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Bernie Sanders praises Trump for nixing Trans-Pacific trade deal

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Bernie has always said he'd work with Trump to advance issues he cares about, and fight him tooth and nail where he doesn't, and Bernie's always railed against the TPP.

So this is Bernie being the Bernie we know Bernie to be.


Bernie has been the single strongest voice of opposition to Trump in Capitol Hill for months.

Then continue that. "Delighted" to work with Trump just helps normalize him in my opinion.

This is wasted energy by him. Trump won't work with shit, except his own.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
just the idea someone would work with Trump to do some good has you frothing at the mouth. The next four years are going to be rough if this is your only position.



Bernie has been the single strongest voice of opposition to Trump in Capitol Hill for months.

In an alternative reality where Warren and others don't exist, sure?

Bernie has opposed him on some things. He's also said repeatedly he'd work with him if he addressed his economic issues. He is not the standard bearer for the resistance.
Would "I'm delighted to work with Dipshit Donald" be better?

If the word 'delighted' and 'Trump' being used in the same sentence are enough to make you turn against someone, it's going to be a tough 4 years.
Bernie is consistent, and that's why I like him.

It's not necessary to oppose everything Trump does on the basis of 'it's Trump', just oppose the horrific shit. You'll still be busy 24/7.

qcf x2


You guys can give a pass to someone "delighted" to work with Trump. I won't.

Instead fight for all our rights that are in jeopardy and remind everyone at every opportunity who Trump and his cronies are.

Don't ever use "delighted".

We need Dems and Independents who aren't fucking pussies to stand up.

Make sure you let everyone know you boycott everything Trump does. Trump eats burgers and french fries? Dems and independents who eat burgers and fries are "fucking pussies." Go get 'em, tiger.

Costa Kid


You guys can give a pass to someone "delighted" to work with Trump. I won't.

Instead fight for all our rights that are in jeopardy and remind everyone at every opportunity who Trump and his cronies are.

Don't ever use "delighted".

We need Dems and Independents who aren't fucking pussies to stand up.
I think it would be great for Bernie to work with Trump. A ray of light.
Bernie has always said he'd work with Trump to advance issues he cares about, and fight him tooth and nail where he doesn't, and Bernie's always railed against the TPP.

So this is Bernie being the Bernie we know Bernie to be.

And I don't personally blame him for it.

I hated the GOP's 'we need to be against everything Obama is for no matter what' rhetoric.

Unfortunately for me, I thought the TPP was more good than bad, so I can't look at this and think 'at least he did one good thing!'.


Would "I'm delighted to work with Dipshit Donald" be better?

If the word 'delighted' and 'Trump' being used in the same sentence are enough to make you turn against someone, it's going to be a tough 4 years.

I think it's going to be a rough 4 years for most Americans, regardless of wordage.


A lot of people praise this from across the aisles but Free Trade agreements get a ridiculously bad rep. People get hung up on theoretical courts between corporations and countries as well copyright law, thats important to vocalize but the real utilization is duty mitigation. It allows US companies to sell to customers over seas with ease, which promotes production in our own borders. Axing free trade just ends up hurting the complex manufacturing that still remains in the US and benefits from Free Trade, like chemical production.

A lot of US manufacturing companies in the United States rely on NAFTA and were looking forward to the TPP in order to sell their products to countries besides ourselves. We can obviously still do that, but customers in those countries will look elsewhere to avoid the duty. For example, Japan brings in a ton of raw materials from my company and the TPP would have encouraged us to continue that production in the states. It will be easier to do so in south east asia now.

Im not an economist but I was a Free Trade Analyst for a decent while, so Im not talking 100% out of my ass.

I would have been completely fine with reworking the agreement, but cutting it down completely seems like a poor choice.

Also importing things is nice. People complain about trade balance, but presumably people bought all those foreign products because they would rather have them than the money they used to buy them. Really, it's impossible for trade to work in such a way where a country only exports. If the US only exports things, than what are they gonna receive in payment for the goods they're sending to other countries? Do they intend to give things away to the rest of the world for free, lest they have to buy products that aren't made in America?

Trade is great, and you'd be very hard pressed to find an economist that wouldn't agree that free trade creates more wealth. The trouble really is in the distribution of that wealth, which is something we've failed to solve properly, and has led to this anti-globalism. But no, trade is not a zero sum game, and rejecting trade won't make anything better.


In an alternative reality where Warren and others don't exist, sure?

Bernie has opposed him on some things. He's also said repeatedly he'd work with him if he addressed his economic issues. He is not the standard bearer for the resistance.

Bernie has been the strongest, most visible voice of opposition without question.


not characteristic of ants at all
Bernie is delighted to work on policies that he feels benefit the American worker. I doubt he is delighted to work with Trump as an individual, as some posters here are implying.


Meaningless gesture to kill TPP when it won't pass Congress.

Not meaningless gesture to say that he'd be "delighted". What the hell Bernie?



Spineless Dems as usual.


You guys can give a pass to someone "delighted" to work with Trump. I won't.

Instead fight for all our rights that are in jeopardy and remind everyone at every opportunity who Trump and his cronies are.

Don't ever use "delighted".

We need Dems and Independents who aren't fucking pussies to stand up.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I cannot believe we are two days into an administration that has demonstrated, now that they have power, exactly how much like a fascist regime they want to run this country and we're getting "well yeah...but I guess we can work with them on the good ideas"


If two people share the same view on an issue, why can't they work together? 🤔
I think it goes without saying that Trump's reasoning for being against TPP are likely not Sander's reasoning, at best not fully. To me it's dangerous to say what he did without highlighting Trump's overall view on trade and the ridiculous shit he says to this day about sparking trade wars. I don't think it's positive to separate this action from the rest of Trump's proposals. That's with the assumption Sanders is not on board with Trumps other ideas about trade. If he is, then there's that.
I think it's going to be a rough 4 years for most Americans, regardless of wordage.
I meant in regards to dems mobilising against Trump especially in regards to the mid-elections if one of Trump's most significant detractors using the word 'delighted' is enough to turn you against them, but okay.

And I like Warren and honestly feel she would've held up against Trump better (she clearly got under his skin last year in a way Hillary simply couldn't), but no, it's blatantly Bernie people are currently turning to the most. Don't let HillGAF's hate boner for the man cloud his importance for you.


Unconfirmed Member

I believe that's called cutting off your nose to spite the face. The structure of government is such that the people who represent the other half of the country can still do some good if the right idea presents itself. Throwing a fit isn't going to stop the political process it just means those views are even less represented. I don't think it needs to be said (or maybe it does based on your reply) but you don't have to fucking like the guy to work with him if the end result is something positive. Jesus imagine if all opposition parties just went in a big huff like this.


not characteristic of ants at all
I cannot believe we are two days into an administration that has demonstrated, now that they have power, exactly how much like a fascist regime they want to run this country and we're getting "well yeah...but I guess we can work with them on the good ideas"
So, in your mind, what's the proper response here?


Am I the only one getting a vibe from this post and others like it that there are people out there intentionally trying to stir shit up to keep people from uniting against trump?

"Yeah well LOOK AT THIS ordinary and menial action, you guys better argue internally about it and distract yourselves instead of organize and do something against trump"


I cannot believe we are two days into an administration that has demonstrated, now that they have power, exactly how much like a fascist regime they want to run this country and we're getting "well yeah...but I guess we can work with them on the good ideas"

You think Dems should just follow the Repubs lead and abstain from governing?


I believe that's called cutting off your nose to spite the face. The structure of government is such that the people who represent the other half of the country can still do some good if the right idea presents itself. Throwing a fit isn't going to stop the political process it just means those views are even less represented. I don't think it needs to be said (or maybe it does based on your reply) but you don't have to fucking like the guy to work with him if the end result is something positive.

Mmmm the last like 8 years are a pretty good counterpoint to everything you just said. One party was exclusively uninterested in compromising. Now when they control everything they suddenly will be more willing to compromise? When they control literally all the levers of federal government and like 60% of states? Uh huh.


This just isn't true.

Who else?

Bernie tweets and posts about shit Trump does daily

Bernie has gone on numerous talk shows to talk about how progressives should band together against what's to come

Bernie has had town hall discussion directly engaging and refuting Trump voters which have been televised and widely disseminated

I'm not saying he's the head of the Democratic party or THE oppositional or the most powerful opposition Trump has in Congress but he's definitely been the most visible on the national stage. Warren is great but you're fooling yourself if you think she's been more visible than Bernie.
Also importing things is nice. People complain about trade balance, but presumably people bought all those foreign products because they would rather have them than the money they used to buy them. Really, it's impossible for trade to work in such a way where a country only exports. If the US only exports things, than what are they gonna receive in payment for the goods they're sending to other countries? Do they intend to give things away to the rest of the world for free, lest they have to buy products that aren't made in America?

We get to import things at a lowered or discounted duty rate as well with these agreements. Assuming of course that they pass the rules specified for each type of product to prove production origin.

These agreements work on a unified set of rules and duty mitigation that are negotiated so that, and I stress this, it theoretically benefits everyone. Usually it involves quotas on certain materials important to one country so a member country isnt overwhelmed with imports or cant compete.


You guys really think Trump would work with Bernie, or anyone for that matter that is not in his inner circle or a sniveling coward?

Anyone like Bernie is wasting their breath. I personally would be "delighted" by more words and action like I see from John Lewis.

Go on the offensive. Look where we are at. They have the white house, Senate, and Congress. And you guys are worried about Bernie working with Trump. That is the shit that got us here.

Fight back. Stop being stepped on and embarrassed.


In what way is he more visible in opposition than say Schumer? It's good that many are vocally opposed to Trump in general.

You know what, aint an argument I really care about or think anyone should die on a hill for so I'll just say he's been one of the most vocal and visible opposing voices against Trump to avoid rustling jimmies.
Sanders had said if trumps idea are actually good and helpful, he would be supportive.
too bad 99.9999999999999% is terrible and don't forget the rest of his actions

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So, in your mind, what's the proper response here?

"Although I share opposition to the specifics of TPP, we must take every opportunity to remember that President Trump's misguided and dangerous strategy for America's place in global trade will actively harm American families. Additionally his government, in the span of two short days, has demonstrated a troubling enthusiasm for the tools of petty authoritarian regimes, and we must question the motivations of any action his administration sets forth"


We get to import things at a lowered or discounted duty rate as well with these agreements. Assuming of course that they pass the rules specified for each type of product to prove production origin.

These agreements work on a unified set of rules and duty mitigation that are negotiated so that, and I stress this, it theoretically benefits everyone. Usually it involves quotas on certain materials important to one country so a member country isnt overwhelmed with imports or cant compete.

Theoretically doesn't work for people who don't have jobs. Killing this is a good thing. Now what may rise of the ashes is a different story.



I mean, hey, sure his administration is overrun by white supremacists, nazis, and 4Channers who want to deport all imigrants, return blacks to second-class status, and generally turn America into a Whites Only country...

But you might get a nice infrastructure bill out of it. So shhhhhh....'

Of course, the other answer here is that, the more Democrats work with Republicans, the more they depress their own base who want anything BUT that at the moment, and the harder they make it for themselves to run against Republicans in '18/'20, who'll then be able to paint Democrats as culpable in all of their failures.


*Trump does something we don't like*

"No! No! Bad Trump! Sit in the corner, Trump!

*Trump does something we do like*

"Oh good boy, Trump! Very good, Trump! Here's a special treat for you, Trump!"

Yeah, I'm not here for this shit.


semen stains the mountaintops

Spineless Dems as usual.
I think this is great.

The right attacked Obama on everything he did, I'd hope the left isn't as horrible as this to try and fuck over Americans just to spite Trump.

If he does something good then that's good for everyone.
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