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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

How much space is needed for P90/P90X? Like, do I need a huge Kinect advertisement type living room area, or can I do it in my small bedroom?
I wouldn't want to do it in much less than 2x1 meters... and I think you'd probably struggle with a few of the plyo moves in that space.

Everything else you'd be fine with though.


Damn you and your Chipotle talk, now I'm starving. May have to stop there on the way home and get something for my post-Yoga-dinner. I've eaten exceptionally well today, too!

edit: GraveHorizon, a great site I've been using quite a bit since starting is www.myfitnesspal.com. It lets you track your food calories and exercise and even if you're just estimating, it's a great tool for motivating yourself and helping not to overeat.

:lol - Just what I was thinking reading through that page. I'm still going to be thinking about it by lunch time tomorrow. I won't be able to eat half of an order either. The entire thing would be demolished within 5 minutes. I have to avoid things like Chipotle for the most part. My will power is strong, but it will shatter if I start to crack.


The Cryptarch's Bane
As others said, if you go for a salad or burrito bowl, minus sour cream/cheese, you're actually not bad off. Could do much much worse.


anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.


anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.

I had a regular diet for a while and I lost a lot of body fat. So, if you plan to eat healthy even if you aren't following the p90x diet plan to a t, you are still going to get very good results.


The Cryptarch's Bane
anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.
Tony would say a diet change is pretty crucial, but you sort of need to not think about it as going on an "irregular diet." It's sort of a commitment to permanently change your eating habits with the goal of continual fitness. If your diet is already quite healthy, then you're probably well-off. Are you looking to lose weight at all?


anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.
I'm not following the recommended diet, and I've lost 4-5 pounds along with a substantial strength gain in about 3 weeks of P90X, and the only thing I did was cut down on/eliminate some of my vices. I've cut way back on beer, especially.

If you use common sense and moderate portion size, cut back on unhealthy food/drink, and plan healthy meals ahead of time, you should definitely get results if you don't half-ass the workouts.


I noticed yesterday and today that my core now feels like a rock, only it's wrapped in a layer of flab. Like seeing presents under a tree, but Christmas is still months away. Bummer.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I noticed yesterday and today that my core now feels like a rock, only it's wrapped in a layer of flab. Like seeing presents under a tree, but Christmas is still months away. Bummer.
I feel you there man. Many many moons ago I had great abs from karate starting at a very young age (80 sit-ups twice a week for like 6 years straight). I can tell they're still under there somewhere and if I engage my core I can see them. One day soon


anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.
I've always been a skinny-fat sometimes near underweight when I was younger (at the start of this was 5'8" between 130 and 140 pounds, haven't weighed myself in forever) and I haven't changed my diet at all since starting P90X. My results haven't been explosive or anything, I can do more pull-ups and pushups but my arms look about the same, but there's definitely been a reduction in the fat around my waist. My results would undoubtedly be a lot better if I followed the diet though. For example, I still have moobs even though I'm into the third month of the program and the amount of pull-ups I'm capable of has stalled at about three or four (and after about 20 minutes of doing arm exercises I get to the point where doing one is difficult). I have started to notice these two lines of muscle definition (I think anyway?) slowly form around my hips near the pelvis region though and while my pull-ups have stalled most of the other moves have improved pretty well since the beginning (flexibility is through the roof, I can touch my toes for the first time in my life). Even if the results aren't spectacular at least I'm doing something and my cardiovascular health is undoubtedly much better than it used to be so by that metric alone I think the program is worth it. Beyond that if I give it another few months (I plan on going through the program again when I'm done) I might be able to get rid of the moobs, who knows? Gotta exercise regardless and since I don't have a gym membership (and couldn't even stick with starting strength when I did at college) I might as well continue on with this.

I noticed yesterday and today that my core now feels like a rock, only it's wrapped in a layer of flab. Like seeing presents under a tree, but Christmas is still months away. Bummer.
This post reminded me, even if I don't look too different my body in a lot of areas feels a lot harder now, legs especially. So, yeah, still getting results just a little subtler than most.


Hunky Nostradamus
They recommend a bigger area, but I did P90, P90 Master Series and am now doing P90X in like a 6x4 space (in my bedroom). I have to get creative on some moves, but I have no problem with 95% of them. I could use my living room, but the floors are creaky, and there are too many distractions that make me start my workouts later than I want to. It's easier to get home and shut myself in the bedroom until I'm done.

I wouldn't want to do it in much less than 2x1 meters... and I think you'd probably struggle with a few of the plyo moves in that space.

Everything else you'd be fine with though.

I see. I might have enough room after all. If I decide to get the P90X then I'll be sure to post in this thread with everyone else. :)


I had a regular diet for a while and I lost a lot of body fat. So, if you plan to eat healthy even if you aren't following the p90x diet plan to a t, you are still going to get very good results.

great! thanks! that should be good enough.

Tony would say a diet change is pretty crucial, but you sort of need to not think about it as going on an "irregular diet." It's sort of a commitment to permanently change your eating habits with the goal of continual fitness. If your diet is already quite healthy, then you're probably well-off. Are you looking to lose weight at all?

yea, i'm just trying to lose some of my guts and chest fat. i did p90x for 1 year with a strict diet and it was really stressful. so this time i'm going easy on myself after over a year break. i thought i could get myself into the gym but it not for me. since i don't go to the beach or walk around shirtless much, i see no need to be ripped for the time being. i mainly shop at whole foods so i usually buy quinoa, vegan meats, fruits and vegetable with cook with my the vegan meats. i wouldn't say my diets are extremely healthy right now, but it passable. i eat mostly carbs tho, which can be bad if i'm not active, cause my face breakout if i eat a lot of protein. i guess my goal is to be active.

I'm not following the recommended diet, and I've lost 4-5 pounds along with a substantial strength gain in about 3 weeks of P90X, and the only thing I did was cut down on/eliminate some of my vices. I've cut way back on beer, especially.

If you use common sense and moderate portion size, cut back on unhealthy food/drink, and plan healthy meals ahead of time, you should definitely get results if you don't half-ass the workouts.

no beer for me, so i guess that's good lol. thanks!

I've always been a skinny-fat sometimes near underweight when I was younger (at the start of this was 5'8" between 130 and 140 pounds, haven't weighed myself in forever) and I haven't changed my diet at all since starting P90X. My results haven't been explosive or anything, I can do more pull-ups and pushups but my arms look about the same, but there's definitely been a reduction in the fat around my waist. My results would undoubtedly be a lot better if I followed the diet though. For example, I still have moobs even though I'm into the third month of the program and the amount of pull-ups I'm capable of has stalled at about three or four (and after about 20 minutes of doing arm exercises I get to the point where doing one is difficult). I have started to notice these two lines of muscle definition (I think anyway?) slowly form around my hips near the pelvis region though and while my pull-ups have stalled most of the other moves have improved pretty well since the beginning (flexibility is through the roof, I can touch my toes for the first time in my life). Even if the results aren't spectacular at least I'm doing something and my cardiovascular health is undoubtedly much better than it used to be so by that metric alone I think the program is worth it. Beyond that if I give it another few months (I plan on going through the program again when I'm done) I might be able to get rid of the moobs, who knows? Gotta exercise regardless and since I don't have a gym membership (and couldn't even stick with starting strength when I did at college) I might as well continue on with this.

This post reminded me, even if I don't look too different my body in a lot of areas feels a lot harder now, legs especially. So, yeah, still getting results just a little subtler than most.

congrat for sticking that long. i personally prefer doing p90x than going to the gym. i hate crowd place and having to wait for my turn to use the gym equipment. and i have moobs so i know how you feel bro. it sucks when you wear tshirts. =( oneo f them ain reason i'm getting back on p90x again.


i know people put a lot of emphasize on protein comsumption. but i feel tired and my face breakout if i comsume too much of it. does anyone still get decent amount of muscles after p90x without putting too much focus on proteins?
What type of protein were you consuming mostly?

Also, at the end of the day... no protein, no muscle gain, but "some" protein will obviously help. For what it's worth I've actually lost a fair bit of muscle doing P90X, and that's with a ton of protein. But I've lost more fat, which is pretty much the point.

(See bulk / cut etc)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I feel you there man. Many many moons ago I had great abs from karate starting at a very young age (80 sit-ups twice a week for like 6 years straight). I can tell they're still under there somewhere and if I engage my core I can see them. One day soon
Hawkian only bleeds on the inside...
anyone here has good result with p90x while having a regular diet? i'm not looking to get ripped or anything, just wants to look good in clothes. by regular diets, i don't mean fastfoods or snacks/chips. just the casual fruits, rice, vegetable etc.....think more like asian dishes.

Earlier in the thread I got told not to "diet," and it's spot on. I still eat like a madman, I just changed up what I eat. Switch out a Boston Kreme donut or two for a couple non-fat yogurts and some egg whites and bam, sugar craving whooped. Add some oatmeal and I'm feeling super full, with minimal (almost no) fat intake and lower carbs. Your body will burn what it needs to during the workouts, but be sure to keep the protein high while working hard...it'll make your body burn that fat and apply the other nutrients where it's needed, 'dem muscles.

I'm only 1.5 weeks in (and like a lazy fuck I didn't do Yoga this AM, so Imma have to rock it tonight), but having changed what I ate a few weeks back, I've lost 5 lbs. Just find some stuff that's good for you and that satisfies cravings, and you'll get there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haha, I've got Kenpo today ironically enough. :D

You know what really gets me during Legs and Back... 15 seconds in: "I'd stay, but I have to go check on the kids." FUCK YOU TONY


I suspect you'll feel some serious soreness over the next one to three days, and if not, maybe consider upping your weight some next week.
No kidding! It's like what I felt after the first few days of Insanity month 1 and 2, except in my upper body. I looked like an old person doing the huggers. My favorite thing about being sore (besides the soreness itself as a sign of progress) is when you fight through the soreness at the beginning of a workout, then feel invincible for the duration.
P90X plyo still hurts.
It did -- especially jumping jacket squats -- but at least I can still walk normally the day after. :) Not sure if I could handle a sore upper body AND lower body.
Damn, P90X2 is a lot more involved than just pushing play. All the equipment switching, pausing for extra foam rolling, and setting up pillows for crunchy pull ups (why did they include this move? Even if there's a .1% something goes wrong, it's not worth it) is kind of a bummer. I'm gonna try to stick with it, though.
Then he's constantly one-upping the Belgian dude with pull-ups.

"Fuck you man, I work out for a LIVING!"

And he also tells him to constantly get lower or asking him if he's cheating

That glorious bastard

But this is also why I kind of prefer cardio workouts: For the most part Tony is doing all the reps
And he also tells him to constantly get lower or asking him if he's cheating

That glorious bastard

But this is also why I kind of prefer cardio workouts: For the most part Tony is doing all the reps

I like when Tony is sitting stuff out. It allows him to actual think about what he's going to say. Shaun T is great and I commend him for staying in the workouts as much as he does but sometimes he is just so exhausted that he doesn't remember the name of the moves or just says stuff that doesn't make sense. Like "lift with your butt".


I like when Tony is sitting stuff out. It allows him to actual think about what he's going to say. Shaun T is great and I commend him for staying in the workouts as much as he does but sometimes he is just so exhausted that he doesn't remember the name of the moves or just says stuff that doesn't make sense. Like "lift with your butt".

You can't lift with your butt? I thought you were in better shape than that.


Get my resistance bands on Monday and then I start! A couple friends and I are doing it at the same time. Cannot wait!


I have another month before my summer hockey season starts which is my next goal line. Cannot wait to see how my conditioning compares to the others in the league now that I'm doing Insanity + P90X.

One more month!


Opinions on doing cardio x (or really anything) in place of recovery week's x stretch day? Feeling like stretching for an hour once per week (on my rest day) is enough, and I want to work after, uh, work.
Must refrain from chowing down for a bit. Been ridiculous hungry this week, and after some tuna salad and a big-ass power bar, I'm pretty sure I'm all set 'til Yoga tonight.

And HP, thanks for the tip on doing abs first. Worked like a charm last night.
Opinions on doing cardio x (or really anything) in place of recovery week's x stretch day? Feeling like stretching for an hour once per week (on my rest day) is enough, and I want to work after, uh, work.

I see no problem with it. You're far enough into the program that you know if it'd be too much for you. I mess around with the recovery weeks quite a bit. On that x stretch day I do Insanity Pure Cardio.

And HP, thanks for the tip on doing abs first. Worked like a charm last night.

Yw. Keep it up.


So I've done P90x for about 2 years now. Lost about 30 pounds, lost most of my gut (I still have slight love handles), and got some nice definition and muscle tone. I wanted to try Insanity Asylum, but from the looks of the previews, there isn't a whole lot of weight lifting. And the weight lifting I did see was light weights being used. Has anyone tried this? Will I lose muscle mass going from P90X to Insanity Asylum seeing it appears to be more of a cardio training program than a weight training one?


Thanks HP. Will try cardio x tonight instead, maybe bookended by an extended stretching period.

Also, your post was followed by "radcliff"; trickery is afoot.

So I've done P90x for about 2 years now. Lost about 30 pounds, lost most of my gut (I still have slight love handles), and got some nice definition and muscle tone. I wanted to try Insanity Asylum, but from the looks of the previews, there isn't a whole lot of weight lifting. And the weight lifting I did see was light weights being used. Has anyone tried this? Will I lose muscle mass going from P90X to Insanity Asylum seeing it appears to be more of a cardio training program than a weight training one?

Two years! That's impressive. Did the 30 lbs lost get you to about where you wanted to be, weight wise? Are you good with your diet? Wondering why you still have love handles after two years of such intense exercise. Any before/after pictures to motivate the thread (or the weight loss one)?

I suspect Insanity would be good for you for shedding that last bit of fat, but I've no actual experience with that program.
So I've done P90x for about 2 years now. Lost about 30 pounds, lost most of my gut (I still have slight love handles), and got some nice definition and muscle tone. I wanted to try Insanity Asylum, but from the looks of the previews, there isn't a whole lot of weight lifting. And the weight lifting I did see was light weights being used. Has anyone tried this? Will I lose muscle mass going from P90X to Insanity Asylum seeing it appears to be more of a cardio training program than a weight training one?

Insanity Asylum has one day of strength training per week. There are some hard moves in there but it's nothing like X/X2. Asylum is geared towards sports fitness. Being a better athlete. If you are looking for gains in muscle mass you won't find it in Asylum.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well, it's insane. You'll push yourself harder than you would have ever imagined. Some workouts are flat out brutal. You absolutely need to make sure you eat enough, or you won't make it through the whole thing. You won't get the breaks that you have in X/X2. When you do it's 30 seconds and it's gone before you know it.

Shaun T is a great motivator. Just like with P90X/X2 make sure to go at your own pace. There are some push ups/strength training moves mixed into the workouts but nothing like P90X. They are there to keep your heart rate up while giving other parts of your body time to recover.

You'll be starting at the greatest time, summer! Sweat will pour.

Good to hear!

Heck, I was drenched last night after Yoga X2. I refuse to turn my AC on yet! I live in Iowa, come on!


Thanks HP. Will try cardio x tonight instead, maybe bookended by an extended stretching period.

Also, your post was followed by "radcliff"; trickery is afoot.

Two years! That's impressive. Did the 30 lbs lost get you to about where you wanted to be, weight wise? Are you good with your diet? Wondering why you still have love handles after two years of such intense exercise. Any before/after pictures to motivate the thread (or the weight loss one)?

I suspect Insanity would be good for you for shedding that last bit of fat, but I've no actual experience with that program.

Yeah, I am where I want to be weight wise. I was 220 with high cholesterol. I dieted on my own and joined a gym with no real program and was able to get my weight to about 195 then just plateaued for years. I got P90X about 2 years ago and now I am down to 165 and my cholesterol is normal. My love handles are very slight, but they bother me that they are there. My mind is probably making them bigger than they are as they are the only thing remaining from my heavier weight days so I tend to dwell on them when I look in the mirror. I follow the P90X nutrition guide to the letter for 6 days, then have a cheat day (one cheat meal and one cheat snack [dessert]) on one day.

Insanity Asylum has one day of strength training per week. There are some hard moves in there but it's nothing like X/X2. Asylum is geared towards sports fitness. Being a better athlete. If you are looking for gains in muscle mass you won't find it in Asylum.

Not looking to get huge. But as I noted, I have gained some tone and muscle with P90X and was worried that the lack of weight training in Insanity Asylum may cause me to lose some of that.


Try a hybrid program, where you mix the two? Or maybe do P90X (or X2) then a round of Insanity, then back to one of the P90 programs. That's pretty much what I plan to do later on (some mixture of the above, to keep things fresh and my body lean).


Try a hybrid program, where you mix the two? Or maybe do P90X (or X2) then a round of Insanity, then back to one of the P90 programs. That's pretty much what I plan to do later on (some mixture of the above, to keep things fresh and my body lean).

There is a P90X/Insanity Asylum hybrid routine. Maybe I will try that. Thanks for responses.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Opinions on doing cardio x (or really anything) in place of recovery week's x stretch day? Feeling like stretching for an hour once per week (on my rest day) is enough, and I want to work after, uh, work.
Go for it, I've done exactly that. Would not recommend any strength training in place of it though.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Damn, now I feel like a bum for actually doing X Stretch yesterday (first recovery week).


Damn, now I feel like a bum for actually doing X Stretch yesterday (first recovery week).

I did it the first time, don't feel like a bum man. I would have probably done in the second time too, but I was in the hospital. Bleeding through your shirt = no x stretch.

Hell, you're doing something, and stretching is good for you, so yeah. Don't feel bad. And hey, the day's not over... you could still do cardio x if you really wanted to.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I don't feel too bad, there just tends to always be something about a workout that I regret (not bringing it hard enough, etc.) -- it's actually a pretty good motivator for next time! I never really have lazy days anyway, as I walk about three brisk miles every P90X day, and anywhere from 5-7 on my rest day. One of the benefits of living in a great walking city.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hang on, just because it's not a bad idea to do Cardio X instead of Stretch sometimes doesn't mean you should do it every time, or that X Stretch is a bad idea! It's a really nice workout actually, and if you're not jonesing for a calorie burn it will do wonders for your long-term fitness.

Hoooo boy Kenpo X with wrist weights is a good burn. Vertical punches feel pretty nuts at the end and then you feel like superman on earth when you throw the weights off afterward.


Hang on, just because it's not a bad idea to do Cardio X instead of Stretch sometimes doesn't mean you should do it every time, or that X Stretch is a bad idea! It's a really nice workout actually, and if you're not jonesing for a calorie burn it will do wonders for your long-term fitness.

Hoooo boy Kenpo X with wrist weights is a good burn. Vertical punches feel pretty nuts at the end and then you feel like superman on earth when you throw the weights off afterward.

I like X Stretch and have done it when scheduled with only two exceptions, but today I just felt like I had to push myself. Were I not going out tonight (date, woo) I'd probably do x stretch as well, but instead I'll just be sure to stretch well on Sunday's rest day.

I've been very pleased with my intensity this week in every workout; felt like I had nothing left pretty much at the end of all of them.
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