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Best place to buy a Radeon x800 Pro??

Kon Tiki

Heh, I gave him a news story from YESTERDAY. I wonder if he can find some benchmarks taken between Aug 2nd and today.


Sirolf said:
because D3 Engine will be used a lot in future games...

Izzy said:
Doom 3 engine games: Doom 3, Quake IV, Return to the Castle Wolfeinstein 2... and many other.

Only ID games, and they all pretty much have to be games that takes place in door and darkened atmosphere. Any outdoor area with lighted atmosphere and the engine is pretty much useless. FarCry engine and Unreal Engine are far more versatile on what you want to do with them.

I don't see how you can make COD2 with Doom3 engine, COD is an open environment game that takes place in both day and night in open area. Quake4 and RtCW2 could work if the majority of the game takes place in door.

Izzy said:
The latest Half Life 2 Beta benchmarks from 3Digest(Aniso is on) - shitty last gen cards included

And what was used? The leaked beta game or the newest build that is supplied by Valve? Since it's not using AA, it must have been the leaked beta since I am pretty sure they haven't fixed the AA problem that time. Still, if AA was enabled, I would think X800 would stomp 6800 like Farcry.


Quake 3 didn't handle outdoor levels very well at first. It wasn't until the expansion that id added terrain rendering into the engine. The same could be done for the Doom 3 engine.


Pimpbaa said:
Quake 3 didn't handle outdoor levels very well at first. It wasn't until the expansion that id added terrain rendering into the engine. The same could be done for the Doom 3 engine.

Except for the fact that the best thing about the Doom3 engine is the shadowing, if the game takes place outdoor, it wouldn't be as impressive. And if the game occurs doing daylight, then it's pretty much pointless to use the engine.

Again, why use the Doom3 engine when you have the Unreal engine, the FarCry Engine, and Monolith LithTech Engine(pretty awesome if you look at FEAR) that are far more verstatile and display graphics that are almost as good?


tenchir said:
Except for the fact that the best thing about the Doom3 engine is the shadowing, if the game takes place outdoor, it wouldn't be as impressive. And if the game occurs doing daylight, then it's pretty much pointless to use the engine.

They could make the terrain renderer focus on different graphic effects, much like Far Cry.


Pimpbaa said:
They could make the terrain renderer focus on different graphic effects, much like Far Cry.

But the engine as of now can't do outdoor very well or at all since the whole level takes place in confined environment. It's not known when it will be implemented and how much of a performance boost you can get. While the other engines are already there and could do them.


tenchir said:
But the engine as of now can't do outdoor very well or at all since the whole level takes place in confined environment. It's not known when it will be implement and how much of a performance boost can you get. While the other engines are already there and could do them.

That's true, but I'm just saying id could do that in the future. They may have to if they want their engine to remain competitive to what's available.


As it stands now, x800 series is on par or a better for Unreal, CryTek, Source (not certain) and right now Geforce series is better for Doom3. It really depends on what games you're into. If you just LOVE D3, and think you'll be playing that, its mods, Quake4 and its mods exclusively for the next little while then the 6800 series is the way to go. If you're into other games using the other engines then the question becomes a little more difficult and 6800 is still a great card, but the x800 will probably beat it out.

Tribes: Vengeance is gonna be on the Unreal engine therefore I'm left with no choice but x800 :D


Ante Up
rastex said:
As it stands now, x800 series is on par or a better for Unreal, CryTek, Source (not certain) and right now Geforce series is better for Doom3. It really depends on what games you're into. If you just LOVE D3, and think you'll be playing that, its mods, Quake4 and its mods exclusively for the next little while then the 6800 series is the way to go. If you're into other games using the other engines then the question becomes a little more difficult and 6800 is still a great card, but the x800 will probably beat it out.

Tribes: Vengeance is gonna be on the Unreal engine therefore I'm left with no choice but x800 :D

At the $400 level, the X800 Pro loses almost every time.


I don't think so.

You can say what you want and throw whatever benches you want at me, but I know today I was using the current Catalyst drivers (this is a 9800pro mind you), and doom 3's best settings at high quality were in the 800x600 range maximizing both visual quality and frames per second. Since I installed the beta drivers, I now play the game at 1280x1024 and still maintain a pretty damn good framerate. That's three resolution levels of improvement. You can throw all the stupid articles and quotes at me that you want, but I know what I experienced myself.

As for where to buy a card, go with newegg and don't let any of these people tell you how you *should* spend your money. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, it is your money and your investment. Make the best of it and ignore these one-sided fans who prefer to judge a two year investment based on games coming out today. Decide what you want and what you want to do and then go ahead and do it and enjoy your experience.

One other thing, if you do base any decision off of benchmarks for a videocard, make sure you read the benchmarks for best visual quality and ignore those that are pure speed. Nothing worse then turning everything to max along with AA and AF and watching the card basically plummet to its own death afterwards.


Ryu said:
You can say what you want and throw whatever benches you want at me. You can throw all the stupid articles and quotes at me that you want, but I know what I experienced myself.
Make the best of it and ignore these one-sided fans who prefer to judge a two year investment based on games coming out today.

All professional online benchmarking sites are lying, and you must be the beacon of truth.

Make the best of it and ignore these one-sided fans who prefer to judge a two year investment based on games coming out today.

GT unlike X800 Pro supports SM 3.0. It's a long term investment.




nubbe said:

I truely dislike Xbitlabs reviews lately. There are pretty clearly turning off Tri-Ops on the 6800s on the 4xAA and 8/16x AF tests (I don't get how you can both 8x and 16x AF at the same time) since those are disabled by default in high quality AFAIK. I am also suspicious of the driver version they're using. Of course, you can find nowhere in the review that which drivers they're using, only "latest drivers." They're either completely inept at benching or biased is my conclusion since no else can reproduce these numbers, especially the CoD and other OpenGL games.

For instance:


Can you believe it?


All professional online benchmarking sites are lying, and you must be the beacon of truth.

That must be it. I can't make excuses for them and I can't say they are wrong in terms of the benchmarks with the x800 xt, but I do know for my 9800pro, my performance increase was dramatic. You can believe what you want, text on a page, and I'll go off my own personal experience while actually playing the game and seeing the changes occur.

What is it with people and arguing about hardware anyways? Do you really have some type of personal stake in it if a driver increases performance on my end or not? Do you have some personal stake in it if nvidia sells another 6800u? Lets get down to it afterall -- in a year, your tune will change and you'll support yet another card. What's the point of all this stupid "omg, tehe benchess are the better11!" crap?

GT unlike X800 Pro supports SM 3.0. It's a long term investment.

Until next year you mean? What if the new cards get SM 3.0b or 4.0? Then what? What if 512mb cards become the industry standard? There is no long term investment in videocards. They're not like gaming consoles. It doesn't work the same. Regardless, it takes games to support the feature set and most devs haven't even touched SM 2.0B. Don't worry though as I'm sure what you chose to purchase with your money will suit you just fine. Just enjoy it while it's still top of the line, but don't feel you have to justify it -- at least not to a bunch of forum-goers who don't know you.


XMonkey said:
Key word: shit.

Every time someone posts those lame xbitlabs HL2 Alpha benchmarks I want to kill something. They mean pretty much absolutely nothing.

Should give a good idea of what the end result will be...


tenchir said:
Found a good article on the performance difference between x800 and 6800 on Doom3.


This is a much better article on general peformance differences.

That article, there is tons people disagre with. And a thread where the author actuallly post and sticks his foot in his mouth about errors he made...Hmm linky up shortly...Edit: not comming up under search.

Anywho, Doom 3 does not perform as bad as people think. I'm running the game great on high at 800X600 on my 9700 pro. I had it at 1024 X768 and it was running great. Just hitches sometimes here and there. And the hitches aren't that bad. I hit 60 everywhee and 30 to 40 with enemies on screen.

I thought I would need a faster video card but surprisingly the ram upgrade made a world of a difference. And with my 9700 pro now I see why the X800 people say it doesn't run as bad as certain websites make it out to be.


What I think is scandalous is the near absence of both the 6800 Ultra and the X800 XT from the retail market months after they were launched. And if you do find them, they are usually at some ridiculous price- I was looking around the other day for both of them, and found the X800 XT in stock at only one website - for $980 !!!

It's pretty clear to me that both Nvidia's and ATI's top of the line cards are being produced in such small quantities that they never should have been introduced.


So it looks like the x800 is the better card to get. That is what I thought. I'm gonna wait a bit until I pick one up though.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Uh, those benches show the 6800 just behind of the X800 Pro overall.

Maybe you're confusing it with the $300 6800 ?

Basing a cards performance off one benchs is f*cking stupid in the first place.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Wow, dell sells for cheap. Are there any terms to that? Like owning a dell machine?

Kon Tiki

teh_pwn said:
Uh, those benches show the 6800 just behind of the X800 Pro overall.

Maybe you're confusing it with the $300 6800 ?

Basing a cards performance off one benchs is f*cking stupid in the first place.

The claim that the 6800gt '0wns' the x800xt , which I assume means 'better', is false.

There is nothing more too it.


So basically, when deciding which card to buy you should consider which engine will be used more in the coming years: the source engine or the doom 3 engine.

The x800 handles the source engine better, where as the 6800 is better suited for the doom 3 engine. Many have said that the source engine will be used more being how it's easy to mod for and what not. So that should be your answer right there in regards to which card to get, right? Get the x800.

Kon Tiki

mashoutposse said:
The differences are minor in Source, but relatively significant in D3.

A 6800 GT is the better buy.

I have no doubt that the 6800gt will bet better at D3. Don't you think it is fair tho to wait till next month when Ati release Cats 4.9? Replacing year old OGL drivers.


Counter Strike: Source = says nothing.

You should really throw those results out the window. What they don't highlight is that there are graphical options (from what I hear, lots of them) that can't be turned on. And CS:S doesn't push anywhere near what has been seen in Half Life 2 from other sources.

Also, this is an earlier build . Another reason CS:S benchmarks are pointless.


rolls eyes...


Society said:
I have no doubt that the 6800gt will bet better at D3. Don't you think it is fair tho to wait till next month when Ati release Cats 4.9? Replacing year old OGL drivers.

No as has been a proof by the beta drivers.


Shompola said:
No as has been a proof by the beta drivers.

Yea good one. Base your shit on beta drivers. When I downloaded the 4.8 Cats just recently, I got a nice performance boost.

OpenGL driver efficiency is also improved. Older OpenGL games such as Quake III Arena and Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory show small improvement (1-2%) at low resolutions. Call of Duty framerates are up approximately 4%. Doom3 improves considerably more (as much as 12% on some product configurations) as a result of the same software efficiency improvements.

4.8 CAT Betas did not nothing for Doom 3 performance and now look at the final. Using beta software as proof in the first place is just moronic.



Why don't you go take that up with one of the catalyst driver creators, who has already gone on record and stated the OPENGL driver for the beta 4.9 is more new and more efficeint than the official 4.8 OpenGL driver.


Mrbob said:

Why don't you go take that up with one of the catalyst driver creators, who has already gone on record and stated the OPENGL driver for the beta 4.9 is more new and more efficeint than the official 4.8 OpenGL driver.

Mrbob, the point was, putting bets on a beta is worthless. The Doom 3 boost came out of no where. And I'm curious as to a comparison between the official 4.8s and the beta 4.9s on paper. Since I had the 4.9 betas, and the difference in doom was trivial. (9700 PRO)

As far as the cats go, there are obviously multiple teams working on different cats ( probably two or 3 ). Just like ATI has multiple R&D teams working on chips. It doesn't suprise me that one will outdue the other. Or in this case, its not surprising that another would find yet another performance increase somewhere that the team on the current cat soon to be release missed.

Humus is the perfect example. He found some thing that worked great and not only posted it on the forums, but passed along to the cat teams.

Anywho, the final judgement is not out on the 4.9 Official cats. I'm fine with my Doom 3 performance right now anyway (plays great). While others wait for that judgement I'll be waiting on FEAR and Half Life 2.

Tee hee hee....
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