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Beer |OT|


The Autumn Wind
I had that Passionfruit Sour Ale when I was in Seattle last summer. It was delicious. I'll definitely be picking up more when I go back next month.


I was able to snag a bomber of Lagunitas Pils for $1.50 today. Thanks to a sale and my employee discount. Shit hits harder than I expected too!
Double Barrel Jesus was a no show in town today. Grr. Either that or it disappeared instantly and no one at the store had any idea it came in. The regular beer guy wasn't there that was going to hold one for me. Maybe it is just delayed.

Grabbed some Bourbon Barrel Aged Arrogant Bastard. It isn't bad. Basically a slightly better version of regular Arrogant Bastard.

Now finishing off another can of some 2013 Ten Fidy I found yesterday at the store. Always like lil finds like that.
I've had a couple Beachwood beers on tap (mostly lesser-known IPAs of theirs) but today my bottle shop happened to have a bottle of Thrillseeker for me. Damn this is a good classic West Coast IPA, maybe not at the heights of top-notch Pliny/Just Outstaning/Duet level but probably bests them out based on the batch variation I had. I'd love to try Melrose and Citraholic someday!

Super solid Simcoe and Amarillo IPA with a wild yeast strain. Need to head back to BC for a couple more. Yay for Nexus pass.


Kona makes great summer beers here are some other inoffensive suggestions for the summer:

Lagunitas Little Sumpin
21st Amendment Down to Earth Session IPA
21st Amendment Hell or High
Alesmith X
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
Stone Delicious IPA
Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin
Ballast Point Yellowtail Pale
The Lost Abbey Devotion Ale
Oskar Blues Dales Pale Ale
Oskar Blues Mama Pils
Left Hand 400 Pound Monkey
New Belgium Fat Tire
Picked up a few from this. The Fat Tire, the Ballast Point Sculpin and Alesmith X.

Will just be at home this weekend like a lame though so me and the wife gonna have to drink it all lol.
Melrose is the only Beachwood beer I've had. Good, but not any better than other IPAs.

Yeah they seem to have some really hyped IPAs (and tbh the three or four I've had are all great) but I get the feeling that they found themselves in the right area at the right time. Not many LA-area breweries were making IPAs of that caliber before. Still, $10 for an IPA is a bit much imo
Ouch. That was an expensive trip. $50 total and all I got was a bottle of Agamemnon, Double Barrel Jesus, and Fumapapa. That last one was at least regularly priced. Agamemnon was $17 for a 12 oz. Ouch. But I can't pass up the opportunity to have it.
Ouch. That was an expensive trip. $50 total and all I got was a bottle of Agamemnon, Double Barrel Jesus, and Fumapapa. That last one was at least regularly priced. Agamemnon was $17 for a 12 oz. Ouch. But I can't pass up the opportunity to have it.

It was good, just didn't think it was worth the price. Much better barrel-aged beers out there for the money.

Grabbed a Tilquin Oude Gueze 750mL, Tilquin Quetsche 375 mL, Blackberry Farm Classic Saison 750mL (new to the area) and a local, Rhinegeist Glow (single hop pale w/ Huell Melon hops). Expensive trip ($60).


Ouch. That was an expensive trip. $50 total and all I got was a bottle of Agamemnon, Double Barrel Jesus, and Fumapapa. That last one was at least regularly priced. Agamemnon was $17 for a 12 oz. Ouch. But I can't pass up the opportunity to have it.
I'm jealous. I have no idea where to find a bottle of Agamemnon here in Sweden (seriously).

On the other hand, I've heard recently that the alcohol store is gonna sell Agamemnon Barrel Aged, but God know how long when that will happen. Looking forward to it though!
I'm jealous. I have no idea where to find a bottle of Agamemnon here in Sweden (seriously).

On the other hand, I've heard recently that the alcohol store is gonna sell Agamemnon Barrel Aged, but God know how long when that will happen. Looking forward to it though!
Wait, there is an even more aged version? This is already aged in bourbon and maple syrup barrels.

But that bottle is for tomorrow. Tonight is Jesus night.


Wait, there is an even more aged version? This is already aged in bourbon and maple syrup barrels.

But that bottle is for tomorrow. Tonight is Jesus night.
I really don't know anything when it comes to aging beers (so bear with me), but from my understanding there is a regular one (12.5%) and a barrel aged one (13.2%) and it sounds like you got the BA one.
Just moved to Corvallis, OR, today, and there's a completely different selection of beers at Safeway than I'm used to in Eastern Washington. Tonight's was the Farm Out Saison from Worthy Brewing in Bend, and it's great.
Just moved to Corvallis, OR, today, and there's a completely different selection of beers at Safeway than I'm used to in Eastern Washington. Tonight's was the Farm Out Saison from Worthy Brewing in Bend, and it's great.

Corvallis is only like 90 miles from Tillamook, what's the maximum amount of De Garde you're willing to drive out, pick up, and ship me at your expense? :p



I had these last night (bought in Atlanta). Holy crap were they amazing. Funky Gold Amarillo was especially ridiculous. We don't get anything from Prairie Artisan Ales in Toronto where I live so I'm a bit bummed out that I can't get more but wow. I've had my share of well hopped sours but the Funky Gold crushes them imo. What a delicious beer.


Agamemnon barrel aged just came out,

batch 1 was a regular imp stout and came out a couple years back in a 750ml

i have had batch 1 and it was one of the greatest imp stouts, evar. i bought a ba version but have yet to try.

a friend who had both, preferred Hypnopompa ba to Agamemnon ba
Corvallis is only like 90 miles from Tillamook, what's the maximum amount of De Garde you're willing to drive out, pick up, and ship me at your expense? :p

I've never heard of it, but will be checking it out, and I'll get back to you on it. Would have no problems sending some your way.
I've never heard of it, but will be checking it out, and I'll get back to you on it. Would have no problems sending some your way.

lol I was just joking about sending me some, shipping is a real pain. But definitely try to make it out there because I've only heard great things. distantmantra's probably the best person to ask about what's worth checking out near you.
lol I was just joking about sending me some, shipping is a real pain. But definitely try to make it out there because I've only heard great things. distantmantra's probably the best person to ask about what's worth checking out near you.

de Garde is worth visiting. Only open Thursday-Sunday and no kids allowed.

Block 15 just opened their new facility in Corvallis. Crowlers of Sticky Hands? YES PLEASE.
Had the barrel aged Agamemnon last night. Really damn good and thick, but not worth the $17 for a 12.7oz bottle. I am glad I tried it though.

Also grabbed a bottle of Sour Monkey. I like Golden Monkey by Victory, and especially liked White Monkey, so let's see how I feel about a sour one. I haven't gotten into sours yet, so this seems like a tiny lil step into trying some.


Had the barrel aged Agamemnon last night. Really damn good and thick, but not worth the $17 for a 12.7oz bottle. I am glad I tried it though.

Also grabbed a bottle of Sour Monkey. I like Golden Monkey by Victory, and especially liked White Monkey, so let's see how I feel about a sour one. I haven't gotten into sours yet, so this seems like a tiny lil step into trying some.
That's really surprising to me just considering the sheer volume and mix of stuff that you check out. Sours, specifically Flanders and American Wild Ales might be my most favorite beer styles.
That's really surprising to me just considering the sheer volume and mix of stuff that you check out. Sours, specifically Flanders and American Wild Ales might be my most favorite beer styles.

So American Wild Ale counts as a sour? I guess I have had a few this past year then but didn't know it. The last one I remember having was Victory as well, Wild Devil.


So American Wild Ale counts as a sour? I guess I have had a few this past year then but didn't know it. The last one I remember having was Victory as well, Wild Devil.

you should check out some of russian river's sour offerings if you can get a hand of them, supplication being a personal favorite. they're the first sours i really began to appreciate and since then i can't get enough of them. almanac and de garde are also always brewing something sour if you can keep an eye out. my problem is the exorbitant prices really isn't healthy for my wallet.
Not all American Wilds are sour, though. If it doesn't taste sour, it's not one. Some are just wild fermented beers that don't have the sour flavor profile. All these silly names we give beer styles.

Edit: Wild Devil is a Brett IPA (like the Four Winds Juxtapose I posted earlier on this page). I'd be reluctant to classify that as a sour beer. Kinda like the Sierra Nevada/Russian River Brux beer. It was a wild beer brewed with Brett and wasn't sour, but most people expected it to be and were disappointed.


Speaking of sours, I had the strangest IPA i've ever had about a week ago called Lemon cello. A collaboration beer between Siren/Mikkeller/Hill farmstead, not quite sure what each brewery contributed to the brew but it befuddled me that it was as an IPA, the aroma definitely was characteristically IPA though. Apparently uses sorachi ace and citra hops but the taste was a pungent lingering lemon sourness that was unlike the tart sourness i usually find pleasant in sour beers. Very interesting concept for an IPA but seemed to be too all over the place for me.
I'd call the Lemon Cello IPA a sour IPA. They used a partial sour mash and lacto in the brew to give it those sour notes. I actually kinda liked it.


The only other purposeful "sour IPA" I've had was called Identity Crisis from Below Grade, a nano-brewery in Bend, OR.

Brett IPAs are pretty common right now, definitely funky but not sour.


Haha, the name for that one seems very appropriate if it's anything like the Lemon Cello. I wouldn't mind trying more, I love IPAs and I love sours so it's still compelling to me if just for that.
Don't think you will like sour stuff if you generally don't like sour stuff, don't know why, just have a hunch

Well, that is why I never sought out sours before. I was going with my hunch. :)

But, sours are about all anyone at the local store talks about, so I figured I need to give one a try sometime. No harm in trying to broaden my horizons.
Nothing wrong with giving them a try, but if you don't like them, you don't like them. No need to feel "left out." You like what you like and that's fine.
Nothing wrong with giving them a try, but if you don't like them, you don't like them. No need to feel "left out." You like what you like and that's fine.

Yup. I will try one more at least. Probably one that the sour fans seem to like to see if that changes my mind. For all I know Sour Monkey isn't a good sour. Of course, it did have a good rating on Beer Advocate and Untappd.

I think you should try a Flanders Red next!

I do like red ales, and am always a sucker for Belgian beers. I will see what I can find around here in that style soon.


I ran out of beer yesterday but found a couple cans of magic hat #9 in the back of my fridge.

Holy cow this stuff is NASTY. I would honestly rather have a bud light than this shit.
Honest truth. It's too sweet for my liking. Something about the sugars imparting a very offensive bile flavor in it. I've also encountered a similar flavor in certain Berliners when syrup is added to them.


Jacobins is great
Logsdon makes a good one
Panil Barriquee sits around and is good to great depending on the bottle and vintage
rodenbach grand cru and ichtegems are classics
jolly pumpkin la roja

i get why people dont like the style though
Logsdon's Cerasus is solid. Pfriem's Flanders Red is nice, their Flanders Blonde is even better.

Rodenbach Grand Cru is an absolute steal and readily available.

Duchesse is still an overly sweet bile bomb.


Logsdon's Cerasus is solid. Pfriem's Flanders Red is nice, their Flanders Blonde is even better.

Rodenbach Grand Cru is an absolute steal and readily available.

Duchesse is still an overly sweet bile bomb.
It's such a divisive beer, but I feel like it's sweetness only becomes overbearing when it starts to warm up. When served ice cold it's less sweet and vinegary and the subtle tartness has more room to air itself on your palette giving it better balance. It's one of the most savory beers I've ever had.


Picked up a few from this. The Fat Tire, the Ballast Point Sculpin and Alesmith X.

Will just be at home this weekend like a lame though so me and the wife gonna have to drink it all lol.
Got through the Ballast Point and Fat Tire. The grapefruit Ballast Point was pretty great. Fat Tire was solid as well, but didn't like it nearly as much as the Ballast.

Haven't tried the Alesmith. Might save it for this weekend.
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