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Beer |OT|


remember me
I never order Sam Adams unless my only other choices are bud or coors. And at the liquor store or grocery store? There are always better choices these days at any chain grocery store or gas station.


Tried Velvet Merkin finally. Super super good. I've been slacking in my stout game and this will help get back into it.

My favorite brewery's (Device, Sacramento CA) first 2015 beer is a collab with my first favorite brewery when I started drinking beer, Stone. Should be fun.


I get Sam Adams if I'm heading to a party where I'm going to be sharing. I know that the rest of the beer is going to be Miller, Bud, Coors, etc. and people will generally drink a Sam Adams without complaint if it's there.

Other than that I'm looking for something I haven't tried before or something that I know is good like a lagunitas, Stone, etc.
Aside from the Kosmic Mother Funk, I can't remember the last time I had a Sam Adams beer. There are always better options available. Heading to a party? Six-pack of something from Fremont or Bale Breaker. Or a growler.


I read the Boston magazine article this morning and thought it was a bit of a hit piece on Jim Koch, but largely accurate. Dude is kind of a victim of his own success. Sam Adams has gotten to where it is by being stable and dependable and making beers for people who want something that's a bit different from macro-lager but still not outside their comfort zone.

That's a great market and they're a fantastic evangelist in bringing people over into more interesting beers. But when you've got to put pressure on the Brewer's Association every year to raise the production ceiling for craft breweries when everyone else is brewing an order of magnitude less... yeah, maybe you've just grown yourself out of that category.

Thought the parts about his attitude towards the Rebel line and Angry Orchard were interesting.

I still like the Boston Lager as a nice after work beer, although all the places that have it usually also have something different. Wouldn't mind more places carrying it over here.



tastes like

I still have a Sam Adams about as often as most other larger craft beers, probably a couple / month total (I could dig through Untappd to find out, but that sounds like a lot of work). I think they make some good to great beers that, while not always the most interesting, are rarely flat out bad. Namely, I go though about a case of Oktoberfest each fall, the barrel room collection, while not up to the same quality of the top of the line stuff out there, are still better than most brewpubs / small craft breweries who attempt those styles. (Seriously, raise your hand if a brewery you really enjoy has put out a bad trippel or quad...)

The problem they have I don't see as much different as many other larger craft breweries, just at a national scale. I would bet Stone, Lagunitas and especially New Belgium don't move as fast at the really craft beer-centric bars in Omaha as the smaller, newer, one-off beers/breweries (unless they are the only IPA on tap, but apparently in Omaha, that job is given to Odell, but that's another story).

That might have been a rambling response, but I guess the point I have was that people are too quick to immediately dismiss Sam Adams and this author is part of the beer crowd I don't really want anything to do with. (Pretty much summed up here). I guess maybe because I have this weird need to defend Summit (who probably makes on of the best Pilsners in the US) against the same types of dismissal I also feel the need to step in for Sam Adams. It's still good beer.
I just wish their (Sam Adams) Chocolate Bock was available more. Really liked it, but only have gotten a few bottles since it was only in a holiday sampler around where I live.


I read the Boston magazine article this morning and thought it was a bit of a hit piece on Jim Koch, but largely accurate. Dude is kind of a victim of his own success. Sam Adams has gotten to where it is by being stable and dependable and making beers for people who want something that's a bit different from macro-lager but still not outside their comfort zone.

That's a great market and they're a fantastic evangelist in bringing people over into more interesting beers. But when you've got to put pressure on the Brewer's Association every year to raise the production ceiling for craft breweries when everyone else is brewing an order of magnitude less... yeah, maybe you've just grown yourself out of that category.

They should stop trying to flood every bar with their shitty Boston Lager and give them quality Sam Adams products. They've got all these great brews like the limited batch and limited releases yet all they wanna make and promote is Boston Lager and their Seasonals (some of which are good), but still.
They should stop trying to flood every bar with their shitty Boston Lager and give them quality Sam Adams products. They've got all these great brews like the limited batch and limited releases yet all they wanna make and promote is Boston Lager and their Seasonals (some of which are good), but still.

I'll get behind this. Their stupid winter spice lager ruins happy hour at a bar here for about 3 months.
I've never enjoyed any Sam Adams.

And I'm the most versatile beer drinker I know. I like everything!

I think I'm allergic to a secret ingredient they use or something.


the author's point that we should all drink SA cream stout because jim koch is an important figure is weak. a shift in the consumer base has happened and many people dont want his beers, and it's not because they're all hipsters, even though he wants to paint it that way


I still have a Sam Adams about as often as most other larger craft beers, probably a couple / month total (I could dig through Untappd to find out, but that sounds like a lot of work). .

actually if you go to the desktop site and select your unique beers, you can sort by brewery, i wish mobile had that feature


I wish Untappd would give me a Total Volume of Alcohol Consumed stat.

Although I guess with the same beer coming in different sizes and bottle sharing, it wouldn't be very accurate.


Is Rogue not a good brand? I wanted a sour beer and this is one of the four sours they had.

question comes up a lot here, definitely some people who cut their teeth on Rogue including me, but their beers are pretty shitty generally, keep trying new things, you'll find what you like...
Is Rogue not a good brand? I wanted a sour beer and this is one of the four sours they had.

It doesn't seem like a sour from the description/reviews, despite the lemon. Rogue does some styles well but I definitely wouldn't go to them for a sour/wild ale. Where are you located, approximately? Lots of good sour options these days most places.


Sam Adams needs to stop sticking 4 Boston Lagers in their variety packs. Everyone and their mother has had a Boston Lager by now, I'd rather they put something else in there that isn't readily available.

Also, I had Samuel Smith's Chocolate Stout at a bar last night. Fantastic stuff.
Is Rogue not a good brand? I wanted a sour beer and this is one of the four sours they had.

Rogue is as good as you personally think it is. If you like it then seek it out and enjoy. I think you'll find that many have moved on for various reasons (quality for the price usually isn't great, terrible attitude, more selection these days), but there was a time when Rogue was near the top of a very short ladder, and if you're speaking to someone old enough I'm willing to bet they'll admit to having been a Rogue fan themselves at one point.

I finally read the article on Jim Koch, and I thought it was pretty spot on. Sam Adams isn't going anywhere, I'm sure Koch is selling enough beer to keep the ship afloat without occupying taps at every beer-focused bar, but I'm curious to see if eventually we aren't having a similar conversation about other large-scale craft breweries.


I asked my brother about Rogue, he said their quality has dipped pretty low and they treat their employees like shit. Good to know.

I live in Northern VA. They did have a local sour but it was limited and was almost 20$ for a bottle.
I asked my brother about Rogue, he said their quality has dipped pretty low and they treat their employees like shit. Good to know.

I live in Northern VA. They did have a local sour but it was limited and was almost 20$ for a bottle.

Yeah, that's the problem with sours. Sometimes your best bet is to find stuff on tap. That said, looking at a rough guide to the distribution in VA, you should have access to more affordable sours. Anderson Valley's been putting out sixers of cans of Gose (regular and blood orange) that have seen pretty wide distribution and are really delicious. Not sure what kind of stuff your beer stores get but if you find a good one you should be able to find Lindemans Gueuze Cuvee Rene, Petrus Aged Pale, Rodenbach Grand Cru, Geuze Boon, and other large Belgian sour bottles that shouldn't run you much more than $10-15. If you find 3 Fonteinen or Tilquin snap those up and preferably send them all my way!

That brewery you linked looks pretty good and those $10 flights on Wednesday with 6oz of 6 beers seem legit!


Yeah, that's the problem with sours. Sometimes your best bet is to find stuff on tap. That said, looking at a rough guide to the distribution in VA, you should have access to more affordable sours. Anderson Valley's been putting out sixers of cans of Gose (regular and blood orange) that have seen pretty wide distribution and are really delicious. Not sure what kind of stuff your beer stores get but if you find a good one you should be able to find Lindemans Gueuze Cuvee Rene, Petrus Aged Pale, Rodenbach Grand Cru, Geuze Boon, and other large Belgian sour bottles that shouldn't run you much more than $10-15. If you find 3 Fonteinen or Tilquin snap those up and preferably send them all my way!

That brewery you linked looks pretty good and those $10 flights on Wednesday with 6oz of 6 beers seem legit!

Cool, thanks for the info!
Is anyone here in the Raleigh area? I just moved here from Charleston, where there wasn't much choice, but one brewery I really liked (Westbrook). I've tried a couple of local brews and haven't found anything I've loved yet.
Is anyone here in the Raleigh area? I just moved here from Charleston, where there wasn't much choice, but one brewery I really liked (Westbrook). I've tried a couple of local brews and haven't found anything I've loved yet.

I lived there about 7 years ago, before I got into beer. But a friend there likes going to Lone Rider or whatever it is in the area. Something to look into.
Found a couple of 2013 bottles at a bar in a town over, easily the best imperial Russian stout I've had to date. Can't wait until it gets released again in March.

Annoyingly, it's the only FW beer I never manage to come across. I guess it gets the most hype by far but I never have any problems finding bottles of Sucaba but the past two years I've been out of town/country during the days stores near me get it and by the time I'm back it's long gone. Thankfully I've had it on tap and damn does it live up to the hype! Not gonna be caught sleeping this year.


it's being renamed, relabeled, to avoid craziness and controversy, but still the same liquid so, it's the inside that counts! not bad, just depressing. they make many, many, excellent beers, and no bad ones. still glad i got my glass when i did, and gave out some gandhi to the various corners of 'murica.
I guess I'm not surprised given all the craziness recently on their FB page and the articles and whatnot but still it's a bummer, would've loved one of those awesome glasses too. Never tried the beer and I'd still love to so I guess I'll just have to try it in its new incarnation.

I wonder if one of those irate people on FB is still going through with making George Washington Sanitary Napkins, though!


Any suggestions for beer available in the Syracuse area? Is Lost Abbey available there?

Have a friend that said they will pick stuff up before heading down my way.


Yo Des the eagle has landed! Thanks dude, also special shouts to Sal!

sippin this Mad Tree right now, good stuff!


came thru with the geuze

I'm getting the itch to brew again and I just got a new grain mill for Christmas that I want to break in. Unfortunately, I just filled the open space in my kegerator last week, so anything I brew is going to just sit in a spare keg conditioning for a while.

With those considerations in mind, looks like it's time for an imperial stout.


Yes awesome, so glad it worked out! I still have a bottle of the Gueze myself to open so I hope it's good. Those were seriously the very best seasonals made within the city limits, so pretty good variety for little old Cincy.
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