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Best website ever...

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Count of Concision

Not only does it have a very thorough dictionary function complete with sentences employing the word as well as its historical context, but it has a phenomenal encyclopedia where you can type in any word, name or phrase and be treated to substantial and well-written essays on everything from Scottish history, to rationalism and empiricism, to Hollywood, to the Mayflower Compact, to synaesthesia, to The Great Gatsby, to the Lamarckian precursors to Darwinian evolutionary theory, to the historical antecedents of democracy and communism. What's more, these encyclopedic entries are peppered with references to related people, ideas and themes which are hyperlinked and accessible by a mere click of the mouse, leading to other informative entries about them. Man, the wealth of information is just awesome...

Yeah, it's just an encyclopedia at base, but it has links to all the relevant people, places, ideas, and events related to the topic you're reading up on. On top of that, the information is well-written in a clear, concise manner and organized very well. You start with one topic, and by clicking on the links within each essay you're whisked around to various fields of interest to fill your mind with. Neat. I just wasted an hour on this and it seemed like 10 minutes. :p

Very, very cool...at least for nerds like me. ;) Figured I'd give you clowns a heads-up. :D


Well, that is neat, but it doesn't hold a candle to www.realultimatepower.net

edit: I just checked its entry for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and I found it to be one of the most precise and accurate descriptions of BJJ that I've seen. It is definitely a thorough site.


Count of Concision
Boogie, that site is HYSTERICAL. lol :p

I was about to stop reading after the statement of fact: "Ninjas are mammals", but I decided to forge ahead, only to be greeted with even more comedic gems the further I went. Man, great stuff lol.

From Boogie's site:

"Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time."



You mean you've never seen real ultimate power before, Loki? It's an internet legend, like goatse and All Your Base. ;)


Scary Euro Man
I'm not sure how impressed to be with an encyclopedia that has more articles relating to Andy Summers than Carl Jung on a search for 'Synchronicity'. :)


Count of Concision
-jinx- said:
Actually, I much prefer Wikipedia. Interesting site, though.

Hmm...that site seems to be in the same vein as mine; the thing is, I had looked up two things to read up on earlier ("direct democracy" and "populism"-- your recent thread got me thinking along those lines :p), and the entries from wikipedia and wordiq were exactly the same, links and all. To see whether that was always the case, or whether they simply shared certain resources, I did a few more searches on each site for the same terms; both "recursion" and "iteration" (both prompted by the discussion of fractals on wikipedia's front page) yielded the same results on both sites. So it seems that they are, in fact, the same exact site, unless one features a more extensive database than the other, which I haven't tested. I would assume, then, that this "wordiq" site is pilfering from wikipedia, seeing as how I've heard of wikipedia in passing (but had never visited), but not this other site.

I just stumbled upon this site randomly as a result of a google search; I'd never looked at online encyclopedias before, and the breadth of information and the manner in which it was presented, as well as the ease of accessibility, really struck me. So since we're essentially advocating the same site, I'd say we have similar tastes in that regard. :p Yeah, wikipedia is a great site (and wordiq.com by extension ;)). It's odd though that they'd allow that to go on, since it seems like outright plagiarism, unless they're both using an independent third-party resource for their entries, or are somehow affiliated. Strange.

Does wikipedia have any other interesting features beyond the encyclopedia's "search" function that differentiate it from the wordiq site? Big thumbs-up to those sites, though-- great stuff. :)

Raoul: Nope, never visited it before, though I think I've seen it mentioned in passing a few years back. I don't usually just aimlessly wander around the internet. :p

Iapetus: Haha. Fair point. ;) :p


Count of Concision

LOL, I can't believe that they have a listing for goatse. Crazy. Wordiq.com also has it, however (see my response to -jinx-).
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