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Beer |OT|


The Beer Trappe's bottle selection (chilled or to go).

But at the same time, why shouldn't balance be as laudable a trait as intensity of flavor?
Oh, absolutely, if a well-balanced beer is the intention then it is something to which the brewer should aspire. I'm just saying that if a beer isn't well-balanced it doesn't automatically make it bad (unless that of course that was the intention!). From my limited, infrequent reading of places like beeradvocate, if something stands out it seems to automatically be considered a failure.

I think part of the problem is things like the BJCP guidelines. Yes, they're great, and when designing a homebrew recipe I refer to them all the time to make sure I try to make a beer that fits into the style I've chosen. If something doesn't meet its target style because the resulting tastes are different, who cares as long as it's enjoyable, unless you've entered it into a competition specifically for that style.

And I definitely agree with B For Bendetta that beer doesn't always have to be refreshing. Drinking a Belgian triple or barleywine isn't probably going to quench your thirst. I think the general US trend for beers (and given I don't live in the US this is only an outsider's perspective without any real frame of reference) is that they are generally much hoppier and 'sessionable' than their overseas counterparts.


Beer should definitely not always be refreshing

Well, more accurately I should say, beer I love will always be refreshing as well. I'm not trying to define what the beverage should and shouldn't be.

and there are plenty of blind taste tests out there along with no shortage of connoisseurs who will talk your head off about how Popular Beer A is overrated and nowhere near as good as Under Appreciated Beers B and C

Can you point me to some of these? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to read them for enjoyment. I guess I've been reading too much BA and RB forums lately, where the opinion can often be that any beer that has more than single state distribution and you didn't trade for is overrated and not worth discussing.


I feel like balanced flavor profiles are oddly under appreciated. It's why I'd choose Bell's Two-Hearted Ale over most IPA darlings.
Well, more accurately I should say, beer I love will always be refreshing as well. I'm not trying to define what the beverage should and shouldn't be.

Can you point me to some of these? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to read them for enjoyment. I guess I've been reading too much BA and RB forums lately, where the opinion can often be that any beer that has more than single state distribution and you didn't trade for is overrated and not worth discussing.

Fair enough. Your taste is your taste. I don't have any regular blind taste tests I follow or any cataloged. I was speaking anecdotally which I should have made clearer. If I come across any I'll send them your way. There was one someone in this topic that did one a few pages back for sure
I feel like balanced flavor profiles are oddly under appreciated. It's why I'd choose Bell's Two-Hearted Ale over most IPA darlings.

I think I agree with you there. I sometimes love a good hop bomb or, on the other end of the spectrum, a big and sweet malty stout. But more balanced beers like THA and Foothills' Hoppyum tend to be my go-to's.
Fremont Brewing in Seattle makes really well balanced IPAs. They use absolutely stellar hop profiles in their beers, but the head brewer is not a fan of the palatte wrecking hop bomb.



brooklyn gaf

Beer for Beasts charity event showcasing creative beers, food and entertainment, all in the name of compassion toward animals. Brought to you by: BeerAdvocate and Sixpoint.

Beer for Beasts III will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2013 at The Bell House (149 7th Street), located in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn, New York. All proceeds to benefit The Humane Society of New York City.

Tickets go on sale Friday, March 1 @ 12pm EST.

Beer for Beasts has raised tens of thousands of dollars to directly aid the better treatment of animals.


Lets see, tonight I had:

Lakefront Brewery Luther
Hopothesis IPA
Pipeworks Close Encounter
Pipeworks Chipotle Smoked Porter
Goose Island Golden Goddess
Goose Island Dubbel Jeopardy
Haymarket Degan Imperial IPA
Haymarket Indignant Bourboun Imperial Stout
Church Street Brimstone IPA
Finch's Facist Pig Ale
Finch's Secret Stache Stout
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
Henry Weinhards Woodland Pass IPA
Emmet's Victory Pale Ale
Deschutes Red Chair NWPA


Lets see, tonight I had:

Lakefront Brewery Luther
Hopothesis IPA
Pipeworks Close Encounter
Pipeworks Chipotle Smoked Porter
Goose Island Golden Goddess
Goose Island Dubbel Jeopardy
Haymarket Degan Imperial IPA
Haymarket Indignant Bourboun Imperial Stout
Church Street Brimstone IPA
Finch's Facist Pig Ale
Finch's Secret Stache Stout
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
Henry Weinhards Woodland Pass IPA
Emmet's Victory Pale Ale
Deschutes Red Chair NWPA

Err, how much of each and how come you still retain the ability to use a computer!

If I drank that lot, I'd be offline for a week

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
My Imperial IPA batch is using Rogue's Pacman yeast, and it is... aggressive to say the least.

I think it is going to be around 9-9.5%.


La Fin Du Monde (along with a few other Unibroue beers) is available at most of the major grocery stores in my area.
My Imperial IPA batch is using Rogue's Pacman yeast, and it is... aggressive to say the least.
I think it is going to be around 9-9.5%.[/QUOTE]
There's [url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=495188]a homebrew thread[/url] if you weren't aware.

Interested to hear more about the yeast.
Oh, I can easily get it in a bottle. On tap, however, not so much.

Would you even want it on tap? I'm always confused when I see beers listed on tap that are normally bottle-conditioned, or bottled on the lees. Is there even a desire for them like that? Are they completely different than how normally served?
I will have to say, the Pliny the Elder hype is well warranted.

I went so San Francisco and got me a case of 4 of them (the store sold their batch in one day). It's a very pleasant beer that packed a punch.
Looks like La Folie is beginning to hit the area. Never had it before, do I need to track it down?

La Folie isn't hard to find, it will probably be at Whole Foods. It's a great sour brown and reasonably priced.

Whoever is in charge of my neighborhood Whole Foods put out some La Folie 2008 right around Christmas, and it wasn't even expensive. Didn't last long, though.


Just had it this weekend. Freaking awesome. Pine notes, floral notes and great citrusy greatness.


I also was really surprised with this one too. Java Stout by Bell's Brewing Co.

Great coffee stout.

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