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Beer |OT|

They're now 16.9 oz bottles. But that's still pricey. I got regular for $10, BW and Coffee for $13 each and Regal Rye was $22.

Ah, cool. Thought they were still four packs of 12oz bottles. Second year in a row without having any hit this town. I don't think we ever got it on tap here either, or if we did it disappeared instantly.


Picked up a bottle of Jack D'Or. I remember Pretty Things being mentioned in here and their apparent closing down. Not sure of the bottled date on this one but I think it may be their last batch of it.




I think I spent $60 total on regular, BW, Regal Rye and Coffee.

yeah the markup of this place was a joke. 14.99 for regular is kinda lol

went through with it in case i can't get my hands on more at a better price. another buddy from work might have a hookup for a half case of regular at $10 per bottle
Success! Got two regular BCBSs, plus two Xocovezas, neither of which I've ever had. Looking forward to them both!



All I want is that Xocoveza, that's a top five personal favorite Stout to me. I just picked up Weyerbacher Tiny while looking for it. And now I have like ten different stouts at my house. Probably the most I've ever had.
All I want is that Xocoveza, that's a top five personal favorite Stout to me. I just picked up Weyerbacher Tiny while looking for it. And now I have like ten different stouts at my house. Probably the most I've ever had.
Oh, how I miss Weyerbacher and tiny. And still no Xocoveza here in KY. Only thing today was Project PAM.
Good news is that Ballast Point hits here tomorrow.
Parabola (along with the other BA FW beers) is a shelf turd in Seattle. Blows me away that it is gone instantly other places.

Really? The problem with Firestone Walker stuff for me is that I don't know when it's going to show up. BCBS goes pretty fast, but I feel like I'm on an even playing field because I know exactly when it will be released and places flat out announce their release events days in advance. I just never even see Parabola, Sucaba or Velvet Merkin.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This bar/restaurant near my house has has BCBS on for 5 days now which I figured out when I walked in. I rode my bike 5 minutes lol.

You can tell I'm the only guy in the bar ordering it:

It's harder to drink a 40 of BCBS than you're probably imagining.


Yeah. They had a few cases of it. I only grabbed one bottle. If there is one tomorrow I will grab another. I am not sure how it will age.
Aren't you pretty close I guess it's time to hunt it down. I would think it would age quite well considering it's quite similar in character at least on paper to Double Bastard. Basically a hop forward maple barrel aged barleywine. Aging will probably calm the hops down and bring out the barrel more.
Aren't you pretty close I guess it's time to hunt it down. I would think it would age quite well considering it's quite similar in character at least on paper to Double Bastard. Basically a hop forward maple barrel aged barleywine. Aging will probably calm the hops down and bring out the barrel more.

Bottle says it is a Black IPA. Not sure how well they age.


This bar/restaurant near my house has has BCBS on for 5 days now which I figured out when I walked in. I rode my bike 5 minutes lol.

You can tell I'm the only guy in the bar ordering it:

It's harder to drink a 40 of BCBS than you're probably imagining.

Hoping Xocoveza is good this year. Grabbed two sixers today along with the new Enjoy By, Sorry, Not Sorry and some other stuff. Saw Pure Hoppiness six packs today for the first time.
BCBS has never been my personal favorite. I am more of a KBS guy myself. Honestly I think Prairie Bomb is a better overall beer. :)

That said, any home brewers on here?
I guess I was wrong about them being long gone in California; found these in Oakland yesterday, looking forward to revisiting them since I only had them on draft a couple years back.

Got a ridiculous good deal tonight. Got a bottle of Stone Enjoy By 12.25 (skipped the six pack this time), Country Boy Constant Sorrow, and two bottle of Against the Grain Bo & Luke. The Bo & Luke didn't have a price tag on the shelf, but that is normal here for newer stuff the first day. But it wouldn't scan in the register system either.
The cashier asked me if I knew the price and told him there was no tag. So he searched the computer, and couldn't find any listing for it. So he grabbed whatever Against the Grain stuff he could find and said, "How does $5 sound?"
I told him it should be a bit more than that, like $10-15 or so. $5 was way too low.
He just said, "Screw it. It's their fault for not putting it in the system on time. They don't pay me enough to rip people off."
So I got two bottles of Bo & Luke for $5 each. Two bottles was the limit, but damn was that a literal steal. I feel a little bad about doing it and did tell him it shouldn't be that cheap, but damn.

Anyways, diving into Project PAM tonight. Very interesting.

When ice cold, it tastes like a sweet barleywine. But as it warms up a bit, you can taste the black IPA coming through. Very good stuff, but not good enough to warrant going back for another bottle to have again or age, if it will age well at all.


So I had a contact that was supposed to get me a couple bottles of Parabajava that fell apart...anyone here with access to a bottle or two want to trade? I will make it worth your while.


The Autumn Wind
So I stopped by the new Whole Foods near my place to see if they had Xocoveza (no luck), and also checked out the bar they have inside. They had (among other things) Ommegang Gnomegang, Ayinger Celebrator, and Ten Fidy on draft. Everything $6. I wish I could remember what else they had. Must have been about 12-15 beers on draft. All I know is I'll be stopping there more often.
So I stopped by the new Whole Foods near my place to see if they had Xocoveza (no luck), and also checked out the bar they have inside. They had (among other things) Ommegang Gnomegang, Ayinger Celebrator, and Ten Fidy on draft. Everything $6. I wish I could remember what else they had. Must have been about 12-15 beers on draft. All I know is I'll be stopping there more often.

Still on Xocoveza here either, and just about every clerk I talk to has no idea if it is coming. Grr! I needs it again.

And nice find with that tap list. Ten Fidy is possibly my favorite regular stout, with Founders pulling up right behind it.


The Autumn Wind
Still on Xocoveza here either, and just about every clerk I talk to has no idea if it is coming. Grr! I needs it again.

And nice find with that tap list. Ten Fidy is possibly my favorite regular stout, with Founders pulling up right behind it.
Oh, they had Breakfast Stout on tap too.
Oh, they had Breakfast Stout on tap too.

Sigh. Breakfast Stout is so wonderful. Coffee and chocolate is an almost unfair combination to put into a stout. If they could combine those flavors but get something slightly thicker than regular Breakfast Stout, but just a tad less thick than their regular Imperial Stout, it would be unstoppable.

Oh, and make it year round. If Breakfast Stout were year round, I wouldn't drink much else. But right now I just buy it as a treat to myself every so often. I get Founder's Imperial Stout maybe too frequently, but the local store bought so much last year that it is essentially year round in my town. And god bless them for that.
Drinking a Xocoveza now. Lot going on in this and wish I could do it against one from last year. Nothing really dominates (which is good) and it just works. Drinking this after a Pure Hoppiness but the palate seems OK for now.
Drinking a Xocoveza now. Lot going on in this and wish I could do it against one from last year. Nothing really dominates (which is good) and it just works. Drinking this after a Pure Hoppiness but the palate seems OK for now.

That is what I liked most about last year. No particular part of it played lead. Everything was equally supported, and that is what made it such a great beer. The chocolate was subtle, but so was the spicy aftertaste. Just wonderfully well balanced, and it is so nice to hear that continues this year. Now to pray it shows up in town here in southern KY. I need it again after going through a few bombers last year.


Damn I need to go hunting for Xoco this weekend before there are none to be found. I spend my limited beer budget catching up that I forget to check out the new arrivals.



The right one is really interesting because its pretty much a saison by Dupont at a whopping 9.5 %. And the left one, a really mild and balanced sour ale.

Just finished the sour ale and now getting into the saison. Lovely stuff.


Saint Nic
I've been hunting for Xoco, but the nowhere near me has any and they aren't getting any in.

I picked up a case of Alpha King, a bomber of Space Station Middle Finger, and a bottle of DFH Higher Math. Pretty excited for the weekend!

E: Also, talked to the liquor store owner about BCBS rares. He was telling me that the brewer at Founder's said they laugh at the prices people pay for the rares. Some stores were wanting to charge $100/bottle, but suppliers said if you do that, you won't get them ever again. Apparently they decided to charge the normal price.
I haven't gone looking for Xoco, but a buddy of mine got a case a couple weeks ago. Must not be too tough to find around here.

Don't seem to be a problem in Northern VA either. Whole Foods near my house has had a stack of boxes for like a week. Was even on tap there a few days ago.

I got a six pack because of people talking about it here and will try it this weekend.
Buddy and I are doing a mini walezbro night with the wives while our kids play. Ironically of course.

Peche n Brett
Brother Soigné
Fou Foune
Something from Funk Factory Geuzeria
Went to a tasting of several beers from Ale Apothecary over in Bend, and brought home another BCBS and two boxes of Firestone's latest Anniversary Ale.
Went to a tasting of several beers from Ale Apothecary over in Bend, and brought home another BCBS and two boxes of Firestone's latest Anniversary Ale.

Ale Apothecary is amazing. Paul hasn't made a bad beer yet. If you ever get a chance to visit the brewery outside Bend... DO IT.
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