can sleep and have enough time for other things. Is that enough?

Also, since you mentioned skipping a training day, I think today I'm going to have to skip Yoga. It's so long and once I get back from my jobs today, I'll have to go straight to bed. Unfortunate, I know....but I hope this is a rarity for me :(

Also, I'm not worried about getting results. It's probably my imagination but

i think 7-8 hours is enough. i do sleep about the same amount of time.

do you have p90x2. if so replace yoga with yoga x2. it's much more fun and just an hour long.


Just finished X1 legs and back, nearly capping out the first full week of doing P90X in almost a year. Feeling appropriately sore and really happy to be doing this again (albeit modified to skip all the jumping workouts, subbing in cardio on machines instead due to condo-living).

Anyway, hi again P90X GAF! Will be posting more in the weeks ahead.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'd pick up a pullup stand, something like this:


If you check out your local trading post equivalent, you can generally pick up exercise equipment pretty easily. It'll save stuffing around with doors and bands.

Would this work on a carpet or would you need a hard floor to set it on?


Just finished X1 legs and back, nearly capping out the first full week of doing P90X in almost a year. Feeling appropriately sore and really happy to be doing this again (albeit modified to skip all the jumping workouts, subbing in cardio on machines instead due to condo-living).

Anyway, hi again P90X GAF! Will be posting more in the weeks ahead.

Hey Lane! Checked your progress pictures while reading the thread, you had some amazing progress man! I hope to get similar results in time.


Hey Lane! Checked your progress pictures while reading the thread, you had some amazing progress man! I hope to get similar results in time.

Aw that's rad, and thanks! Glad to know those albums still serve some purpose. How far into the program(s) are you? Hoping I can help others and keep myself motivated again via being active in the thread (and out of it!).


Aw that's rad, and thanks! Glad to know those albums still serve some purpose. How far into the program(s) are you? Hoping I can help others and keep myself motivated again via being active in the thread (and out of it!).

I'm at the end of the last week of phase 2 (extended by one week) and now onto the second recovery week, sadly I haven't taken progress pictures but I will do a second round of P90X after this one (and then move onto X2), then I'll start tracking visual progress.

I have noticed changes in the mirror and of course in my performance, most important of all I feel great so all is going well :) I was fat when I started, still am but less and will continue to improve.
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