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Best Looking Multi-Platform Game?


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I'd vote SW: Battlefront. Not sure what the PS2 version is like, but the Xbox one looks fantastic. Lots of nice effects, plenty of action on screen. Burnout 3 a close runner up.


I'd vote SW: Galaxies. Not sure what the PS2 version is like, but the Xbox one looks fantastic. Lots of nice effects, plenty of action on screen. Burnout 3 a close runner up.
I think you mean Battlefront.


Do you mean, "What is the best-looking multi-platform game, based on the best it looks on ONE of those platforms," or, "What is the best-looking multi-platform game, based on how it looks across ALL of the platforms?"

If you mean the latter, then I'd vote for Soul Calibur II.


o_O @_@ O_o
My only qualm with Prince of Persia is the PS2 version. I can't put my finger on what it is (I'm sorry I'm not as great a graphic whore as it seems to be required on these forums...) but the PS2 version, while certainly pretty in it's own right, pales in comparison the GC and Xbox versions.

With that in mind, I'd go with BG&E, which looked clean on all three platforms.

SC2 also deserves a strong mention (if not the win) due to the 480p (and 720 on the Xbox!) and 16:9 support.


-jinx- said:
Do you mean, "What is the best-looking multi-platform game, based on the best it looks on ONE of those platforms," or, "What is the best-looking multi-platform game, based on how it looks across ALL of the platforms?"

If you mean the latter, then I'd vote for Soul Calibur II.

So really, the second question you pose is -- what game came out on all three consoles looks great on two and wasn't screwed up by the PS2? :D
Splinter Cell 1 is also pretty nice on all platforms.

The first Splinter Cell looks like ass on PS2, at least if you're used to playing it on Xbox. The framerate made a bad first impression, but seeing beams of light going through my character was the real kicker.
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