It is insanely costly for what usually amounts to gas station beer in terms of availability in the home markets. In addition, there is something special about travelling somewhere in this country and finding a new brew or two to try. Getting that beer shipped back to your home kind of defeats the purpose of local breweries. While some big breweries are distributing nationwide, for most of the smaller shops I think it is a bit of an honor to try their offerings when you are in town. No need to spoil that with getting it shipped and having it regularly. Keep it special.
so sick of hearing this "prohibitive cost" excuse. it's not costly; i just shipped ten pounds of beer for 11 dollars, and it got across statelines in one day. i agree with your points more generally, like how trading doesnt replace traveling, but the idea it's "insanely costly" is incorrect,
also "gas station beers"? i just traded one 4pk of beer i waited in line 1.5 hours for, in 94 degree heat. it sold out in 4 hours, hardly qualifies as gas station beer.
i like distantmantra's reasoning more, he is content with the beers he has available, and occasionally has the wife grab some travel brews. speaking of which, gf in chicago right now scoping out the selection for me!
just noticed that Pavement concert poster, thinking of going to see Guided By Voices tonight. hmmm