Got the box from Sixpoint today. WOW.
wow, nice man! wtf did you say, so i can do the same. I just have to complain about Resin on untappd? haha
There goes any remaining beer budget I had for the year.
*Thanks to PG2G for the Veritas 14 and the Vanilla Rye BCBS
I'll be opening my St Barnadus Christmas Ale tonight. I can't wait to try it out.
Dang. Was this from the valley beverage sale this morning?
Not the vanilla bcbs or the veritas. Everything else was.
I actually never had their porter before. Im typically not a fan of porters but I havent really had a ton of them either so we'll see.
porter is pretty amazing, think youll dig it.
Going to Portland, Oregon tomorrow for a week. HUB, Cascade, Hair of the Dog, Commons, Upright, Rogue, Deschutes and Bridgeport are on my list. What other breweries should I visit?
My wife's from eastern Oregon and we meet in Eugene; we don't make it home very often (been about 4 years). I have sentimental reasons for the ones you told me to skip. Bridgeport is on the list because a buddy of mine used to brew there in the 80s and I have memories of summer snowboarding on Timberline heading down to Bridgeport on the way home. HUB is on for their cyclist ethos and Cascadian ales. Rogue is on for their pilot beers and memories of way too good of times in Newport on my birthday.Skip Rogue, Bridgeport and HUB. Add in Breakside, Gigantic and maybe Fat Heads if they've got Headhunter on tap. Also be on the lookout for Boenyard and Barley Browns beers.
I haven't had their beer in a couple years (GABF). I'll check some tap houses/gastropubs to see if I can find some.We now get Barley Browns here in WA, Pallet Jack is awesome. Their Hop Truck Crossing DIPA is one the best fresh hop beers I've ever had. Amazing.
I haven't had their beer in a couple years (GABF). I'll check some tap houses/gastropubs to see if I can find some.
That looks tasty. Tomorrow is Commons, Upright, Cascade, Gigantic and HUB! We're having breakfast at Tasty and Adler to prepare for the fun day of hops, saisons and sours.
I want to buy a set of beer glasses and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions here. Brand names and whatnot. Doesnt have to be anything fancy but I do want them to be nice
Just to be sure are you looking for a set of identical glasses or a bunch for different styles? What styles do you mostly drink? Do you want something displaying a brewery name or something plain?
Honestly, I love getting different glasses from breweries I love (and not just pint glasses). Things like tulips and tekus are really versatile and a lot of breweries offer such glassware even online.
Sipping one of the la sirene praline belgians.
So damn good.
My current haul. Still haven't tried the cougar, the other two are great. I've had the Panther on tap before, and it is delectable.
Rhinegeist Panther
Rhinegiest Cougar
Madtree Thunder Snow
I love Madtree, but I'm not a big fan of Rhinegheist at all. Axis Mundi is fucking amazing too
No way man, I don't believe you
I'm being serious, I've never been blown away by Yuengling even before I entered the wide world of craft beer.
I'm not sure it makes it out there, but you should check out Goose Islands Matilda as a cheaper alternative. Also Allagash has a few good Belgian pales with a similar taste.Was out in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago and had my first taste of Delirium Noel. Considering it was a 10% ABV beer it went down very smoothly. I called it quits after two though.
Was very surprised to find my local liquor store had it in stock but it was $20 for 4 11oz bottles.
Cool. I'm not even being snarky. Yuengling was basically my gateway beer from macrobrews to craft beers. Even now, it's my go-to beer if I'm at a place that doesn't serve crafts.I had yuengling for the first time today and I loved it. Now, I know next to nothing about beer, but that's the best beer I've ever had.
Cool. I'm not even being snarky. Yuengling was basically my gateway beer from macrobrews to craft beers. Even now, it's my go-to beer if I'm at a place that doesn't serve crafts.