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Best PC joystick for the Mopney?


I have this, it's the best, I may just buy another if i can find one at a good price. I might be a little worried about compatability but i've only had a problem once and i was able to work it out.

Thustmaster TopGun USB

Anything else out there worth trying? I don't want force feedback. I don't want to spend alot of money unless it was really worth it. I don't see anything that matches the Old top gun usb for the price. I also am considering a FLCS but they are expensiive, here's one:

So you can see the style i like, the realsitic ones mainly.

Thanks for any insight you can add. I'm anxious to use this on Babylon 5:IFH, Freespace 2, and Starshatter.

Ultra realistic it may not be, but neither are space sims.

The key thing to remember is that throttle has more shit than you could ever use. I rigged up Mech 4 to be more complex than Steel Battalion on this set. Had parrallel shift states stacked two and four deep.

Just eighty bucks. Built sturdy. Software is simple, yet allows plenty of access. Fully programmable, profiles saved.

If I still had this set, I'd be loading up three crappy vehicle games a week just to make complex control sets for them.


I've seen that one. My major problem is that most of the new sticks are pretty loose. I remember that one being that way but i should try it out, I owe the Monk of Arcade sticks at least that. I like the idea of not having to use the keyboard.

I might go crazy and get:

But it's $300, i'll get my money's worth over the years but still is alot, and i've heard some bad things.
The Saitek is a bit loose, I gotta give you that. 'Course, that's the way things are going now, did you know that the Steel Battalion stick didn't even have a spring in it?

Still, for $80 bucks the Saitek tries to be everything that the top of the line sticks are and more, at least from a functionality perspective.

I wonder if you could replace the Saitek spring(s) with those from an old Thrustmaster. Hmmmmm...


The Saitek looks intersting, loose seems to be the style of today so i'll give it a try. If it's a bust i'm going to get the TOPGUN USB again and get a seperate throttle.
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