That's a little disappointing. That it's reminiscent of PBR is interesting, since I picked them like half a mile from the old PBR brewery.
Oh well. Perhaps they're just not well suited on their own. Maybe better in combination with another hop or two. I've got enough to play around with.
Thanks for having a crack at it. Maybe when it tames a bit, you could send me a couple of bottles.
The beer isn't metallic the way PBR is, but there is a similar grassy/musky flavor and aroma that to me is characteristic of PBR. I just had a glass with a salad though, and it was fairly drinkable. I definitely think as the dry hopping fades out the beer will get better. I think they work well in the boil but aren't well suited for dry hopping and they definitely created a beer that is better served cold, American style.
On the other hand, I don't think I've ever made a beer with such incredible head retention.