so Society & Solitude 7 blows Heady Topper away, just sayin.
Got myself an oskar blues canundrum variety pack tonight. Good stuff, I just wish it had a couple cans of ten fidy in the box. I don't see these brews around here often.
I actually prefer an Enjoy By over Heady Topper, lol. I feel like hops vary so much that a lot of it comes down to personal preference.
Enjoy by is such a different beer though. Not even technically the same style. Still, I drank nearly a case of Heady by myself and never got tired of it. For me, that's a good indication of a great, balanced beer. There is no other double IPA I could drink that much of and keep enjoying it.
Hopslam isn't too terribly balanced, though I still prefer Two-Hearted
two hearted is great, it has zero bitterness and the taste always reminds me of fresh orange juice. i feel like it will always be in style even once people are over the current and longstanding hop craze.
Breh, what DIPA did you send me last time, that shit was great.
You said it yourself, that place is a ghost town these days. Like two thirds of the posts on the last page of that thread are from me. I tried, but there's practically nobody in there besides you and me.
two hearted is great, it has zero bitterness and the taste always reminds me of fresh orange juice. i feel like it will always be in style even once people are over the current and longstanding hop craze.
gandhi bot. always got more of that i can share, though next time i'd prolly send a mini growler right from the brewery. i'm in Indy this weekend, but when i get back i'll send smth out and pm you.
That's partly why I like to brew lighter gravity stuff. I don't feel bad about having one when the mood strikes me. It's been almost a year since I've brewed anything over 5% ABV.I try to post there, but have slowed down my drinking to weekends only, which means a 5 gal keg lasts me ages.
Actually thinking about switching to brewing some 1 gal batches. Picked up the book 'make more beer' from Brooklyn Beer Shop and there's some interesting recipes there.
My Bohemian Pilsner went into a second keg after 8 weeks lagering. Hope to sample it this weekend.
gandhi bot. always got more of that i can share, though next time i'd prolly send a mini growler right from the brewery. i'm in Indy this weekend, but when i get back i'll send smth out and pm you.
Send some of that this way, lol
Enjoying some Saranac Pumpkin Ale tonight. Other than Pumking (and by extension Warlock), and Fat Jack I think this is probably my favorite Pumpkin Ale.
Only one I've had this year is the La Folie but I wasn't too impressed either. Definitely did seem underwhelming compared to previous years.Have the sour's from New Belgium been off for anyone else? La Folie was very different and missing the tartness for me this year. I picked up a few Le Terrior's this week and its the same thing. Terrior doesn't even really taste all that sour. These were some of my favorite beers over the years and they are underwhelming now for some unknown reason.
Fremont said:Fremomt Cowiche Canyon Fresh Hop will be the usual recipe with Organic Citra and Simcoe from the farm and we will do another two versions: one will be the normal fresh hop with 1/3 Mosaic hops from the canyon and another all fresh hop Citra version of, three versions this year.
The regular fresh hop will be canned (finally enough volume to can), the 1/3 Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic (worlds only organic Mosaic hops) will be bottled and the Citra Interurban will be only draft. Whew.
I had the worst Trippel ever last night. I don't know if my six-pack was stored incorrectly or what, but New Belgium's Trippel was horrific. It tasted like a funky fig doused in rubbing alcohol and it made me question everything. It's pretty highly rated on BA, how I can't even fathom.
Had Green Flash's triple IPA today. I didn't even know they had one.
Incredibly disappointed, and definitely my least favorite triple IPA so far. Quite possibly one of my least favorite IPAs period. I'm not sure what that main flavor is, but if you ever have it you'll know what I'm talking about. I split a 4 pack with my friend, and I didn't even want my second one.
Green Flash ever since the logo/recipe changes have been pretty disappointing. They're still good, but I feel they're a shadow of their former selves.
Green Bullet? I can't say I've bought a Green Flash beer in a while, West Coast IPA is a bit overpriced and Green Bullet/Road Warrior seem too much for me. I do like their Double Stout and RIP Rayon Vert ;_;
That said, they've been doing a great job contract brewing Alpine. Haven't had the original Nelson or Duet so I don't know how well they actually compare but they were damn delicious, almost wish they'd ignore their own beers and ramp up production on those!
God I love Avery.
As soon as i come across a decent amount of it fresh, i got you.
God I love Avery.
I'm jealous as it seems you guys have more options in other places. I can't find many of these pumpkin beers here in Cali?This year Pumking ain't all that to me, I'd rank the top three as follows:
1. Fat Head - Spooky Tooth Imperial
2. Weyerbach - Imperial Pumpkin
3. Schlafly - Pumpkin Ale
...I'm sure if I could try Night Owl by Elysian that would be my favorite though
I'm jealous as it seems you guys have more options in other places. I can't find many of these pumpkin beers here in Cali?
not missing much in the pumpkin scene tbh.
Whatever happened to Rogue?
theyre the Run-Dmc of craft beer.
in their time, they ruled the roost. since induction into the craft beer hall of fame, they are still respected, but no one is checking them for new stuff.
Lagunitas and Bear Republic are probably my favorite companies thus far in my very limited legal experience. Fucking love Sculpin too.