I was a Hillary stan mainly because she worked closely with Obama and she probably would continue to improve upon what he set in stone. An Obama-lite 2.0 which is above and beyond what I'd hope to happen.
I think what Bernie wanted wasn't possible immediately but it's something that Dems could have worked towards gradually with Hillary in power over the next 8 years.
What bit the DNC in the butt was those few paranoid people who wanted to do whatever it took to get Hillary in power - I think the major reason being it looked like Bernie would lose badly to an incumbent Repub rival. Logically, that was a risk no one in the party (outside Bernie, obviously) wanted to take.
But because of those fears, I guess they just got sloppy and BAM - media found out and made Bernie look even better and Hillary look worse. Conservatives made this even more of a shit show because that was a fucking gold mine for them - to wear out your competition with hints of scandal and unfair play.
In other words, the fear of them losing badly actually made them lose anyway.
Looking back, someone in that party should have told them to chill back and instead promote a positive race and let the voters choose. I think then we'd have a much more passionate backing from both sides, merging as one, going into the Primary.
But that would take enormous amount of guts to do this with the shadow of that risk looking over you.
Or, I don't know, promote both candidates and let the people decide.
Pretty much this lol.
DNC wanted the win so badly that they lost sight of everything else. I honestly can't blame them but I'm still working off an assumption - I think both sides will feel more closure if they came clean, admit fault to being biased and explain their reasoning why. If their reasoning is the same as my assumption, I think gradually people will be okay with that admission of fault.
Or it'll look horribly bad on them for the short term. I wouldn't know what to do - which is why I am NOT in politics