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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Insanity and P90X in one day is BANANAS. That schedule that you are following looks hard enough. Some of the harder Insanity workouts are in there: max interval circuit, pure cardio, cardio conditioning. No pussy here my friend. Looks challenging and fun. Good luck and keep us updated.

Right. I'll stick with it then.
Day 3 of P90

I won't liveblog each workout but for these early goings it feels good to document my progress. All day yesterday and this morning my legs were REAL sore, so i debated skipping a workout early to recover. But i remember hearing sometimes the best way to get over soreness (that isn't injury pain) is to do more workouts and loosen it up so i decided to give it a go.

Its not much but I saw a little improvement already from day one. I took less breaks in between workouts, and was able to push myself a bit more. I can't wait for the day when i can do normal pushups and not these embarrassing alt pushups. But when you're overweight and weak you got to start somewhere! I'm sure my going in dieting also helped.

Although for my weight i'm concerned i might not have enough calories. I'm at around 2000 calories right now. Since i started working out my weight loss has halted. But i am going to ignore that for the first two weeks. I've read that happens as your body starts to adjust to the new regiment


Relief as i get my chinup bar and find out it will fit just fine on my narrow doors. Can't do a single pullup though...

Another option besides the chair is to take your resistance bands and feed them through (or over) your chin-up bar and kneel or sit beneath it... you'll be able to get a similar exercise that way that will be quite a bit easier than actual pull/chin-ups while still preparing you for real ones. Don't get discouraged; you'll surprise yourself in a few weeks if you're working hard and getting enough good protein into your system to build muscle with.

On a personal note, I just finished yoga x to mark the end of my first phase one! Feeling good but I know I can do better with what's ahead.
is x-stretch really necessary??

No. But I do it. I think it's helpful the more flexible your muscles get the stronger and less vulnerable they get. I think it helps with Yoga, helps with Plyo, and I wouldn't underestimate the changes your body can go through if you keep at it

Plus, Shawna looks better in the stretch video than in yoga. Just sayin'!


Lmao, so that was th infamous scene from a softcore porn flick.

Anyway, 2nd week of P90X2 done and I'm absolutely loving it. This program is so much fun! One week more of phase 1 and I'll move to 2, which I've heard it feels more like the OG P90X.


Tony on Yoga X. This is, of course, before X2:


And I can't stress enough how much I agree with what he's saying about the key thing is realizing that if you think something is too hard, that's when you got to push your discomfort level.

I just did Yoga X for the first time, well I say did I could only finish 30 minutes of it. I feel bad for not finishing it, but, for me yoga has been the hardest thing so far.


I just did Yoga X for the first time, well I say did I could only finish 30 minutes of it. I feel bad for not finishing it, but, for me yoga has been the hardest thing so far.

Did you watch the rest of it? The hardest stuff is in the first 45 minutes, then I find it get a lot easier (with the yoga belly stuff at the end being painful).

I am so far off from being able to do warrior 3 properly.
I just did Yoga X for the first time, well I say did I could only finish 30 minutes of it. I feel bad for not finishing it, but, for me yoga has been the hardest thing so far.

Yea yoga is tough and such a mind fuck. Great you are trying it though. You will really get a lot out of it. And kind of like what Lane said, I'd suggest to let the DVD play even when you are exhausted. Join back when you can. Take break when you can't. It's all about learning and introducing new stuff to your body.
is x-stretch really necessary??
I liked to do it on my rest day. It really helps you out, because if you're doing P90x right your body is in absolute agony by that point and the stretching helps out a ton.
Did you watch the rest of it? The hardest stuff is in the first 45 minutes, then I find it get a lot easier (with the yoga belly stuff at the end being painful).

I am so far off from being able to do warrior 3 properly.
Yoga X was so hard the first time I tried it wasn't even funny.


Did you watch the rest of it? The hardest stuff is in the first 45 minutes, then I find it get a lot easier (with the yoga belly stuff at the end being painful).

I am so far off from being able to do warrior 3 properly.

No I just turned that shit off right then and there, I might try it again on the rest day, or am I not supposed to do that?


No I just turned that shit off right then and there, I might try it again on the rest day, or am I not supposed to do that?

I'm of the opinion that doing something on the rest day is ok, but others will disagree because the other days are so intense. Seems like you should pretty much just adjust to what works best for you, but next time I'd advise just sticking with it. Many workouts will just flat out destroy you, so just do what you can and hang in there.

Like most will tell you, the yoga is difficult but the results are worth it.

Totally unrelated, but I looked at the video for chest/back/triceps that'll be tomorrow and plyo push-ups the way Tony does them are terrifying. I'll be lucky if I can do the knees version... looks ridiculous!
I suggest getting a yoga block and use that for every single possible move. When you need to come out, just do it. The more you are willing to try things the more changes you will undergo

Personally yoga has helped me the most with ab ripper, because it's kind of similar in terms of pain and discomfort
Looking forward to finishing off my first round of P90X. Afterwards I have some travelling, but after that I'm thinking of starting a gym program with Insanity cardio in between (if I have the energy).

I've heard starting strength is a good gym program, thinking of that 3X per week. Or might stick with the P90X strength workouts, combined with Insanity.
Looking forward to finishing off my first round of P90X. Afterwards I have some travelling, but after that I'm thinking of starting a gym program with Insanity cardio in between (if I have the energy).

I've heard starting strength is a good gym program, thinking of that 3X per week. Or might stick with the P90X strength workouts, combined with Insanity.

I think I am gonna stick with doing p90x again, just because it's really heavy on variety and I want to one day do that plyo push-up! And pull-ups too! My second round I am gonna try no assisted pull-ups..except corncub lol. Plyo is very enjoyable and challenging still. My other goal is to begin lifting heavier weights too heheh

And in the meantime saving money for p90x2.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
P90X Day 1 in the books! What a great workout – I felt pumped when I was done, and really energized, actually (even went for a six mile walk after). It just feels good to get back to doing more resistance training again after doing P90 Master Series Lean (almost all cardio). And I can certainly say that I did more push-ups today than I ever have in any other workout! None from my knees... I did enough of those back in P90. Pushing as hard as I can for these 90 days. Definitely need to up my band combination for the pull-downs, though (no pull-up bar for me).

As for Ab Ripper X, it's not as bad as I remembered from my first (brief) experience with P90X, as a few of the moves are in P90MS as well. For my first week, I'm planning on just feeling all of the moves out and doing as much as I can in the 17 minutes rather than set numbers for myself (although I'm almost positive I did at least 15 of every move today, which is the low end goal). I'm really glad I got a nice, thick exercise mat, though – it feels much better for my back and tailbone, and I don't think I could do some of these moves without it.

Feeling good right now, ready to crush Plyometrics tomorrow! I'll be sure to check in and let you guys know how I did. :)
P90X Day 1 in the books! What a great workout – I felt pumped when I was done, and really energized, actually (even went for a six mile walk after). It just feels good to get back to doing more resistance training again after doing P90 Master Series Lean (almost all cardio). And I can certainly say that I did more push-ups today than I ever have in any other workout! None from my knees... I did enough of those back in P90. Pushing as hard as I can for these 90 days. Definitely need to up my band combination for the pull-downs, though (no pull-up bar for me).

As for Ab Ripper X, it's not as bad as I remembered from my first (brief) experience with P90X, as a few of the moves are in P90MS as well. For my first week, I'm planning on just feeling all of the moves out and doing as much as I can in the 17 minutes rather than set numbers for myself (although I'm almost positive I did at least 15 of every move today, which is the low end goal). I'm really glad I got a nice, thick exercise mat, though – it feels much better for my back and tailbone, and I don't think I could do some of these moves without it.

Feeling good right now, ready to crush Plyometrics tomorrow! I'll be sure to check in and let you guys know how I did. :)

Very happy for you V, and ditto on the mat! Makes a world of difference for me in yoga and plyo


Did you watch the rest of it? The hardest stuff is in the first 45 minutes, then I find it get a lot easier (with the yoga belly stuff at the end being painful).

Definitely. My first time around, I only did the second half of Yoga. Even that was a good workout, so I can imagine the full Yoga X is killer.

One week til I start again! Better buy some food and that recovery drink...


The Cryptarch's Bane
Wow, the wrist weights really do a good job adding some intensity to Kenpo.

It was a great workout, but served as a really big reminder about the need for energy to burn. I didn't eat enough today, and with 10 minutes left, I really started to feel terrible. My muscles felt like they were hollow and I was shaking, and I started to retch but didn't really have anything in my stomach. Not a good idea.

I finished doing pretty light variations on the last 3 moves, but still wasn't feeling so good til I had the recovery drink.


Wow, the wrist weights really do a good job adding some intensity to Kenpo.

It was a great workout, but served as a really big reminder about the need for energy to burn. I didn't eat enough today, and with 10 minutes left, I really started to feel terrible. My muscles felt like they were hollow and I was shaking, and I started to retch but didn't really have anything in my stomach. Not a good idea.

I finished doing pretty light variations on the last 3 moves, but still wasn't feeling so good til I had the recovery drink.

Yeah. Take care when you're doing this chaps.

I getting ready to do Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit. I've learned that if my day is too stressful I lose all motivation to workout in the evening, so I have to do my workouts early to make sure they get done.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, my buddy didn't get his act together, so I'm continuing with my run, which means today is my rest day for week 3. I'll probably do stretch when I get home (in addition to the stationary pedaling I get to do at work :D), but I'm so exhausted I probably won't be up for long. Can't wait to get my rest on.


Do you guys have any heart rate monitor suggestions?

Man I really wish the Pebble watch was out already.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, wall squats massacre me, and my lower body strength is actually decent.

Tony pisses me right the hell off during those sequences too. "And down... okay, time to go check on the kids!" GODDAMNIT TONY

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Those P.A.P. workouts, man. Some are hard, but the ones that aren't as hard are the ones that end up hurting. My hip flexors are sore from the toe taps.

Also, I found out I suck a slalom jumps forward and backwards.
Wall squats are awesome. Flashbacks of yoga and plyo

Legs and back is the one workout where everyone is moaning and grunting. I feel better about myself momentarily
For some reason I really like wall squats, especially the one-legged ones.

Slow push-ups are still brutal. Makes me feel like I'm working my ass off though.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
2nd time of chest & back. I feel a little bit stronger so that's good. I'm doing way better at Ab Ripper X

How exhausted are you supposed to be when you finish? My arms are kinda achy and I probably can't do two more push-ups right now, but I'm not drop dead exhausted and vomiting like some of you guys sound. Is this good? Or not pushing hard enough?
2nd time of chest & back. I feel a little bit stronger so that's good. I'm doing way better at Ab Ripper X

How exhausted are you supposed to be when you finish? My arms are kinda achy and I probably can't do two more push-ups right now, but I'm not drop dead exhausted like some of you guys sound. Is this good? Or not pushing hard enough?

Wouldn't worry about it. Everyone has different physique and at different level of fitness. As long as you can honestly say to yourself that you did the best you could, it's no problem


2/3rd through P90X and I still can't stand Yoga. It's supposed to be this restful thing and it's the only workout I dread. Has anyone skipped it outright? I'm thinking of just going for a run on those days.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
2/3rd through P90X and I still can't stand Yoga. It's supposed to be this restful thing and it's the only workout I dread. Has anyone skipped it outright? I'm thinking of just going for a run on those days.

The last bit of P90X I added core in place of it, as core has some yoga.

P90X2 yoga is so much better though. I really don't dread doing it at all.
2/3rd through P90X and I still can't stand Yoga. It's supposed to be this restful thing and it's the only workout I dread. Has anyone skipped it outright? I'm thinking of just going for a run on those days.

It's not supposed to be restful. The training comes from learning how to find peace on the storm by tackling your weak spots. It's really no different than ab ripper or plyo where you learn how to breathe through your discomfort

That said, I do understand how uncomfortable it can be. Personally, the fact that you are dreading it is a sign that you should push towards it. A lot of people don't like it, some have skipped it or used X2 yoga
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