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Beer |OT|

Definitely want to go check out Bend. Some amazing breweries over there.

My favorite of the AAs I had tonight was Sahalie. Just delicious.

AA isn't normally open to the public, but they're working on a tap room in town near Good Life. They have random member events out at the brewery in the forest and sometimes Paul responds to emails and let's people visit. Pretty damn cool if you find yourself out there. Super tiny set up in the garage. But make sure you buy stuff. Kinda like visiting tiny wineries in Napa/Sonoma.

I've got family friends in Bend who own Crux. We typically go there three or four times a year. Love it.


Why doesn't anyone talk about this fucking masterpiece of a beer:


..nectar of the gods.
Why doesn't anyone talk about this fucking masterpiece of a beer:

..nectar of the gods.

Had it a little over a year ago. A really tasty beer. I was tempted to get another one, but relented.

Might I recommend Straffe Hendrik Brugs Quad if you want another fine Belgian beer. Always a sucker for a good quad since I can enjoy it over the course of the night.



Had it a little over a year ago. A really tasty beer. I was tempted to get another one, but relented.

Might I recommend Straffe Hendrik Brugs Quad if you want another fine Belgian beer. Always a sucker for a good quad since I can enjoy it over the course of the night.


havent seen that, but maybe that's because I never knew to look, going to now.

Chris R

My Fred Meyers actually just put in a growler bar.

They had Space Dust 64oz for $9 when they first opened it, damn good deal.
I'm loving this stuff, man...

Good shit. Evil Twin's stout game is very strong. I think Soft DK is my favorite regular stout from them. All the Jesus stouts are amazing though. I wish I had gotten two bottles of Double Barrel Jesus instead of just one. But thankfully I can get Even More Jesus or Aun Mas Cafe Jesus from a local place since they seem well stocked and people foolishly ignore it.


Speaking of Evil Twin's stouts, I just tried their collaboration with Norway's Lervig. 17.5%, brewed with frozen pizza and bank notes:


Intense as expected, but it also left a weird feeling on the tongue. Not necessarily awesome.
Speaking of Evil Twin's stouts, I just tried their collaboration with Norway's Lervig. 17.5%, brewed with frozen pizza and bank notes:


Intense as expected, but it also left a weird feeling on the tongue. Not necessarily awesome.
Frozen pizza and bank notes? Ewwww. Sounds like something Rogue would try and make.


Frozen pizza and bank notes? Ewwww. Sounds like something Rogue would try and make.

Well, it's a pure gimmick. Just tastes like a overly strong stout with a weird aftertaste.

17.5 percent booze too, nope nope nope

I've had somewhat similar beers that were nice. BrewDog Tokyo at 18% in particular. Took me like 4 hours to get through the 330 ml bottle, but I at least enjoyed those 4 hours.
Well, it's a pure gimmick. Just tastes like a overly strong stout with a weird aftertaste.

I've had somewhat similar beers that were nice. BrewDog Tokyo at 18% in particular. Took me like 4 hours to get through the 330 ml bottle, but I at least enjoyed those 4 hours.

The aftertaste is what worries me honestly. There are things that taste really good going down, but leave a horrible aftertaste. And then there are the opposites, which taste okay going down but leave a good aftertaste.

Depending on how much they charge for it when (if) it arrives here, I might try it, but am already hesitant because of the pizza gimmick. That just seems like something that should not be in a beer.


The aftertaste is what worries me honestly. There are things that taste really good going down, but leave a horrible aftertaste. And then there are the opposites, which taste okay going down but leave a good aftertaste.

Depending on how much they charge for it when (if) it arrives here, I might try it, but am already hesitant because of the pizza gimmick. That just seems like something that should not be in a beer.

The aftertaste is not really a "taste", it's more like a weird feeling on your tongue. Can't really describe it, maybe because my English's not good enough.

But it definitely doesn't taste of pizza, and while I can't claim to know what money tastes like, I don't think it tastes of it either.

Just a really overly aggressive stout.

Sounds like hangover vomit.

Tastes like stout.


Don't give Rogue any ideas for new flavors.


In other news last night I drank Stone's Smoked Porter all night as I was in the mood for something dark and that's the only thing the bar had on tap that met those requirements. Anyway, although it was pretty tasty I didn't detect much smoke at all. I mean there was a little in the smell, but it was by and large a regular porter and even seemed to have a higher hop presence than I would have guessed or liked. I almost wonder if they just threw a couple of liquid smoke adjuncts into at the end of the brewing process.


Some fuckhead at Stone decided to do the big launch of German Stone beers at several bars across the country on a Monday.

Local Beer List is very intriguing, but I don't think I can make it. Lots of that stuff has never been to Germany, bold is stuff I'd love to try:

Stone IPA (Berlin brewed, kegged that morning)
Stone Xocoveza
Stone Enjoy By 12.25.15 IPA

Stone Go To IPA
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Arrogant Bastard
Juli Goldenberg/Monkey Paw/Stone 24 Carrot Golden Ale
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Stone Delicious IPA
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA
Stone 20th Anniversary Encore Series: 08.08.08 Vertical Epic Ale
Stone Coffee Milk Stout
Finally got to have Bo & Luke tonight. Tasty and solid, but nowhere near the hype around here would make me believe. London Balling remains the best Against the Grain beer I've had.
Duly noted, was gonna try that, I've only had Brown Note and Rye Chicken so far.
Oh, it is definitely worth getting. Just not worth losing your shit over like people here do.
But I do have another bottle chilling and another stocked to have in a year or so.

Still hoping for more London Balling to hit. That shit was awesome.
How does it compare to the other hyped BBA beers?

Of the crazy hyped ones, the only ones that delivered for me were KBS and Double Barrel Jesus. Still not worth the insanity I have seen people do to get them.

Of any barrel aged beer, the ones that I loved the most were Deal With the Devil, Old Stock, and London Balling. Big fan of aged barleywines. They seem to show off the bourbon (or cognac with DWtD) flavor more than stouts do.
Barrel Aged Bigfoot was damn good too, but the price still hurts.


Of the crazy hyped ones, the only ones that delivered for me were KBS and Double Barrel Jesus. Still not worth the insanity I have seen people do to get them.

Of any barrel aged beer, the ones that I loved the most were Deal With the Devil, Old Stock, and London Balling. Big fan of aged barleywines. They seem to show off the bourbon (or cognac with DWtD) flavor more than stouts do.
Barrel Aged Bigfoot was damn good too, but the price still hurts.

This is pretty good and easy to get a hold of if you like BBA Barleywines, I agree with you on them btw.



oooh, that looks good
I haven't had a good barley wine in a while. I missed out on a couple of runs the past few months. Shame on me.


High ABV doesn't automatically make a beer bad :( DWTD was 17.3 if I remember correctly and damn good, but not something you'd want to drink every single night.

I was just thinking about high abv and then those flavors. Of course high abv doesn't make beer bad. I like Black Tuesday man!
This is pretty good and easy to get a hold of if you like BBA Barleywines, I agree with you on them btw.

Damn, that looks amazing. Only Hopping Frog here was Boris and Doris, the regular ones and not aged ones.

High ABV doesn't automatically make a beer bad :( DWTD was 17.3 if I remember correctly and damn good, but not something you'd want to drink every single night.
DWtD was amazing. I really wish I had been able to get a second bottle but I think only 12-24 bottles showed up for the entire town.
Went down to Richmond for Hardywood's Bourbon GBS release this weekend. They had a ton of it and were still limiting to 8 bottles per person. I wonder when they are going to start hitting a wider distribution since they seem to be putting out more and more of their stuff every year.

Also finally got around to trying Xocoveza. Glad it is now just a yearly seasonal so I can get more every year. I'm not big on coffee flavors but it has enough other stuff going on that I really like it.


Some fuckhead at Stone decided to do the big launch of German Stone beers at several bars across the country on a Monday.

Local Beer List is very intriguing, but I don't think I can make it. Lots of that stuff has never been to Germany, bold is stuff I'd love to try:

False alarm, they managed to not bring any of the announced intriguing stuff besides Xocoveza.

Idiots. That's the 3rd time in 4 months that they couldn't manage to bring the amount or type of beer that they announced to Hamburg. All that bombast and faux-Jesus acting and they can't do the most basic things.


The more beer I drink, I really find that I don't like most European stuff.

What's out there thats good/I should try? Don't really like wheat beer, basically like a good IPA/stout.

edit: Wasn't a fan of fireside chat btw.

Chris R

DWtD was amazing. I really wish I had been able to get a second bottle but I think only 12-24 bottles showed up for the entire town.

Only 200 bottles TOTAL this year, because of the distraction of setting up the permanent home.

I'll grab one for sure, and try to rope in my brother to buy a second since it's limit 1 per person.


The more beer I drink, I really find that I don't like most European stuff.

What's out there thats good/I should try? Don't really like wheat beer, basically like a good IPA/stout.

edit: Wasn't a fan of fireside chat btw.

I find I'm not a fan of most German style beers. Wheats and lagers in general I'm not too hot on.

But English/Scottish styles and Belgium/French styles I find to be the best. Then of course the American IPAs.
Duly noted, was gonna try that, I've only had Brown Note and Rye Chicken so far.

Man, you really need to get over to my house and I can open up the cellar for you. You'd be able to knock a lot of "wants" off your list. If it's nice again this weekend I'll be firing up the smoker and you're more than welcome to head over.
Only 200 bottles TOTAL this year, because of the distraction of setting up the permanent home.

I'll grab one for sure, and try to rope in my brother to buy a second since it's limit 1 per person.

I heard that they weren't able to brew it this year, so it's an old batch.

Just tried a sample of this years release of A Deal With The Devil Barleywine.... Wow, it's pretty amazing. This years batch is very special, with all of the building going on around here we didn't have time to make a new batch for this year, but... Three years ago I stashed away some of batch two into a whiskey cask and it has been aging there ever since. This years release will be only 200 bottles. We will be having A Deal With The Devil Day at the brewery next month! One bottle only per person. First come first serve. More details to come!



Pretty cool.

There have been 3 batches released -
Batch "0" was released at the Great Alaska Beer and Barleywine Fest in January 2013 - it won. Kegs were around town and still pop up from time to time - never bottled - this might be the batch with the 1960 barrels - very small release
Batch 1 - bottled - cork and cage - brewed February 2013, bottled and released January 2014 - force carbed - small release in Anchorage bottle shops - gone by the end of Day 1. ABC specifically waited until after the Beer and Barleywine Fest to release to ensure locals had the best chance to get bottles
Batch 2 - bottled - capped - brewed April 2014, bottled and released November 2014 - force carbed - large release - bottles still around at smaller bottle shops in Anchorage. Probably higher abv then 17.3%

Chris R

Yea it does sound like it will be good. I just hope release is on a Saturday or something so I have a legit shot at grabbing a bottle or two.

And I've not seen a single bottle around town since January last this year... Maybe I'm not going to the right shops :(
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