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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I could only do, like, 20% (maaaaaaybe) of the exercises in the first half of the Chest Ripper DVD. My arms are really weak so I could manage maybe only 5 regular push ups and 15 or so knee ones. I could only do about 3 pull/chin ups. lol :(

As for the Ab Ripper thing, I could only do like 5 half assed versions of the exercises.

I feel like a failure. :(

That sounds like a pretty common start in all honesty, so please don't feel even slightly like a failure. First day (and week) is *really* tough, even if you've done the program before and come back to it after sometime.

Did you write down your results so you can compare future workouts? Give yourself good rest so you're ready for plyometrics tomorrow (and uh expect to be pretty sore!).

Good work, seriously.

I sort of cheated in that I've been doing around 1-3 chin ups every day for the last month or so, just to sort of prep myself.

That's not even cheating in the slighest! The program is for all levels of physical fitness so good on you for prepping yourself.


Hang out with Steve.
Yep, it's not supposed to be easy! Always remember -- do your best and forget the rest. As long as you try, you're doing more than anyone who's still sitting on the couch. Do what you can, write it all down, and try to do just a little more next time.

There's no such thing as a free ticket to fitness -- it takes a lot of work, dedication and consistency. But if you stick with it and eat right you WILL see results.


I could only do, like, 20% (maaaaaaybe) of the exercises in the first half of the Chest Ripper DVD. My arms are really weak so I could manage maybe only 5 regular push ups and 15 or so knee ones. I could only do about 3 pull/chin ups. lol :(

As for the Ab Ripper thing, I could only do like 5 half assed versions of the exercises.

I feel like a failure. :(

lol when I started out with P90X I could do one clean pull-up. One! I had to fall back on using a chair. After a number of weeks I started seeing improvement. I gradually moved to doing them without the use of a chair - and it kind of blew my mind, because I had almost given up hope on ever doing more than one pull-up without a chair. Nowadays I easily do 15 in a row. We all have to start somewhere, important thing is knowing that as long as you keep trying, you WILL improve.


Hunky Nostradamus
That sounds like a pretty common start in all honesty, so please don't feel even slightly like a failure. First day (and week) is *really* tough, even if you've done the program before and come back to it after sometime.

Good work, seriously.

Yep, it's not supposed to be easy! Always remember -- do your best and forget the rest. As long as you try, you're doing more than anyone who's still sitting on the couch. Do what you can, write it all down, and try to do just a little more next time.

There's no such thing as a free ticket to fitness -- it takes a lot of work, dedication and consistency. But if you stick with it and eat right you WILL see results.

lol when I started out with P90X I could do one clean pull-up. One! I had to fall back on using a chair. After a number of weeks I started seeing improvement. I gradually moved to doing them without the use of a chair - and it kind of blew my mind, because I had almost given up hope on ever doing more than one pull-up without a chair. Nowadays I easily do 15 in a row. We all have to start somewhere, important thing is knowing that as long as you keep trying, you WILL improve.

Thanks a lot guys. Your words of encouragement really helped me out. :)

Did you write down your results so you can compare future workouts? Give yourself good rest so you're ready for plyometrics tomorrow (and uh expect to be pretty sore!).

No, heh, I was too out of it to bother counting. I was mainly just focused on getting through alive. :p

I'll try to remember to write everything down tomorrow though!


I could be wrong, but I think plyometrics (day 2 if you're following the X1 classic schedule) is one of those workouts where you don't have a worksheet to write stuff down. Nothing wrong with more data though, as you can still jot down notes about how you were feeling, what went right/wrong, and what to focus on next time in addition to the reps/weight you do for any given move.

I remember very well that feeling of impending death the first week presented me with, and I'm glad you're finding the thread helpful in getting through that. If you're like many, today will be tough, and so will yoga (perhaps surprisingly) and legs & back. All great workouts though, so once your body is done being on fire you'll probably find yourself feeling very glad you stuck with it.

Good luck today!


Hang out with Steve.
P90X3 Doubles is hard. I've had a rough time getting back to being able to do the two workouts back to back after taking a week off due to a norovirus. I'm having to work on rebuilding my stamina!

Today was Decelerator + Accelerator. I messed up & did Accelerator first, and ran out of gas not long into Decelerator. SaturdayI did manage to do Eccentric Lower and Dynamix back to back without much issue. Ah well. 2 more weeks + a "Victory Week".

After this I've got the P90X3 Mass Schedule queued up, which I'm going to double with PiYo. Starting that on Monday the 28th.


Guys, I think I've seriously injured myself doing pull-ups.

I have a tendency to accidentally look up when I'm doing pull-ups because the ceiling is so low, and occasionally I will get a very sharp, shooting pain in the back of my head/lower neck. Like a pinched nerve or blood vessel or something.

I'm was doing the Back & Biceps workout today, and right on the very first move (pull-ups) I screwed up and looked up, and a pain shot across my head. I was down for the count for almost 20 minutes just laying on the floor. The pain is still shooting and hurting me a lot right now. I am not sure what to do, honestly. I have so much energy and I don't want to stop.....maybe I should skip the back exercises today....but that's what I need to work on the most.

I really wish I had money. I'm so sick of being poor. I'd buy one of those "sleds" for pull-ups :(


Guys, I think I've seriously injured myself doing pull-ups.

I have a tendency to accidentally look up when I'm doing pull-ups because the ceiling is so low, and occasionally I will get a very sharp, shooting pain in the back of my head/lower neck. Like a pinched nerve or blood vessel or something.

I'm was doing the Back & Biceps workout today, and right on the very first move (pull-ups) I screwed up and looked up, and a pain shot across my head. I was down for the count for almost 20 minutes just laying on the floor. The pain is still shooting and hurting me a lot right now. I am not sure what to do, honestly. I have so much energy and I don't want to stop.....maybe I should skip the back exercises today....but that's what I need to work on the most.

I really wish I had money. I'm so sick of being poor. I'd buy one of those "sleds" for pull-ups :(

Definitely give yourself time to recover, and I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Might even want to consider seeing a doctor if that's an option and the pain is serious enough (sounds like it might be). I'd focus on stretching, resting, and giving your body what it needs to get better... the workout (and your energy) will be there next time when you're ready. Go slower with your pull-ups when you return to them and focus on form more than reps to try and alleviate this problem.


I'd spend some time with a foam roller and stop looking up. Pretend you're hanging upside down from a cliff when you work out. :p


Just started T-25 Alpha. Today's the cardio workout and I feel like puking. Could do most of the workouts at full speed for about 30s before having to switch to the modifiers.

Stats are 5'6" and 86gs (190lbs)

Lost a good 20lbs doing Rushfit 2 years ago, definitely looking forward to what T-25 can do to my body!


Hunky Nostradamus
I made it! With 20 minutes left, I came very close to quitting, but after taking a million breaks and half assing some of the harder moves, I managed to make it to the end. I feel really proud of myself.

My body is drenched in sweat, I'm sore and can barely move, but I feel fucking amazing right now. :D


I made it! With 20 minutes left, I came very close to quitting, but after taking a million breaks and half assing some of the harder moves, I managed to make it to the end. I feel really proud of myself.

My body is drenched in sweat, I'm sore and can barely move, but I feel fucking amazing right now. :D

Great Job man! Keep up the good work.

I've puked twice last year doing Plyo for the first time! It was intense, but I still need to restart and finish the full program some day, stopped at phase 2 after an old injury recurrence while doing Yoga XD

This Thread is pushing me to start again, hopefully soon!


Definitely give yourself time to recover, and I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Might even want to consider seeing a doctor if that's an option and the pain is serious enough (sounds like it might be). I'd focus on stretching, resting, and giving your body what it needs to get better... the workout (and your energy) will be there next time when you're ready. Go slower with your pull-ups when you return to them and focus on form more than reps to try and alleviate this problem.

I'd spend some time with a foam roller and stop looking up. Pretend you're hanging upside down from a cliff when you work out. :p

Okay, thanks guys for the caring words. I will take it easy today. Sorta....lol. I still have the pain in the form of a headache, basically, but I think I will do some cardio instead so that I don't get too far off track. I had a pretty shoddy weekend with it being the holiday and all, and I really wanted to get back on track today. Sucks I injured myself. Tomorrow, I will take your advice, try again tomorrow, and concentrate solely on my form.

It sucks because my form would probably be very good if it weren't for that fact that my ceiling is so low. Really makes me angry, honestly. My back is the part of my body that I want to work the most right now :p


I made it! With 20 minutes left, I came very close to quitting, but after taking a million breaks and half assing some of the harder moves, I managed to make it to the end. I feel really proud of myself.

My body is drenched in sweat, I'm sore and can barely move, but I feel fucking amazing right now. :D

Awesome! That's about as hard as any workout, as far as I'm concerned. In a few weeks, you'll probably surprise yourself how much higher you jump and how something that might have taken numerous pauses you can now get through with less (or even zero). Shoulders & arms tomorrow will probably feel easy by comparison!

Great Job man! Keep up the good work.

I've puked twice last year doing Plyo for the first time! It was intense, but I still need to restart and finish the full program some day, stopped at phase 2 after an old injury recurrence while doing Yoga XD

This Thread is pushing me to start again, hopefully soon!

When can you realistically start up again? The sooner the better! This thread is always here to serve as a support structure for you, so I hope you can get back into it soon.

Okay, thanks guys for the caring words. I will take it easy today. Sorta....lol. I still have the pain in the form of a headache, basically, but I think I will do some cardio instead so that I don't get too far off track. I had a pretty shoddy weekend with it being the holiday and all, and I really wanted to get back on track today. Sucks I injured myself. Tomorrow, I will take your advice, try again tomorrow, and concentrate solely on my form.

It sucks because my form would probably be very good if it weren't for that fact that my ceiling is so low. Really makes me angry, honestly. My back is the part of my body that I want to work the most right now :p

As much as anger can be used as a motivator to get more reps, I'd actually advise against being angry when working out if possible. Stress and anger will tense you up and prime you for injury, so try to calm yourself, accept your situation, focus on your breathing, and do your best (with the situation) and forget the rest. You'll get the results you want in time if you keep the focus!

Off to do shoulders & arms for today's workout. Ran four miles in the heat yesterday and it was awful, but I did it! Ran past a park and I for the first time considered doing the more intense workouts outside... anyone ever try that? Would probably be too self-conscious to actually do it, but I keep thinking about it.


6 months later ... I've finally started. Could have completed the 90-day program twice by now. Heh.

I'm one week in, so no cheering yet, but it's always good to keep an eye on threads like this.

Three weeks in. Already feel much better! Got less problems waking up, simple things are getting easier (it is embarrassing, but i was taking a break after getting into the shower, dressing up and doing my hair every morning). Also was able to work in the garden longer during the weekend, and wash the car without taking a break.

Not a lot of physical changes yet, however I do see the manboobs reducing a bit. Not really worried about that, it is more about feeling good than looking good for me.

Plyo and Kempo are my favorite workouts. I also go to the gym twice a week instead of P90X and I do mostly weights and about 30 minutes of swimming, so I tend to do the cardio-related P90X workouts the most.

I did the Arms and Chest workout yesterday, but I had to do push-ups on my knees just like the lady in the video. It's kind of weird to hear Tony say stuff like "she is in shape for her age" or "you can take it easy like this OLD WOMAN" (at least that what it sounds like to me when I'm struggling to get up after the 10th push-up routine).

Oh, also more energy "between the sheets" so that's working out well for the both of us.
Tempted to do X3 seeing how hard this Plyo is isopod to be. I love the difficult workouts. They make me push harder.

Fuck you max Plyo insanity month 2.
Oh, also more energy "between the sheets" so that's working out well for the both of us.
Ha, when the missus and I both did P90X the first time around we found that we were pretty damn good in bed afterwards. Far more energetic and flexible. :)

Unrelated, what gear does P90X 2 need that 1 doesn't use?


Hang out with Steve.
Ha, when the missus and I both did P90X the first time around we found that we were pretty damn good in bed afterwards. Far more energetic and flexible. :)

Unrelated, what gear does P90X 2 need that 1 doesn't use?

Medicine balls, stability ball and a foam roller.

You need at least two medicine balls of the same size; 4 is optimal. I have a pair of 10lbs and a pair of 8lbs.

Also, get a HEAVY DUTY stability ball. Most of the less expensive ones are NOT strong enough for P90X2. Beachbody sells "premium" stability balls that are up to it; otherwise search for heavy duty. You don't want them busting underneath you when you're in a precarious position with some heavy dumbbells.
Cheers. I don't have any medicine balls as it stands, but I'm sure I can pick some up fairly cheap. Having to use a stability ball sucks, I hate how much room those things take up.


You guys ever have one of those random workout days where you don't eat or do anything different but you feel way stronger than usual? Had one last night during Body Beast Bulk Chest. I was throwing up weight that I would usually struggle with with ease. I was pleasantly surprised but at the same time I expect things to go back to normal next work out.
As strange as it sounds, sometimes that can happen before you get ill. I forget the details, but some trainers use it as an indicator that the athlete is going to have to have a rest period.


Three weeks in. Already feel much better! Got less problems waking up, simple things are getting easier (it is embarrassing, but i was taking a break after getting into the shower, dressing up and doing my hair every morning). Also was able to work in the garden longer during the weekend, and wash the car without taking a break.

Not a lot of physical changes yet, however I do see the manboobs reducing a bit. Not really worried about that, it is more about feeling good than looking good for me.

Plyo and Kempo are my favorite workouts. I also go to the gym twice a week instead of P90X and I do mostly weights and about 30 minutes of swimming, so I tend to do the cardio-related P90X workouts the most.

I did the Arms and Chest workout yesterday, but I had to do push-ups on my knees just like the lady in the video. It's kind of weird to hear Tony say stuff like "she is in shape for her age" or "you can take it easy like this OLD WOMAN" (at least that what it sounds like to me when I'm struggling to get up after the 10th push-up routine).

Oh, also more energy "between the sheets" so that's working out well for the both of us.

So happy to hear this :)

As strange as it sounds, sometimes that can happen before you get ill. I forget the details, but some trainers use it as an indicator that the athlete is going to have to have a rest period.

I've heard this, too. If your immune system is ramping up, you might have more energy. Doesn't mean you're going to be down for the count in a couple days, but maybe something is amiss.


Guys, I haven't even officially done Insanity all the way through, but ever since I've mixed it in with P90X, and then gone BACK to Plyo X (which I did yesterday) I can't believe how easy Plyo X is in comparison. Just 6 months ago, I could barely make it through Plyo. Yesterday when I did it, I found myself modifying to the extreme in trying to make it more difficult--starting moves before they did, never stopping, doing more intense Insanity moves in place of moves that didn't work me as much, and doing things in double time. Absolutely crazy....I wasn't expecting that.

Now Plyo just seems like a time-waster. It's far too long. I will forever do the Insanity plyo and save 20 minutes of my time.


Hunky Nostradamus
Great Job man! Keep up the good work.

I've puked twice last year doing Plyo for the first time! It was intense, but I still need to restart and finish the full program some day, stopped at phase 2 after an old injury recurrence while doing Yoga XD


Sounds like you should've taken more breaks! I'm glad I didn't throw up, though I definitely would have had I eaten beforehand.

I've done some beginners yoga before, so hopefully I won't be too lost when it comes time for that.

Awesome! That's about as hard as any workout, as far as I'm concerned. In a few weeks, you'll probably surprise yourself how much higher you jump and how something that might have taken numerous pauses you can now get through with less (or even zero). Shoulders & arms tomorrow will probably feel easy by comparison!

I honestly don't know if I'm going to be able to do any exercises today. My lower body is so sore that I can barely move. I might be able to do some of the arm exercises, but I probably won't be able to do Ab Ripper. I'll do my best though!
Hey BeachbodyGAF! :)

So I just recently started Insanity. And I know that it's much more body-weight/cardio centered than P90X. I was just wondering if the two of them are associated with different end-result goals? If so, what are they?

PS nice to meet you guys! :3


I honestly don't know if I'm going to be able to do any exercises today. My lower body is so sore that I can barely move. I might be able to do some of the arm exercises, but I probably won't be able to do Ab Ripper. I'll do my best though!

My advice (mirroring Tony's) is to just show up, press play, and do your best. By no means over do it, but get ready to workout, start it up, take the warm-up and stretching seriously, and do what you can. If your numbers suck, who cares? You're still sticking to the program and I can almost guarantee you'll be glad you stuck to the schedule and tried to do it. Like Ixian said, once you're warmed up you will likely feel a lot better.

That said, I did shoulders & arms yesterday and it is very much an upper body workout like the name implies, so if you're pretty sore in the lower body it shouldn't impact you too much.

Hey BeachbodyGAF! :)

So I just recently started Insanity. And I know that it's much more body-weight/cardio centered than P90X. I was just wondering if the two of them are associated with different end-result goals? If so, what are they?

PS nice to meet you guys! :3


Insanity doesn't require any extra gear. It's all intense cardiovascular workouts and relies on bodyweight resistance moves like burpees to get results (like you mentioned). It's (for most) very challenging and will boost your atheltic performance in serious ways. In my opinion, it's much much better for weight loss than P90X, which is more focused on building strength and requires a good amount of equipment. They're both great and very effective if you commit to them, so I'd say try both in the long term.

Any particular fitness goals of your own currently?


Hunky Nostradamus
My advice (mirroring Tony's) is to just show up, press play, and do your best. By no means over do it, but get ready to workout, start it up, take the warm-up and stretching seriously, and do what you can. If your numbers suck, who cares? You're still sticking to the program and I can almost guarantee you'll be glad you stuck to the schedule and tried to do it. Like Ixian said, once you're warmed up you will likely feel a lot better.

That said, I did shoulders & arms yesterday and it is very much an upper body workout like the name implies, so if you're pretty sore in the lower body it shouldn't impact you too much.

That's what I did and yeah, I didn't think it was too bad. My arms had mostly returned to normal so I was able to do most of the Shoulders/Arms exercises (albeit with a pathetic set of weights). Ab Ripper X was mostly a no go, but I tried my hardest!


Glad you stuck with it! Tomorrow will be yoga, which is very challenging for the first 45 minutes but I encourage you to try the whole program. The second half has more stretching and there is some stomach work as well which can augment a less ideal ab ripper x day. I never had yoga experience prior and it was nothing like I expected, in a good way.

Speaking of, laying on the couch sort of falling asleep but I need to get energy and do yoga myself in a bit. Blerg.

Edit: An hour and a half later, I am forcing myself up to press that play button despite being mega tired. Not expecting great results but gonna do whatever I can!


Hunky Nostradamus
Glad you stuck with it! Tomorrow will be yoga, which is very challenging for the first 45 minutes but I encourage you to try the whole program. The second half has more stretching and there is some stomach work as well which can augment a less ideal ab ripper x day. I never had yoga experience prior and it was nothing like I expected, in a good way.

I'm actually looking forward to yoga, even though it'll probably kick my ass!

Speaking of, laying on the couch sort of falling asleep but I need to get energy and do yoga myself in a bit. Blerg.

Edit: An hour and a half later, I am forcing myself up to press that play button despite being mega tired. Not expecting great results but gonna do whatever I can!

You can do eeeiiitt!


This is Victory week for me on P90X3.

Taking my Day 91 pics at week's end.


Early congratulations on that! Would enjoy some sort of complete write-up if you feel like sharing once yer done.

I'm actually looking forward to yoga, even though it'll probably kick my ass!

You can do eeeiiitt!

Thanks! Did it. It's, uh, midnight now and I'm having a post workout protein shake, which is probably pretty stupid but I'm glad I stuck with it. That is a loooong workout. Just remember if you feel like you're dying, about 45-50 minutes through it I think it gets much easier after you do the "warrior three" stuff... which if I had to guess you'll probably say something along the lines of "fuck that" to, because it's stupid hard (least I think so!).


Hunky Nostradamus
Thanks! Did it. It's, uh, midnight now and I'm having a post workout protein shake, which is probably pretty stupid but I'm glad I stuck with it. That is a loooong workout. Just remember if you feel like you're dying, about 45-50 minutes through it I think it gets much easier after you do the "warrior three" stuff... which if I had to guess you'll probably say something along the lines of "fuck that" to, because it's stupid hard (least I think so!).

Good job!

Also, when do you think my body will stop being so sore? XD I mean, I can still only barely walk and it hurts to even sit/lay down. Will it continue like this for the next 87 days or will it eventually go away?

Insanity doesn't require any extra gear. It's all intense cardiovascular workouts and relies on bodyweight resistance moves like burpees to get results (like you mentioned). It's (for most) very challenging and will boost your atheltic performance in serious ways. In my opinion, it's much much better for weight loss than P90X, which is more focused on building strength and requires a good amount of equipment. They're both great and very effective if you commit to them, so I'd say try both in the long term.

Any particular fitness goals of your own currently?

Thank you so much for the amazing welcome!! <3 I really appreciate it :).

From what you just said, it sounds like Insanity is more up my street. I already have a decent build but I want to lean up a little bit more, and improve my performance on the soccer field! They're pretty vague goals, unfortunately ;__; But that's kinda what I've been looking for in terms of achievements!

Good job!

Also, when do you think my body will stop being so sore? XD I mean, I can still only barely walk and it hurts to even sit/lay down. Will it continue like this for the next 87 days or will it eventually go away?

If you're new to the whole strength building thing, it'll likely be sore for a few days. But after that it'll start to improve.

Don't worry it's normal. There were times at first when I couldn't put my jacket on for like a week and I thought I had like torn my muscles in half LOL. Try to get a decent amount of protein in an attempt to rebuild muscle tissue a bit faster :3.
It's usually best to do a couple of workouts and then take some time off if you're just starting out. The first ones are the worst after a break but generally it's not nearly as bad going forward.


Good job!

Also, when do you think my body will stop being so sore? XD I mean, I can still only barely walk and it hurts to even sit/lay down. Will it continue like this for the next 87 days or will it eventually go away?


So the first week I did the program, I have a very distinct memory of laying in bed one night so sore from the previous two or three days that I could not sleep. Thankfully that first week is by far the worst when it comes to being sore, and I think you'll be getting less sore (some soreness should be expected) within the next three to five days. If extreme soreness persists much longer than that, probably wise to look into it further.

Thank you so much for the amazing welcome!! <3 I really appreciate it :).

From what you just said, it sounds like Insanity is more up my street. I already have a decent build but I want to lean up a little bit more, and improve my performance on the soccer field! They're pretty vague goals, unfortunately ;__; But that's kinda what I've been looking for in terms of achievements!

If you're new to the whole strength building thing, it'll likely be sore for a few days. But after that it'll start to improve.

Don't worry it's normal. There were times at first when I couldn't put my jacket on for like a week and I thought I had like torn my muscles in half LOL. Try to get a decent amount of protein in an attempt to rebuild muscle tissue a bit faster :3.

Yer welcome, and yeah, Insanity (or Insanity Asylym, which I think is very much sports performance focused... but I don't own it so can't offer feedback) should be a great way to increase cardiovascular performance and also get you stronger. It's really challenging (I've never made it through the full 60 days but don't have a great place to do that kind of workout at home currently) and very effective. First thing you do with the program is track your day one numbers with a set of specific moves, and every two weeks you'll do the same thing to mark progress and it becomes clear how much benefit there is.

So the first week I did the program, I have a very distinct memory of laying in bed one night so sore from the previous two or three days that I could not sleep. Thankfully that first week is by far the worst when it comes to being sore, and I think you'll be getting less sore (some soreness should be expected) within the next three to five days. If extreme soreness persists much longer than that, probably wise to look into it further.

Yer welcome, and yeah, Insanity (or Insanity Asylym, which I think is very much sports performance focused... but I don't own it so can't offer feedback) should be a great way to increase cardiovascular performance and also get you stronger. It's really challenging (I've never made it through the full 60 days but don't have a great place to do that kind of workout at home currently) and very effective. First thing you do with the program is track your day one numbers with a set of specific moves, and every two weeks you'll do the same thing to mark progress and it becomes clear how much benefit there is.

Yeah I just did the fit test yesterday! I'm sore from that alone :S I'm sorta freaked out to do plyometrics today.. LOL!!
I'll just say this about Insanity... I personally know 7 people who've injured themselves doing that program. Varying fitness levels to start with. To put that in context, I only know 2 people who have injured themselves on other programs (cross-fit aside).

I'm sure it's fine, but if you do it, don't overdo it and make sure you watch your form.
I'll just say this about Insanity... I personally know 7 people who've injured themselves doing that program. Varying fitness levels to start with. To put that in context, I only know 2 people who have injured themselves on other programs (cross-fit aside).

I'm sure it's fine, but if you do it, don't overdo it and make sure you watch your form.

Yikes..! Thanks for that heads up! I appreciate it!! I'll be careful for sure :)


Hunky Nostradamus
If you're new to the whole strength building thing, it'll likely be sore for a few days. But after that it'll start to improve.

Don't worry it's normal. There were times at first when I couldn't put my jacket on for like a week and I thought I had like torn my muscles in half LOL. Try to get a decent amount of protein in an attempt to rebuild muscle tissue a bit faster :3.

Thanks bb! I feel a bit better today, but then again, I haven't exercised yet...

And yeah, yesterday it did feel like my muscles were ripped in half. lol

And I will try to eat more protein! :D

It's usually best to do a couple of workouts and then take some time off if you're just starting out. The first ones are the worst after a break but generally it's not nearly as bad going forward.

How much time off? A day?

So the first week I did the program, I have a very distinct memory of laying in bed one night so sore from the previous two or three days that I could not sleep. Thankfully that first week is by far the worst when it comes to being sore, and I think you'll be getting less sore (some soreness should be expected) within the next three to five days. If extreme soreness persists much longer than that, probably wise to look into it further.

Good to know, thanks!
If I've had a long break I'll usually just stretch for a couple of days after the first heavy day. Work back into it slowly so I don't break myself.
Thanks bb! I feel a bit better today, but then again, I haven't exercised yet...

And yeah, yesterday it did feel like my muscles were ripped in half. lol

And I will try to eat more protein! :D

Anytime :3.

Just make sure you listen to your body! Push yourself to an extent but if you're in lots of pain take some time to recover those muscles! :)


Hunky Nostradamus
Yoga wasn't quite as hard as I thought it was going to be. Thankfully, since I've dabbled in it in the past, I was already familiar with many of the poses. Of course, there were many that I still couldn't do, but I did my best!

On to Legs & Back! >:O

If I've had a long break I'll usually just stretch for a couple of days after the first heavy day. Work back into it slowly so I don't break myself.

Hmm, that sounds like a good Plan B. I'll keep that in mind!

Anytime :3.

Just make sure you listen to your body! Push yourself to an extent but if you're in lots of pain take some time to recover those muscles! :)

Oke :3
Early congratulations on that! Would enjoy some sort of complete write-up if you feel like sharing once yer done.

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Incinerator sucked every time. I got better but it still sucked every time.

I can't decide on if I think Stephanie or Tracey was more attractive.


Incinerator was one of my favorites from X3, but in general I didn't really like the selection of dumbbell workouts compared to X1. When I did X1, I was getting into intermittent fasting and was eating low fat/high carbs/higher calories in general on dumbbell days and high fat/low carbs/lower calories on the other days, but that didn't feel "earned" in X3.

Speaking of resistance training, I've hit a point on my deadlifts where I shouldn't be doing them two training sessions in a row, so next week I get to start alternating them with everyone's favorite, chin-ups (and eventually weighted chin-ups once I'm not so weak, lol). Looking forward to hopping back on that wagon and improving those, you definitely feel like a badass when you can bust out a full set unassisted.


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Incinerator sucked every time. I got better but it still sucked every time.

I can't decide on if I think Stephanie or Tracey was more attractive.

Stephanie for sure! Did some Google research just to verify.

Just looked through Incinerator and it looks like a monster.

Incinerator was one of my favorites from X3, but in general I didn't really like the selection of dumbbell workouts compared to X1. When I did X1, I was getting into intermittent fasting and was eating low fat/high carbs/higher calories in general on dumbbell days and high fat/low carbs/lower calories on the other days, but that didn't feel "earned" in X3.

Speaking of resistance training, I've hit a point on my deadlifts where I shouldn't be doing them two training sessions in a row, so next week I get to start alternating them with everyone's favorite, chin-ups (and eventually weighted chin-ups once I'm not so weak, lol). Looking forward to hopping back on that wagon and improving those, you definitely feel like a badass when you can bust out a full set unassisted.

Tried doing some unassisted pull-ups at work yesterday (someone randomly had a bar on their office door frame) and could barely do two. Definitely not where I once was! The idea of doing weighted ones... geez.

Rest day yesterday, and about to do legs & back today. Heading out of town for a wedding this weekend so this will close out week four for me... feelin' good.

Edit: Finished legs & back week 4. Most of my numbers are up. My squat form sucks (I have trouble "sitting" and feel like I'm leaning forward way too much) and I in general struggle with a lot of the moves in terms of good form. Probably not getting a plyo workout in each week is making my legs & back performance weaker than I expect, but I'm trying my best all the same.
Did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit for Insanity yesterday.

I almostquit with 10 minutes left X___X. It almost destroyed me LOL. I've been playing soccer since I was 6, so I never imagined that I'd be this challenged by the exercises. o_o
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