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Bernie or Busters are flocking Philly to protest DNC, city projecting 35-50k protesto

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What are they even campaigning for? Bernie already endorsed lol.

It's gonna be hilarious when Hilary loses due to split demographics of Bernie fanatics and Clinton voters. They don't care if Bernie endorsed, or that voting in Clinton is voting for someone That had many of the same views as Bernie. They don't care that a conservative supreme Court may push back for 30 years progress that Bernie wants. Because really they don't care at all.
I'm aware.

Certainly. But that could be because no one is looking and why bother they got Hilary so what's the point.

I would also say the complete lack of investigation into the Clinton email scandal
was the cherry on top for her... Being able to just skip that whole mess. It's great your able to trust her. She doesn't sit well with me... It's the whole double standard that she has set on this and other things.

But I could be misinformed about the emails... and how it's different from any other time where government files were leaked and those people were met with punishment.

You are delusional. Clintons Emails have had more attention then it had any right to. And Benghazi has had more investigations then 911. What the fuck more do you want?


I'm aware.

Certainly. But that could be because no one is looking and why bother they got Hilary so what's the point.

I would also say the complete lack of investigation into the Clinton email scandal was the cherry on top for her... Being able to just skip that whole mess. It's great your able to trust her. She doesn't sit well with me... It's the whole double standard that she has set on this and other things.

But I could be misinformed about the emails... and how it's different from any other time where government files were leaked and those people were met with punishment.

Are you dense? What was that whole FBI investigation about if not her email? You know the one where they didn't indict her?
At the end of the day, I think Clinton did show leadership, and the Democratic Platform was very inclusive in picking up 80% of Bernies contentions. He got a lot of stuff he wanted. A whole lot. It's not that I don't understand people are angry. Your life sucks. You got student loans until your 45. You'll live at home til you get married, your job aspirations sucks, it feels like your life will be less than your parents, and who else to take it out on than Hillary? She is not at fault, but that doesn't matter because concentrating hate as people rile themselves up makes it easier. Nuances goes out the window. We've seen the same here on GAF with posts in PoliGAF reading "Sanders is worse than Cruz" and shit like that. This sort of character defamation where individual actors are portrayed to be the sole thing to be condemned or the sole solution to everything, is just crazy. And both toxic Sanders and toxic Hillary supporters are at fault here. What a shitshow the last year has been.

Still, I think these people should be happy at what Sanders accomplished and what the Democratic Party Platform embraced him with. Did he get a anti-Netanyahu policy? Nope. That camel is way too much to swallow at this juncture. Did he get TPP? No, that is too deeply embedded and through the manufacturing process. Did he get Fracking? No, too much denial and conflict of interest. But he did get a lot of stuff.
And I think that when all is said and done, you can be a Bernie supporter and be really happy. Because they could have done not of that shit and just froze him out in a stalemate. But they did give him a lot, and I think all Bernie Supporters should see it as a win. He has said so many fucking times that he does not matter, his policies does. So his carcass being on top of the caucus is irrelevant. Who knows - In an alternative reality where Sanders might have been the nominee, things might have ended up in a way where Sanders would have gotten less of his contentions due to infighting, or some unforseen circumstance we are not taking into account. This right here, might be the best timeline for Bernie.

Hillary supporters are not wrong when they say that Bernie was not unspeakable lucky to have gotten this rush of success. He is a independent unknown who stumpled into this almost by chance. There have been better speaking third parties, there has been more cunning underdogs fighting the establishment. But Bernie came on at the right time, and unfortunately, a part of his base, albeit a much smaller part than some Hillary Supporters have claimed, is toxic and were in it, not for social democracy, but because they hate Hillary.
I was these people, I'd look at all the contentions Bernies platform got the Democratic platform to pick up, and then make rallies around getting those ideas through. That would have been worth of everyones time. Or you could have made a rally for stopping fracking or spreading awareness of fracking and seeing if that could be a talking point at the conventions.
I'm really happy for Sanders that they gave him so much in the end. Most people at his age don't get to accomplish so much, unprepared, unvetted and out of the blue. He has raised more money from small individual donations than anyone in the history of the world. The superdelegates, and the DNC, and DWS.. I mean, that is not something that defines Sanders when he inspired people. That is just knee jerk reactions. Good to be inspired by him- but make it about the good shit. And if cynical that Hillary will remain faithful to these Campaign Partyplatform promises, then make the rally about that. Make it about making sure these things go through.

And lastly, Sanders hoped for a rebuild of the labor movement. The movement which have been completely devastated, but which was large responsible for the rebuilding of America after the great depression. There is a good opportunity to go and fight these fights. At a local or state level, things can really be done. It takes a lot less people than people think. There are just people who have to believe it. And crazy old man actually believed, which is why he got that far. If you want to be inspired him, then be inspired by that, and protest things that help people.
You are delusional. Clintons Emails have had more attention then it had any right to. And Benghazi has had more investigations then 911. What the fuck more do you want?

Alright. In light of many posters telling me she has been investigated a great amount. But I don't think that it didn't deserve that attention.

THe FBI director said that there wasn't enough to prosecute. He also walked back his language significantly when he testified before Congress, under oath.

Guess you can't bend the truth or lie under oath.

Also I'm like agreeing that is wasn't criminal? So what more do YOU guys want? It's clear she was careless.

Also. What a surprise... a thread filled with people attacking Bernie supporters attack other posters. Keep up the high level of debate you guys are known for Democrats.
Fucking children who fell in love with the man and couldn't care less about the actual issues we're currently facing.

I voted for Bernie, but he lost fair and square. Time to move on.
Fair enough. She didn't break the law... just acted carelessly with that government information and then tried to hide it. Speaks more about her character I would say.

How dare a 68 old woman setup and run her own private email server!

Lets ignore the fact that Hillary probably doesn't even know how a server works and any rational person knows that the conversation that led to it probably looked something like this:

IT Guy: "Secretary Clinton, I could set up a personal email server for you if you would like."

*...hrm. Personal email server...sounds cool*

Hillary: That sounds great! Go ahead.

As opposed to the Bernie Bro/Tea party delusions:

IT Guy: "Secretary Shillary. To hide all our illegal activities I recommend that we set up a secret email server."

Hillary: "That sounds great! Now we can defraud America using Benghazis to funnel weapons to my allies on wall street so they can make more superdelagates for ISIS to use in conjunction with the DNC."


Alright. In light of many posters telling me she has been investigated a great amount. But I don't think that it didn't deserve that attention.

Guess you can't bend the truth or lie under oath.

Also I'm like agreeing that is wasn't criminal? So what more do YOU guys want? It's clear she was careless.

How do your fears of her being careless manifest? In the future she might just take data off of the top secret file and give it to Russia (Who is already hacking our government, as we do theirs for sensitive information) ? She prints out a list of super secret agents and leaves it outside, then they are all killed in the AM?

The Llama

Who knows if they'll actually all show up, but the city is definitely expecting them to and is planning for them all. There's been a bit of a dispute over whether they can camp in the park across the street from where the convention is taking place. The city has tried to say no camping, but last I heard the mayor is saying they're not supposed to but they're not going to arrest anyone or kick anyone out. But now they're trying to go back on that because we're in the middle of a heatwave and there could be serious health issues.

So... that'll be interesting.


Fucking children who fell in love with the man and couldn't care less about the actual issues we're currently facing.

I voted for Bernie, but he lost fair and square. Time to move on.


That wikileaks dump is going to stir up the outrage and energize the busters
as intended<tinfoilhat>???


Delusional fools. Pick your battles. Bernie Sanders has opened the door for great change, but you shouldn't throw a fit because your recolution didn't happen right away. Someone like Sanders never could have made it this far 10-20 years ago. Change, especially political, takes time.



Bernie keep your people in line.

It happened with Clinton too, and she was never able to completely shut up the PUMAs either.

Some of them were so mad that she endorsed Obama, that they refused to support her in 2016.

... I wonder how many of them are now Bernie or Busters.
How dare a 68 old woman setup and run her own private email server!

Lets ignore the fact that Hillary probably doesn't even know how a server works and any rational person knows that the conversation that led to it probably looked something like this:

She doesn't... and if you had read my posts instead of firing from the hip that I'm some super Bernie fan or that I'm a Tear Partier. I pointed out that her aide set it up and maintained it for her.

IT Guy: "Secretary Clinton, I could set up a personal email server for you if you would like."

*...hrm. Personal email server...sounds cool*

Hillary: That sounds great! Go ahead.

Probably more like

Hilary: I don't like carrying two cellphones.

Aide: I can set up a server for you.

Hilary: Let's do it, and you can run it!

commedieu said:
How do your fears of her being careless manifest? In the future she might just take data off of the top secret file and give it to Russia (Who is already hacking our government, as we do theirs for sensitive information) ? She prints out a list of super secret agents and leaves it outside, then they are all killed in the AM?

That's the only way her being careless could manifest. Maybe I don't find her trust worthy due to all of this and other factors in her campaign?
I'm thinking 2-3k tops. Depends on how many armchair revolutionaries can get their moms to drive them to the venue.

Yeah, I'm reconsidering the estimated protesters. Maybe more between 600-2k at most.
I want these people to prove they give enough of a shit to get off of Twitter/Facebook/Reddit and actually protest en mass.


What actions did the DNC take to harm bernie in the primary?
Colluding with the media (now documented in email records) to portray his campaign as 'a mess', shenanigans inside caucuses, talk of doing things around him in ways to not leave 'fingerprints' or evidence, etc.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Based on this thread. I'm guessing you?

You must feel very clever.

People on my side: Obama, the Dept of Justice, FBI, most major news outlets, legal scholars the world over.

People on your side: Donald Trump, The Tea Party, Bernie Bros.

It isn't me who lacks a leg to stand on.

Velcro Fly

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

I read a bunch, did you? They show an obvious bias

It doesn't matter if there's evidence of 'being put into play', there's evidence of bias

You know who else showed bias?

The voters. Clearly they too were biased for Hillary Clinton.
I voted for Bernie, but I will gladly vote for Hillary come November. These Bernie or bust folks are selfish. Just because your ideal candidate didn't win doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Not voting is the same as saying that you don't care.


I voted for Bernie, but I will gladly vote for Hillary come November. These Bernie or bust folks are selfish. Just because your ideal candidate didn't win doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Not voting is the same as saying that you don't care.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.
The leaked emails coming out prove otherwise.

Even if there was bias from the DNC, it didn't have any effect on the voters who decided in Hillary instead of him.

He didn't get the most votes. So I stand by what I said. He lost fair and square. The voters decided, not the DNC.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

Clinton won by a larger margin than Obama did in 2008. The race was over in April.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

You must feel very clever.

I'm always clever.

People on my side: Obama, the Dept of Justice, FBI, most major news outlets, legal scholars the world over.

People on your side: Donald Trump, The Tea Party, Bernie Bros.

It isn't me who lacks a leg to stand on.

Might want to tick that FBI on my side... as I have used their own statements on Hilary's own handling of the emails.

Oh... and to put to rest any idea that it was okay for her to use the private email server.


I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

Ugh. Why Jill Stein? Everyone up for election sucks.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.
How was the system rigged? Because they'd prefer if Hillary had won?


I don't think you know what you're talking about.

I read a bunch, did you? They show an obvious bias

It doesn't matter if there's evidence of 'being put into play', there's evidence of bias

Bias is hardly surprising. It's a political party with a long established history. Of course they wanted somebody more aligned with their ideals. Republicans had a bias against Trump as well, the difference, he had the votes and the party decided to let the people choose.

It would have been no different had Bernie had more votes than Clinton.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

There's so much wrong with this statement. Including the fact that Bernie wasn't really a democrat, and only joined the party last year specifically for the intention of trying to run in the primaries
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