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Beer |OT|

Just wanted to share my current love with GAF:


Allagash Curieux.

Who else is ready for Memorial Day weekend? We're heading out to our cabin on the Washington coast tomorrow, so I stopped by a few breweries on the way home tonight and filled some growlers...


From left to right: Georgetown Manny's Pale Ale, Fremont Interurban IPA, Rogue Juniper Pale Ale, Georgetown Lucile IPA.
I really enjoy midwestern stuff.

Grainbelt (Cans taste better)

Leinenkugals (Bottles taste better. Cans taste like bleh) I prefer lite.

I can manage a Guinness and New Castle from time to time.


distantmantra said:
The beer keeps comin'. Had some fun at Super Deli Mart in West Seattle after Iron Brewer at Beveridge Place.


In addition to the above bottles, I had a pint of Avery's Maharaja Imperial IPA from Super Deli Mart's tap. Yum

This is ultra geeky, but back in March, I visited New Zealand Hops during the harvest, and they were packing up a shipment for Sierra Nevada for the 2011 Southern Harvest.

So, I present, the hops that are in your beer, before there were in your beer (or something like that...).

Would love to know what this years release is like. To my knowledge, a bottle hasn't made the return trip back down to New Zealand yet!



Jos said:
This is ultra geeky, but back in March, I visited New Zealand Hops during the harvest, and they were packing up a shipment for Sierra Nevada for the 2011 Southern Harvest.

So, I present, the hops that are in your beer, before there were in your beer (or something like that...).

Would love to know what this years release is like. To my knowledge, a bottle hasn't made the return trip back down to New Zealand yet!

That is very cool, thanks for sharing! I've already had Southern Harvest 2011 on tap, but I'll be enjoying the beer over the weekend.
Damn. That's a big kettle. Hope you've got some powerful burners. I can barely hold a boil on five gallons on my stove and it takes a pretty unreasonable amount of time to reach one. I'm pretty much stuck on partial boils until I move.


That pot is calling for a bayoux burner or something similar.

I'm only on my second batch of homebrew (got the Austin Homebrew Anniversary English Pale Ale in my secondary right now) but it's a damn fun & addictive hobby!


Breaking in my new pot with a full boil batch of Janet's Brown. Hopefully its as good as everyone at the BN and all the judges have proclaimed it to be. (I have no doubts that it will be great, unless I fuck it up somehow). I was able to successfully get 6 gallons of water to a pretty good boil on my stove last night so I should be good to go. Also, its not a brew day without some decent beer. Today's beer of choice is Great Divide's Chocolate, Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. Great, great stout, although, I think at this point they are throwing too much at it (the cocoa and the oak) and I would prefer just the standard Yeti which is complex enough on its own.


Edit1:BOOOO they shipped me 1.0 oz of Magnum and 1.0 oz of Cascade instead of 3.0 oz of cascade. Dammit! I should have checked everything before I started. Hopefully, .5 oz of magnum will be OK as flavor hops (10 min, was supposed to be 1.5 oz Cascade) Plugged it into beersmith and got ~the same IBU. Hopefully it turns out ok.
Edit2: Hose fell of the wort chiller, not once, but twice. Water all over my kitchen. Grr, why must everything go wrong today. This better be good beer dammit....
Wah. I was at a party last night for a friend's graduation that ended up basically being a beer tasting. By the end of the night, I'd had probably a bit too much, but there were some excellent beers in attendance. Highlights include: this year's Dark Lord, Goose Island Bourbon Country Rare, Pliny the Elder, Boulevard Limited Release 2011 Imperial Stout (the uninfected batch), Dark Horse Tres, Jahva Imperial Coffee Stout, and many others that I should have taken notes for. Probably the highest concentration of fantastic beers I've ever had in one place.


Oh, man, I loves me almost any variation of the Oak-Aged Yeti. I hear the vanilla is starting to show up places...

sharkmuncher, let me ask you a brewing question. Is there a reason everyone goes to bigger pots instead of using multiple smaller pots to brew large batches? We're considering attempting an all-grain brew and just dividing it among multiple 5 gallon pots. Any risks in this I'm not seeing?

Jos- That was cool to see! Next time grab me a handful. :)
Takuhi said:
Oh, man, I loves me almost any variation of the Oak-Aged Yeti. I hear the vanilla is starting to show up places...

sharkmuncher, let me ask you a brewing question. Is there a reason everyone goes to bigger pots instead of using multiple smaller pots to brew large batches? We're considering attempting an all-grain brew and just dividing it among multiple 5 gallon pots. Any risks in this I'm not seeing?

Jos- That was cool to see! Next time grab me a handful. :)

I have heard of people going the 2 pot route. I believe most just eventually choose to go single pot to make everything easier. Don't have to worry about splitting hop additions in half, if you are doing a steeping/extract beer, having to split the malt and specialty grains (although not an issue w/ all grain). I think in the end it just boils to to simplicity. But if 2 pots works for you, by all means give it a go. Doing a 6 gallon boil in a 10 gallon pot on an apartment stove is a pain in the ass, let me tell you haha.
distantmantra said:
We had a little beer festival at our beach cabin this weekend...

I see that Sanctification in there. mmmmm

My day consists of:

Lucky Bucket Lager - A pre-prohibition style lager that is actually a pretty good alternative to the larger BMC style American Light Lager.

And Schlitz, which is, well, Schlitz.
I'm going to Belgium this week and i'm making a special trip to buy a case of Westvleteren Trappist Beer


It's made by Monks at the monastery, and unlike most other Trappist beers that are now just made to the monks guidelines, this beer is still handmade by the monks from water drawn from a well in the centre of the monastery. They only make a certain amount each year to fund their costs, and you can only buy a case a month, they take your details so you can't come back. You have to book in advance, too. Ment to be the greatest beer in the world, so I can't wait!!!
It's made by Monks at the monastery, and unlike most other Trappist beers that are now just made to the monks guidelines, this beer is still handmade by the monks from water drawn from a well in the centre of the monastery. They only make a certain amount each year to fund their costs, and you can only buy a case a month, they take your details so you can't come back. You have to book in advance, too. Ment to be the greatest beer in the world, so I can't wait!!!

Enjoy! I picked up some Westy 12 when I was in Belgium in Arpil. I'm aging my last bottle and will drink it upon the birth of my future child.


It's made by Monks at the monastery, and unlike most other Trappist beers that are now just made to the monks guidelines, this beer is still handmade by the monks from water drawn from a well in the centre of the monastery. They only make a certain amount each year to fund their costs, and you can only buy a case a month, they take your details so you can't come back. You have to book in advance, too. Ment to be the greatest beer in the world, so I can't wait!!!

I would suggest that you temper your expectations a little. The beer's exclusivity makes it fun and exciting to share with friends, but it is not radically different in taste from other Trappist/Abbey beers.
tokkun said:
I would suggest that you temper your expectations a little. The beer's exclusivity makes it fun and exciting to share with friends, but it is not radically different in taste from other Trappist/Abbey beers.

It is pretty similar to the easily obtainable Rochefort 10, but Westy 12 is still pretty incredible.


distantmantra said:
The beer keeps comin'. Had some fun at Super Deli Mart in West Seattle after Iron Brewer at Beveridge Place.
How was the Elysian? I haven't tried the Loser before.

sharkmuncher said:
Today's beer of choice is Great Divide's Chocolate, Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. Great, great stout, although, I think at this point they are throwing too much at it (the cocoa and the oak) and I would prefer just the standard Yeti which is complex enough on its own. http://i.imgur.com/850Uul.jpg
I had my first Yeti a couple months ago. It was the regular one (not oak aged). I loved it, would drink another right now.

Acid08 said:

Had some of this the other day, it was fucking delicious.
I absolutely <3 Racer 5 IPA! I'm a huge IPA fan and I think if offered any I would order a Racer 5.

I'm enjoying a couple Sierra Nevada Pale Ales tonight, nothing special but a great beer nonetheless.
For those in Ontario, Canada be on the lookout for this:


Great IPA from Muskoka Brewery. It has a citrus flavor that takes over so it doesn't get too "pine" tasting which is more to my liking. Excellent beer.


UK Beer Gaf, what do you think of Old Speckled Hen? It's pretty much my favourite beer right now and i was really just wondering what similar beers could be recommended.

Also has anyone tried Old Crafty Hen, which is basically a "vintage" old speckled hen - though i cannot tell the difference myself.
tokkun said:
I would suggest that you temper your expectations a little. The beer's exclusivity makes it fun and exciting to share with friends, but it is not radically different in taste from other Trappist/Abbey beers.

it's the story and the adventure of it that i'm excited about, really. A great beer is just a good reward for such a thing.


AcridMeat said:
About to get into one of these.
Happy Wednesday everyone.

I tried one of these yesterday. Smelled like pure skunk juice, tasted a little like it. :p

I'll contribute a little:

One of my new favorites, cheap but pretty good. Like the fact that it isn't too much carbonated. And it comes from Quebec, where I live.


AcridMeat said:
Don't like many lighter beers Giard? I thought it was pretty good.

IMO, a better beer of the same kind would be this:

One of the most drinkable I've ever tasted...but I haven't tasted many at all. I buy a couple of different beers at a time to try and find some that I like (there isn't a lot of them :p)


I like to try a new beer every time I go and restock, but man I'm really craving some Maudite right now and I don't think anything else will do.



...While it's good, it pretty much tastes just like every other high-end India Pale Ale I've had...I should have gone with Maudite again.


ATF487 said:
Had a six pack of these yesterday


Really fantastic, I need more porters in my life[/QUOTE]
Smuttynose Robust Porter is near immaculate
I'm at the point in my beer drinking where I almost exclusively like dark beers. They're less bitter and also taste less watery. I'll take a good porter over anything else out there.
Picture Time!

2011 Old Stock Ale - Wonderful super malty barleywine/old ale. Great when you want that barleywine warmth without the 2xIPA hop levels of most American barleywines

Another barleywine more on the malty end than the hop end. Good, but not Old Stock.

Polish fest last weekend. Food was excellent, beer was so-so. Everything except the Hevelius was pretty standard and similar to your average imported German lager or Pils, think Spaten. The Hevelius was a huge booze bomb. Only around 8%, but tasted like it was spiked with Vodka, no good.

And finally, just thought I'd post the notes I took listening to a podcast containing an interview with Adam Avery on how to go about homebrewing Maharajah Imperial IPA. I have a project coming up with that one...


Nice pictures! That first glass looks tasty.

Recently have been drinking a lot of these pint cans.

Definitely needs to be cold, it does turn into a piss beer towards the end. Although maybe I just don't like pilsners as much?
Giard said:
I'll contribute a little:

One of my new favorites, cheap but pretty good. Like the fact that it isn't too much carbonated. And it comes from Quebec, where I live.

You should also give the Griffon Blonde a try. Its great!
Diseased Yak said:
Recent haul incoming! (I worship at the altar of Avery)

You lucky bastard. I have looked all over (by all over, I meant I'm' pretty sure theye didn't have enough to ship any to Nebraska) for this years Mephistopheles and have been unable to find it. Reverend and Salvation are excellent beers as well, hell so is The Beast. Actually, like you, I too worship the brewing god that is Adam Avery haha. It was an Avery tasting in Boulder a week after my 21st Birthday that really go me into craft beer.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
sharkmuncher said:
You lucky bastard. I have looked all over (by all over, I meant I'm' pretty sure theye didn't have enough to ship any to Nebraska) for this years Mephistopheles and have been unable to find it. Reverend and Salvation are excellent beers as well, hell so is The Beast. Actually, like you, I too worship the brewing god that is Adam Avery haha. It was an Avery tasting in Boulder a week after my 21st Birthday that really go me into craft beer.

Me and my drinking buddy (friend from college who still gets with me regularly to beer it up, going on 20 years now) are avid Avery enthusiasts. Avery just gets "it", whatever that intangible "it" is, that makes beer both awesome and worthy of worship. Not only is the beer the best I've had of US companies, but the labels are works of art.

We live in central Arkansas and the rumor (via both a Flying Saucer manager and a liquor store owner, separate of each other) is that Avery is pulling out of central AR. No one seems to know why, but I hope it isn't true. I need to write the company and get details, because if it's true I need to spend $2000 on Avery products and stock up.

Mephistopheles is really hard to find here, I bought both bottles my local spot got in, as well as the only Beast. My favorite is The Reverend, though. Can't get enough of it.
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