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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm of the mindset that if you're pushing yourself hard through these workouts, eating right and resting when you can, you shouldn't worry too much about not seeing big improvements in reps. Seems like the results will follow in due time.
Generally I'm actually quite happy with my results so far; push-ups just humble me.

That reminds me though- I lost a decent amount of weight in phase 1 but have stayed basically at a plateau for the first two weeks of phase 2. If losing weight is my primarily goal, should I leave out protein powder from my recovery drink altogether? I know staying strict on my diet is what I need to do most, I'm just wondering.
Generally I'm actually quite happy with my results so far; push-ups just humble me.

That reminds me though- I lost a decent amount of weight in phase 1 but have stayed basically at a plateau for the first two weeks of phase 2. If losing weight is my primarily goal, should I leave out protein powder from my recovery drink altogether? I know staying strict on my diet is what I need to do most, I'm just wondering.

I definitely would not skip protein powder. At least after the weight-based workouts. I think you should probably just keep better track of what you're eating. Try using http://www.myfitnesspal.com/, I've found it useful on days when I don't have a good feeling for how many calories I've already consumed.
I have an appointment next week. I know what the answer will be though.

If it was horrifically bad I'd be down at the hospital, but it's manageable... totally fucking up my progress though. :(

That sucks man. Keep your head up. Just remember it doesn't take a week to get in shape, and a week won't make you get out of shape. Eat clean and you'll be good.


First post for me!

So I lost about 80 pounds (went from 330 to 250) from September to March, and since then I haven't really lost weight. I started out just eating better and moving more, and then switched my diet over to low carb (thanks in part to the weight loss thread, which I should also post in). This worked great for a while, but recently my kitchen sink broke which lead to less cooking. Also, somehow in the past month I got lazy and slowed down on the exercise, and now I'm looking into P90 or P90X to get more exercise in.

Which one would be a better program for me? I jog about 4 miles every sunday, but I'm not athletic. I get winded quickly and I think a good bit of muscle was lost with the 80 pounds. Also, my roommate has a pull up bar, but I weigh 250 lbs and while I can't do a pull up, I feel like I would break the door frame if I tried even hanging on the thing. Any suggestions?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't know that much about P90 but I think it's less of a time commitment and initial investment.

I couldn't do a pull up when I started either, and still use an assist device, but other factors are even more important. if you can, try out the fit test for p90x and see how you do.

No problem. They have a good app too, I use it once in a while.
This site is great! In every way besides the whole leveling/challenge system, it kicks the crap out of Fitocracy. The site design is so much better and entering food and exercise is easy.

It's pretty generous with the calories I burn doing little sets of stationary biking with the mini cycle under my desk! I might want to pretend I'm doing it for less time as it's not very strenuous (I selected light effort, but who knows what that really means), so I don't give myself too much leeway.

Just plugging in and seeing the numbers makes this aspect a lot less overwhelming! I love how it shows everything as a calorie "balance," so eating adds, exercising subtracts.

Can you set it to email you to remind you to put in your numbers after each meal? :p
First post for me!

So I lost about 80 pounds (went from 330 to 250) from September to March, and since then I haven't really lost weight. I started out just eating better and moving more, and then switched my diet over to low carb (thanks in part to the weight loss thread, which I should also post in). This worked great for a while, but recently my kitchen sink broke which lead to less cooking. Also, somehow in the past month I got lazy and slowed down on the exercise, and now I'm looking into P90 or P90X to get more exercise in.

Which one would be a better program for me? I jog about 4 miles every sunday, but I'm not athletic. I get winded quickly and I think a good bit of muscle was lost with the 80 pounds. Also, my roommate has a pull up bar, but I weigh 250 lbs and while I can't do a pull up, I feel like I would break the door frame if I tried even hanging on the thing. Any suggestions?

Welcome! Congrats on losing 80 lbs. That's impressive.

I would suggest trying the P90X fit test, as Hawkian recommended. If you haven't exercised much I would think P90 might be a better starting point, but I haven't done it. I could just pass the P90X fit test when I started, and I modified moves when necessary, until I didn't have to any longer.

You'll probably get better feedback from people who have done both programs, but in either case welcome to the party. It's well worth the commitment.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Same- I could just barely meet the minimums for the fit test (except doing a pull up :"(), and still have to modify plenty of moves, but it's satisfying.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I do have to say, the start of Phase 3 on X2 (PAP) is the first time I have really felt sore since the first few weeks of Phase 1.

Some of those PAP moves are tough, and use movements I don't normally do. :)


Side bridge leg lift. Ugh.

Ugh indeed, if I'm visualizing that one correctly. Regular bridge leg lift dips (from core synergistics) were hard enough. Yesterday (first day of core) was the first time I pulled my neck muscles during a workout and that was an unpleasant few minutes but I was able to stretch it out and continue after the bow to boat move (I think that was the name?).


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
And ordered. Got it from Amazon, as it was the same price after shipping and tax were added to the regular site, and I get the free prime shipping.
Nice to see someone else that will be starting soon — Sunday for me, to be exact. I attempted P90X a few years ago, but that was when I was in much worse shape without enough motivation and didn't last long. Clean slate this time.

Got my resistance bands and yoga mat today, and my exercise mat (it's thick, which I'll need for Ab Ripper X) is coming tomorrow. I have 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, so I'm just going to use the bands as an additional option, and for pull-downs since a pull-up bar isn't do-able for me right now.

For whatever reason, I'm fucking exhausted this week. My intention was to do a recovery week before starting P90X since I've been doing six days a week of the Master Series for 4+ months, but I guess I chose my plan poorly... I've been doing P90's Sweat 3-4 and man, it's really a pretty good workout after not having done it in a while. My arms are actually sore from using them so much (much more than in any P90MS routine). Regardless, I'm committed to starting P90X on Sunday, so I guess I'll just have to deal with being tired. At least I have a three day weekend.


Kills Photobucket
Nice to see someone else that will be starting soon — Sunday for me, to be exact. I attempted P90X a few years ago, but that was when I was in much worse shape without enough motivation and didn't last long. Clean slate this time.

Got my resistance bands and yoga mat today, and my exercise mat (it's thick, which I'll need for Ab Ripper X) is coming tomorrow. I have 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, so I'm just going to use the bands as an additional option, and for pull-downs since a pull-up bar isn't do-able for me right now.

For whatever reason, I'm fucking exhausted this week. My intention was to do a recovery week before starting P90X since I've been doing six days a week of the Master Series for 4+ months, but I guess I chose my plan poorly... I've been doing P90's Sweat 3-4 and man, it's really a pretty good workout after not having done it in a while. My arms are actually sore from using them so much (much more than in any P90MS routine). Regardless, I'm committed to starting P90X on Sunday, so I guess I'll just have to deal with being tired. At least I have a three day weekend.

I'm in terrible shape and probably wont be able to finish the workouts for a bit, but I'm honestly more worried about changing my diet. I avoid fast food except in rare cases (not including Subway), and I've gotten myself down to less than a can of soda a day, but I still east a lot of red meat.


I'm in terrible shape and probably wont be able to finish the workouts for a bit, but I'm honestly more worried about changing my diet. I avoid fast food except in rare cases (not including Subway), and I've gotten myself down to less than a can of soda a day, but I still east a lot of red meat.

A lot of folks will tell you red meat isn't a problem, but just make sure to eat a lot of green veggies and drink a lot of water along with it.

Don't worry about not being able to do the workouts early on; I'd be more worried if you somehow could do them all without issue right off the bat, as some are straight up hard. As Tony will repeat a lot, do your best and forget the rest.

And vatstep, the recovery week is surprisingly hard! I'd say just jump in with day 1 even if you're sore, because you're going to be sore/tired through a lot of what's ahead anyway.
Well my power 90 came in the mail and it's time to get into shape for the first time in well....ever! The closest was one month in the gym with a trainer years ago. In the past I wasn't fit but my high metabolism kept me thin. Now that I'm older I've gained a bunch of weight AND even worse shape (somehow). So in the past i could diet a bit and work off the weight but that trick doesn't seem to work as effective. So away we go. I'm at 212 now. I'm hoping to get down to 170 ish in 6 months.


Congrats on jumping into the Tony Horton bandwagon. Power 90 seems like a great option to prepare you for X and X2.

Just remember to eat healthy, push play and
push yourself.
Congrats on jumping into the Tony Horton bandwagon. Power 90 seems like a great option to prepare you for X and X2.

Just remember to eat healthy, push play and
push yourself.

That's the plan!

I don't plan on mentioning it to my friends and family. I want to see if they notice without knowing what I'm up too.


That's the plan!

I don't plan on mentioning it to my friends and family. I want to see if they notice without knowing what I'm up too.

Sometimes mentioning it is good though, as it can keep you more accountable. This thread probably serves that purpose for some (me included at times), but you might get better results if you get involved with those around you. Don't quit on it/yourself, and good luck!
Sometimes mentioning it is good though, as it can keep you more accountable. This thread probably serves that purpose for some (me included at times), but you might get better results if you get involved with those around you. Don't quit on it/yourself, and good luck!

Yea. I've done that in the past and for some reason when I mention it is when I fall off the wagon. So I'll try using this thread instead.


So I'm starting P90x again in a couple of days (as soon as I finish exams). When I first did the program a few years ago, I didn't follow the diet plan at all. Although I watched what I ate, junk food was still a part of my life. I still got great results, but come day 90, I was lacking in the abdominal region.

I'm going LEGIT this time. Following the diet plan 100%. I will get that six pack.

One question: with the recovery drink, I don't need to take protein or creatine after each workout anymore, do I? From what I remember from one of the videos, the recovery drink contains all that stuff.


That foam roller thingy hurts so bad, but it feels great after you do it. I don't know If it is a "placebo effect", but I'm feeling great since I started using it in X2.


Unconfirmed Member
Right, starting next week I will doing my P90X routine and reallt tone in shape. So far from the past two years I mainly did cardio and not did any weight training. This made me loose 5 stone (from over 17 stone to 12 stone 5) and my body fat percentage is 9.8% I've started doing some weight training these past two weeks and I can do a lot more than I use to do so I now feel ready to do this (while also following the nutrition diet book I have). I really want to get shaped up and have a great toned body (I don't wish to look bulky at all). I have all the equipment to use for this when I do training at my work's sports hall as it has a projector and DVD setup. I can see this being a hell lot of fun and feeling more great about myself (I want to really look great) so here's hoping!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
So I'm starting P90x again in a couple of days (as soon as I finish exams). When I first did the program a few years ago, I didn't follow the diet plan at all. Although I watched what I ate, junk food was still a part of my life. I still got great results, but come day 90, I was lacking in the abdominal region.

I'm going LEGIT this time. Following the diet plan 100%. I will get that six pack.

One question: with the recovery drink, I don't need to take protein or creatine after each workout anymore, do I? From what I remember from one of the videos, the recovery drink contains all that stuff.

Similar question: I have no idea what to do with protein or creatine. I'm just using Clif Builder's Bar as an afternoon snack and Muscle Milk Light shakes as a post-workout drink. Should I also be taking protein and creatine and when should I use them?

I did 3 weeks of Power 90 to get myself into a routine and am on week 1 of P90X. So far I'm only going about 80% on P90X so I can learn all the moves and get the form right. It's still a strenous workout though. I've lost 5 pounds and can already tell good things are happening
Oh my day one of power 90 was rough. I tried to take it easy like they said, but even then with plenty of breaks I barely made it. But I did all the workouts (some with the weaker alt moves and less reps) but I'm off to my new look. I ordered some supplements from amazon so that should help. Hopefully my back is ok. I really tried not to strain it, but my back is real weak.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Oh my day one of power 90 was rough. I tried to take it easy like they said, but even then with plenty of breaks I barely made it. But I did all the workouts (some with the weaker alt moves and less reps) but I'm off to my new look. I ordered some supplements from amazon so that should help. Hopefully my back is ok. I really tried not to strain it, but my back is real weak.
The first few days are tough, but just getting through the workout is big, so good work. When I first started P90, I had a lot more trouble with cardio days than resistance, but that reversed once I moved up to 3-4. Check back in tomorrow and let us know how Sweat goes!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm heading to Costco later to pick up another box of Muscle Milk shakes (it's almost half the price there compared to Amazon.com). Unless somebody advises me otherwise, might as well get a jug of whey protein while I'm there.
Oh my day one of power 90 was rough. I tried to take it easy like they said, but even then with plenty of breaks I barely made it. But I did all the workouts (some with the weaker alt moves and less reps) but I'm off to my new look. I ordered some supplements from amazon so that should help. Hopefully my back is ok. I really tried not to strain it, but my back is real weak.

Hang in there. I started doing p90 too and I couldn't do a single military push up or chair dip. Make sure you pick a recovery drink as it will help with the soreness. If things get too much, just skip certain moves and come back. Learning process- its a journey. I skipped chair dip for the first week. Keep us updated
I'm heading to Costco later to pick up another box of Muscle Milk shakes (it's almost half the price there compared to Amazon.com). Unless somebody advises me otherwise, might as well get a jug of whey protein while I'm there.

I prefer protein powder to premade shakes. At Costco I get 4.4 lbs of Kaizen Whey Protein Isolate for about $44 Canadian. It's nice stuff, 35 grams protein per serving and pretty much nothing else.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I prefer protein powder to premade shakes. At Costco I get 4.4 lbs of Kaizen Whey Protein Isolate for about $44 Canadian. It's nice stuff, 35 grams protein per serving and pretty much nothing else.

Oh, so if I get protein powder, I won't need the premade shakes? I'm just looking for easy ways to add protein to my diet haha
Oh, so if I get protein powder, I won't need the premade shakes? I'm just looking for easy ways to add protein to my diet haha

Yeah, I have a blender and just make my own shakes.

I guess the premades can be easier but they seemed way more expensive for the amount of protein in them, when compared to making your own. Also with the protein I got, there's no fat or anything else besides protein. So I mix in other things as I like. Typically I'll add some carbs.


This might seem like a weird question lol. I'm 2 weeks in my second round of P90X, and I've noticed that my thighs have been getting bigger. Do you guys think I should stop using weights with Legs & Back?
This might seem like a weird question lol. I'm 2 weeks in my second round of P90X, and I've noticed that my thighs have been getting bigger. Do you guys think I should stop using weights with Legs & Back?

Hello no, building muscle is what you want! If you're worried about bulk it's not like it's gonna happen overnight. Besides, those muscles are pretty big to begin with anyway.


Seriously. I can do this move for all of 3 seconds. At that time I drop my side to the floor and just lift my leg.

I do like the PAP workouts though so far.

That shit was so hard at the beginning (could only do a few seconds at a time like you), but by the end I was able to hold it the full time. Kinda rough on my elbows though, had to pad it up with a towel.
That shit was so hard at the beginning (could only do a few seconds at a time like you), but by the end I was able to hold it the full time. Kinda rough on my elbows though, had to pad it up with a towel.

I hear ya. My elbows got a bad case of rug burn by the end. I'm still using some Gold Bond medicated lotion on them. The thing that I learned about that move that really helped me get through it was to make sure where your forearm is positioned. If you get the elbow right under the shoulder you can lock it up and make it very strong.

Collette doing it on the foam roller is boss.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Holy cow, I just tried Yoga X for the first time. DO NOT WANT. My laptop battery died 50 minutes in so I figured that was a convenient excuse to stop ;)

I'm going to try X2 Yoga next time as so many people have recommended
Holy cow, I just tried Yoga X for the first time. DO NOT WANT. My laptop battery died 50 minutes in so I figured that was a convenient excuse to stop ;)

I'm going to try X2 Yoga next time as so many people have recommended

man you got to overcome that! Why give up so easily. The very fact that you are so tempted to give up should be a sign

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Maybe I just need to get a yoga block and give it another go. I could definitely see where it would be helpful. I was doing a little better with the balance moves in the second half
Maybe I just need to get a yoga block and give it another go. I could definitely see where it would be helpful. I was doing a little better with the balance moves in the second half

I am in the minority here because yoga X does get a lot of complaints all around and Hawkian will be the championing X2 yoga over X, but I believe in balances man - light/dark, ying/yang, inner/outer, weight resistance training/stretch. Yoga is such a mind fuck for both of your spirit and your body that I think it's an amazing complement to the program.

And is it too long? Maybe, It's 90 minutes, but look at it this way: every resistance training is at least 55 minutes, ab ripper is 15 minutes, and that's IF you go at their pace, which is almost impossible unless you are already in good shape. Which means give or take between your breaks you are looking at 90 minutes and longer anyway for the resistance training

Anyway, I know I am being preachy. Yoga blocks will help A LOT. I use it on almost every move during the first 45 minutes. Hey, and if you still don't like it, you can say at least you tried
I've warmed to it a bit. Yoga Belly can fuck off though... just doesn't seem to fit.

I'm still rubbish at the very last part of the first section too (my legs go dead for some reason).
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