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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

You know, I get that people are all hardcore about P90X, but it's not exactly carved in stone that you have to actually do it in 90 days or YOU FAIL. Follow the program and do it every other day. Or every third day with other stuff mixed in as you have time. In an ideal situation, you'd follow the 90 day thing. But it cracks me up when someone is, like, three or four weeks in and gets sick, misses a week, and then is all like, 'Should I start over you think?' Hell no, unless you want to, of course. (end rant)

The thing is about commitment and dedication, right? I mean, yea a lot of people fall back to old habits like Tony said in his rant. The idea I think is really to discourage the "kind of do it" mentality, since wright loss/change is as much a psychological battle as a physical one

OG Kush

Anyone use any pre-workout supplements? Im off caffeine except for one day a week, and Im trying to change my workout time from 10 at night to 5 or 6pm right after work, which is when I usually take a nap.

Since ephedrine is illegal, I was thinking about Jack3d. Idk tho, any ideas?

I've got jack3d, but use it very rarely. Only on occassions where I'm really knackered. It does help a lot though. Also its best not to use it a lot as you build a tolerence to it quick. When I first took it though I felt amazing. So focused, it was its own high. But I don't drink caffeine anyways (except green tea a few times a week, which is very light caffeine) so maybe thats why i felt so amazing. Did all my work after p90x as well.
I also take creatine, in the form of kre-alkalyn (sp?) pills. Much better than the powder as no loading and no stomach problems. A bit more pricier though.

Check Tim Ferriss PAGG stack, supposedly good for fat loss.
Kush, saw your post about ab ripper and 5 min break. Maybe the coaches over at Beachbody can better answer that? In any case, 5 min is a bit long, or are you talking about like short 10-15 sec break in between?

I just try to do 25 a set if I can, and break it up when I can't (effff you Heels to Heaven!)

OG Kush

Kush, saw your post about ab ripper and 5 min break. Maybe the coaches over at Beachbody can better answer that? In any case, 5 min is a bit long, or are you talking about like short 10-15 sec break in between?

I just try to do 25 a set if I can, and break it up when I can't (effff you Heels to Heaven!)

I mean I do all the exercises with no break, upto the part where he says "guess what guys we're half way!", and then take a 5 minute break. literally 5 mins. Then go back to the 2nd half. Did this today for the 2nd time but I think its not that good as I wasn't feeling the same burn I normally get.


So I'm going to start this in May once school lets out. My question is, should I completely stop drinking soda? Do you think it would actually help me tone? Also, any other tips would be pretty appreciated. I'm not fat or anything, just want to get some definition and muscle.


I actually bought the Energy and Endurance formula off of Beachbody since it's reasonably priced (~$1 per serving) and I figured it was worth trying. I used it few times as a preworkout supp, but I wasn't much of a fan. It definitely pumps me up, but I'd start getting headaches and a little nauseous about 20 minutes in. The ingredients are pretty similar to a 5 hour energy, caffeine and a shitload of B-12.

What's the hate against coffee? I thought its all right if no sugar or milk added?

I think he's super anti-anything that's even the least bit addictive, so it's mostly an issue with the caffeine. I'll try to find a link somewhere, but I think that's the only reason I remember seeing.
I mean I do all the exercises with no break, upto the part where he says "guess what guys we're half way!", and then take a 5 minute break. literally 5 mins. Then go back to the 2nd half. Did this today for the 2nd time but I think its not that good as I wasn't feeling the same burn I normally get.

Yea I think 5 mins is too long. But man kudos to you for even doing the first ten minutes nonstop. I like to catch my breath, especially before Fifer Scissor


So I'm going to start this in May once school lets out. My question is, should I completely stop drinking soda? Do you think it would actually help me tone? Also, any other tips would be pretty appreciated. I'm not fat or anything, just want to get some definition and muscle.

What kind of question is this son? Stop drinking that shit. Seriously. It's nasty. It's bad for you. There are way better options.

I haven't drank soda in a year and a half and I don't miss it in the least. No more crappy sugars, carbs and empty calories!

Drink water. Water is your friend, and it will make you feel better.
I actually bought the Energy and Endurance formula off of Beachbody since it's reasonably priced (~$1 per serving) and I figured it was worth trying. I used it few times as a preworkout supp, but I wasn't much of a fan. It definitely pumps me up, but I'd start getting headaches and a little nauseous about 20 minutes in. The ingredients are pretty similar to a 5 hour energy, caffeine and a shitload of B-12.

I think he's super anti-anything that's even the least bit addictive, so it's mostly an issue with the caffeine. I'll try to find a link somewhere, but I think that's the only reason I remember seeing.

A link will be super helpful!


A link will be super helpful!

I think this is what I had in mind, but it also comes up a lot in chats, etc. I'll poke around the message board and see if there's anything else.


First off, caffeine and alcohol are both considered (by many experts) slow
poisons that over time can cause many health issues down the line. Both
form an acidic environment in the body which can lead to heart disease,
inflammation, arthritis, diabetes and major digestive issues. Some early
studies are showing a possible link to various cancers as well.

Both wreak havoc on your blood sugar and how it's
regulated. Caffeine taxes the adrenal glands which is responsible for
regulating your hormones. It puts the body into a fight or flight
mode (all the time) which can cause longterm ill-health effects and
difficulty with weight loss. It also stimulates our central nervous system which can
affect perception, moods and behavior. Although it does increase the
"feel-good" neurotransmitter dopamine when we drink it, over time
you need more and more caffeine for the desired effect.


What kind of question is this son? Stop drinking that shit. Seriously. It's nasty. It's bad for you. There are way better options.

I haven't drank soda in a year and a half and I don't miss it in the least. No more crappy sugars, carbs and empty calories!

Drink water. Water is your friend, and it will make you feel better.

I still drink some diet soda and will put a packet of splenda into my (otherwise black) coffee, and know I probably shouldn't, but the rest of my diet I think has been pretty spot on so those are two allowances I'm giving myself.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
All right, here is a complete before and after comparison for myself:

Day 1

Day 92

Restarted P90X today. Had chest and back. Looking forward to seeing what I can do on Phase 1 compared to what I was capable of doing before (virtually nothing).


The Cryptarch's Bane
All right, here is a complete before and after comparison for myself:

Day 1

[b]Day 92[/b]

Restarted P90X today. Had chest and back. Looking forward to seeing what I can do on Phase 1 compared to what I was capable of doing before (virtually nothing).[/QUOTE]
great results, it's weird that p90x made your chest hair fall off


First day in ten that I want to be finished before even starting, as I'm super tired, but I'm going to do the workout anyway.

Alfarif- great job man! Should do P90X2 after your next X round and become a monster.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
great results, it's weird that p90x made your chest hair fall off

LOL I wanted to look at my muscle definition so decided to shave it. Feels weird.

First day in ten that I want to be finished before even starting, as I'm super tired, but I'm going to do the workout anyway.

Alfarif- great job man! Should do P90X2 after your next X round and become a monster.

I plan on it, actually! :)


All right, here is a complete before and after comparison for myself:

Day 1

Day 92

Restarted P90X today. Had chest and back. Looking forward to seeing what I can do on Phase 1 compared to what I was capable of doing before (virtually nothing).

My friend your baby belly is gone.

Awesome job man


Seeing that you are allowed to only workout 5 times per week in P90X2, I think I'm gonna add Core Synergistics to make it 6. I just finished it today and that workout is so freaking good, it would be a waste to not do it anymore.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
My friend your baby belly is gone.

Awesome job man

Thanks! My sister just saw me a couple weeks ago and the last time she saw me was a little bit before the before picture. She couldn't believe her eyes. :)

I have to say I love the grin in the final pic. It's very much what the before and after look was meant to be. :D

I have something to smile for now! The journey isn't over but man does it feel good to be here now.


Hang out with Steve.
I actually bought the Energy and Endurance formula off of Beachbody since it's reasonably priced (~$1 per serving) and I figured it was worth trying. I used it few times as a preworkout supp, but I wasn't much of a fan. It definitely pumps me up, but I'd start getting headaches and a little nauseous about 20 minutes in. The ingredients are pretty similar to a 5 hour energy, caffeine and a shitload of B-12.

I think he's super anti-anything that's even the least bit addictive, so it's mostly an issue with the caffeine. I'll try to find a link somewhere, but I think that's the only reason I remember seeing.

I take 1 or 1.5 servings of the E&E before my P90 workouts and plan to continue through Insanity and the other programs. I get up at 5am, drink the E&E, then start my workout 15 minutes or so later.


Starting my second round on Friday and I have a question about the nutrition plan. I know it's kinda too early for this but I'm not sure whether I do the plan on Phase 3 or not. It says my ratio needs to be 60/20/20 of carbs/protein/fat. That means I'll have to eat almost 300g of carbs and almost 100g of that is gonna be sugar. Will I still lose fat if I go on that ratio?

In my first round, I just used 40/40/20 'Energy Booster' in Phase 3.


I'm starting my P90x workout schedule from this monday, but I couldn't resist and tried the ab ripper x workout yesterday. Is it normal I couldn't finish it for shit. I almost died at some point I think :p ...

But for the people far in the program, is it bad that I can't finish the complete rep, (25 repeats) but just end up doing 15 or something?
No that's fine, I couldn't finish to start with either.

I don't know about others, but I would pause it, rest my muscles a bit, and then try and do the remaining reps. I still can't do the last exercise without stopping and I've only just managed to get from In & Outs to Crunchy Frog without taking a break.


I'm starting my P90x workout schedule from this monday, but I couldn't resist and tried the ab ripper x workout yesterday. Is it normal I couldn't finish it for shit. I almost died at some point I think :p ...

But for the people far in the program, is it bad that I can't finish the complete rep, (25 repeats) but just end up doing 15 or something?

I can say that after doing it a couple times on week two and hating it on week one, well... you'll surprise yourself. I mean, you'll still curse it, mind, but you will see clear improvements in short times... just stick with it and push yourself just outside your comfort zone (but not enough to hurt yourself, because then you get nothing done).


All right, here is a complete before and after comparison for myself:

Day 1

Day 92

Restarted P90X today. Had chest and back. Looking forward to seeing what I can do on Phase 1 compared to what I was capable of doing before (virtually nothing).

very nice! you look like 10 years younger than ur first pic
For those of you that are doing P90X2...I just saw some clips on youtube and it looks intense! I see everyone doing difficult moves at a very fast speed. Or I see pull-up moves that are enhanced so you pull your legs all the way. Am I just mindfucking myself thinking the grass is greener on the other side (doing p90x already, 3rd month)? I hate to say it but now I am like aw fuck there's another wall to break


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Only one more week to go of P90 Master Series, which I've done two runs of. Thank god, some of these workouts are getting a bit old (there's six of them), but they still push me pretty good. Then, back to P90X. Some questions:

Should I do a recovery week beforehand? I know that was suggested after going from P90 to anything else. I wouldn't be sitting on my ass; I'd still probably be working out six days, just not as intensely.

Also, I'm probably going to buy these Black Mountain resistance bands plus pull-up bar. Good idea? I think I've seen at least one person on here vouch for them. I used a couple of sets of dumbbells for my second run of P90MS, but because I did the lean schedule which only featured resistance training once a week, I never really ended up increasing my weights by much. I don't think I can afford to buy a new set of adjustable dumbbells, so I think I'm just gonna go back to resistance bands, which I used to use. I'll give the pull-up bar a shot, but I don't know if it's going to work on my door(s). It's hard to explain, but I have two regular doorways in my apartment, and they are connected/perpendicular to each other, so I'm not sure if the bottom part of the bar will fit the trim. It'd be a bummer if I couldn't use one, but I'd have to make due with the bands.

And are any of you guys doing or have done the lean schedule over the classic (for P90X)? As I mentioned before, I did the classic schedule for P90MS, and then the lean version and it left me a weakling, unfortunately, as it drops the resistance training from 2-3 days per week to one (but the other results are good). My triceps are gone, damn it! I'm not really trying to get ripped, just in better shape, but I wonder if it would be better to work my way up to classic by doing lean first. Or maybe that'd be a bad idea... My plan is definitely to do two runs of P90X over the next six months, so naturally I thought I'd use both schedules, but maybe just doing classic twice is a safer bet?

Sorry, that was longer than I was expecting, but if anyone has any advice, it'd be much appreciated. I "did" P90X years ago without much success or motivation, so I'm just trying to restart from square one this time.
I can't speak for the black mountain bands, I use the bodylastics ones though and they're fantastic. Know a bunch of others who got them too and they're really happy with them.

As for P90X. I woudn't bother with lean. It's not like the resistance days are particularly hard anyway and frankly, lean is pretty much designed for women who refuse to do upper body resistance exercise for fear of looking bulky (yeah, I know, but the myth still persists). In the unlikely event you do find yourself struggling to complete the resistance days, you can always switch down to lean. If you start on lean your only real option is dropping out completely.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Thanks. I'm not thinking the resistance days will be too hard for me or anything like that, I'm just trying to get the most out of the program if I do it twice back to back. From further reading it sounds like the lean schedule is more repetitive than classic, which I wouldn't really want.


Just finished week two of P90X and I feel awesome. Weight is the same (around 202 on a 5'8" frame) but I am noticeably more muscular and have already had two people comment that I look thinner. Haven't cheated on meals since I started.

Best thing I've done with/for myself in quite some time. Can't wait to see what I can do two more weeks from now (or more).


Oh my god, just did my first Core Synergistics and the chaturanga run is impossible, what the fuck!!!! Couldn't do the caturanga iso hold at the end either. Madness.



Oh my god, just did my first Core Synergistics and the chaturanga run is impossible, what the fuck!!!! Couldn't do the caturanga iso hold at the end either. Madness.


after 90 days.



Tonight will be my first day of workout. Going to bring it like never before! Very exited! I'll be doing my exericises in the gym though as I don't trust that pull up bar, thing I would pull the top of the door out of my wall.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Tonight will be my first day of workout. Going to bring it like never before! Very exited! I'll be doing my exericises in the gym though as I don't trust that pull up bar, thing I would pull the top of the door out of my wall.
Are you the Hulk? lol

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Phase 3 of X2 starts today. I am in the home stretch. I have heard PAP Upper/Lower are quite hard though. Do you still use dumbbells, etc? With Easter this weekend I'll have to do my Fri and Sat workouts at home, may be able to pack bands.

I have allergies killing me today so hopefully I can make it through my first workout in Phase 3. Kind of nice to have a schedule change though, with my rest day now coming Thursday and Yoga on Wednesday.

Oh, to add weight progress too:

Last April = 235 pounds
January (start of X2) = 223 pounds.
Today = 203 pounds.

Lost 30 pounds in a year, and 20 since starting X2. :p


Phase 3 of X2 starts today. I am in the home stretch. I have heard PAP Upper/Lower are quite hard though. Do you still use dumbbells, etc? With Easter this weekend I'll have to do my Fri and Sat workouts at home, may be able to pack bands.

I have allergies killing me today so hopefully I can make it through my first workout in Phase 3. Kind of nice to have a schedule change though, with my rest day now coming Thursday and Yoga on Wednesday.

Oh, to add weight progress too:

Last April = 235 pounds
January (start of X2) = 223 pounds.
Today = 203 pounds.

Lost 30 pounds in a year, and 20 since starting X2. :p

Awesome progress and godspeed with Phase 3. I'll be starting that on Thursday. I've skimmed through Upper and Lower and Lower has you using light dumbbells (optional it appears) with medicine balls. Upper uses the heavier dumbbells or bands for shoulder exercises.

One thing I'm wondering about Phase 3 is the exclusion of Ab Ripper? Those that have finished or are in Phase 3 of X2, do you still work on your abs in the PAP exercises? Or have you added Ab Ripper as a supplement to the routines, say once a week? I know you still engage your core and hit your abs in Yoga, but it's not as focused as doing Ab Ripper 3x a week, right?


One thing I'm wondering about Phase 3 is the exclusion of Ab Ripper? Those that have finished or are in Phase 3 of X2, do you still work on your abs in the PAP exercises? Or have you added Ab Ripper as a supplement to the routines, say once a week? I know you still engage your core and hit your abs in Yoga, but it's not as focused as doing Ab Ripper 3x a week, right?

I didn't add Ab Ripper to Phase 3, but in hindsight I probably should have. My problem was that both PAPs really drained me, so I didn't really have the energy or motivation to throw AR at the end.

There are a couple of ab/core moves in each PAP complex, but nothing close to X2AR.
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