Congrats Guevara!
And somewhat relatedly.... goddamnit. I just took my Day 90 pics (with a new camera)... then realize when my phone was stolen on Friday, it had all my day 0, 30, and 60 pics on it. Motherfucker. That wasn't even the third-worst thing to happen to me Friday, by the way.
Oh well... Graduation day nonetheless. I really loved P90X, and I'm absolutely doing it again (probably not really even taking a break). I basically accomplished my major goals set at the outset for my personal desires, which were:
-Lose weight, get more-or-less "in shape" for the first time in my life
-Get some strength, specifically in my upper body
-Work out a healthier, sustainable lifestyle (diet/extra cardio/etc.)
To these ends I did the Classic Schedule, but all the "lean/tone" rep numbers (12-15 reps on every resistance exercise). As expected I toned up and lost a good bit of fat from every part of my body, but didn't bulk up that much. My one regret is that I really thought I'd be able to cut through my stomach and get something toward a 6-pack in the 90 days, but there are a few pounds just stubbornly hanging around Grr.
But anyway it was a great experience and I'm definitely not stopping, which is the main thing that surprised me (I didn't expect to be motivated to continue anything like this schedule after 90 days, but here I am). This time I'll be going for some major strength and bulk in my arms and hopefully my abs will take care of themselves at the same time.
Thanks to EVERYONE in here for all the help and encouragement! Couldn't have had nearly as much success without you guys.
edit: Wait! Looks like there was a mobile backup! Seems only my day 0 pics were lost... bear with me