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Bernie or Busters are flocking Philly to protest DNC, city projecting 35-50k protesto

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The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

How serious are you about politics if you're "tempted" to vote for a literal fascist just because some people on a message board talked to you in a way you didn't like?


The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

Yes, how childish and rude! Your desire to vote for a white nationalist to get back at people on the internet is totally rational by comparison!

Probably it's better for you to never post in political threads again.
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

^^^Thanks for exemplifying everything wrong with Bernie supporters.
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

No corruption was exposed. The DNC preferred Hillary, which shouldn't be shocking since she is a Democrat and Bernie is an independent who only joined the party he constantly rallies against in order to further his own career. Shocking.

You know what's childish? Voting for a racist fascist because people on message boards don't like your candidate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

Please don't do that. There are real people that would be affected by that.
Going out on a limb here, but referring to them as "Hill-Shills" who "drank the Hillary Kool-Aid" probably isn't helping to create rational, non-insulting dialogue.

I personally disagree with your reasoning for voting for Trump, too, what with all of the terrible xenophobic, anti-LGBT policies his ticket is promoting, but hey, I guess you just don't want to talk to another liberal "hill-shill," even if they voted for Sanders before.

Neither is insulting the intelligence of a Bernie supporter... or lumping them in with a Tea Partier.

I mean you can easily go back to the first page of this thread and see the insults just being slung left and right by Hillary supporters.

Though it's nothing new. Dems and Repubs will both act smug and how could they ever be wrong about something or come off as insulting.

Tho I won't defend that poster's option to vote for Trump. It's better to just abstain from the Presidential part if you feel that strongly about it.


How serious are you about politics if you're "tempted" to vote for a literal fascist just because some people on a message board talked to you in a way you didn't like?
In all fairness, most Americans don't live in battleground states.

I could vote for Trump and it wouldn't make one bit of difference. Hell, I may do it just for kicks; if he takes NY with or without me I think he's got the White House on lockdown, eh?
In all fairness, most Americans don't live in battleground states.

I could vote for Trump and it wouldn't make one bit of difference. Hell, I may do it just for kicks; if he takes NY with or without me I think he's got the White House on lockdown, eh?

Do you realize how childish this sounds?

People aren't being attacked for being Bernie supporters. It's for having bullshit attitudes like this. This persecution complex is embarrassing. I voted for Bernie here in TN mind you.
Break it down for me.

I plan to vote logically for all elections that I can influence, I understand the gravity of local elections. Tell me how my vote for president matters in New York State.

Then why don't you just not vote on the Presidential part of the ballot?
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

You expect anyone to believe that someone who wants to vote for Trump and refers to people as "Hill-Shills" having "drank the Hillary Kool-Aid" actually cares about productive dialogue, ethics and corruption in politics?

Break it down for me.

I plan to vote logically for all elections that I can influence, I understand the gravity of local elections. Tell me how my vote for president matters in New York State.

Because voting is for grown ups, you don't do it "for kicks". You're feeling some type of way because someone made you feel bad on a message board.

If that isn't childish, I don't know what is.


Then why don't you just not vote on the Presidential part of the ballot?
I guess it might save me 2 seconds of my life, but other than that I genuinely don't see any difference it could even conceivably make.

To my knowledge if New York State is in any doubt in November, Trump has already won. I've not seen a single path to his victory that includes it, and if he does win it, he's already won enough other states where it won't matter.
Because voting is for grown ups, you don't do it "for kicks". You're feeling some type of way because someone made you feel bad on a message board.

If that isn't childish, I don't know what is.
I'm voting logically on all decisions that I could influence, sorry for my immaturity.


Break it down for me.

I plan to vote logically for all elections that I can influence, I understand the gravity of local elections. Tell me how my vote for president matters in New York State.
"Oh, I think I'll vote for Brexit as a protest vote. That'll just send a message to the status quo. It's not like there's way Brevity will actually win."
In all fairness, most Americans don't live in battleground states.

I could vote for Trump and it wouldn't make one bit of difference. Hell, I may do it just for kicks; if he takes NY with or without me I think he's got the White House on lockdown, eh?
If enough people think like that, it does become a problem.
I guess it might save me 2 seconds of my life, but other than that I genuinely don't see any difference it could even conceivably make.

To my knowledge if New York State is in any doubt in November, Trump has already won. I've not seen a single path to his victory that includes it, and if he does win it, he's already won enough other states where it won't matter.
I'm voting logically on all decisions that I could conceivably influence, sorry for my immaturity.

Mandates are a thing. Every vote single vote that Trump loses by is a repudiation of him and a signal that his views don't have a place in the White House.

Your vote absolutely has influence.
I guess it might save me 2 seconds of my life, but other than that I genuinely don't see any difference it could even conceivably make.

I get that New York is ticked to go to Hilary... and it most likely will. Ultimately though its up to you and whether or not actually voting Trump sits well with you. If you feel like that's a proper response to Bernie not being the Democratic nominee or whatever reason.

Don't even worry about the posters here and what they think. Do you think it's a wise decision to do it? Even if it didn't matter because Hilary will take the state... you still put your vote to Trump.


Unconfirmed Member
Neither is insulting the intelligence of a Bernie supporter... or lumping them in with a Tea Partier.

I mean you can easily go back to the first page of this thread and see the insults just being slung left and right by Hillary supporters.

Though it's nothing new. Dems and Repubs will both act smug and how could they ever be wrong about something or come off as insulting.

Tho I won't defend that poster's option to vote for Trump. It's better to just abstain from the Presidential part if you feel that strongly about it.

I agree. I usually don't agree with making generic insults until people actually posts/says/does something worth criticizing. Even then I try to avoid name calling most of the time. It doesn't foster conversations, it creates hostility in an environment that doesn't really need it, especially when the other major party has put forth people like Trump and Pence as its candidates. "Hill-shill" is just as childish as "Bernie stan." I can understand getting frustrated by it, but if you want to claim moral superiority to people, at least try not to do exactly what they're doing to you.

It doesn't help that the particular Sanders supporters that this thread is about are doing something as silly as a "fart in" with the bean supper.


Break it down for me.

I plan to vote logically for all elections that I can influence, I understand the gravity of local elections. Tell me how my vote for president matters in New York State.

immanuel kant said:
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.



"Oh, I think I'll vote for Brexit as a protest vote. That'll just send a message to the status quo. It's not like there's way Brevity will actually win."

Are you unaware of NYS's voting history, or how the electoral college works? I can't see anyone making this comparison otherwise.
Mandates are a thing. Every vote single vote that Trump loses by is a repudiation of him and a signal that his views don't have a place in the White House.

Your vote absolutely has influence.

Maybe we should make it so votes directly determine who is president, so instead of making it "feel" like they have influence they actually do.

I just really dislike the electoral college is all, it just makes me really apathetic with my presidential vote.
"Oh, I think I'll vote for Brexit as a protest vote. That'll just send a message to the status quo. It's not like there's way Brevity will actually win."

November 9, 2016: Trump WINS 2016 Election

Friend: Shit, I can't believe this is happening. I voted and made sure to tell all my friends to vote. Do you get a chance to vote, man?


"Oh, I think I'll vote for Brexit as a protest vote. That'll just send a message to the status quo. It's not like there's way Brevity will actually win."

God, people please please please don't do this with Trump. Voting isn't a joke, electing a president who is a racist, a fascist, incompetent, and does not have any desire to govern and will massively fuck the country and it's people on his train of self interest, isn't some game.
In all fairness, most Americans don't live in battleground states.

I could vote for Trump and it wouldn't make one bit of difference. Hell, I may do it just for kicks; if he takes NY with or without me I think he's got the White House on lockdown, eh?

I live in Texas. Still voting for Hillary despite being in a Deep Red state, because one can never work toward a goal and call themselves involved in politics if they throw away their presidential election vote.

But then again maybe I'm too much of an optimist given I'm a naturalized citizen. I wasn't born with the right to vote, and it wasn't until 2013 that I was finally able to. I'm not taking it for granted and it's sad to see people who are.


If enough people think like that, maybe we can actually get a viable third party going?

No it just means the person whose policies and position you least agree with wins the election. That's how a FPTP system works. It's really not that hard to understand. Stop crying for a third party and join the party that most closely matches your interests. If there are things you significantly don't like about it, actually get involved in politics (i.e. do more than posting on message boards), get in conversations with people and see what changes you can encourage or develop.


November 9, 2016: Trump WINS 2016 Elections

Friend: Shit, I can't believe this is happening. I voted and made sure to tell all my friends to vote. Do you get a chance to vote, man?

Do you not understand the electoral college? Or are you unaware of NY's voting history?


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think people who vote "for kicks" on a candidate they don't actually want is a good base to built a new party on.

No, if enough people do it I mean, and by "it" I mean buck against a single part having hegemony over liberal policies, since the argument against third-party is often either playing "spoiler" or throwing your vote away since not enough other people will vote similarly.
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

"I wish Hill-shills would stop calling us Bernie-bros"

Just to show there is shit-slinging on both sides. And voting Trump won't make the Dems burn. It'll make your entire goddamn country burn, and all because the Democrats made some arguably questionable choices in how their party is run. Remember, no matter what problems you have with them, can you seriously justify the Republicans and Trump as the better choice, point by point, can you?

Sure, I guess I drunk that 'Hill-Gaf Kool-Aid' or whatever. I'm not American, I was just interested in the discussion here, but her supporters here convinced me that she is the right candidate. Her supporters have usually backed up their points from what I have seen, and talked a lot of sense.

Why wasn't it Bernie? I did like the guy at the start of the cycle, but then the narrative was driven to going against the establishment and railing on Hillary. The below sums up what I think:

However, I would argue that this is more or less what happened. I don't think the DNC was particularly biased against Bernie Sanders -- I think that he got as much or more support as any candidate who entered the party from outside, declared that the party was corrupt, and spent most of their time refusing to coordinate or help the party and attacking it as being rigged against him.

One aspect of this is that I think people are using the word "fair" in very strange ways. To be frank, Hillary Clinton has done much more work and preparation for her presidential campaign than Bernie Sanders did. It's unclear to me why it would be "fair" for them be have roughly equal chances to win the nomination when she put in much more effort. That strikes me as demanding special treatment! I would make the argument that Hillary's overwhelming structural advantage reflected Hillary's overwhelming investment in winning, an investment Bernie Sanders never made to the same degree.

Doesn't it seem fair that the candidate that works harder and spends more time preparing should have a better chance of winning? Isn't that how we want life to work?

Hillary played the game of politics smarter, and better. The argument she had an unfair advantage is asinine. She worked to make her connections and friends over the years, and of course they helped her when she needed it. That's politics. Meanwhile, Bernie threw Planned Parenthood under the bus when they didn't endorse him. In short, running for the nomination for a party that you only joined a year prior is probably not gonna go well for you.

That's all the conversation has been about. If your problem with the democratic party is that they're making an approach that maximises the chance of an election victory, then I don't really know what to say to you.
Do you not understand the electoral college? Or are you unaware of NY's voting history?

I lived in NY most of my life, so yea I understand.

Doesn't make it any less stupid and immature. If Trump wins your excuse it going to be "Well my vote didn't matter, so.."

Shit is weak. And with the attitude you've shown in this thread, I doubt very much you were run off in previous threads because you were a Bernie supporter.


If enough people think like that, maybe we can actually get a viable third party going?

To get a viable third party you'd need the third party to take over congress, get an amendment to change how voting works to allow for a viable third party, and then run for President.

Though a far left third party would only serve to hobble the democratic party and insure that every election going forward would be won by a republican. Only a centrist party could take votes from both sides.


I live in Texas. Still voting for Hillary despite being in a Deep Red state, because one can never work toward a goal and call themselves involved in politics if they throw away their presidential election vote.

But then again maybe I'm too much of an optimist given I'm a naturalized citizen. I wasn't born with the right to vote, and it wasn't until 2013 that I was finally able to. I'm not taking it for granted and it's sad to see people who are.
It's sad to me that you say that when I've clarified multiple times that I am voting on everything I could even theoretically have an influence over.

I do appreciate your conviction though, I wish I had the confidence you had in our presidential selection process. I will admit, when I started following elections I certainly had that vigor in me, perhaps it's just seeing the process repeatedly that has worn on me.


Unconfirmed Member
To get a viable third party you'd need the third party to take over congress, get an amendment to change how voting works to allow for a viable third party, and then run for President.

Though a far left third party would only serve to hobble the democratic party and insure that every election going forward would be won by a republican. Only a centrist party could take votes from both sides.

This would be solved by Instant Runoff Voting, but as you hinted at we'll probably never see that.

It's sad to me that you say that when I've clarified multiple times that I am voting on everything I could even theoretically have an influence over.

I do appreciate your conviction though, I wish I had the confidence you had in our presidential selection process. I will admit, when I started following elections I certainly had that vigor in me, perhaps it's just seeing the process repeatedly that has worn on me.

I think a lot of people sit out cycles for the same reason. It's probably why Democrats only show up for Presidental elections: it's just so tiring to follow and stay informed and stay optimistic.


I lived in NY most of my life, so yea I understand.

Doesn't make it any less stupid and immature. If Trump wins your excuse it going to be "Well my vote didn't matter, so.."

Shit is weak. And with the attitude you've shown in this thread, I doubt very much you were run off in previous threads because you were a Bernie supporter.

If Trump wins by one vote solely because I made it in NYS, and didn't need those electoral votes to get past the post, no, my vote wouldn't have made a difference. I get what you're saying, but mathematically it wouldn't have.

I think I'd consider myself less of a Bernie supporter and more of somebody who is sick of seeing his supporters constantly shit upon for no decent reason? If anything it's the electoral college that pisses me off, take that out of the equation and we wouldn't have this entire petty debate.



It's an action so comical that it's literally the setup for a joke.


I think this'll be the last time I reply to one of these posts. They have seemed less than educated about the situation.

I think a lot of people sit out cycles for the same reason. It's probably why Democrats only show up for Presidental elections: it's just so tiring to follow and stay informed and stay optimistic.

Fuck sitting out, I'm voting in local elections. It's just that that's the only ones where my vote matters because of the state I live in.

That's all.


I was in Philly today...it was completely overrun with Bernie supporters. I even saw Bernie murals. Not a single sign that Hillary was even running for President.
If Trump wins by one vote solely because I made it in NYS, and didn't need those electoral votes to get past the post, no, my vote wouldn't have made a difference. I get what you're saying, but mathematically it wouldn't have.

I think I'd consider myself less of a Bernie supporter and more of somebody who is sick of seeing his supporters constantly shit upon for no decent reason? If anything it's the electoral college that pisses me off, take that out of the equation and we wouldn't have this entire petty debate.

Honestly, even when I was 100% on Bernie I didn't see anyone shitting on supporters for no reason. Harmless ribbing at best in the early primary, but nothing awful. It wasn't until he had no path to victory and supporters starting to stink up every thread with "But GAF told me Bernie had no chance!" that it became so one-sided. Now even moreso because Bernie has already endorsed Hillary.

The party is trying to unify now to win in November and people are STILL being babies about it. It's counter productive and damaging in the long run.


Honestly, even when I was 100% on Bernie I didn't see anyone shitting on supporters for no reason.

Reread the first page of the thread, that's par for the course in nearly every political thread we've had here for months.

Now, if you want to say that it is now justified to mock these people I suppose that's a different debate to be had, but even then many of the jokes come across as hollow at best.
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.

yeah, you're above it all using those terms



I think this'll be the last time I reply to one of these posts. They have seemed less than educated about the situation.

Fuck sitting out, I'm voting in local elections. It's just that that's the only ones where my vote matters because of the state I live in.

That's all.

Even if everything you've said is true, you still haven't provided a valid reason to vote the way you are besides immaturity. I would love a justification besides 'it doesn't matter' for taking the shittiest action you can in that box.
Reread the first page of the thread, that's par for the course in nearly every political thread we've had here for months.

Now, if you want to say that it is now justified to mock these people I suppose that's a different debate to be had, but even then many of the jokes come across as hollow at best.

None of the comments on the first page are for Bernie supporters who are now on board to vote in November. They are for supporters who are still in this "Bernie or Bust" bullshit. It's over. Move on.

That isn't to say HillGAF are guilt-less in their mud-slinging, but trying to paint Sanders supporters as innocent is straight bullshit.
The whole GAF anti-Bernie attitude is disgusting. The few times that I've tried to engage in dialogue on GAF in political threads, I get run out by the Hill-Shills on GAF. They're childish and rude. If you haven't drank the Hillary Kool-Aid, you may as well not even try to have a conversation about politics on GAF. If these attitudes are representative of the democratic party, I do not want to be associated with it. I'm tempted to vote for Trump just to watch this dumpster fire of a political party burn, especially after all of the corruption that has been exposed.



One distinction:

Bernie Supporters heed his words.

Bernie-or-Busters are a different breed. They claim that they're serious about his issues and movement, but they're willing to condemn it to death if they don't get precisely what they want.

We see these groups being used interchangeably all the time, often in disingenuous ways.


Even if everything you've said is true, you still haven't provided a valid reason to vote the way you are besides immaturity. I would love a justification besides 'it doesn't matter' for taking the shittiest action you can in that box.
I don't need justification to make decisions that don't have any influence over anything.

I ain't got a justification for why I prefer Cheerios over Corn Flakes either.
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