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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


liking x3 so far. shorter workouts that are still very demanding. gotta say that as a veteran of p90x that yoga x3 is a bit of a joke

Yoga X3 is basically yoga for people who don't like yoga. I mean, even tip of the day for yoga X3 is something like "please don't skip this". Tony's getting desperate!


Hit Agility X3 again last night, and hit it hard. I'm getting a little better with the move sequences, and even though it isn't my favorite, I'm sticking with it.


Finished Insanity for the 2nd time around a week ago. Feels good, especialy because I can see the results :)

This time I've decided to kinda keep at it.
I did recovery week again, since I figured it might be useful, and then thought about doing the month 2 workouts, but 3 times per week, instead of 6.
So I did plyo, and quitted half way through...

After some thinking, I decided to try doing month 1 again, and it's really nice.
The workouts are still tough, but it ends quite quickly compared to month 2, and I feel good that I'm doing something.
You mean as in, not liking it or physically not feeling it (I doubt it's the latter)?

I'm guessing that you felt the same about Plyometrics and Plyocide.

At least in phase two it's rotated out for Triometrics; it seems more like Plyometrics in that it's the same exercises with increasing intensity.

I don't know if I like Agility X more than Plyocide or Plyometrics, but I do like that I'm doing something different.

Kind of feeling the long jumps at the end as well.
The latter. Of course I'll find a way to make it work. And I like plyometric except gap jumps Lol.


Pilates X is a strange beast. Seems very 'technical' to me, as in if you don't do it right you don't get a lot out of it. A lot of breathing, moreso than in Yoga. I found it hard at times, and quite fascinating, could feel it afterwards at least so I guess I did something right. Looking forward to future attempts!


Hang out with Steve.
I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks of Pilates X when you get to it. It's very different! No spoilers, I want you to go through it first :)

Edit: LOL Kiriku, simultaneous posting :)


I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks of Pilates X when you get to it. It's very different! No spoilers, I want you to go through it first :)

Edit: LOL Kiriku, simultaneous posting :)

Haha, as you said, it's very different. I had no idea what Pilates actually was before (only heard the name), I expected something like Yoga, but it's really not.
Love that they included it in P90X3, one of the best things about the P90X programs, I get to try out all kinds of new stuff that I probably would never care about otherwise.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Last day of Phase 1. Well, there's recovery week. Grrr.

The Warrior workout is 100% 1950s-1960s ABC Family/Disney cheese.


Pilates X is a strange beast. Seems very 'technical' to me, as in if you don't do it right you don't get a lot out of it. A lot of breathing, moreso than in Yoga. I found it hard at times, and quite fascinating, could feel it afterwards at least so I guess I did something right. Looking forward to future attempts!

Breathing is - or should be - a huge part of yoga, even if most yoga videos (the P90 series included) don't pay it as much attention as they should.

Not a fan of Pilates X to be honest. I understand that they wanted to avoid the criticism they got for X2, but Pilates without all the props is boring and probably not as effective.


Breathing is - or should be - a huge part of yoga, even if most yoga videos (the P90 series included) don't pay it as much attention as they should.

Not a fan of Pilates X to be honest. I understand that they wanted to avoid the criticism they got for X2, but Pilates without all the props is boring and probably not as effective.

Honestly, breathing should be a huge part of your consciousness when doing any rep for any exercise. Form is important, and breathing correctly throughout the form is critical to getting the most out of your sets.
Can't afford P90X3 at the moment, but decided (actually just today) that if I ever get busy and can't do a full workout, I can do the 10 min workouts Tony has on Youtube and do time twice or thrice.

I did the arms today for two times - it's that good old feeling from P90X of feeling a rushed and getting my ass kicked because the exercises are so integrated!


Starting with P90X3 today.
Is it ok to complement the workout with protein shakes right away? I still have a lot left from when I did Insanity last summer. (I bought them month 2)


Starting with P90X3 today.
Is it ok to complement the workout with protein shakes right away? I still have a lot left from when I did Insanity last summer. (I bought them month 2)

I would say it depends on your level of fitness and what your protein needs are.

Generally, I'd say doing any of the P90X routines means that you're going to have a need for extra protein. However, whether or not you're getting enough depends on what else you're consuming in your diet.

I'm being really general here, but if you're generally eating right, then you're probably getting close to your protein needs and you probably need about 25g or so more of protein a day for X3. If you're doing full on P90X, then you might need 25g-50g more.

Be careful though, if you take too much protein, then your body will look to consume that for calories instead of fat/carbs, and that's a result that you absolutely don't want.

If you have some way of measuring your muscle mass (there are scales that do this, although they aren't super accurate, but that's not important, you just want the delta) then I'd experiment during the different phases of X3.


I would say it depends on your level of fitness and what your protein needs are.

Generally, I'd say doing any of the P90X routines means that you're going to have a need for extra protein. However, whether or not you're getting enough depends on what else you're consuming in your diet.

I'm being really general here, but if you're generally eating right, then you're probably getting close to your protein needs and you probably need about 25g or so more of protein a day for X3. If you're doing full on P90X, then you might need 25g-50g more.

Be careful though, if you take too much protein, then your body will look to consume that for calories instead of fat/carbs, and that's a result that you absolutely don't want.

If you have some way of measuring your muscle mass (there are scales that do this, although they aren't super accurate, but that's not important, you just want the delta) then I'd experiment during the different phases of X3.

I'm generally eating right but haven't done anything since last September so I'm pretty out of shape.
I figured it's better to use the first month without it and get back into the rhythm and build a foundation first.
Started X3 today (along with everyone else it seems!). I had gotten halfway through the original X a few months ago before I got sick for a week and never got back into it.

I really like the shorter time commitment, although there were moves in Total Synergistics that I had never seen before so I felt really lost at times. I'll get it though.


Just finished the first P90X3 workout. First impression is way better than T25 mainly because the moves aren't as complicated, one rotation and you got it. Also because with the pull up bar it seems to focus more on individual muscle groups. T25 was more about cardio (at least in the short time that I tried it) and because Tony is a nice change of pace comming from Insanity ( powa pushaaaap, oh god)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Rest days for the lose.

Isometrix done. Last downward dog move was hard. Tony cheesed up enough to make me lose focus with something where you were supposed to close your eyes. Otherwise surprisingly easy.

Moon Dog should be called Flying Hadoken.


Isometrix done. Last downward dog move was hard. Tony cheesed up enough to make me lose focus with something where you were supposed to close your eyes.

Tony pulling straight b-boy moves, and quite well I might add.

EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised if he's looked into it from a fitness perspective (you need crazy core and overall strength to do a lot of what b-boys do).


That Yoga dude in p90x3: I So want to be able to do the stuff he does. Some day! Mark my words!

At one point, he did some kind of handstand that I tried to do myself, I almost broke something and ended up laughing at how ridiculously hard it was. But yes, one day!


Just tried out triometrics for the first time. Damn, unless I'm totally out of shape with a fuzzy memory, that was at least plyo x/x2 level for me. Each move has three levels of intensity and I could barely manage some of the level 3 moves.


Isometrix done. Last downward dog move was hard. Tony cheesed up enough to make me lose focus with something where you were supposed to close your eyes. Otherwise surprisingly easy.
Tony definitely got me a few times during that routine; I fell out of a pose from laughing at one of this stupid jokes.


At one point, he did some kind of handstand that I tried to do myself, I almost broke something and ended up laughing at how ridiculously hard it was. But yes, one day!

Well, the cool thing is that I though that about the crow in P90X Yoga. The first time I saw it I was like "yeah, hell no"..but after the 90 days I was able to do crow for over 20 seconds. Totally determined to learn that one leg out stand thingie :D


power 90 ab ripper is too basic and too short.

should I do x1 or x2 ab ripper in its place? which do you guys prefer out of those two?

If you own both, why not alternate the two? That's what I did with Body Beast (whose abs workout is inexplicably easy).

That said, P90 abs may be simple (I don't own it), but sometimes the basic stuff is as effective if not more so than the fancy stuff they need to come up with to keep people interested. I wouldn't necessarily discount it.

Totally determined to learn that one leg out stand thingie :D

Galavasana is part of the 3rd series of Ashtanga so I estimate that less than 2% of yoga practitioners can do it. Ok, I pulled that number out of my ass, but the point is that it is quite advanced so I was VERY surprised to see it in P90x. There are quite a few "easier" postures like Mayurasana, Astavakrasana and a bunch of others whose names I'll never remember that one should master before even attempting Galavasana.


Galavasana is part of the 3rd series of Ashtanga so I estimate that less than 2% of yoga practitioners can do it. Ok, I pulled that number out of my ass, but the point is that it is quite advanced so I was VERY surprised to see it in P90x. There are quite a few "easier" postures like Mayurasana, Astavakrasana and a bunch of others whose names I'll never remember that one should master before even attempting Galavasana.

Don't crush my dreams! I can be super stubborn in stuff like that. I will do that thing even if it takes me years :p
power 90 ab ripper is too basic and too short.

should I do x1 or x2 ab ripper in its place? which do you guys prefer out of those two?

X2 is a lot better in my opinion. X1 always felt like a leg/lower back workout (which is fine, but didn't fit me).

If you do like X1, might I recommend "killer abs" from the Tony Horton one on one series. It is basically P90 abs and then P90X abs back to back, but the P90X abs are modified a little to make it more enjoyable.


The challenge is pure magic. While I still can't do proper pull-ups again (made it to three proper ones back in p90X) I am now back up to 20 consecutive push-ups. That's really awesome for me who loses strength faster than the average person :)


power 90 day 1 kicked my butt.

is that sad?

Hmmm, I remember how I was really having trouble with keeping my hands in the air for the whole time of the first cardio sequence. That was probably the hardest thing with it. :) And yoga was really weird encountering it for the first time, and Tony does go quickly through the flow, while I didn't even know what the upward-downward dog terminology means.

The challenge is pure magic. While I still can't do proper pull-ups again (made it to three proper ones back in p90X) I am now back up to 20 consecutive push-ups. That's really awesome for me who loses strength faster than the average person :)

I think the thing with loosing strength depends on how long you have been gaining it. Someone who did strength training for 5 year, will still be strong even after half a year of doing nothing, but after doing strength training for only 90 days or so, it's remarkable how fast you can lose what you gained.

Regarding pull-ups, my suggestion is to use the bands wrapped around feet for the assist. You get to exercise the same muscle with much less weight to pull.


Did a double workout yesterday, P90X3 and Insanity(- the warmup), that gave me around 1h of working out.
Don't know why, I just felt like it.
This could be my goto routine, x3 to work the muscles and insanity to loose fat


I think the thing with loosing strength depends on how long you have been gaining it. Someone who did strength training for 5 year, will still be strong even after half a year of doing nothing, but after doing strength training for only 90 days or so, it's remarkable how fast you can lose what you gained.

Regarding pull-ups, my suggestion is to use the bands wrapped around feet for the assist. You get to exercise the same muscle with much less weight to pull.

Losing strength has more to do with my illness which is degenerative in nature :)
So I am losing my strength faster in general.

I am doing negatives, use a chair and also use one of my bands around me knees to help me build up strength again. I think that's going to work well :)


Hang out with Steve.
Don't crush my dreams! I can be super stubborn in stuff like that. I will do that thing even if it takes me years :p

Great attitude! Having long term goals (in addition to shorter term one) is essential in staying motivated. I look forward to seeing your post about your success :)

X2 is a lot better in my opinion. X1 always felt like a leg/lower back workout (which is fine, but didn't fit me).

If you do like X1, might I recommend "killer abs" from the Tony Horton one on one series. It is basically P90 abs and then P90X abs back to back, but the P90X abs are modified a little to make it more enjoyable.

X1 feels more like a hip flexor workout. X2 is better, but X3 hits more of your core IMO.

The challenge is pure magic. While I still can't do proper pull-ups again (made it to three proper ones back in p90X) I am now back up to 20 consecutive push-ups. That's really awesome for me who loses strength faster than the average person :)

What are you using for your assisted pull-ups? Right now my wife is using a band with a door attachment while I use my lat tower. I have a chin-up max which is great, and once I install proper chin-up bars in the workout room so we can both do them at once, she'll use the chin-up max and/or a chair.

Did a double workout yesterday, P90X3 and Insanity(- the warmup), that gave me around 1h of working out.
Don't know why, I just felt like it.
This could be my goto routine, x3 to work the muscles and insanity to loose fat

Just make sure you get the proper fuel for your muscles to promote growth. You might want to consider an intra workout drink, I've used one that combines BCAA's with Creatine. And a post workout drink is probably a good idea. I use Shakeology for mine, and there's also Beachbody's Results & Recovery formula & lots of other brands.


What are you using for your assisted pull-ups? Right now my wife is using a band with a door attachment while I use my lat tower. I have a chin-up max which is great, and once I install proper chin-up bars in the workout room so we can both do them at once, she'll use the chin-up max and/or a chair.

I generally try to do one clean one without any help. I can almost do 1.5 now (in my third week) and then I do as many as I can either:

With help of a chair (I don't like this though, since it feels like way too much cheating)
Do negatives
Use one of my bands around me knee to help me. I have three different bands and I use the one with the least resistance

This is the pull-up bar I use. It works nicely if I decide to just switch to band alternatives (like Alice does in The Challenge). Generally though I try to do the pull-ups and not use the actual band alternatives.



Don't crush my dreams! I can be super stubborn in stuff like that. I will do that thing even if it takes me years :p

Not discouraging you, I love that you're determined to do it. In fact, one of my yoga pet peeves are teachers who will say "Why do you want to do it? Will it make you happier or is it just your ego?" whenever you express a desire to do an advanced pose. Just saying that if you like yoga, you definitely should look into mastering postures that will make Galavasana easier. Let us know :)


So, first day of P90. Don`t have any dumbbells or bands so improvised and used some plastic bags filled with magazines. I feel surprisingly beat. Some parts were quite hard.
thanks to those of you who recommended ab ripper versions. I don't have x3 ab ripper, so x2 ab ripper it is!

Just make sure you get the proper fuel for your muscles to promote growth. You might want to consider an intra workout drink, I've used one that combines BCAA's with Creatine. And a post workout drink is probably a good idea. I use Shakeology for mine, and there's also Beachbody's Results & Recovery formula & lots of other brands.
is syntha-6 protein powder with 2% milk a good post workout shake for power 90?

So, first day of P90. Don`t have any dumbbells or bands so improvised and used some plastic bags filled with magazines. I feel surprisingly beat. Some parts were quite hard.
I'm on day 3! I'll be exercising tonight as I have a long day of labs ahead of me.

Sears sells cheap adjustable dumb bells and cheap weights


Hang out with Steve.
is syntha-6 protein powder with 2% milk a good post workout shake for power 90?

Generally it's recommended that your recovery drink is taken within an hour of strength training, and has somewhere between a 2:1 to a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Your drink is probably closer to 1:1, so you probably want more carbs.


Vanilla Shakeology smells really good, it almost smells like vanilla oatmeal.... the taste on the other hand.... not so much.

is syntha-6 protein powder with 2% milk a good post workout shake for power 90?

I'd say it's good for any workout. It's what I take 30 minutes after I finish Insanity and DDP Yoga. I like to mix mine with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It tastes amazing.


What are you mixing it with?

I like vanilla but (non-vegan) chocolate is still my favorite.

I've tried water, 2% milk, and almond milk. It tastes best with almond milk. I might mix it up with a blueberry smoothie tomorrow. I guess I also need to check out the Shakeology recipe website and see what they have on there.


Hang out with Steve.
I've tried water, 2% milk, and almond milk. It tastes best with almond milk. I might mix it up with a blueberry smoothie tomorrow. I guess I also need to check out the Shakeology recipe website and see what they have on there.

If you're not allergic to nuts (which I'm assuming you're not, because you've used almond milk), I give you my own variation on "Nutty Butter".

Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 cup crushed ice
6oz liquid (I usually use mostly almond milk and a little water)
1 medium banana
1 tbs almond butter (or peanut butter, but I like almond butter better)
1 handful of walnuts
adjust amounts to taste

An immersion blender works best to mix these. This is one of my favorites.

I always do ice & some type of milk (almond milk, whole milk), and add fruit & nuts. I always try to have shelled walnuts, almonds and pecans available. Hazelnuts are good too. If macademias weren't so expensive I'd get them too.

Bananas are a good go-to fruit, they'll help make the shake nice & thick. Chocolate Shakeology goes really well with blueberries and blackberries.

Another good recipe is my own "Apples & Oranges" -- Vanilla with ice & milk, half an apple chopped up, half an orange, and a copious amounts of cinnamon. Pecans go well with that too.

My wife & I also really like the "Pumpkin Pie" recipe -- Vanilla with ice & milk, 3/4 cup of pumpkin puree, a drizzle of maple syrup, pecans, a little pumpkin pie spice and a lot of additional cinnamon. Adjust amounts to taste.

So many great ways to mix it up. Like I said though, an immersion blender works best, plus they're easy to clean, compact & inexpensive.

Also, if you search for hashtag #shakeologyrecipes on Facebook, you'll find a bunch of my recipes. I post whatever I make almost every day with that hashtag on my fitness page.


I'm on day 3! I'll be exercising tonight as I have a long day of labs ahead of me.

Sears sells cheap adjustable dumb bells and cheap weights

Cheers mate, I will definitely pick up some cheap dumb bells. My daughter looked at me like I was some kind of freak for lifting plastic bags filled with books and magazines...


Guys, DDP Yoga is legit. Only been doing it a week and my knees don't pop (my knees started popping from doing Insanity) anymore when I squat down. I love this. I'm sure any form of Yoga would have helped me out, but i'm really digging DDP Yoga. The workouts are super short and complement beach body workout videos really well.

Shakeology Awesomeness

I think i'm going to do this one tomorrow

Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 cup crushed ice
6oz liquid (I usually use mostly almond milk and a little water)
1 medium banana
1 tbs almond butter (or peanut butter, but I like almond butter better)
1 handful of walnuts
adjust amounts to taste

I've got some pb2 powder I can use in place of the almond butter. I don't have walnuts, but I might just throw a couple of pistachios in there.


That Yoga dude in p90x3: I So want to be able to do the stuff he does. Some day! Mark my words!

Ted McDonald, he was in P90X Yoga as well.

On a related note, it seems like they brought back a lot of people from P90X and P90X2 for P90X3 (and I'm only through the first round).
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