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Beer |OT|


Dat Toppling Goliath lol
Actually, I think some Sue and Golden Nugget is being delivered tomorrow... I might go put my name in tonight at the liquor store if they'll let me.

Considering the hype level and limited quantity that each store gets, though, it's becoming increasingly hard to get any TG.
The homebrewing OT is pretty dead anymore, so I figure I'll post updates here in case anyone cares to read them.

Came home from work to a shallow fluffy krausen on my berliner weisse.

Made up a sour starter from some diluted apple juice and a fistful of pilsen. Pitched it last night into five gallons of 1.035 50/50 pilsen/wheat wort. It's been sitting in my fermenting cooler with a heating pad for ~18 hours at about 40 C. The small amount of gas coming out of the airlock smells clean and grainy. Seems pretty promising overall.

I was a little worried it would turn out really bad but now I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm still not super sure how I'm gonna finish it up. Once it's soured, I'm tempted to juice a whole watermelon into it and then ferment it out in primary with Brett B. Trois. Won't exactly be a proper berliner at that point, but I figure why not have some fun with it.


Actually, I think some Sue and Golden Nugget is being delivered tomorrow... I might go put my name in tonight at the liquor store if they'll let me.

Considering the hype level and limited quantity that each store gets, though, it's becoming increasingly hard to get any TG.

Yeah, the hype is at crazy levels right now. Assassin that good?


Yeah, the hype is at crazy levels right now. Assassin that good?
I haven't had the opportunity to try any of their stouts, but I don't doubt they're excellent.

Everything else still goes super quick, though, and each store only gets a couple cases at a time usually. I stopped by the store on my lunch break the day of the last drop (King Sue and Sosus) and didn't get anything.

The only TG I've had is a growler of Zeelander in 2013. Really nice beer, but based on that the hype is ridiculous.
I really liked Zeelander when I got a couple bottles a few months ago. Probably would take it over pseudoSue, actually.

In any event, I picked up some Founders Centennial IPA (never had it before), as well as a Green Flash Citra Session IPA and a '14 Shmaltz/Terrapin Reunion ale at the store today.

And I put my name in for some TG if it arrives tomorrow. We'll see what happens.


More ET madness


We don't see nearly as much ET over here as you guys seem to do. I wonder how they decide what to ship where? Based on what brewery its made in?
Still packing and cleaning. Took the edge off earlier with a few bottles of Little Sumpin' Extra. Now having Victory White Monkey. Really interesting. Golden Monkey is a decent but not great tripel, but aging it in Chardonnay barrels really adds a lot. Can definitely taste the hint of white wine mixed with it. Very neat, crisp, and sweet.


Only had PseudoSue & Golden Nugget from TG. Both amazing brews.

Had a chance to have King Sue at Dark Lord day this year but opted for something else first and then it tapped out... (never skip TG on draft is the lesson here)

Haven't had any of their stouts, Morning Delight, KBBS, & Assassin are all super hyped and to me probably aren't worth the trade ammo necessary. Just hoping someone pops one at a tasting some day.
My parents were in Bend last weekend and brought me mini-growlers of:

Bend Brewing -- Salmonberry Sour. I'm guessing the same Berliner base as Ching Ching, but with salmonberries instead of pomegranate.

Crux -- Walla Walla Woody. It helps having a family friend who owns a brewery. This was made for the Lil Woody Festival in Bend last weekend, but I manged to get a fill. R eally didn't think they'd do it!

Dark and Strong . . . . . Belgian – Style Ale utilizing French oak barrels that previously held Merlot from the Walla Walla Appellation. Brewed with malts and candi sugar from Belgium and hops for the Czech Republic. Lightly fermented with Belgium yeast with the fermentation finished with Brettanomyces yeast.

10.0 ABV, 20 IBU’s, 22.0 Original Gravity, 55°Lovibond, 5 months in the barrel with Brettanomyces

Gonna drink 'em tonight. Excited.

They're isolated to the west coast. I see them when hiking all the time.

Damn I consider my berry game strong but there are still so many I've never tried!

Drinking a Pizza Port Swami's IPA now. I heard this batch (8/11) was especially good and wow this is just fantastic. Can't believe it comes in six packs of pint cans! Got a Kern River Class V Stout for later, which I've never tried before. It was still kinda hot out today but I still feel like it's cool enough for an imperial stout tonight, time sure flies.
Thankfully I've had it on tap and in bottle already this year so I can proceed to not caring. :)

Awesome, how'd it rank among barrel-aged stouts like it you've had?

Currently sipping on the Kern River Class V stout. Been a while since I had just a normal imperial stout and it's delicious. Is it that much better than, say, Old Rasputin or Narwhal? Not really, but like every Kern River beer I've had, it's insanely well-made. Wish I had some vanilla ice cream to go with it!

Seth C

Awesome, how'd it rank among barrel-aged stouts like it you've had?

It's definitely very good, but not worth the level of fuss that it gets. No beer is. There are too many similar beers that are close enough and easy to find. Despite that, yeah, it's on of the top beers of its style. I believe I've now had the 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010.


Want to try anything from new glarus brewery company but live in so cal....

Winter is approaching so I will not be flying to Wisconsin.

Am I screwed? Spotted Cow sounds fantastic.


Just the pumpkin would do me. What would you want from out here?
I don't know, Schlafly is only $8-9, so nothing fancy obviously. Maybe some Firestone Walker or something?

Which carrier do you usually use to ship beer? Any need-to-know tips as well?
My watermelon berliner is coming along nicely. Boiled the soured wort on Thursday but it was already tasting really good. Brightly tart. Very slightly funky. Almost wanted to just keg and drink it as it was.

Anyway, I pitched White Labs Brett Brux Trois after the boil and then crushed a whole watermelon into it yesterday afternoon. It doesn't have a ton of gravity to chew through, so hopefully I can have it ready to keg by the end of next week.


shitting in the alley outside your window
My watermelon berliner is coming along nicely. Boiled the soured wort on Thursday but it was already tasting really good. Brightly tart. Very slightly funky. Almost wanted to just keg and drink it as it was.

Anyway, I pitched White Labs Brett Brux Trois after the boil and then crushed a whole watermelon into it yesterday afternoon. It doesn't have a ton of gravity to chew through, so hopefully I can have it ready to keg by the end of next week.

i'd love to try this myself. would you mind posting the recipe?
i'd love to try this myself. would you mind posting the recipe?
Absolutely. Process has some steps, but it's pretty simple.

Three or four days prior to brewing, make up a sour starter. The way I did it was to boil about 500 ml of apple juice in my 1L flask. Then top up the flask with seltzer water in order to purge the headspace. Throw in a small handful of whatever unmilled base malt you've got sitting around. Then seal it up with an airlock and keep it warm (like 90-110 F, if you can manage) for a few days.

Malt is covered with all kinds of stuff, but you can select for lactobacillus by purging the oxygen and keeping it hot. After a few days you should have something good and sour, with a little creamy-colored sediment at the bottom.

Then mash:
3 lbs White Wheat malt
3 lbs Pilsen (German is traditional, but I used Belgian because it's what I had)

Mash low for fermentability. I did 60 minutes at 145 F. I also did a thorough mashout to 170 to pasteurize, since we won't be boiling right away. I managed to collect five gallons at ~1.035.

Let it come down to ~120 degrees then pitch in your sour starter. If you're paranoid, blast the headspace of your carboy with some CO2 to clear the oxygen. Again, keep it warm and give it a few days. Mine was good and tart at around 72 hours.

Then boil it briefly. Add a small hops charge if you want. I gave it an ounce of 4.6% AA hallertau for 30 minutes.

Pitch a big starter of WLP644. I let mine go a day before I poured in about a gallon of watermelon juice.
Went for a walk and found a big tangle of feral hops. And fortunately, they're just coming up to ripe. I picked about a pound of them, but I plan to go back for more.

The path runs along a decommissioned rail line that used to serve the old brewery in town. Considering the history, I'm thinking they're either Bullion or Brewer's Gold.

Seth C

Went for a walk and found a big tangle of feral hops. And fortunately, they're just coming up to ripe. I picked about a pound of them, but I plan to go back for more.

The path runs along a decommissioned rail line that used to serve the old brewery in town. Considering the history, I'm thinking they're either Bullion or Brewer's Gold.

Wouldn't want to ship some of those would you? I'd be down to brew a pale ale using nothing but your wild hops.

Seth C

I have similar plans. I'll see what comes out of it, but we may be able to work something out.

Let me know. I struck out with the local hop grower because Country Boy bought their entire 60 lb. harvest. I'd like to wet hop something this year. Where are you located? I could maybe trade you some beer.
Let me know. I struck out with the local hop grower because Country Boy bought their entire 60 lb. harvest. I'd like to wet hop something this year. Where are you located? I could maybe trade you some beer.
Central Illinois. Also, good to know upfront that perhaps I shouldn't dry everything I pick.

Seth C

Central Illinois. Also, good to know upfront that perhaps I shouldn't dry everything I pick.

Wet hops are the best hops!

Looks like this is the list of breweries I have that you wouldn't. It's not a lot considering I'm in Kentucky.

Atlantic Brewing
Crooked Stave
Falls City
Full Sail
Lazy Magnolia
Lion Brewery
Mt Carmel
New Albanian
Thirsty Dog
West Sixth

Also, add Country Boy's Cougar Bait to that since they just started canning. It's my least favorite of all their beers but the one that makes them the most money. Just a basic blonde.
Wet hops are the best hops!
So I hear. But I'm not likely to properly use them for another month or so. Only have two kegs. One half full and the other is waiting for that berliner to finish up.

No need to worry about any kind of trade just yet. I gotta still pick them, afterall.

EDIT: Drinkin' update: Right now, I'm enjoying an Apex Predator from Off Color. This is a tasty beer. Slightly funky farmhouse nose. Very fruity with notable lemon and pineapple. The fruitiness suggests a sweetness, but it finishes up nice and dry. Very good. I recommend it.

Seth C

Honestly if you have extra I'll just buy some more kegs. I've only got three but I've had great look with Asventures in Homebrewing's "loose handle" pin locks. I want to order two more anyway.
Honestly if you have extra I'll just buy some more kegs. I've only got three but I've had great look with Asventures in Homebrewing's "loose handle" pin locks. I want to order two more anyway.
Unfortunately, pin locks don't fit my fridge. There's just enough space for two ball locks to fit side by side with a five pound gas bottle in there. I am regularly on the lookout for ball locks at a decent price, but they tend to go fast.


Something for me and something for the lady. I could have gotten ETs Molotov Cocktail, so hopefully I made the right choice.


the lady might have liked IBB too, Molotov is alright, I'm not a big fan of triple IPAs though. Check the date on those ET's too, the hops fade quick on that one if you do get it.

Seth C

Unfortunately, pin locks don't fit my fridge. There's just enough space for two ball locks to fit side by side with a five pound gas bottle in there. I am regularly on the lookout for ball locks at a decent price, but they tend to go fast.

Ah, gotcha. I got lucky and I can just fit 2 in the freezer plus 1 on the hump. But yeah, the wider pin locks just barely squeeze in there. In glad though because $25 is a steal.
I've got a couple good sized cones on the pergola, but my Chinooks need another week or two.

Probably not enough for a brew, so I'll donate them to Fremont Brewing for their Communibrew Fresh Hop.

If you've never been to the PNW for fresh hop season, you're missing out. No hyperbole. No hype. TRUTH.


the lady might have liked IBB too, Molotov is alright, I'm not a big fan of triple IPAs though. Check the date on those ET's too, the hops fade quick on that one if you do get it.

I ended up drinking the Imperial Biscotti Break and the Lips Of Faith Grätzer, here are my impressions of the two:

Evil Twin's Imperial Biscotti Break - I poured the beer into a glass to look and its color and its exactly what you expect (dark nearly impenetrable black) and it seemed to have more head than I expected for something at 11.5% I'm reading reviews and it seems like everyone seemed to think it was much sweeter than me. I had absolutely no problem with its sweetness and thought it was fairly balanced. I didn't look at my bottle date, but I do suspect that it might have been a bit old. The mouthfeel wasn't very creamy, but this could be because of the ABV. I got the notes of coffee, carmel, a little roast, and a very tiny hint of fruitiness that reminded me of a good Cabernet Savignon. I could not detect any sort of cookie or amaretto flavor that others had noted. And the alcohol was a bit more pronounced on the tail end of the beer than I had anticipated. It was delicious, but not all too dissimilar from the Old Rasputin that I have on a weekly basis in winter. I'm glad they didn't go the Southern Tier route of making the flavorings too big, but I did expect it to live up to its name a bit more.

Lips Of Faith - Grätzer (3 Floyds Collaboration) New Belgium Brewing - Wow this is a beer I expected to hate, as I haven't developed a palette for Raunchbiers, so I didn't think I'd be able to handle the smokiness of Gratzers either. However, the beer actually turned out be quite drinkable and very pleasant, if not bold. The smokiness had more a spiciness about it followed by a what I detected as slightly sour notes. The body of the beer reminded me of a Pale Ale, very light drinker, lovely carbonated, and with some beautiful notes of grain in the foreground. It had a slightly sweet after taste and seemed to pronounced its flavors more on the tail end than initially like a tickle on the tongue. At 4.5% it could be a great session beer for sitting around a campfire and would go beautifully with some blackened or seared fish I suspect.
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