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Bernie Sanders praises Trump for nixing Trans-Pacific trade deal

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It is quite funny to see you are lambasting people latching on on a word where this is a thread where you got angry because Sanders use the word "delighted", heh.
Bernie's a politican and probably the most visible Dem in America right now. I'm just a dude on a forum about vidya games.


Are you cereal? That's why you don't think anyone could support her?
Politics are not a black or white, and the TPP had it's good and bad (horrible) parts.

She didn't flip flop depending on the crowd, like Trump. She changed her mind after listening to her base. How is that a bad thing?

I don't want to derail this into a Hilary debate, but that's not true. There are plenty examples of her flipflopping on issues to appease whoever was in front of her at the time. Google it. This is one of the reasons why she was usually described as untrustworthy in polls. She even said in the Goldman Sachs speeches that she refused to share, that you must have a private and public face (meaning speaking privately to Goldman Sachs, etc versus the public).
Is that really what you think people are saying? Is that really how you feel about them? You mean to tell me that if you lived in Ohio and your employed pulled your job out from under you and shipped it over seas, and your family is now struggling, you're not gonna vote for the candidate that says they're going to fix that, versus the candidate that SUPPORTS that?? Come on now.

If it were me, I wouldn't give two shits about social issues at that point. I'm gonna do what I can to put food on my table. It's that simple. And you need to stop demonizing those people that made that choice. Stop treating them like shit, because they're gonna fucking turn on you again, come 2020. Take it to the pawn shop.

Fuck that. People voted for Trump because they were stupid enough to think anything he was kicking was real. This idea that there was a valid choice to be made there is ridiculous.


Fuck that. People voted for Trump because they were stupid enough to think anything he was kicking was real. This idea that there was a valid choice to be made there is ridiculous.
Stupid? Maybe. Desperate? Probably. Keep telling potential dem voters shit like that. I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you to fuck off and stay red. Win them over, instead of treating them like the neo-con you know they aren't.


Ugh. "Delighted"? What an awful choice of words. Nobody should ever say they are delighted to work with a white supremacist monster.

I disagreed with Sanders over the damage he did by not dropping out during the primary, and I disagree with him now. TPP was not a bad thing.


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I'd rather stop the actual bad guys: America. TPP was bad no matter how you try to spin it. What does it feel like to be on the wrong side of history?

Arguments like this go nowhere. China might not be as imperialistic as the US, but its abhorrent human rights record precludes them from being any "good guy".

Rather than picking sides in nationalistic disputes, we need to side with the average people who stand to lose from both liberal economics and chauvinistic protectionism.


I'd rather stop the actual bad guys: America. TPP was bad no matter how you try to spin it. What does it feel like to be on the wrong side of history?
The right side of history is more and more interconnectivity in trade that raises the quality of life for people worldwide.

Populist, protectionist economics go directly against this.


Stupid? Maybe. Desperate? Probably. Keep telling potential dem voters shit like that. I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you to fuck off and stay red. Win them over, instead of treating them like the neo-con you know they aren't.

What happens when it turns out they're fully aware of what they were voting for and are actually pleased with the decisions Trump is making? What could anyone who voted left possibly do to combat that?
Bernie's a politican and probably the most visible Dem in America right now. I'm just a dude on a forum about vidya games.

Bernie has also been one of the most vocal and visible politicians to oppose Trump.

Taking umbrage with his use of the word "delighted" is ignoring the context of the statement, just as it is ignoring the context to measure Bedroom Eyes Carlton against a 75 year-old politician who was almost in the running to become president of the united states.
Stupid? Maybe. Desperate? Probably. Keep telling potential dem voters shit like that. I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you to fuck off and stay red. Win them over, instead of treating them like the neo-con you know they aren't.

How are you supposed to win over stupid people who ignore facts? The kind of people who can watch Trump speak and think anything but "what the fuck is wrong with this dude"?

As many people have already said, minorities are suffering too but they didn't turn out in big numbers for Trump. Those who did obviously don't see the big picture.


Seems like you don't understand what trade agreements actually do to. They are only good for huge multinationals companies.

Tell that to the factory workers and farmers of the midwestern states who get to sell their good to a larger audience thanks to our trade agreements.

I'm not saying that trade agreements have never been abused. They have been, and that needs to be fixed. But global trade is a net benefit for workers and consumers. Google it.
I hope that everyone here who is saying how happy they are that TPP failed is never going to complain about China abusing their power in foreign trade.

The whole point of TPP was to get China to agree to more ethical trade by forming a Trade Deal with a bunch of China's neighbors.

Were some parts of it bad? Yeah, but overall it could have been a REAL way to put a stop to some of China's bullshit.

They would rather start a war over Taiwan than TPP.

Start the war, probably not fight it.


How are you supposed to win over stupid people who ignore facts? The kind of people who can watch Trump speak and think anything but "what the fuck is wrong with this dude"?

As many people have already said, minorities are suffering too but they didn't turn out in big numbers for Trump. Those who did obviously don't see the big picture.
Reality stings. That part probably has to happen first.

Hari Seldon

Tell that to the factory workers and farmers of the midwestern states who get to sell their good to a larger audience thanks to our trade agreements.

I'm not saying that trade agreements have never been abused. They have been, and that needs to be fixed. But global trade is a net benefit for workers and consumers. Google it.

From an American perspective, we can cut individual trade deals with whoever we want, because every country wants access to the American consumer. That is why we have a giant ass state department. We don't need giant TPP deals filled with a wall street christmas list of horseshit.


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The right side of history is more and more interconnectivity in trade that raises the quality of life for people worldwide.

Populist, protectionist economics go directly against this.

"Worldwide" is a funny way to say developed economies. Poor countries whose primary resources are labor or mineral wealth, and whose economies are largely managed by foreign corporations, cannot expect their quality of life to be increased by any substantial means. While free trade can help developing countries if paired with heavy intervention, more often than not it opens the door to more exploitation and destroys local industry.
How are you supposed to win over stupid people who ignore facts? The kind of people who can watch Trump speak and think anything but "what the fuck is wrong with this dude"?

As many people have already said, minorities are suffering too but they didn't turn out in big numbers for Trump. Those who did obviously don't see the big picture.

How about we not paint ALL Trump voters as the crazy deplorables.

I'm confident that MOST of them are, but I have a hard time believing that Obama/Trump voters are the same as Rush Limbaugh's audience.


Gabriel Knight
How are you supposed to win over stupid people who ignore facts? The kind of people who can watch Trump speak and think anything but "what the fuck is wrong with this dude"?

As many people have already said, minorities are suffering too but they didn't turn out in big numbers for Trump. Those who did obviously don't see the big picture.
63,000,000 voters...they can't all be stupid people, can they?


From an American perspective, we can cut individual trade deals with whoever we want, because every country wants access to the American consumer. That is why we have a giant ass state department. We don't need giant TPP deals filled with a wall street christmas list of horseshit.

...because those individual deals wouldn't be?


Tell that to the factory workers and farmers of the midwestern states who get to sell their good to a larger audience thanks to our trade agreements.

I'm not saying that trade agreements have never been abused. They have been, and that needs to be fixed. But global trade is a net benefit for workers and consumers. Google it.

tell that to the other millions whose jobs got destroyed thanks to the same trade agreements. The pros are very low compared to the cons/bad things it causes.


The right side of history is more and more interconnectivity in trade that raises the quality of life for people worldwide.

Populist, protectionist economics go directly against this.
This ideal future (and theory) you speak of also does not have countries taking advantage of trade interconnectivity by engaging in export-oriented protectionism and other forms of protectionism via non-trade barriers. Shinzo Abe and Xi Jinping also engage in populism and protectionist economics that happens to be export-oriented and takes advantage of trade interconnectivity to promote its national champions. Same with South Korea. To advance further trade interconnectivity without addressing such issues would just go against some of the important things that free trade is supposed to provide.

Similarly, the ideal future would have correct income redistribution policies to ensure that the most concentrated benefits of free trade (to the wealthy and to the multinational companies) and most concentrated damage of free trade (to those that become competitively disadvantaged--this would include white collar workers in the future) are balanced out.

To further advance free trade, when these large systemic errors have appeared on the system and have already been creating distortions from what is anticipated, is a huge folly.

If the Republicans implement massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy (which would exacerbate how these groups obtain the majority of the benefits of free trade), and a Democratic president takes office (with a Republican Congress), it would be a huge mistake to pursue a second TPP just because it would be easy to get through a Republican Congress.


"Worldwide" is a funny way to say developed economies. Poor countries whose primary resources are labor or mineral wealth, and whose economies are largely managed by foreign corporations, cannot expect their quality of life to be increased by any substantial means. While free trade can help developing countries if paired with heavy intervention, more often than not it opens the door to more exploitation and destroys local industry.

Not to mention the environmental impact these free trade deals have.


From an American perspective, we can cut individual trade deals with whoever we want, because every country wants access to the American consumer. That is why we have a giant ass state department. We don't need giant TPP deals filled with a wall street christmas list of horseshit.

The reason we might have large, group, trade deals with "a wall street christmas list of horseshit" is because tariff's are actually relatively low in many places, and in any case, tariff's are far from the only, or even biggest, thing that might be a roadblock to trade.

Really, these deals are much more about stuff like countries unifying regulations (maybe having 1 set of automotive regulations to comply with instead of a whole bunch, for example), strengthening intellectual property in countries where it is weak, and (ideally) setting minimum standards across a large, and thus influential, block of countries to curb a race to the bottom (and the TPP would have raised environmental and labour standards in a number of countries).

These sorts of things have been attacked as not actually having anything to do with trade, but they really do. IP stuff specifically gets attacked a lot, but creative industries are a big part of the American economy, and they employ a lot of people. You'd think people wouldn't be so aghast at the idea that IP rights would be considered an important part of trade between countries.

This does leave us negotiating a lot of policy between countries, usually in secret, which is very unpopular. But agreements that merely reduce tariff's wouldn't really achieve much. And I get that maybe some of the provisions might be flawed. But my argument isn't just that free trade is good, but that there are good reasons the TPP would touch on so many topics that many wouldn't think would be part of a trade deal. (The full text of the deal is publicly available, so people can be specific with their concerns if they'd like)

And when people talk about the TPP holding China to higher standard this is what they're talking about. If enough people signed on to the TPP the other countries in the region will be pressured to then also sign on, accepting the unified regulations and minimum standards that might become the rules driving trade in the region.
Tell that to the factory workers and farmers of the midwestern states who get to sell their good to a larger audience thanks to our trade agreements.

I'm not saying that trade agreements have never been abused. They have been, and that needs to be fixed. But global trade is a net benefit for workers and consumers. Google it.
The factory workers that get their job outsourced?


The right side of history is more and more interconnectivity in trade that raises the quality of life for people worldwide.

Populist, protectionist economics go directly against this.

Even if you like the ideas of free trade and those behind the TPP, surely you think that anti-consumer BS in that deal was enough to not consider it? While free trade does bring in more wealth, that wealth is not evenly distributed and the TPP is not at all helping in evenly distributing it.

Considering how a better deal was inevitable anyways, I think even as a person who supports TPP you should enjoy its death because those IP laws are a threat to any liberal democracy.
Because Clinton/Obama in '08 was a very close race? They were at each other's throats.

That Tension absolutely DID exist- but Bernie was attacking the Democratic Party. Neither Obama nor Clinton was doing that in '08. That's why things never healed up- Bernie was salting the earth.
Late replying here but you're going to have to bring up some refs because besides Trump trying to handwave the birther issue away by pointing to her '08 bid and Hillary not immediately conceding to Obama, the Hillary/Bernie saga seemed vastly more volatile.

Still, my point was most of those voters still statistically voted for Hillary, and those that didn't went third party or abstained. The arguments about Bernie sabotaging Hillary's campaign simply by running against her just feel like scapegoating the more obvious issue that Hillary was a scandal ridden candidate, and the DNC's initial but blatant hostility to Bernie was incredibly easy for Trump/Wikileaks/Stein/ etc.


The factory workers that get their job outsourced?

The poor benefit the most from cheaper goods. And I understand this is small consolation for the disadvantaged, but we can, and should, do a much better job of helping people adjust. Protectionism wouldn't have actually helped either, automation would have taken that job eventually anyway, perhaps even faster because of the lack of the larger market trade deals might offer.


The jobs were outsourced, like it or not. Robots are starting to get going now, not 10 years ago.

That's the kind of bullshit you would hear from a GOP spokesman.


And the poor benefiting from cheaper goods is absolutely true. Accepting that doesn't preclude us from redistributing wealth. Indeed, there might be more wealth to tax and redistribute, and the welfare would go further for people if goods were cheaper.


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The poor benefit the most from cheaper goods. And I understand this is small consolation for the disadvantaged, but we can, and should, do a much better job of helping people adjust. Protectionism wouldn't have actually helped either, automation would have taken that job eventually anyway, perhaps even faster because of the lack of the larger market trade deals might offer.

I'm sorry, but having a job is a lot more important than having a cheaper television.

boiled goose

good with gravy
And the poor benefiting from cheaper goods is absolutely true. Accepting that doesn't preclude us from redistributing wealth. Indeed, there might be more wealth to tax and redistribute, and the welfare would go further for people if good were cheaper.

"Cheaper goods" is not necessarily a net benefit. It depends who actually reaps rewards of gained efficiencies. Basically a goplike trickle down argument.

Cheaper goods are better is just as reductionist as lower taxes are better! Or maybe simple phrases that sound good are only wrong when coming from gop?

Walmart providing cheaper goods a net benefit? I think the answer is clearly a strong HELL NO. They kill of locas business, only provide starvation government subsidized below poverty line wages with no advancement and extract wealth from communities only to fill the pockets of multimillinaires executives.

"Wealth redistribution" is also clear gop framing.
Oh my god this forum and it's obsession with painting Bernie as some awful person for having the audacity to run against Clinton.

99% of what Bernie has said about Trump has been overwhelmingly negative, and he's talked far more post-election than Hillary has. The TPP has been something Bernie railed against long before Trump.



No surprise here, many leftists were opposed to TPP
Are we still pushing this myth that manufacturing jobs went away due to outsourcing?

Their job wasn't outsourced. It was replaced by robots.
It can be both? Robots and cheap foreign labor are both things that have hurt domestic manufacturing workers.

but what if the workers owned the robots


I'm sorry, but having a job is a lot more important than having a cheaper television.

It's a few people having a job vs everyone having cheaper TV's. And those people who do lose their jobs shouldn't be out of work for long, they should be moving on and producing the next thing that society wants to improve their lives. It's how we got to be as wealthy as we are.

Of course we have been failing to help people move on to the next job, or to ever really have much of a chance to have a good job in the first place, as is the case in a lot of poor minority communities. This is what has left a lot of people in a bad spot while wasting a huge amount of economic potential. (And is not at all "fiscally conservative" in anything but the shortest term).
This is coming from the guy who supports the Assad Regime.

Who is also working with America... But none of that matters because the TPP is bad, especially for me since I live in Mexico and we always get the short end of the stick, this is a victory no matter how you spin it buddy.

FYI I don't support Assad but I know you'll keep saying I do because you lack other arguments.
Depends on how he loves them.

Actually that thread title is complete BS, he never directly praised trump for one good deed, he praised that a deal he fully opposed right from the beginning has been scrapped, and that he is open to work along with him on issues they might converge, why is people so mad at the possibility of him working towards policies that actually benefit the working class. (not that I think there is much to be talked with the orange turd) But a man in Bernie's position should never burn bridges or cut off the nose just to spite his face.
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