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Beer |OT|


The green tea really comes through and the %ABV is surprisingly high (10.1%), but then again it is a DIPA. Really delicious though, definitely give it a try since it's limited release. I missed out on the Xocoveza Mocha stout they had going and really regret not picking it up when I had the chance.
Definitely, I'll pick one up this weekend. Saw a few at the nearby store. I thought it was a decent price too.


Just finished a 3F Oude Geuze bottled February of last year. Probably still my favorite regular geuze, slightly above Tilquin and Cantillon. Just incredible, so deep and funky and a 12oz bottle just isn't enough!

fuk yeah

if you get the chance though, the new batch of Tilquin Draft, is incredible.


I love the smell when you have a bunch of finished glasses from malty beers sitting in your room from the night before. It's like incense.


What's everyone drinking this weekend? Going to go shopping after work today and need some inspiration!

I'm all out of beer. I might go for some liquor this weekend for a change. Thinking Scotch or a Sake. But if I see appealing Beers I will certainly crack under pressure.


What's everyone drinking this weekend? Going to go shopping after work today and need some inspiration!
Picked up a 4-pack each of Founders Breakfast and Imperial Stouts yesterday, as well as a bottle of Crooked Stave Surette. Passed on Stone's Green Tea IPA, though - doesn't seem all that compelling to me.


What's everyone drinking this weekend? Going to go shopping after work today and need some inspiration!

Hoppin Frog's B.O.R.I.S. have two bombers!


...I can't believe I overlooked this brewery for so long because of their goofy frog fronts, and now I find it charming lol


What's everyone drinking this weekend? Going to go shopping after work today and need some inspiration!

Some homebrew best bitter while I attempt my third try at brewing a pilsner.

picked up some Prodigal Brewing (New Hampshire) beer yesterday - friend of mine is a part-owner, so it's always cool to drink. Yule Bock and and Baltic Porter

Picked up a 4 pack of Abbot Ale - first time I've found it in the USA for years, so thrilled. Yes, it's not the most exciting beer in the world, but I love it, and I have some. so go me.

Goddammit. InBev bought Elysian.

A-B has just purchased 20-year-old Seattle brewer Elysian, per company statement. The deal should close in Q1 2015.

Elysian sold more than 50,000 barrels of beer in 2014, with Immortal IPA accounting for more than a quarter of the company's total volume.

"For two decades, we've welcomed guests into our brewpubs and served them creative and impeccably crafted beers," said Joe Bisacca, Elysian ‎CEO and co-founder, in a statement. He will continue with Elysian along with his partners, Dick Cantwell and David Buhler. "After a lot of hard work, we've grown from one Seattle brewpub to four pub locations and a production brewery. With the support of Anheuser-Busch, we will build on past successes and share our beers with more beer lovers moving forward."

Dick said they'll "be able to take the next steps to bring ... energy and commitment to a larger audience" with the deal.

"Elysian's story includes everything we look for in a partner," said Andy Goeler, CEO, Craft, Anheuser-Busch. "The team has spent their careers brewing distinctive beers in the thriving West Coast beer community and building unique venues that celebrate beer. As the fastest growing brewer in Washington, their recipe is working. Elysian's brands are an important addition to our high-end beer portfolio, and we look forward to working together."

In addition to the Seattle Airport Way brewery, the acquisition includes the company's four Seattle brewpubs, Elysian Capitol Hill, Elysian Tangletown, Elysian Fields and Elysian BAR.

More soon.

Their Tangletown brewpub is in my neighborhood. Great family friendly spot, killer one-off bers. This sucks.


Really now?
fuk yeah

if you get the chance though, the new batch of Tilquin Draft, is incredible.

I'll definitely check it out though I've rarely seen it on draft near me. I remember liking the draft less than the bottled version in the past but hey Tilquin is Tilquin. Really annoyed with myself for passing up a bottle of Tilquin^2 a few months ago.

Damn, Elysian too? I wonder who's next...
I'll definitely check it out though I've rarely seen it on draft near me. I remember liking the draft less than the bottled version in the past but hey Tilquin is Tilquin. Really annoyed with myself for passing up a bottle of Tilquin^2 a few months ago.

Damn, Elysian too? I wonder who's next...

After 10 Barrel was purchased, there were rumors that InBev wasn't done looking for breweries in the PNW. Elysian isn't too surprising seeing how they were already distributed via an InBev house. They want dominant shelf-space and distribution channels out here.

Elysian and New Belgium had a strong partnership with distribution, production, etc. Hell, New Belgium is actually registered as a WA brewery. I'm curious what happens how.


I'll definitely check it out though I've rarely seen it on draft near me. I remember liking the draft less than the bottled version in the past but hey Tilquin is Tilquin. Really annoyed with myself for passing up a bottle of Tilquin^2 a few months ago.

yeah t2 is dope! got a case.

make sure you get the Rullquin if you see it, Rulles Tilquin collab, Gueuze Stout, yeah i know....

Damn, Elysian too? I wonder who's next...

another one bties the dust, hey, hey.

You see anything on this list that I should get in my growler?

I might go with that bourbon barrel stout.

yep, that's what i would get, Central Waters is good stuff, but a growler of that youd need help, also that Brrrbon Widmer is not really good.

Java Stout growler would be nice too, that Bell's malt base is so nice.
yeah t2 is dope! got a case.

make sure you get the Rullquin if you see it, Rulles Tilquin collab, Gueuze Stout, yeah i know....

Jealous of that case! Yeah the place I saw it at when I was in Northern California also had Rullquin and Quetsche but they kinda overcharge for everything (even on top of the already high prices) so I hesitated to pull the trigger. I hear they're finally making a kriek, though, which I'd kill to try!
Connecticut. Right on the New York border though. I'm leaning towards stouts maybe, but I've also been drinking a lot of stouts recently so might switch it up.

Find some World Wide Stout. I bought one. If not I also bought Thomas Hooker's Chocolate Truffle Stout.


Any good resources out there to learn about what all goes into making beer? I don't plan on doing it but just want to know more about it
Any good resources out there to learn about what all goes into making beer? I don't plan on doing it but just want to know more about it
John Palmer's How to Brew is the perennial recommendation for homebrewers. The first edition is available online. It's a little out of date these days, but still a pretty good resource.

Otherwise, we've got enough brewers in this thread that I think we can answer any specific questions. Or at least point you in the right direction.
What an awesome logo, beer sounds great too!

Finally tried Grapefruit Sculpin on tap last night and enjoyed it, much better than Habanero. Probably wouldn't pay the $16/sixer price though. Also got a couple pours of Tahoe Mountain French Pils which was a great crisp farmhouse beer, reminded me of Stillwater Classique. I'd love to try their barrel-aged stuff sometime.


Any good resources out there to learn about what all goes into making beer? I don't plan on doing it but just want to know more about it

I second How to Brew. First edition is probably OK for just learning about it. I'd get a newer version if you are actually planning on brewing. Some of the advice has changed.

The Complete Joy of Homebrewing is a very good read, and for someone wanting to learn the process it's written in an entertaining style.

Brewing Classic Styles will give you a great foundation in beer styles, the differences, some history and what makes good ones. It also has a 'how to brew' section by John Palmer who wrote the first book I mentioned

Probably my 3 go-to books.

The other option is to go to a craft brewery and take a tour. They can range in quality, as some are more about the free samples than the actual brewing process. Some of the smaller 1 room brewers (Cape Ann Brewing for example) are an awesome tour as everything is within sight, and little details like the bomb-proof milling room (grain dust can explode so the fire dept went a little nuts on the building code) are something you'd never normally think about.

Even the Annheiser Busch tours are good - done my local one a few times, and for getting an idea of the process they can be great.

Edit: just completed my Pilsner brew. Lauter grant worked perfectly. Gravity fed 7 gal into it, and then pumped it into the kettle. Goal is to have something drinkable in 8 weeks.
Drinking this Innis & Gunn Toasted Oak IPA that I've had leftover from a build-your-own-six-pack from World Market...


I'm not digging this at all. I like I&G original and especially their rum-aged beer, but this is like two tastes that just don't blend. It reminds me of medicine I used to have to take as a kid.
Had a Gueuze Girardin 1882 (black label) tonight. Cork said '13 so I'm not sure if that means it was bottled then or a couple years before, shit gets ambiguous. I'd never had any Girardin before so I figured I might as well give it a shot. It was good, not 3F/Tilquin/Cantillon level but about on par with Boon Marriage Parfait/Hanssens. Definitely better than Beersel (been really disappointed with the past couple bottles of their gueuze/kriek I've had). For the price I'd probably go with 3F or a 750 of Lindemans Cuvee Rene tho.

Currently working on a sixer of Anderson Valley Blood Orange Gose, the store marked it down 25% so I couldn't resist. I hope they do another variation soon!

What's everyone else enjoying tonight?


Similar question, is there any coffee table book about types of beer or one that describes individual beers?

Would be cool to get one eventually.


Similar question, is there any coffee table book about types of beer or one that describes individual beers?

Would be cool to get one eventually.

I have this http://amzn.com/0789320258

Pretty cool.

it says "out of stock" but i've seen it at lots of book stores...

Had a Gueuze Girardin 1882 (black label) tonight. Cork said '13 so I'm not sure if that means it was bottled then or a couple years before, shit gets ambiguous. I'd never had any Girardin before so I figured I might as well give it a shot. It was good, not 3F/Tilquin/Cantillon level but about on par with Boon Marriage Parfait/Hanssens. Definitely better than Beersel (been really disappointed with the past couple bottles of their gueuze/kriek I've had). For the price I'd probably go with 3F or a 750 of Lindemans Cuvee Rene tho.

Damn, I think Black label is great, especially for price and availability. The Girardin lambics are used in a lot of great beers at Cantillon, Drie Fonteinen too. Also they make a Faro blended with a pilsner called Dominicus that I've always wanted to try. I think you have it ranked about right though, I would rate Hanssens a little higher personally.

this is what i had last night


it's a 2008 Oude Geuze Red Label Vintage from Drie Fonteinen

the word "Vintage" indicates that out of all the lambic blends Armand De Belder or whoever, made at Drie Fonteinen, felt the "Vintage" represented the absolute best batch, which was separated and sometimes aged additional time in the barrel. It is drinking really well. It used to be pretty available and cheap but now goes for absurd prices.
Cantillon also used to be available and cheap, too. Hopefully one day it goes back to that.

In the meantime, I'm heading to Belgium this summer in between stops in Spain and The Netherlands. Back to Cantillon I go...


Picked up a six pack of founders dirty bastard, a four pack of Sierra Nevada narwhal, and a 12 oz bottle of dogfish head world wide stout. Excited to break into these later today.


Picked up a six pack of founders dirty bastard, a four pack of Sierra Nevada narwhal, and a 12 oz bottle of dogfish head world wide stout. Excited to break into these later today.

Founders is local to me so It's a common go to for crafts. Dirty Bastard is great on tap.


Never had a Hoppin Frog beer. I'll be on the look out now. Just checked their site, and they have an absolutely immense repertoire.


Had Ballast Point's Grapefruit Sculpin and Victory at Sea last night. Was pleasantly surprised at the Sculpin since I'm not a big IPA fan. Didn't know the Victory at Sea clocked in at 10% alcohol, it was pretty smooth though.


...I can't believe I overlooked this brewery for so long because of their goofy frog fronts, and now I find it charming lol

Just read this. Yeah, this is why I've ignored them to. I'm not a worthy connoisseur... :(

Had Ballast Point's Grapefruit Sculpin and Victory at Sea last night. Was pleasantly surprised at the Sculpin since I'm not a big IPA fan. Didn't know the Victory at Sea clocked in at 10% alcohol, it was pretty smooth though.

Sculpin is my favorite IPA. The grapefruit sounds good. I've never been able to find Victory at Sea, I've been wanting to try it since last winter.


Had Ballast Point's Grapefruit Sculpin and Victory at Sea last night. Was pleasantly surprised at the Sculpin since I'm not a big IPA fan. Didn't know the Victory at Sea clocked in at 10% alcohol, it was pretty smooth though.

It's my go to IPA. Always pick up a 6-pack whenever I'm out, so glad they decided to ramp up production of it instead of it being a limited thing.



Drinking a leftover bottle of this, pretty damn good, just a little on the flat side...I think that's the problem with many of Rivertown's Belgians and Sours as well. Absolutely no head on this thing, though maybe that's because it's from 2013. Other than that this is pretty much the best of both worlds for people that like beer and not so dry wine.


I started reading this thread from the OP, and people were seriously recommending Stella Artois as a good beer.

Good lord it's awful piss, on behalf of Europe I'm sorry our ad campaigns worked.


Cantillon also used to be available and cheap, too. Hopefully one day it goes back to that.

In the meantime, I'm heading to Belgium this summer in between stops in Spain and The Netherlands. Back to Cantillon I go...

niiice! yeah Cantillon, sad to say, was a shelf turd here in CT for many years, i wish i had bought more tbh, (because now it's gone, though hopefully not forever) especially given how hard it is to find

excited to try that Geuze Des! nice #properglassware pic too!

I started reading this thread from the OP, and people were seriously recommending Stella Artois as a good beer.

Good lord it's awful piss, on behalf of Europe I'm sorry our ad campaigns worked.

haha, yeah..

I still have a soft spot for Heineken, Beck's and Stella, in that order. I like a nice skunky lager sometimes. Much prefer any of those to the corn, adjunct, bud, miller, coors, stuff here.

I used to like Amstel Light, that beer can fuck right off. Tastes like water and peppercorns.
niiice! yeah Cantillon, sad to say, was a shelf turd here in CT for many years, i wish i had bought more tbh, (because now it's gone, though hopefully not forever) especially given how hard it is to find

Since Shelton Brothers returned to WA in late 2013, we've had two shipments of Cantillon. First was Kriek and Geueze, second was Cuvee des Champions last March. And then they skipped us completely for Zwanze Day this past year. Oh wait, we did get Fou Foune in May but all the bottles were poured at a bar (who also happened to be the Shelton Distributor at the time).

I'm not expecting any more. Ever.


Since Shelton Brothers returned to WA in late 2013, we've had two shipments of Cantillon. First was Kriek and Geueze, second was Cuvee des Champions last March. And then they skipped us completely for Zwanze Day this past year. Oh wait, we did get Fou Foune in May but all the bottles were poured at a bar (who also happened to be the Shelton Distributor at the time).

I'm not expecting any more. Ever.

i heard rumblings that it might, give it a couple years, as shelton bros has a couple pending lawsuits they are working through
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