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best parts of Xbox Live?


Banstick Emeritus
With Halo 2 upon us, and after reading about some of the cool stuff Bungie's implemented for multiplayer re: clans and whatnot, I was wondering what else gamers would like in future Xbox Live titles?

I'd love the ability to upload my own maps and/or clan insignia...although with the latter, it's only a matter of minutes before somebody is raising a Penis flag in the game world. We gave the ability to import insignias in Warhammer and I saw my first full-blown Nazi Space Marine corp yesterday. :(

Greater control for hosts to kick/ban griefers from games, permanently. The MS feedback list doesn't do squat, as far as I know.

Anything else?

PS. Bring on Halo 2!


I was wondering what else gamers would like in future Xbox Live titles?

A clearer picturer about when and how much downloadable content can be expected. Counter Strike is the biggest offender. Hundreds of maps available and only 2 come out for Xbox Live.

Consistent Xbox Live menus. MS should put requirements on lobbies to make them somewhat standard.

best parts of Xbox Live?

Live Aware games
Worldwide Rankings
Friends Lists
Uploadable scores
Downloadable content
Voice Coms
Broadband Only


keep your strippers out of my American football
I think online gaming needs more powers for the host. That is the only thing that is missing. Being able to kick/ban people or customizing the game to make the host's game to his tastes. Also, the ability to record a gaming session. Especially on the X-Box with it's Hard Drive.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
street fighter online... everything else is a bonus to me.


Drey1082 said:
spectators in games. I'm sure this will come with the next system, but It would be a really great feature.
yeah, this feature was already announced by bill the gates. it'll be called xbox live tv, i think, and will be more than your usual spectator mode.. he mentioned something about a ticker at the bottom of your screen that'll show information from other live games.


Viewable feedback profiles -- I'd like to be able to see what kind of track record someone's got, a la eBay. This would do a lot to self-police, although it should only keep feedback for a set number of months, like six months worth.

Better skill matching -- The worst thing is to join a game with people who wipe the floor with you. I like DOA:U's grading system where you can pretty much tell what a person's level of play is right off the bat.

Ability to flag games with a "LOOKING FOR PLAYERS / JOIN ME" tag -- You create a game and then you're sitting there waiting for it to fill up. It'd be nice to be able to designate it as "please join me" so that it would appear at the top of Optimatch/Quickmatch lists. Likewise, it would hopefully minimalize the amount of times I've been kicked out of open games created by folks who were just waiting for their friends.

Bigger friends lists -- I keep a lot of people on my lists and I like to log on and see *someone* playing the game I have. Why limit it to 100?

Every game should be Live Aware -- I don't care if it's friggin' Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Everything needs to be Live Aware. It's not like it costs extra for companies to throw that in, right? (If it does...well, then MS needs to stop charging.)


Expand the feedback system into a repuation entry. Make the feedback actually MEAN something, then give players greater control over who they allow into their rooms/join games with. So like Ebay, you could say "Only let people enter the room with feedback greater than 2" or whatever. Obviously leaving feedback would have to be controlled as well, such as 1 person can leave feedback against a specific person only once per day or week or something, or once per play session per day. Furthermore the amount that a person's feedback influences your rep is dependent on what their rep is, so if the person has a low rep and gives you crap feedback, then it'll barely affect your rep at all. And if a person with high rep gives you great feedback it'll affect you more.

Man, this would do SOOOOOOOO much for Xbox Live and online gaming in general if some company were to have the foresight and balls to implement it well.

Musashi Wins!

I would like it's system to be more standard, and by that I simply mean that there should be a minimum number of features if the game is going to ship as Live enabled. I hate going from game to game with some basic conveniences (live aware, pre-game lobbies) maybe there, maybe not. Leave the chaotic set-up to Sony's free service and institute a developer bottom line for my paid membership.
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