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Bernie or Busters are flocking Philly to protest DNC, city projecting 35-50k protesto

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I really hope that these Burnie Or Busters don't accidently set America back a half century by letting Trump win. You guys finally have a chance at enacting decades of progressive reform through a Democratic super majority in your Supreme Court. You are so close that it would just be depressing if the Democrats lost because progressives didn't vote when it actually mattered
Bernie or Busters are in every sense an insignificant segment of voters, and don't represent Bernie supporters at large.
A Pew Research Center Poll published earlier this month found that 85% of respondents who voted for Sanders during the primaries and caucuses say they will back Clinton in the general election, while nine percent said they’d vote for Trump. Six percent say they'll vote for a third party candidate or did not know how they’ll vote.
Should anything contribute to improving Trump's chances, it won't be these petulant losers.
I think one of the most telling signs that Jill Stein would be a horrible president is how unprincipled she is. She literally has been begging Bernie to take her spot as the Green Party nominee. Why the hell would you vote for someone who personally doesn't think she is the best fit for the job?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
vabox said:
Only a dozen @BernieSanders supporters have showed up for the demo scheduled for 8am...
Keeping 6 rescue trucks on hold.

Berners didn't get out of bed for protest THEY PLANNED.
Permit was for 30k pple.
A dozen showed.

I am imagining a massive return of cans of beans at the local Shop Rite on Friday.


Lol you're asking for too much.

lol yeah I know, was sort of being facetious, I'd love for them to make some changes on local levels and work from there. I was definitely a bernie supporter for the primaries, and vote along those lines whenever I can, but am sad to see no organized support to get candidates similar to bernie in any local elections. Who knows, maybe when it's all said and done it'll still happen.

Or maybe the vast majority will just be angry and rant on their facebook pages about conspiracies.


I am imagining a massive return of cans of beans at the local Shop Rite on Friday.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Originally Posted by @VABVOX

Food trucks are lined up for the Berners who are still not here for the demonstrations that were supposed to be at 8 & 11.

Current protest is about 20 people.
Placards "Hillary for Prison 2016" & "Bern for President."
Permits were for 30k & 55k

Even bernie protests are bad for the economy!


war of titties grampa
Maybe 35k of people thought they would just rather not vote at all rather than get up early.

Wouldn't doubt it!
@VABVOX 39m39 minutes ago
Current protest is about 20 people.
Placards "Hillary for Prison 2016" & "Bern for President."
Permits were for 30k & 55k

@VABVOX 32m32 minutes ago
For those who asked, no, there are no POC at this Berner protest.
Everyone is white.
More men than women.

Seems like a great time.
@VABVOX 39m39 minutes ago
Current protest is about 20 people.
Placards "Hillary for Prison 2016" & "Bern for President."
Permits were for 30k & 55k

@VABVOX 32m32 minutes ago
For those who asked, no, there are no POC at this Berner protest.
Everyone is white.
More men than women.

Seems like a great time.

Haha, oh ouch.
@VABVOX 39m39 minutes ago
Current protest is about 20 people.
Placards "Hillary for Prison 2016" & "Bern for President."
Permits were for 30k & 55k

@VABVOX 32m32 minutes ago
For those who asked, no, there are no POC at this Berner protest.
Everyone is white.
More men than women.

Seems like a great time.
Who didn't see this coming.

I cannot stand the way people on this forum and the media continually overstate the influence/power of Sanders' most delusional supporters. The vast majority of Sanders supporters are supporting Hillary now, yet we're constantly talking about the 10-15% that will never vote for Hillary. Not to mention the desperate pleas, as if Hillary's success or failure will be decided by the Sanders faithful. Stop it.

If you don't want to vote for Hillary, don't vote for her. That's your prerogative. Vote your conscious. She's going to win regardless.


If you don't want to vote for Hillary, don't vote for her. That's your prerogative. Vote your conscious. She's going to win regardless.

...or she won't. I love how people keep saying she'll win. I guess I won't go out and vote since she's going to win anyway.
These people literally think the true enemy is Hillary and not Trump. They've been blinded by their hatred and have developed serious tunnel vision.


That's at least a few cubic feet of fart the DNC has to walk through
I haven't kept up with the bernie protest, but was this actually a thing? Were protesters really going to consume cans and cans of beans and launch a "gas attack"?
Um, yeah if they can't show up to their own fraudulent protest, I don't expect them as a reliable voter block for midterms. In other words, they are useless.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Um, yeah if they can't show up to their own fraudulent protest, I don't expect them as a reliable voter block for midterms. In other words, they are useless.

This is what I've been saying the whole time. These supporters couldn't be relied upon to take their 'revolution' to the primary ballot box. Historically young white males are one of the worst voting blocks because they no show. There is very little incentive for trying to work too hard to woo them.


I haven't kept up with the bernie protest, but was this actually a thing? Were protesters really going to consume cans and cans of beans and launch a "gas attack"?

lol yes, it's in the OP

"...She also is planning a bean supper for Sanders delegates ahead of Clinton’s acceptance speech on Thursday, hoping that the bean-filled Sanders supporters will return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet Clinton with flatulence."
Really classy guys, Not 2 pages in and we're already stereotyping and making fun of the appearance of Bernie supporters.

Kinda ironic the people in these threads stereotyping and labeling Bernie supporters are the same people who adamantly stand against using stereotypes and labels for other groups of people.

It sends one hell of a confusing message.

People don't even know why they're mad. They have a delusion that Bernie supporters still supporting Bernie is gonna lead to some Trump coronation and it's damaging the DNC.


Yuck. As a Bernie supporter, this is gross to me.

Edit: So no one is showing up. Does this mean we get to use the "Bernie supporters are idiots for protesting" and "Bernie supporters are all talk no action" burns?


Called it

I'm still amazed people are taking that fart-in thing seriously. It was just a nice headline. I saw no evidence that it actually existed in any form. No facebook event or nothing. Hard to organize the "world's largest fart-in" without any organizing.


This is what I've been saying the whole time. These supporters couldn't be relied upon to take their 'revolution' to the primary ballot box. Historically young white males are one of the worst voting blocks because they no show. There is very little incentive for trying to work too hard to woo them.

Apparently the Dnc doesn't agree since they've said Hillary has to go further left for the general because if Bernie...
@VABVOX 39m39 minutes ago
Current protest is about 20 people.
Placards "Hillary for Prison 2016" & "Bern for President."
Permits were for 30k & 55k

@VABVOX 32m32 minutes ago
For those who asked, no, there are no POC at this Berner protest.
Everyone is white.
More men than women.

Seems like a great time.

The revolution will not be televised.........or attended.


Um, yeah if they can't show up to their own fraudulent protest, I don't expect them as a reliable voter block for midterms. In other words, they are useless.

Maybe 35k of people thought they would just rather not vote at all rather than get up early.

Wouldn't doubt it!

So no one is showing up. Does this mean we get to use the "Bernie supporters are idiots for protesting" and "Bernie supporters are all talk no action" burns?
This is what I've been saying the whole time. These supporters couldn't be relied upon to take their 'revolution' to the primary ballot box. Historically young white males are one of the worst voting blocks because they no show. There is very little incentive for trying to work too hard to woo them.

You mean sharing a meme on Twitter/Facebook didn't make 35,000 people show up and protest?

Skacktivism at its finest.

I like how somehow, you guys still think this small group is representative of Sanders supporters. The fact that nobody showed up to this never-actually-a-real-thing fart-in means most Sanders supporters are more reasonable, btw. There was never a reason to cover this lady -- it just made for nice headlines.
It's possible to hate both of them just as much.

Is it really? One of the two candidates openly embraces demagoguery and racism, is deep in the pockets of Putin, has spent his entire career discriminating against minorities and screwing over the less fortunate.

You can dislike Clinton as much as you want, but some serious perspective is absent if anyone thinks they're both just as bad.


Victoria Brownworth ‏@VABVOX 9m9 minutes ago
#BernieOrBust protests were supposed to be in the 1000s. But there were only 20 people total for both. People have moved on.
Victoria Brownworth ‏@VABVOX 8m8 minutes ago
It was actually awkward at the protests this morning.
More reporters than protesters.
More food trucks than protesters.
Sounds like a roaring success
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