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Beer |OT|

sharkmuncher said:
Certified Evil, [/URL]a Dark Belgian Strong? or Imperial Porter? (they don't even know what to call it.

That's funny, all of the reviews on Beer Advocate say the same thing.

Speaking of BA, people are free to add my to their friend list over there. Name is the same as here.
So Dogfish Head Craft Brewery will not be distributing to WI anymore ::sob:: but I was able to pick up a few bottles of this at my local store before they were completely out. I hadn't read anything about it, so I didn't know what to expect. I did wonder why they were $8 for a 12oz bottle though...

It was over the top even for me (and I like dark beers and barleywines), but you can tell there is a crazy amount of ingredients packed in one bottle. The ABV is supposedly about 18%, and that, I can vouch for... The flavor is so overpowering that it ends up tasting syrupy and almost like soy after awhile. The first few sips were outstanding though.

Anyone else tried this?



HiResDes said:
Do you get a lot of American stuff in Australia?...

If so try Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout, Smuttynose's Robust Porter or Rogue's Double Mocha Porter

Alas no, or atleast in the 'country'/'regional' part of Australia I kick around in there isn't much. The trick though seems to be finding who the local importers are, and contacting them directly. I've had some (limited) successes emailing the importers I find on labels of imported beer and asking them about these things.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll shoot some emails off over the weekend and see what I can see!

/edit: that Rogue's beer sounds amazing, but $30 for one bottle, yowsers :(
elfinke said:
Alas no, or atleast in the 'country'/'regional' part of Australia I kick around in there isn't much. The trick though seems to be finding who the local importers are, and contacting them directly. I've had some (limited) successes emailing the importers I find on labels of imported beer and asking them about these things.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll shoot some emails off over the weekend and see what I can see!

Try the Australia forum at Beer Advocate as well.


Kastrioti said:
I work at BJ's so I'm intrested in what your guys thoughts are on our beer?

Personally I enjoyed it even before I started working there.
HiResDes said:
I might catch some shit for this, but I really like some of the beers brewed by BJ's Restaurant, and I think some of them compare really well with even the upper echelon of various styles.

Here are my favorites:

Grand Cru - Listed as a Belgium Dark Strong Ale, but it's really a Belgium Dark Pale Ale, and a fantastic one at that:


and their Jeremiah Red, might be in my top five favorite beers:


I think the ABV is like 7%, but you really can't taste it much at all, these things are fucking deadly...Highly recommended, I'm going out to get a growler today.

Jeremiah Red is no longer in my top five, but honestly I still might have to put it in my top twenty


Rei_Toei said:
I'm not sure, maybe I've already mentioned this one here before:

This is a blonde/pilsener. All other La Trappe beers are very heavy on the caramel, but not this one. It's actually a little more bitter then blonde/pilsener usually are. What sticks out is the strong hop flavour. Liking it, a lot :)

I like my beer the same as my women, Blonde..... I'm just playing I really don't like blondes in RL. But looking at this beer... I'm willing to change. Thats a fine and sexy looking brew.
Guys...We are only about a month and a half to two months away from the greatest beer season...





And my personal favorite (and one that I still maintain is better than Pumking):

distantmantra said:
I've had WWS before. Contemplating a Heaven & Hell with one of my bottles of 120 Minute IPA and a WWS...
Seriously? One bottle of the WWS was more than enough beer for me for a night, I can't imagine following that up with a 120. I need to work on my tolerance apparently...
Considering all the BS distribution laws, we should talk about beer swaps for people that travel every once in awhile. I'm going to be in the DC area in a couple months, if anyone there is interested in any St. Louis Beer.


Recently picked up and am in the process of finishing a bottle of this:


...Obviously like pretty much every other good beer this thing gets better the more you drink. I believe it's a Belgian Strong Pale Ale, which means it's bitter, strong, and light colored. The high carbonation might actually be this beer's strongest characteristic. The taste is quite simple, yet somewhat elevated consisting of lemon, yeast, malts, and a very very small hint of hops. With an ABV of 8.5 percent this one is built to be a sipper, but goes down like a session beer, which is why I was able to down a whole bottle in less than an hour. It feels good the finish the last drop right before I finish the last sentence of this review.

...Oh and I have a sixpack of Stone IPA as well, so I'm about to get fucked up like only a true beer snob could.
Beer Noob update: Well now that my birthday Guinness is gone I decided to try some Blue Moon today and it was much more enjoyable to drink.
Atramental said:
Beer Noob update: Well now that my birthday Guinness is gone I decided to try some Blue Moon today and it was much more enjoyable to drink.

If you're a beer noob, wheat beers are going to be your best friend for awhile. You will grow into better beers, but until you do, try some of my favorite wheats:

New Belgium's Mothership Wit

and Franziskaner Weissbier
I'll keep my eyes open for those next time I'm out.

I sure could use another hobby and I think being a beer aficionado is right up my alley.
B For Bendetta said:
Ha ha, just wait until you start brewing. At least as expensive as video games, if not more
And they complement each other so well! A long gaming session paired with a few (many) homebrews makes for a great evening...


Neo Member
So, I'm 20 years old. Will be turning 21 in late October. Utilizing my friend's old ID, I've been in and out of bars with friends for the past almost 2 years now (most my friends are in their mid-20's).

I've never drank more than half a bottle of beer in my life. Never felt drunk, or even buzzed.

All this being said, my friends are huge beer collectors. They have over $10,000 worth of beer in a fridge in their garage, so naturally I got a little interested (I'm a huge coffee nerd, so what's another beverage).

I only steel sips from whatever my friends are having. My favorites have to be Old Rasputin, Spaten Optimator, Bourbon County Coffee Stout, and Russian River's Consecration.

I actually bought 3 bottles yesterday, for when I turn 21. I'm fucking weird.


If you're a huge coffee nerd you'll fit right in with the beer connoisseur crowd.
Beer and coffee.
Refined beverages for refined minds.


Neo Member
Thanks dudes.

meadowrag, yeah i've noticed that the beer scene is very similar to the "3rd wave coffee" scene.

although from my little experience, I'd associate coffee tasting to wine, with very subtle notes, as opposed to beer, which can at times kick you in the face with different flavors.

I'm sure that observation will change slightly once I'm 21 and start drinking more often, and that's not to say beer can't have subtlety and coffee can't kick you in the face. :)

Anyways, off to my Chemex for some single-origin goodness.
aperman said:
Thanks dudes.

meadowrag, yeah i've noticed that the beer scene is very similar to the "3rd wave coffee" scene.

although from my little experience, I'd associate coffee tasting to wine, with very subtle notes, as opposed to beer, which can at times kick you in the face with different flavors.

I'm sure that observation will change slightly once I'm 21 and start drinking more often, and that's not to say beer can't have subtlety and coffee can't kick you in the face. :)

Anyways, off to my Chemex for some single-origin goodness.

Beer is full of subtlety, you'll notice it soon.


he's Virgin Tight™
Cross post!


Damn so nice. Then...


Oatmeal beer... =O!

Very nice variety. Also had some huge beer from a Microbrewery here in Old SJ!. Excellent as well. =D


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
DanDeschain said:
Got to try the 120 min for the first time Thursday night. That stuff is crazy. A little sweet for my tastes though.

Well yeah it's freaking 20% ABV.


AcridMeat said:
Would like to try that Old Chub, just looked it up and the closest place is ~40 miles away. :(

I wish it were legal to ship beer to people, there's so much good beer here. I tried for sharkmuncher once upon a time but no dice


Super Sleuth
thespot84 said:
I wish it were legal to ship beer to people, there's so much good beer here. I tried for sharkmuncher once upon a time but no dice
It isn't illegal to ship it via Fedex or UPS. Just against company policy.


I'm going to buy beer as a gift for someone that paid for my way to an event last week. She's pretty well versed, so I'm not sure what to get. I'm thinking Chimay Grand Reserve as it's a safe pick and I know she hasn't had it. Any recommendations for something else? I know she's a stout fan. I live within about five minutes drive of two beer specialty stores so I can pretty safely find anything.

Also, any recommendations for myself? I want to pick up a six pack of something for a game tomorrow. I generally like everything but IPAs and Stouts.


It's not that I don't like a GOOD stout, but having had many a bad stout in the process, it's turned me off enough from giving it a go. I had a really good coffee stout that tasted like I was drinking chocolate syrup the other day.

I'm a fan of citrusy beers and fall-seasonals. Dat pumpkin beer.


Despite living in NH, I can't recall ever having had anything from Allagash. Maybe a sip from someone else's beer. Definitely seems to be a good choice.


Finally it's been 3 months since I've had mono and I should be safe to drink whatever I want.

Though I have the GREs next week and I'm freaking out about them... basically I've decided since I'm taking them on a Friday I'm going out that night and either having celebratory drinks or drowning in my sorrows depending on how I did.

Either way, much beer will be consumed. It has been too long.


I'm gonna head to Bevmo this weekend to pick up some new beers I haven't tried. Need some suggestions as I'm not astute on beer selections...

I used to love cider (Ace's Perry) but it's getting pretty sweet to me. I tend to stick with light beers as I'm a pansy when it comes to dark. I enjoy Heineken Light, Rolling Rock, Michelob Ultra, etc. but I want to branch out a bit.

Suggestions? A coworker told me to try Dog Fish although Old Chub is looking tempting. I'm in the US by the way.


If you like lighter beers you may not like a strong IPA, they're bitter. Maybe go with an amber ale or wheat if you want something sweeter.

Speaking of which this is what I'm having tonight.

It's pretty good, haven't had a ton of amber ales so can't really compare.


Austin Homebrew Supply had their big 20th Anniversary party today. Lots of free beer from great local brewers, but unfortunately I couldn't taste it (had my daughter with me).

However, I did take advantage of their tax-free day to pick up almost all the gear I need for my kegerator for my homebrew ;)
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