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Bernie or Busters are flocking Philly to protest DNC, city projecting 35-50k protesto

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I read a bunch, did you? They show an obvious bias
Duh? Sanders is a former independent who has been at odds with respected Democrats like Barney Frank. His campaign has constantly been antagonistic towards the DNC and its staff. And there is the constant worry of the "socialism" boogieman in the General Election.

Clinton is a long-time Democrat with lots of connections and respect. She was also winning, and at some point there was annoyance with Sanders still running when he didn't have a chance in hell.

No shit they're biased towards Clinton and against Sanders. But surprisingly, that bias doesn't seem to have amounted to much.


Colluding with the media (now documented in email records) to portray his campaign as 'a mess', shenanigans inside caucuses, talk of doing things around him in ways to not leave 'fingerprints' or evidence, etc.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

If you read that colluding with the media email all the way through or didn't skim for what you wanted it was about the DNC holding his campaigns hand through the whole process while being shat on by him. It wasn't a story being pushed or published by the DNC it was them discussing it. It never was an actual story and never influenced the race.


The campaign shenanigans in Nevada were

A. The delegate count being returned to reflect the popular vote in the state after it was changed to favor Sanders by 1 or 2 delegates if memory serves.
B. A voice vote being ignored by the Bernie supporters in the room with threats of violence at the committee chair and their family days afterward by Bernie supporters, great look btw

And I have no idea what you are talking about with the last point so I will leave that until you can articulate better what you mean.

In response I would like to point you to a great post made by Royalan about how Bernie behaved during the primaries.

This is the question I asked you earlier that you didn't answer. In what real, physical ways did the DNC not behave impartially in regards to Bernie Sanders? Staff members having a private preference does not count. People have opinions. What real things from the primaries can you point to that show that the DNC was "against" Bernie?

Was it when they gave the Sanders campaign access to voter data after it was discovered that his campaign had hacked into and stole Hillary's private campaign data and initially lied about it when they were caught?

Was it when they continued to let him run without objection even after he filed a lawsuit against the DNC after his campaign was caught stealing data and his campaign was momentarily cut off while the DNC investigated the matter?

Was it when they increased the number of debates at his "request" (read: whining)?

Was it when they didn't demand that heads roll after some of Bernie's delegates openly encouraged gendered attacks at their rallies ("Democratic Whores") and disruption that neared the point of violence at statewide conventions?

Was it when the DNC did not openly oppose him when he critiqued their fundraising methods, despite being the recipient of those exact same funds in the past for his Senate elections?

Was it when, even after getting tounced thoroughly in the primaries, the DNC allowed him to have an unprecedented number of his delegates admitted to the platform committee (almost as many as Clinton), a concession the DNC has never given previously?

i'm looking for this lack of impartiality in how the primaries were actually handled, and I'm just not finding it.

Oh and massive voter fraud too. That's another favorite accusation thrown around with no substance to back it up. It's complete bullshit with no proof that somehow the most incompetent DNC chair in recent memory would somehow be able perpetuate massive voter fraud on the order of 3-4 million votes. Hilarious.

That doesn't mean anything.

The whole primary is suspect.
Bias is hardly surprising. It's a political party with a long established history. Of course they wanted somebody more aligned with their ideals. Republicans had a bias against Trump as well, the difference, he had the votes and the party decided to let the people choose.

It would have been no different had Bernie had more votes than Clinton.

Nope party leaders didn't just decide. They tried everything except the nuclear option of changing the rules on the fly to stop Mr. Trump. His margins were too big and appeal too great. Sucks for Bernie, but that side of the coin just doesn't have enough support to stand up to a system that's rigged. America is great already and they like the benefits on Democratic side.
That doesn't mean anything.

The whole primary is suspect.

This is illogical. Bernie didn't have the votes. He ignored the south - a pretty important part of the electorate.

You have no proof that any of these low level staffers had the power to affect the 3+ million more voters that went for Clinton. Especially after none of this actually went into action. And some of this was Bernie himself failing to keep up with deadlines.

Velcro Fly

This is illogical. Bernie didn't have the votes. He ignored the south - a pretty important part of the electorate.

You have no proof that any of these low level staffers had the power to affect the 3+ million more voters that went for Clinton. Especially after none of this actually went into action. And some of this was Bernie himself failing to keep up with deadlines.

come on though. the RIGGED SYSTEM narrative has been "validated". all that matters here now.
Unless Bernie pulls a Cruz(yes, I know he already endorsed her) at the DNC, his speech will get most of his supporters onboard if it's riveting, enthusiastic and scathing.

One of the speeches I look forward to most and this one will be stacked with good speakers.


Unless Bernie pulls a Cruz(yes, I know he already endorsed her) at the DNC, his speech will get most of his supporters onboard if it's riveting, enthusiastic and scathing.

One of the speeches I look forward to most and this one will be stacked with good speakers.

He already promised he wouldn't "pull a Cruz", and I believe him.

He's gonna give a great speech.
Nope party leaders didn't just decide. They tried everything except the nuclear option of changing the rules on the fly to stop Mr. Trump. His margins were too big and appeal too great. Sucks for Bernie, but that side of the coin just doesn't have enough support to stand up to a system that's rigged. America is great already and they like the benefits on Democratic side.

lol FOH

With a racist, authoritarian, nationalist, and xenophobic candidate who was able to parlay a solid 30-35% support into a primary win because the GOP couldn't get their crap together and put forth 2 competent candidates of 17. Appealing to those Southern Strategy voters.

Not shocking given their golden child of 2012 got legit shooked out of the presidential race.


Unless Bernie pulls a Cruz(yes, I know he already endorsed her) at the DNC, his speech will get most of his supporters onboard if it's riveting, enthusiastic and scathing.

One of the speeches I look forward to most and this one will be stacked with good speakers.
These people are protesting after Sanders endorsed Clinton. They won't give a shit about what Sanders says unless he accidentally provides ammo against Clinton.
These people are protesting after Sanders endorsed Clinton. They won't give a shit about what Sanders says unless he accidentally provides ammo against Clinton.
Well, yeah, there's always going to be people with their minds made up but I'd guess for those supporters of his with more of an open mind about the ticket, his speech will appease them and make them realize that their country is fucked if they sit this one out.
This is not to say they HAVE to vote for the person they didn't support before but one speech can change minds, especially when they respect the speaker that much.
I should have used "many" instead of "most".
No one knows what all the hardcore Bernie supporters will do.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

Really? And in what way EXACTLY did they rigged the system against Bernie?

Go ahead. I'm waiting but I'm not holding my breath for an answer.


Wait, are you saying some Bernie protesters were asking for 6k for travel support? I'm saying that if that if you're there for protesting, then yeah, what you are saying makes sense.

I thought you were talking about actual delegates asking for money.

I'm confused. I'm sorry I had a long Saturday so far.

People don't even know why they're mad. They have a delusion that Bernie supporters still supporting Bernie is gonna lead to some Trump coronation and it's damaging the DNC.

Actually that's a very legitimate fear

A story coming out next week that the Democratic party is not unified would be disasterous


I mean, I voted for Bernie too but....guys...pack it in. We lost.

Yeah, that's how I feel. I won't make fun of them for protesting and I understand their sentiment, but I feel their energy would be better spent on something like campaign finance reform rather than just "Boo, Hillary." She hasn't even started yet. Protest her when and if she starts dropping bombs on people overseas.
Fuck democracy unless its who I want that wins amirite.

Assholes ain't gotta fear Trump making them no god damned second class citizen.
lol FOH

With a racist, authoritarian, nationalist, and xenophobic candidate who was able to parlay a solid 30-35% support into a primary win because the GOP couldn't get their crap together and put forth 2 competent candidates of 17. Appealing to those Southern Strategy voters.

Not shocking given their golden child of 2012 got legit shooked out of the presidential race.

Did Bernie's ideas and rhetoric generate a primary W? No, he came up short and didn't even get to the point Crooked Hillary made it to vs. Obama. That suggests to me that in the minds of most Democratic voters "America is great already" and Bernie's criticisms are overblown/not legitimate from their perspective.

A vote for Hillary is saying things are great and I don't care that Bernie thinks the system is rigged. Big deal. It's working for me and I'm not risking because I'm benefiting. Therefore, Bernie supporters have to suck it up, deal with it, and get over it until next time. Republicans get it though which is a big reason why Mr. Trump came out on top. They care about the folks who are losing and it's worth risking their current spot on the totem pole to make America great again.
Did Bernie's ideas and rhetoric generate a primary W? No, he came up short and didn't even get to the point Crooked Hillary made it to vs. Obama. That suggests to me that in the minds of most Democratic voters "America is great already" and Bernie's criticisms are overblown/not legitimate from their perspective.

A vote for Hillary is saying things are great and I don't care that Bernie thinks the system is rigged. Big deal. It's working for me and I'm not risking because I'm benefiting. Therefore, Bernie supporters have to suck it up, deal with it, and get over it until next time. Republicans get it though which is a big reason why Mr. Trump came out on top. They care about the folks who are losing and it's worth risking their current spot on the totem pole to make America great again.
Sure are a looooot of assumptions in this post.


That's a significant amount of really passionate people... I wonder if they'll bother to vote in local and state level elections where they can make changes they want...


I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

Just want to point out that saying "his own party" is a bit disingenuous. He joined the party in 2015 because it was convenient for his run for president. He spent decades not as a democrat. From the sounds of the emails it seems they still bent over backwards for him despite that.


I voted for Bernie. These people need to grow up, this is unbelievably childish.

The protesting about homelessness seems much more like a 'har har we'll have a bean supper and they'll fart.'


She also is planning a bean supper for Sanders delegates ahead of Clinton’s acceptance speech on Thursday, hoping that the bean-filled Sanders supporters will return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet Clinton with flatulence.

How old are these people?

Republicans get it though which is a big reason why Mr. Trump came out on top. They care about the folks who are losing and it's worth risking their current spot on the totem pole to make America great again.

And deep down, the American Left sends the Republicans who "get it" their deepest appreciation for basically forfeiting this election and further digging their heels in on a single solitary demographic that will ensure the parties doom in future Presidential elections.

I find the idea that the far right understands what's going on clearly in this country right now to be laughable. They most certainly know what they want; but that's the easy part. Understanding whether or not those desires have a chance at becoming more that just desires, and how to get them there is the hard part. And they are wandering in the dark with no flashlight right now. If they understood, they wouldnt have let Trump anywhere near the nom.
That's a significant amount of really passionate people... I wonder if they'll bother to vote in local and state level elections where they can make changes they want...

Of course not. Even Ron Paul acolytes managed to vote for a few libertarian candidates, I see no such dedication from the fiercest Sanders supporters.

I'm going to assume things will go smoothly. A fascist racist descended on Cleveland last week, armed white supremacy groups and armed New Black Panther Party members were outside...and nothing happened. Surely a collection of delusional betas in Philly won't cause a stir either.


“It’s ‘We the People’ who are going to continue to lead this revolution,” said Billy Taylor, a pro-Sanders activist who was issued permits to hold rallies on each day of the convention. “We are not going to vote for the demon named Hillary just because you are threatening us with the devil named Trump.”

I've found nothing more cloying than fringe groups asserting they represent the people after losing the popular vote by millions.
Did Bernie's ideas and rhetoric generate a primary W? No, he came up short and didn't even get to the point Crooked Hillary made it to vs. Obama. That suggests to me that in the minds of most Democratic voters "America is great already" and Bernie's criticisms are overblown/not legitimate from their perspective.

A vote for Hillary is saying things are great and I don't care that Bernie thinks the system is rigged. Big deal. It's working for me and I'm not risking because I'm benefiting. Therefore, Bernie supporters have to suck it up, deal with it, and get over it until next time. Republicans get it though which is a big reason why Mr. Trump came out on top. They care about the folks who are losing and it's worth risking their current spot on the totem pole to make America great again.

What are you even talking about. Bernie didn't completely fail. He helped get the DNC to adopt the most progressive platform in history. He also regularly shits on Trump, which is great. Of course things aren't perfect. Far from it. I'm black and I know damn well that the US is not perfect and is deeply racist.

But electing a racist won't make anything great again. Well, it will - for a certain sect of the population. I trust Hillary and Co infinitely more to address issues like policing(whatever limited thing a president can do) than Trump. Trump, a person who shits on minorities, surrounds himself with people who shits on minorities and basically blames them for their situation with police while failing to acknowledge police have glaring issues too. And have since policing became a thing in the US.

Lying about the all out "war" against police while they have suffered the lowest level of deaths (even with the recent murders) in decades under Obama's presidency. More cops are killed in traffic incidents than other deaths like murders.


Fuck democracy unless its who I want that wins amirite.

Assholes ain't gotta fear Trump making them no god damned second class citizen.

This is what makes me sad. They jump up and down and go "Nope not voting screw you" and then go about life cause it wont even touch them. Great fine for you but it scares the shit out of me as a Black man. Im just reminded tho that people dont actually care even when they say they do.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Who in this thread is completely satisfied with a Hilary nomination? I'm not asking if you can stomach it or that it's better than option B or option C... or if she'll do okay. Does the Hilary nomination and how we reached it really sit well with anyone here? Honest question.

Given the choices we had in the Democratic Primary season I am completely satisfied with Hillary's nomination. I believe she is the most qualified and politically grounded candidate in the primary season on both sides of the isle.

I feel that when you boil all of the ideas and rhetoric down Hillary is the one that will be able to actually accomplish more for the Democratic platform than anyone else in the field. The only reason I can't say I'm 100% satisfied is because we didn't get to see if Uncle Diamond Joe was ready for the big leagues.
Given the choices we had in the Democratic Primary season I am completely satisfied with Hillary's nomination. I believe she is the most qualified and politically grounded candidate in the primary season on both sides of the isle.

I feel that when you boil all of the ideas and rhetoric down Hillary is the one that will be able to actually accomplish more for the Democratic platform than anyone else in the field. The only reason I can't say I'm 100% satisfied is because we didn't get to see if Uncle Diamond Joe was ready for the big leagues.

All of this.

She was the adult in the room this primary season.
I will still vote but maybe for Jill Stein.

I'm not mad because my choice candidate lost - I'm mad because his own party rigged the system against him to help put forward a party insider of their own choosing.

You're either that ignorant or a closeted republican.
This is what makes me sad. They jump up and down and go "Nope not voting screw you" and then go about life cause it wont even touch them. Great fine for you but it scares the shit out of me as a Black man. Im just reminded tho that people dont actually care even when they say they do.


"He marched with MLK you should vote for him! Oh he's not the nominee? Fuck you guys."


I really don't understand this. I mean, yeah, as a Republican, I'll be voting for her because basically she's more of the same. So I can understand lefties not being satisfied with that.

But when the other option is a completely insane racist who could very well completely tank the economy by starting trade wars (or possibly repudiating the debt), and has publicly said he won't be supporting Eastern European countries against Russia, has bragged he will force the military to commit war crimes?

It's like PJ O'Rourke said (more or less)- Clinton is a known quantity, if meh. Trump is a completely unpredictable quantity.

I think part of the problem is that one political party always says the other party's candidate will destroy the country.

That's never really been true, until Trump

I actually have to say it's really depressing (and eye opening) how all these Republicans warned how dangerous and unstable Trump is, how he would wreck this country (and possibly world), how he shouldn't have his finger on the nuclear button. And yet now most of them have flipped, using Hillary as the bogeyman.
That doesn't mean anything.

The whole primary is suspect.

He got to show up, put himself out there, enter debates, argue why he should be nominee. He lost by several million.

Is your argument that several million voters were duped by some shadow behind the curtain DNC machinations?
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