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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I'm facing a dilemma here and hoping maybe P90x GAF can help out. I should be starting my phase II recovery week today, but I will be going away on vacation next week for 5 days. I'm not leaving until next Wednesday, so I'd get in all 6 workouts as scheduled, but I'm debating doing a 4th week of Phase II and than doing a recovery week after I get back from vaca. Does this sound like a plausible plan or should I stick to the schedule? Doing the P90x workouts while away isn't viable, but I do plan to take advantage of the gym at the resort at least 2-3 days while I'm there.

Also, I'm debating picking up a set of Powerblock Sport 5.0 adjustable dumbbells, anyone using these here? I've ruled out the Bowflex selecttech because of the sheer size and reviews complaining about cheap plastic parts that break.

Any help is appreciated.


LOL, Jezebel ranks the P90X supporting cast. As most here, Frog Boy and Katie top the list (as the most hated):


How can you hate Domy? I've been doing Plyo so much, I basically just follow his version now. Jump Knee Tuck isn't that bad. And how can you rate Vanessa so low?! She's like the only reason I enjoy Kenpo (other than Kenpo's pretty fun).

Personally, I hate Wesley, Jason and Laura. Get in your god damn horse stance Wesley! And Laura has no right being that good at push-ups.

I'm facing a dilemma here and hoping maybe P90x GAF can help out. I should be starting my phase II recovery week today, but I will be going away on vacation next week for 5 days. I'm not leaving until next Wednesday, so I'd get in all 6 workouts as scheduled, but I'm debating doing a 4th week of Phase II and than doing a recovery week after I get back from vaca. Does this sound like a plausible plan or should I stick to the schedule? Doing the P90x workouts while away isn't viable, but I do plan to take advantage of the gym at the resort at least 2-3 days while I'm there.

Any help is appreciated.

I went on a week and half vacation during P90x as well. I just repeated the week phase I was on when I returned. But it sounds like you just finished Phase II. Why not move on to Phase III when you return? Doing another week oh Phase II and a recovery when you get back works as well.
How can you hate Domy? I've been doing Plyo so much, I basically just follow his version now.
Short version is because he's better than me. Long version is because he's a hateful showoff bouncy son of a bitch that I wish I could edit out of the routine.

I hate Wesley as well though. It's like he's taking the piss the entire routine.



I have faltered. Last night, I went overboard and had a super burrito with chicken and fried rice. On top of that, I had a dairy queen blizzard for dessert. It was so very delicious, but the scale this morning put me back up a couple of pounds. Regret has set in.

In all seriousness, it's a slight setback but nothing to be too worried about. I start Phase III tonight with PAP Lower. I should've made better use of the recovery week instead of doing Insanity here and there, my legs are already sore :(


The Cryptarch's Bane

I have faltered. Last night, I went overboard and had a super burrito with chicken and fried rice. On top of that, I had a dairy queen blizzard for dessert. It was so very delicious, but the scale this morning put me back up a couple of pounds. Regret has set in.

In all seriousness, it's a slight setback but nothing to be too worried about. I start Phase III tonight with PAP Lower. I should've made better use of the recovery week instead of doing Insanity here and there, my legs are already sore :(
Hahaha. I got free ice cream at Ben and Jerry's Tuesday. A lost battle does not the war concede :p
Short version is because he's better than me. Long version is because he's a hateful showoff bouncy son of a bitch that I wish I could edit out of the routine.

I hate Wesley as well though. It's like he's taking the piss the entire routine.

Wesley does have that smirk on his face as if he thinks it's a joke



I have faltered. Last night, I went overboard and had a super burrito with chicken and fried rice. On top of that, I had a dairy queen blizzard for dessert. It was so very delicious, but the scale this morning put me back up a couple of pounds. Regret has set in.

In all seriousness, it's a slight setback but nothing to be too worried about. I start Phase III tonight with PAP Lower. I should've made better use of the recovery week instead of doing Insanity here and there, my legs are already sore :(
I wouldn't worry about it. I invited two kids who never get away from their abusive parents over for a sleep-over and we stayed up till 2 in the morning playing video games, watching tv, and eating candy while drinking soda. I want to be healthier but not at the expense of living a little every once in a while.
Anyone ever worked out sick before? I'm going to try later doing chest and back and ab ripper with a minor cold. Just gonna do my best and expect to see my numbers drop


If it's just a minor cold, you could probably do it. Once I worked out with a mild cold and it was horrible. Sore throat and my eyes were burning.


Short version is because he's better than me. Long version is because he's a hateful showoff bouncy son of a bitch that I wish I could edit out of the routine.

At least you can tell it's killing him at moments in the routine. Adam just goes through yoga as if it's no big thing.

Anyone ever worked out sick before? I'm going to try later doing chest and back and ab ripper with a minor cold. Just gonna do my best and expect to see my numbers drop

I did. I recommend taking it easier and making sure to really pace yourself. You won't be able to do as much as you can, but with proper regulation, you should be able to get through it.


Dear Lord, you start Ab Ripper X2 doing fifer scissors. And a couples moves after that there's that horribly painful move where you move your legs 45 degrees to the side and hold them. And there's also that new twist pose.....

I found this workout harder than the original.
If it's just a minor cold, you could probably do it. Once I worked out with a mild cold and it was horrible. Sore throat and my eyes were burning.

At least you can tell it's killing him at moments in the routine. Adam just goes through yoga as if it's no big thing.

I did. I recommend taking it easier and making sure to really pace yourself. You won't be able to do as much as you can, but with proper regulation, you should be able to get through it.

I just finished the workout. We will see how I feel in the morning. The workout was chest and back. Funnily the first round my numbers didn't drop much, and some sets I even exceeded my prior number. But man, the second/repeat round was brutal and I wasn't going to push myself like I usually would

I took far longer breaks just to make sure I could keep going and not throw up. Ab Ripper was surprisingly okay, unless I was dogging it without being aware of it.

Thanks for the feedback. I am going to just do the workout if I am healthy enough and just modify the heck out of it, and if not then I will rest


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.

I have faltered. Last night, I went overboard and had a super burrito with chicken and fried rice. On top of that, I had a dairy queen blizzard for dessert. It was so very delicious, but the scale this morning put me back up a couple of pounds. Regret has set in.

In all seriousness, it's a slight setback but nothing to be too worried about. I start Phase III tonight with PAP Lower. I should've made better use of the recovery week instead of doing Insanity here and there, my legs are already sore :(
Man, never weigh yourself the morning after a cheat day/meal. That's probably just the undigested food accounting for those pounds anyway, plus water weight and whatever else. I've had some pretty extreme cheat meals and my weight has never really spiked all that much; if it did, I was back to normal in like two or three days anyway. I'd say it was worth it.

Really, unless you're just starting out on a diet, I'd say cheat meals are a good thing, and almost essential. Hell, I've between thinking about mine all week (celebrating finishing two runs of P90MS). I think I've earned it.


I did plyo yesterday and it didn't kill me like I hoped it would. My legs hurt a bit though today... was a bit disappointed, so next time I'll take it up a notch.


Hang out with Steve.
Finished up P90 today. INSANITY starts on Monday.

Here are my before & after measurements:
Chest: 40.5 -- > 37.5 (-2.5")
R. Arm: 15 -- > 13 (-2")
L. Arm: 14.5 -- > 13 (-1.5")
Waist: 39 -- > 34.25 (-4.75")
Hips: 40 -- > 36.5 (-3.5")
R. Thigh: 25 -- > 22.5 (-2.5")
L. Thigh: 25 -- > 22.5 (-2.5")
Weight: 185 -- > 166.2 (-18.8lbs)

I'm 5'11", male, 47 years old. Obviously I'm pleased with the results. If I have any criticism of P90 it's that the Master Series should really be a part of the program. I switched to Phase 3-4 on Day 30, and doing 60 days of the same two workouts is just too long. Sure, I upped the intensity, pace, weights & reps as I went along, but variety is better. So if you're considering P90 you might want to be sure you get the Master Series along with it.

Anyway -- on to INSANITY!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I'm 5'11", male, 47 years old. Obviously I'm pleased with the results. If I have any criticism of P90 it's that the Master Series should really be a part of the program. I switched to Phase 3-4 on Day 30, and doing 60 days of the same two workouts is just too long. Sure, I upped the intensity, pace, weights & reps as I went along, but variety is better. So if you're considering P90 you might want to be sure you get the Master Series along with it.
Congrats on finishing! Great results.

I agree; ninety days of only four different workouts is just extremely monotonous, even if they work. Hell, I'm just finishing up the Master Series for the second time, and the fact that you do some of the workouts twice some weeks was even killing me. It'll be nice to transition to P90X, which has a lot more variety.
I've got a cheat day planned for Sunday. Going to be a big one too. :D


I don't need cheat days because I think you can treat yourself often with a cheat snack here and there. I love and enjoy chicken and salads and eggs and all that good shit that I eat almost everyday. It helps that I've never been a fan of deserts like cakes and ice creams and stuff. Everyone thinks I'm weird for never eating desert. Only vice is chips and skittles. Last week I ate a bag of skittles and it was soooo good. I won't do cheat days. Not worth the feeling you have the following 2-3 days. Guilt and sluggishness and bloated blehh.

and congrats on those results Steve! Goodluck with Insanity.
Just reporting in to say that I have completed Power 90, and lost 20 pounds in the process. I also gained the ability to do decline push-ups when I couldn't even do push-ups off my knees in January.

To P90X!
I don't need cheat days because I think you can treat yourself often with a cheat snack here and there. I love and enjoy chicken and salads and eggs and all that good shit that I eat almost everyday. It helps that I've never been a fan of deserts like cakes and ice creams and stuff. Everyone thinks I'm weird for never eating desert. Only vice is chips and skittles. Last week I ate a bag of skittles and it was soooo good. I won't do cheat days. Not worth the feeling you have the following 2-3 days. Guilt and sluggishness and bloated blehh.

I don't feel guilt (or sluggish / bloated for that matter) the following days, they work perfectly for me. It's not even about the psychological aspect, I don't care about that sort of thing, it's physical. Basically gives my body back anything I may have been lacking, and boosts my progress when it's been starting to slow down (and I only do it when my progress is stalling). Results wise, my best figures (fat loss) usually come in the week after I've had a cheat day. Not to mention that I'm usually far stronger for those first couple of days afterwards too.

On a calorific level, Monday will be a fast day anyway so it all basically balances out.
P90X2 in the books. It was an interesting program. I really loved a couple new things they introduced that I will use in all workouts from here on out. 

•The foam roller is a great tool. I was using it while I was watching TV sometimes to work out any hot spots.

• Collette

• I loved NIS stretching. Felt like it opened me up more than any other stretching I've done before. 

• X2 Ab ripper. I found it to be harder and more effective than Ab ripper X. I'll definitely replace the old with the new when I do P90X again. 

•There was a great variety of pull ups this time around that I liked. Some very difficult but challenging. 

• Collette 

•X2 Yoga. You magnificent bastard. I'll never go back to Yoga X. It's kinda sad I guess but I feel like I get enough out of X2 Yoga. I know I'll never be amazing at it like Ted McDonald. 

• The program strengthened my core extremely well. I believe it's marketed more as a core strengthening program than X was and it did precisely that.  

Onto the bad. I never felt like this program pushed me like P90X did. The moves weren't as difficult. Cardio is almost non-existant. Don't get me wrong, there is hard stuff in there and X2 never claimed to be harder than X. I also don't think I'd recommend this workout to anyone who wasn't planning on using a stability ball and medicine balls. So much of X2 focuses on core and balance and I don't believe you get the full results without using those tools. Which makes the program quite expensive. 

I'm going to give it another go towards the end of the year. Next time I'm going to change the schedule up a bit. I just did  4 weeks of each phase. Next time I'm going to do 5 weeks of Phase 1 & 2 and just 2 weeks of Phase 3. I feel like the real meat of the program is in those two phases (especially Phase 2). 

In conclusion, if you're a fan of Tony and P90X you will enjoy this program. Great core moves. I saw nice results in areas where I wasn't getting any before. Like those muscles Brad Pitt had near his pelvis in Fight Club :) I hope my review was informative andgood luck to the rest of you!
Just reporting in to say that I have completed Power 90, and lost 20 pounds in the process. I also gained the ability to do decline push-ups when I couldn't even do push-ups off my knees in January.

To P90X!
Nice job man, I'm still hitting the knees at times in P90X... of course, that may just be me praying for assistance. :D

P90X2 in the books. It was an interesting program. I really loved a couple new things they introduced that I will use in all workouts from here on out.
You say that it didn't push you like P90X... so do you reckon I should be OK going from P90X to X2 after I'm done, even though I'm not monstering P90X? (still using the easier of a lot of moves).


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.

I don't need cheat days because I think you can treat yourself often with a cheat snack here and there. I love and enjoy chicken and salads and eggs and all that good shit that I eat almost everyday. It helps that I've never been a fan of deserts like cakes and ice creams and stuff. Everyone thinks I'm weird for never eating desert. Only vice is chips and skittles. Last week I ate a bag of skittles and it was soooo good. I won't do cheat days. Not worth the feeling you have the following 2-3 days. Guilt and sluggishness and bloated blehh.

and congrats on those results Steve! Goodluck with Insanity.
It took me six months of hardcore dieting before I could muster up the courage to cheat a bit. My mind tried to make me think I would instantly gain back thirty pounds if I ate a slice of pizza, or even a small cookie. After those first six months, though, I've been able to eat and enjoy more things in moderation. What I eat these days is more like a lifestyle change than a diet at this point. I think I've retired from eating fries, though. They're just too good; I've gone this long without them, might as well not step on a potentially slippery slope.


Nice review HP, and congrats on finishing.

Interesting that we're of opposite minds re: Phase 1 and Phase 3. I would cut Phase 1 down or out entirely next go round, and I thought the Phase 3 moves were killer. Completely agree that Phase 2 is definitely the sweet spot of the program, NIS is awesome, and <3 Collette.

Only problems I had with Phase 3 were a) the repetitive schedule and b) lack of dedicated abs. Although, now that I'm two weeks into Insanity I can see how someone that's gone through that would be less impressed by PAP. To me the best part of PAP is how the moves hit back to back to back with no rest; once you've done Insanity/Asylum that's not exactly anything special.
Nice review HP, and congrats on finishing.

Interesting that we're of opposite minds re: Phase 1 and Phase 3. I would cut Phase 1 down or out entirely next go round, and I thought the Phase 3 moves were killer. Completely agree that Phase 2 is definitely the sweet spot of the program, NIS is awesome, and <3 Collette.

Only problems I had with Phase 3 were a) the repetitive schedule and b) lack of dedicated abs. Although, now that I'm two weeks into Insanity I can see how someone that's gone through that would be less impressed by PAP. To me the best part of PAP is how the moves hit back to back to back with no rest; once you've done Insanity/Asylum that's not exactly anything special.

Thanks lljride. Congrats to you as well. Maybe I am being a little hard on PAP just because I was so bitter at the lack of variety. You are spot on with the Insanity comparison to it though. Wait until you get to month 2 of Insanity and you do Max Interval Circuit. Brutal. Good luck with it. Great program. Shaun T is an awesome motivator.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Good review HP.

To add a few thoughts of mine. I am just starting phase 3 but I'd have to say I disagree with not recommending it if you don't have medicine balls. I don't have medicine balls and the program has worked well for me, I just did the alternate moves at that time. A handful of the medicine ball moves are more or less using them for weight too, so you can grab something heavy around your house and use it just as well. I used a 10lb weight off my loose weight dumbbell set in place of a medicine ball a lot.

I agree a stability ball is needed though, but they are a lot cheaper and easier to find than medicine balls. Target has them, or Wal Mart.

As for being "hard" I would agree with your thoughts, yet for me x2 truly feels like a sequel. It takes a lot of the X moves and adds another step to them in most workouts. I still felt like I was getting a great workout each time, and got some good cardio in, but it definitely is a core program.

I am actually liking X2 more than X right now. Part of the reason is that I don't feel as burnt out 65 days in as I did on X. I think the extra rest day, and the deeper move set to X2 has really helped.

Thanks Deadly. If you can find a replacement for a medicine ball like you said it's probably worth it. But for example, in PAP Upper just doing plank on the ground doesn't come close to plank on a med ball. Good luck on your last month.
HP and DC, how did you (if you did) modify the pull up moves where you have to pull your feet all the way up? And did you actually use a small step ladder for some of the moves where I see people getting up and down while carrying weights?
Blech, keep feeling like I'm about to tear one of my calf muscles in that last bit of the calf raises (toes in). Not happy as I really messed up my right calf back in my sporty days and I don't want to do it again. =/
HP and DC, how did you (if you did) modify the pull up moves where you have to pull your feet all the way up? And did you actually use a small step ladder for some of the moves where I see people getting up and down while carrying weights?

Are you talking about the one where you pull yourself up and then your back goes parallel to the floor? If so, I never modified those. I never did a ton tho. Not like Tony.

I used the chair from my dining room table to do those step up moves. Just make sure it's steady. Whatever you used for that one move in pylocide should be efficient.
Are you talking about the one where you pull yourself up and then your back goes parallel to the floor? If so, I never modified those. I never did a ton tho. Not like Tony.

I used the chair from my dining room table to do those step up moves. Just make sure it's steady. Whatever you used for that one move in pylocide should be efficient.

Yea that's the one I'm talking about. Saw it in a preview clip and I was like @_@ now I really have to worry about breaking the door frame
I don't know what I did, but when I lift my head higher than normal height, the muscles at the base of the back of my neck hurt pretty bad. Should I avoid doing pull-ups today?
I've hit a bit of a problem with the bands, I'm at the stage where I'm actually lifting myself off the floor when I pull on them. I literally don't have any way of using those pull up bars (door frames wont handle it) which means I've either got to strap my legs to the floor (or something) or go out to the garage which is going to take forever.
Haha. When I get home from work I'll take a picture of my door frame and you'll see what I had to do to for it to last all of X2. :)

Show me!

I might change my mind tomorrow when I wake up, man but thanks to being sick I got probably the biggest validation for doing P90X so far - having a minor cold, but still able to complete plyo almost uninterrupted. I will be honest I have always thought the validation would come from bigger muscles or more push ups.
Show me!

I might change my mind tomorrow when I wake up, man but thanks to being sick I got probably the biggest validation for doing P90X so far - having a minor cold, but still able to complete plyo almost uninterrupted. I will be honest I have always thought the validation would come from bigger muscles or more push ups.

My house was built in the 20's so my doors are a little odd. That little lip was starting to crack so I drilled a few screws in. I really hope it holds. :)



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm facing a dilemma here and hoping maybe P90x GAF can help out. I should be starting my phase II recovery week today, but I will be going away on vacation next week for 5 days. I'm not leaving until next Wednesday, so I'd get in all 6 workouts as scheduled, but I'm debating doing a 4th week of Phase II and than doing a recovery week after I get back from vaca. Does this sound like a plausible plan or should I stick to the schedule? Doing the P90x workouts while away isn't viable, but I do plan to take advantage of the gym at the resort at least 2-3 days while I'm there.

Also, I'm debating picking up a set of Powerblock Sport 5.0 adjustable dumbbells, anyone using these here? I've ruled out the Bowflex selecttech because of the sheer size and reviews complaining about cheap plastic parts that break.

Any help is appreciated.
I personally love powerblocks, but there are a couple of exercises you can't do with them, namely overhead triceps extensions. The only thing that breaks on powerblocks is the plastic weight selector, but some newer models to have metal pins for that purpose now.


Subscribed. Just bought P90X, plan on starting in May when school wraps up and I have more free time. Until then, I'm running every couple of days to make sure I have the cardio to keep up with the workouts when I start. I'll post before and after shots at the end of July hopefully!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Funnily enough, she stopped working out after about 15 minutes... and threw up 10 minutes later.

So cruel. lol

I plan on getting trashed tonight. I am going to attempt 20 minutes of Core Synergistics while wasted. Wish me luck!
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