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Beer |OT|


Super Sleuth
Like I said, taste is most important. I am just used to higher abv from stouts is all. No offense intended.

Nah it isn't offensive, and I wasn't really trying to give you shit because like you said it isn't the end all be all factor for you, but it is for a lot of people and man is that annoying.


Nah it isn't offensive, and I wasn't really trying to give you shit because like you said it isn't the end all be all factor for you, but it is for a lot of people and man is that annoying.

I feel like people get over it after a while. The extremes are part of getting into craft beer.
Flavor is most important. Higher abv is just a bonus. The biggest problem with high abv is you can't have as much good tasting stuff before you have to stop.
I feel like people get over it after a while. The extremes are part of getting into craft beer.

I'm way over high ABV extremes. Give me a nice lower end pale, gose, Berlinerweisse, pilsner or a saison.

One of my favorite beers of all time, Field 41 by Bale Breaker is only 4.5% and chock full of hoppy goodness.
People who judge a beer for being too low alcohol are the bane of my existence as a brewer.
I'm with you. As a homebrewer, it's those low-gravity beers that I like making best. It's a challenge to make a balanced beer under 1040. Plus they're affordable and I don't feel bad about drinking a couple in one sitting. When you like to brew fairly often, a quick keg turnaround and an affordable malt bill are both attractive features.

Hell, that might be a possible solution for threetri. Learn to brew a killer mild or a nice session pale. You could easily have yourself a tasty beer around ~3% alcohol.
Yeah I've definitely found myself avoiding super high ABV beers these days when I can help it but I understand their appeal. Last year my cousin straight-up asked me to pick him the beer with the highest ABV which ended up being w00tstout, funny enough.

Honestly though, I remember the first time I tasted a truly great pilsner (Moonlight's Reality Czech) and thought it just tasted like Bud. It took my palate a while to start to understand the difference. Especially as a non-homebrewer, I think it's harder to really appreciate the flavors in low-ABV beers especially when they're so poorly represented at the moment. A lot of "session IPAs" are really badly executed and just terribly bitter. And I had to go to England before I had a cask-conditioned 3% bitter I really liked.
I do wish Two Hearted would make it up here to LA (there are cans available in San Diego from what I understand), really enjoyed it when I was in Michigan.

Drinking Sierra Nevada's Beer Camp Across America DIPA right now. I think my corner store misunderstood which Beer Camp to get and just got like 5 cases of this DIPA instead of the 12-pack. This is... hm. It's OK. A little more bitter and floral than I'd like but hey for 5 bucks for 24oz I can't complain.

Had a couple pints of Nelson before and a pour of Almanac's Sourdough Pale during dinner so it's been a beer-filled Tuesday. Gotta cut back during the weekdays ugh.


Sourdough is just bad IMO lol.

I wonder why they made w00t so limited when I managed to just cone across a crap load for $8.99 (instead of $11.99) at Costco.
Had some Weyerbacher Heresy tonight. I liked Old Heathen well enough, and really like Tiny. I also like their aged stuff like Insanity and Blasphemy, so an imperial stout aged in bourbon barrels sounded great.

Yeah, not so great. It just had this weird, freaky taste to it. I really can't place it. I will finish off the pack this week (dont be wasteful), but don't think I will be getting it again.


Got to meet the De Dolle brewmaster, Kris Herteleer, at OEC Brewing (Home of importer B. United) in Oxford CT, last night. Didn't realize that in addition to being an excellent brewer he is also a great painter responsible for all the De Dolle art and labels.

I was able to give him a glass of a local DIPA called Locust Reign, it was rumored to be only his second IPA ever.




just picked up a yuzu femme fatale, hope its good- i love yuzu
if youre in the nyc area, a huge shipment of the mixed 12 pack beer camps and westbrook gose just went out this week, get on it!
Goose Island has been doing events all around Omaha this week and tonight they are pouring reserve beers in a few bars. Beer 1 was coffee Bourbon County and...wow. All I can say is as of 2 (or is it 3) years later, the Budweiser purchase has not negatively affected beer quality.
Goose Island has been doing events all around Omaha this week and tonight they are pouring reserve beers in a few bars. Beer 1 was coffee Bourbon County and...wow. All I can say is as of 2 (or is it 3) years later, the Budweiser purchase has not negatively affected beer quality.

They had King Henry at Beertopia the other night for Migration Week.
They had King Henry at Beertopia the other night for Migration Week.
Must have missed that. I was there on Tues. and picked up a bottle of BC barleywine, but they were doing tasters if that, Madame Rose and Class of '88 Belgian, all of which were awesome.

Edit: backyard rye...holy fuckballs wow. Amazin beer.

My wife is the best.

Must have missed that. I was there on Tues. and picked up a bottle of BC barleywine, but they were doing tasters if that, Madame Rose and Class of '88 Belgian, all of which were awesome.

Edit: backyard rye...holy fuckballs wow. Amazin beer.

I'm friends with the Beertopia guys on Untappd, I think it was last night.

GI is at Jakes tonight from the looks of things.


Maine beer is good but I don't get the hype, it's regularly available here in NYC, tried lunch and nothing really blew me away from them.


Yes. Set up a fake shipment to the same place, see for yourself.

So I tried setting up a shipment online and it came out to pretty much the same price as in store. I asked the lady at the UPS Store and she said that when you do your own you get a discount based on how often you ship. I guess I gotta start doing it that way so it pays off in the future.
Had a Captain Lawrence Seeking Alpha tonight. Damn, that was good. Much better than I was expecting. I was expecting something like Molotov Cocktail or Devil Dancer, but this was much better. Might have to grab whatever is left at the store near work while I can.
It's too bad that there are so few year round imperial stouts. I guess we've got Speedway Stout here
Thankful for Old Rasputin being year round. Mendocino is much improved over a couple of years ago wih their stout. And I guess Lagunitas Imperial Stout is year round now according to the bottle. Nice thing with that is that it is cheap. Actually really good considering the price.
Haven't tried those (Rasputin I have only had BA version). Will have to experiment some more
Rasputin is the most reliable one I can find. Definitely get it.
I had Mendocino for the first time a couple years ago and hated it. Thankfully tried it again a few months ago based on a recommendation at the store. Apparently they changed their recipe and it is a big improvement.

I just want a great year round coffee imperial stout.
Haven't tried those (Rasputin I have only had BA version). Will have to experiment some more
I actually like regular Rasputin better than the barrel version. Personally, I think it's pretty much the yardstick RIS.

It doesn't have any surprises. It's not wacky. It's just an extremely competent, no flaws stout.
Local store had one bomber of Beer Camp West Coast Double IPA left. Grabbed that for tonight. They also said that the new Stone Enjoy By should arrive today or tomorrow, and Beer Camp 12 pack by the end of the week. Hope I get them before they disappear.
Had a Seeking Alpha earlier, now having the Beer Camp West Coast Double IPA. It smelled and tasted really weird at first, but is getting better. I think my palate was just messed up from the Seeking Alpha. Let's see how it fares the rest of the night.
Long day today. My preferred local bar is closed on Mondays, so I picked up four pints of Two-Hearted from the liquor store and brought them over to share with a buddy. Things aren't feeling so bad, now.


Enjoy By 08/16 is delicious. Is that the new one? The 'mouthfeel' was so exceptional that here I am writing about it while feeling silly doing so.

The SN Beer Camp DIPA was good but nothing remarkable.

I think I've been spoiled by delicious beer lately...
Grabbed the new Stone Enjoy By and Dragon's Milk. Saving the Stone for a few days, and enjoying the Dragon's Milk now. Really good stout. Expensive ($5 a 12oz bottle,or $17 for a four pack), but yummy.


Beer GAF, I've mostly lurked in this thread, selfishly taking your suggestions and reaping the delicious reward. I'm a huge IPA guy (favorite beers right now are probably Union Jack for a single and Resin for a double) but my buddies and I started something recently. Once a month we get together and try a different style of beer. This month was stouts. Had this and LOVED IT...highly recommended.

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