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BestBuy.com PS3 Preorders. "here is a coupon for your troubles PWNED LOL"


Az987 said:
Hrm... I preordered uhm... a few...

I hope they go through but its weird how they charge your CC the full amount for a preorder.

I think it's safe to say you're order is doomed should this whole thing go through.
ciroslive said:
Best Buy tomorrow:


"We fixed the glitch."

"So are you going to tell him he's fired?"

"...no. You see, we fixed the glitch.. He won't be getting paid anymore."

"We prefer to let problems sort themselves out naturally."
WickedAngel said:
"So are you going to tell him he's fired?"

"...no. You see, we fixed the glitch.. He won't be getting paid anymore."

"We prefer to let problems sort themselves out naturally."

I predict many Best Buys will be burned to the ground tomorrow.

Hopefully, not the one closest to me. When all the destroyed Best Buys allocate their PS3s elsewhere, I'll have a better shot of getting one.


Of course. Online preorders always seem to open up during the rare instances when I'm not on the computer.

Oh well, I hope your orders go through.
LJ11 said:
:lol It said limit 1 per order. Do you actually believe you still have a shot at getting them? :lol

What if you made 8 separate orders, though?

Was it one 20GB and one 60GB? I placed one order for each variety. I'm probably doomed. I emailed them and asked them to cancel my 20GB one...
Mejilan said:
Are the two orders tied to the same account?

Yeah...I used different credit cards and shipping addresses, though...

I screwed up on the first order and accidentally had the system mailed to my parents house. The second one I had sent to my apartment.


MaverickX9 said:
Yeah...I used different credit cards and shipping addresses, though...

I screwed up on the first order and accidentally had the system mailed to my parents house. The second one I had sent to my apartment.

Do the CC's have different billing addresses? CC companies usually don't ship to an address that has a different billing address in order to prevent fraud.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
sonarrat said:
I just had a long conversation with a BB rep. I gave her my name, order number, and told her that I found it as a perfectly functioning link through Froogle. She told me they were investigating the matter, and would be forwarding the information I provided; she could not guarantee that I would get anything, as this was not supposed to be available until the day of launch.

FYI she was probably going on old information just like that automated email that is sent out to anyone asking about pre-orders

so far there has been 6 or so people who called in & got confirmations that the pre-orders are 100% legit & will be honored.
LJ11 said:
Do the CC's have different billing addresses? CC companies usually don't ship to an address that has a different billing address in order to prevent fraud.

No - same billing address.

I'm screwed. Damn it. I'm going to go look for a nice, cheap tent.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm hoping that the reason we can't get clear answers is because the execs are fielding a discussion about this right now that's going something like this:

Exec 1: Well, we were going to sell some of them online anyway at some point, right?
Exec 2: And after last year's Xbox 360 debacle, we weren't really going to force bundles again this year with the Wii or PS3, were we?
Exec 3: We have concensus, then? We'll cancel the duplicate horders and honor the remaining 5,000 orders on a first come basis?
Execs 1, 2, & 3: DONE!


FTWer said:
FYI she was probably going on old information just like that automated email that is sent out to anyone asking about pre-orders

so far there has been 6 or so people who called in & got confirmations that the pre-orders are 100% legit & will be honored.

I hope you're right. In my mind, she was just saying the smart thing to cover BB. The reps that are telling people it's 100% legit could be in deep shit if it falls through.


MaverickX9 said:
No - same billing address.

I'm screwed. Damn it. I'm going to go look for a nice, cheap tent.

Why are people so certain that they will be cancelling orders of people that ordered multiple systems? This seems like speculation, just like everything else.

When I ordered my 360s from Walmart through the mystery link last year, I placed two orders and got two systems even though people were saying that they would only honor one order.

I know BB is a different company, but I don't see why they would cancel all orders, maybe limit it to one per person.

Hopefully this will all be straightened out tomorrow.


They still have the PS3 hardware listed in the weekly ad even though you can't buy it


Since it says Nov 3 - Dec 29, I'm guessing the links we used were available since Friday before they were discovered
sangreal said:
They still have the PS3 hardware listed in the weekly ad even though you can't buy it


Since it says Nov 3 - Dec 29, I'm guessing the links we used were available since Friday before they were discovered[/QUOTE]

LOL that ad is kind of dumb, since both versions have HDMI, there's no need to say "with HDMI".


LOL that ad is kind of dumb, since both versions have HDMI, there's no need to say "with HDMI".

It also says Blu-ray HD DVD Player...

as does the 2006 holiday buyer's guide



Junior Butler
Well, I just had to call online order customer service to update my shipping address and the lady had a little disclaimer for me regarding PS3 purchases online. She basically said that they aren't concrete because they are still "evaluating" the purchasing of PS3's online due to the limited availability of the console. It's just funny to me that they would even bother having it available to order online, it's not like they just found out it would be available in limited quantities.


Where's that gif of the footballer smiling and pointing at the camera with both hands before the ref changed the call?


Have any GAFers gotten their singular, early orders cancelled yet? It seems that non-GAFers lose theirs even if they only ordered one.


cvxfreak said:
Have any GAFers gotten their singular, early orders cancelled yet? It seems that non-GAFers lose theirs even if they only ordered one.

Mine still says InProcess, Pre-Order. I only ordered one 20gb version.
cvxfreak said:
Have any GAFers gotten their singular, early orders cancelled yet? It seems that non-GAFers lose theirs even if they only ordered one.

Mine says this:

Status: 1 item(s) preordered, release date is 11/17/06.


Running off of Custom Firmware
My 11/04 ~11:00 PM EST 60GB single order is still going strong. No second email, still preordered for 11/17 shipping, still InProcess status.


They do seem to be going through, at least for me. My credit card fraud-detection neural network called this morning and made me verify the charges.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I did Next Day delivery, but once the order is truly confirmed, I need to switch addresses. If they try to delivery this to my office on a Saturday... not good. Gotta switch it to my home addy!


Running off of Custom Firmware
I didn't make an account.

Can I make an account now, and still track my order that way?

I don't think so, but you'll always be able to track it by putting in your email addy and the order number.


alien from planet Highscore
Treo360 said:
Order management system is now down (or has been)


Now it's back up. WTF?

I got that error last night when I tried to refresh or go back a page - did you happen to do that? It worked fine when I went through the link and re-entered my info.


Speculative outcome theory:

1) The mistake was caught within the first few hours. Leading to...
2) Too few orders to majorly affect normal allotment plans, and...
3) Enough orders to want to avoid a big cancellation fiasco with vocal customers.

It's all good.

Operation False Hope: GO, GO, GO!
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