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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


2nd time of chest & back. I feel a little bit stronger so that's good. I'm doing way better at Ab Ripper X

How exhausted are you supposed to be when you finish? My arms are kinda achy and I probably can't do two more push-ups right now, but I'm not drop dead exhausted and vomiting like some of you guys sound. Is this good? Or not pushing hard enough?

I don't know about vomiting (lol, it only happened during my first ever P90x day), but you should feel pretty tired after something like Chest and Back. If by the end you can still do pushups and pullups without your arms failing you, then it would be wise to do more reps and increase the weight of the dumbbells/bands for some exercises.


The Cryptarch's Bane
2/3rd through P90X and I still can't stand Yoga. It's supposed to be this restful thing and it's the only workout I dread. Has anyone skipped it outright? I'm thinking of just going for a run on those days.
Have you tried X2 yoga?

Yoga is extremely valuable for overall fitness and I really recommend doing it. But I too found Yoga X unbearable. X2 is a half hour shorter and much faster paced.


On week 3 of P90X. I cannot do Yoga X for the life of me. Should I replace Yoga X with Cardio X? Any other recommendations?


As far as recovery drinks go what do you guys get? Is it just a typical protein shake that you drink a few times a day or do you use a specific drink for right after workouts only?
As far as recovery drinks go what do you guys get? Is it just a typical protein shake that you drink a few times a day or do you use a specific drink for right after workouts only?

I use syntha 6 protein powder + skim milk. Only post-workout. Some people drink it twice a day. Just be aware of the fat/carb/sugar content
As far as recovery drinks go what do you guys get? Is it just a typical protein shake that you drink a few times a day or do you use a specific drink for right after workouts only?

I use Optimum Nutrition whey protein with fat free milk and a tablespoon of creatine after my workout. I also have a shake in the morning without the creatine.
On week 3 of P90X. I cannot do Yoga X for the life of me. Should I replace Yoga X with Cardio X? Any other recommendations?

1) Stick with it. Get a yoga block and just use it on every single move in the first 45 mins. If you need to collapse, let go. Just let the video play and jump back in when you can. Play your favorite TV show or movie on th side. 90 mins go by fast

It you keep at it you will see improvement. If you stop now it ends here.

2) You can hunt down a copy of X2 yoga as it is modified to address consumer feedback. So it's shorter and faster, more "fitness" yoga than say yoga in its form

3) I think some people have replaced whatever they want before. After all it's your own program and you got total control. If you want the best suggestion of an alternative workout, maybe try Beachbody board


Is a post workout recovery drink really necessary? I remember reading a while back that drinking chocolate milk after a workout can help but I haven't been doing that, should I be?
Is a post workout recovery drink really necessary? I remember reading a while back that drinking chocolate milk after a workout can help but I haven't been doing that, should I be?

Chocolate milk is a great and cheap recovery drink. I recommend skim though

And yes you need it so it helps your body to change and recover - less soreness, faster recovery rate. Drink it within an hour post workout
Alright then, how much though? Just a small glass?

Umm you can be a bit strict and follow the nutritional guide, which for their own recovery drink it's about 14 to 16 ounces?

I have a small personal blender so I just fill it up. Otherwise I used to do just a normal cup size


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is a post workout recovery drink really necessary? I remember reading a while back that drinking chocolate milk after a workout can help but I haven't been doing that, should I be?
I definitely recommend it. It seems silly but there must be some solid science behind it. I feel less sore and "wiped-out" if I have the drink immediately after.


Typing with goddamn t-rex arms after doing chest/shoulders/trice(rato)ps for the first time. Triceps are so tight already.

Clapping push-ups consisted of lowering myself to the floor, cursing into my mat, then laying there; pretty sure I nailed those.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey subset of fitness-GAF,

I've been using this site since it was linked to me in this thread by opticalmace (thanks again buddy), and it's the best tool I've found for keeping track of caloric intake. It has a bunch of advantages over a pad and paper:
  • It does all the math for you
  • You can access it from anywhere, there's basically no way to forget it (unlike leaving a notebook at home)
  • You enter both food and exercise into the same system.

I imagine it's the same thing Weight Watchers' software does except without points, it just shows you everything in calories. And it gives it to you as a balance of calories to "spend" (so you don't want to be negative for the day); this is just fundamentally different to me than the way I usually look at it, starting from 0 calories and taking in more over the course of the day.


Anyway, it's really been effective for me so far. At the end of the day you have a certain number of calories left over and it uses that (your deficit) to calculate the path of weight loss (or whatever) you're on.

While using it for the last week though I just kept getting reminded of something. And I realized it was Fitocracy. Fitocracy tries to make the process of exercise into a game, and it's pretty impressive. But I could never stick with it; there are things I don't like about the site design, and there's no tracking of food. But the concept of "leveling up" and achievements and stuff is a pretty clever idea.


Anyway, I think what really should happen is for these two concepts to be combined. I don't know if Fitocracy is planning on adding food/calorie tracking or not, but the myfitnesspal system is already so close.

See, the problem with Fitocracy as a game is that it's just an upward slope, forever. You can enter your weight of course, but you gain experience from exercise and just go up in levels the more you exercise. But there's a lot more to fitness than exercise obviously.

You need to be able to fuck up. You need to be able to go backwards for it to be more representative of total fitness. And at the end of the day if you only have a few calories remaining, you really, really don't want to go into the negative.
When you enter exercise (like P90X or whatever), you're earning more calories to "spend" for the day, or you can "store" the remaining balance (your caloric deficit) at the end of the day. This seems like a way better measure of "experience points" than just a linear progression the more you exercise. It means that if you have a negative balance you could actually lose experience and go down a level.

MFP asks you to estimate your recommended daily intake in the initial setup. It asks you about your job, height-weight, etc, and it's pretty easy. The site will make suggestions if it thinks you're not getting enough calories if you try to complete a day with a ton left just for the "points." It's already so sophisticated, and just seems like it would be a lot of fun and easy to stick with if it went a little further into making it into a game. It would be so much more healthy an addiction than an MMO.
Lost far too much weight last week. Seems I reduced my calories too much (to take account of my lack of exercise due to back injury) and I've ended up taking off a bunch of muscle.

Goddamn back needs to heal already so I can get on with working out again. :mad:


Lost far too much weight last week. Seems I reduced my calories too much (to take account of my lack of exercise due to back injury) and I've ended up taking off a bunch of muscle.

Goddamn back needs to heal already so I can get on with working out again. :mad:

One month in of really pushing and I have lost zero pounds; I wish I had your problem.
One month in of really pushing and I have lost zero pounds; I wish I had your problem.
You're possibly just gaining muscle. Weight loss is largely irrelevant, fat loss is where it's at.

Maybe consider finding someone who can do a 7 point skin fold test on you if you're really interested.
One month in of really pushing and I have lost zero pounds; I wish I had your problem.

Then you're definitely eating too much (assuming you want to lose weight).

You need to keep track of what you eat, or you won't have a good estimate of how many calories you're consuming. Again, that is, if you're trying to lose weight.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Day 2 of P90X today, and man, I rocked the shit out of Plyometrics. I guess I underestimated myself, as I was thinking about all of the horror stories from others just starting the program, but I brought as much intensity as I could, didn't take any breaks, and managed not to drown in my own sweat (it was 84 degrees in my room according to my alarm clock — way too hot here today).

P90 Master Series (the Plyo Legs routine, mostly) seems to have really prepared me for this one, as about half of the moves are either the same or slightly modified. It's laid out a little differently, though – most of the moves are one-minute sets, as opposed to 30 seconds like in Plyo X. Shorter sets with a repeat second round seems to be more intense, which is good. Still, even after doing the Plyo Legs routine in P90MS many times over the past few months, it never even came close to getting easy, and I'm sure the same will apply here... I just plan on getting higher and higher each week. Frog Boy will be my bitch. I suck at circle runs, though. My feet just feel so clumsy.

I was sort of surprised at how little stretching there was at the end (though, right as I was thinking that, Tony said something about doing more if you feel you need it). I added in kenpo quad stretches and seated hamstring stretches just because I've been doing them for a while now. I figure that my body is so used to them, better safe than sorry.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Day 2 of P90X today, and man, I rocked the shit out of Plyometrics. I guess I underestimated myself, as I was thinking about all of the horror stories from others just starting the program, but I brought as much intensity as I could, didn't take any breaks, and managed not to drown in my own sweat (it was 84 degrees in my room according to my alarm clock — way too hot here today).

P90 Master Series (the Plyo Legs routine, mostly) seems to have really prepared me for this one, as about half of the moves are either the same or slightly modified. It's laid out a little differently, though – most of the moves are one-minute sets, as opposed to 30 seconds like in Plyo X. Shorter sets with a repeat second round seems to be more intense, which is good. Still, even after doing the Plyo Legs routine in P90MS many times over the past few months, it never even came close to getting easy, and I'm sure the same will apply here... I just plan on getting higher and higher each week. Frog Boy will be my bitch. I suck at circle runs, though. My feet just feel so clumsy.

I was sort of surprised at how little stretching there was at the end (though, right as I was thinking that, Tony said something about doing more if you feel you need it). I added in kenpo quad stretches and seated hamstring stretches just because I've been doing them for a while now. I figure that my body is so used to them, better safe than sorry.
Yeah, I went into it with nothing beforehand and plyo made me hurt. I'm sure P90 does a good job getting you fit for it.
Just finished day 1.

I really have problems maintaining good form. Especially with push-ups. 1 or 2 reps and my legs and arms start shaking like madmen.

Abs ripper x made my back hurt a lot during the exercises(couldn't finish the hole thing), is that normal?

I hope it gets better!

Ill Saint

Just finished day 1.

I really have problems maintaining good form. Especially with push-ups. 1 or 2 reps and my legs and arms start shaking like madmen.

Abs ripper x made my back hurt a lot during the exercises(couldn't finish the hole thing), is that normal?

I hope it gets better!

Did you do the fit test?
Just finished day 1.

I really have problems maintaining good form. Especially with push-ups. 1 or 2 reps and my legs and arms start shaking like madmen.

Abs ripper x made my back hurt a lot during the exercises(couldn't finish the hole thing), is that normal?

I hope it gets better!

For push-ups, go to your knees when your form goes south and finish your goal for that set if you can.

For your back, if it's surface soreness/bruising then get yourself on a mat, carpet, or even add a towel under your tailbone. If it's muscle soreness make sure to keep your core/lower back engaged during the exercises or you WILL strain it.
Hows everyone getting along with this? It'd be nice to see/read more results.

Im doing Insanity now. Finished Phase 1. Phase 2 is a bitch. 1 hour long cardio sessions! Fuuuuu!
Hows everyone getting along with this? It'd be nice to see/read more results.

Im doing Insanity now. Finished Phase 1. Phase 2 is a bitch. 1 hour long cardio sessions! Fuuuuu!

I plan on posting results early this fall after I finish another round. I've lost about 37 pounds since I started using P90X and have really started to feel better about my body for the first time in my life.
I probably wont be posting results from this run. I was pretty happy with my progress but this injury has fucked everything up and 3 weeks of honeymoon is going to fuck everything up even more (I was supposed to have been finished before that).

I probably wont be posting results from this run. I was pretty happy with my progress but this injury has fucked everything up and 3 weeks of honeymoon is going to fuck everything up even more (I was supposed to have been finished before that).


Heh. If you only knew how many times I've had to restart due to this or that. I think it's pretty damn rare for someone to go Day 1- Day 90 without any hiccups. Don't let the back get you down. I've sprained my back, had terrible gout episodes (I'm 26!), and pulled a muscle in my neck. Overall, every time I get back on the horse I'm in better shape than the last time I restarted, and slowly but surely I'm getting where I want to be.
I plan on posting results early this fall after I finish another round. I've lost about 37 pounds since I started using P90X and have really started to feel better about my body for the first time in my life.

lol i know that feel. Im topless or in a vest all the time now. My girlfriend loves it and hates it at the same time.

I probably wont be posting results from this run. I was pretty happy with my progress but this injury has fucked everything up and 3 weeks of honeymoon is going to fuck everything up even more (I was supposed to have been finished before that).


That sucks man. I got injured for a few days in my original P90X but i quickly recovered. How bad is it?
That sucks man. I got injured for a few days in my original P90X but i quickly recovered. How bad is it?
Week and a half out so far, and I'd be very surprised if it's not at least another week. I'm going to try some stretching on Thursday but it still hurts to move in particular ways... and hurts when I lay down to sleep too. :(


Did a Chest and Back, and the sorest part of my body is my neck. Any ideas what I might've done or didn't do to cause this? I never felt at any point during the workout that I was straining my neck. It's mostly painful tilting my head forward.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
About the neck thing, just make sure you do the neck stretches every day instead of the few workouts he does them. Keep your neck loose.

On another note, what do you working folk take for breakfast and lunches at work? How about snacks?

Currently this is my eating at work, and I want to change it up:
Breakfast - Muscle Milk carton
Snack - Almonds
Lunch - Can of soup
Snack - Almonds/Oranges

My calorie count is pretty low by end of day, so I'd like to bump it up while keeping cost (and carbs) lower.
Ditch the muscle milk and switch to whey shakes to save a ton of cash. Any reason you can't eat something you make at home before going to work as your breakfast?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ditch the muscle milk and switch to whey shakes to save a ton of cash. Any reason you can't eat something you make at home before going to work as your breakfast?

Because I have a 45 minute drive to work, so I get up at 6 and am too lazy to get up earlier than that. :p

Do they make packs of whey shakes? Or would I need to make my own the night before? How are the carb levels in them?
Because I have a 45 minute drive to work, so I get up at 6 and am too lazy to get up earlier than that. :p

Do they make packs of whey shakes? Or would I need to make my own the night before? How are the carb levels in them?

I use Optimum Nutrition 100% whey and it's super low in carbs. Just buy yourself a shaker bottle, put in 8 oz. of water/milk/soy milk/almond milk or any combination thereof, add a scoop and shake. Takes 15 seconds.

As for the too lazy thing, you are doing P90X right? : )

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I use Optimum Nutrition 100% whey and it's super low in carbs. Just buy yourself a shaker bottle, put in 8 oz. of water/milk/soy milk/almond milk or any combination thereof, add a scoop and shake. Takes 15 seconds.

As for the too lazy thing, you are doing P90X right? : )

Almost through P90X2. :p But I do that after work. I cannot function well in the morning.

How are the calories on that shake, it needs to have at least a good amount. As mentioned I'm low on calories as is.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I use Optimum Nutrition 100% whey and it's super low in carbs. Just buy yourself a shaker bottle, put in 8 oz. of water/milk/soy milk/almond milk or any combination thereof, add a scoop and shake. Takes 15 seconds.

As for the too lazy thing, you are doing P90X right? : )
Haha. Some people just can't be morning people! I should really get up earlier than I do for a number of reasons, but I find it so tough to get enough sleep even without waking up at 6...

To my surprise it's Day 1 of my Phase 2 recovery week! That went by really fast. Looking forward to bringing it in Phase 3.
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