Really didn't like this episodes, everything just moves so slow in this show. Maybe it's because we already know what it will ultimately lead to. Hope they don't renew the show for too many seasons.
What's your hurry?
Really didn't like this episodes, everything just moves so slow in this show. Maybe it's because we already know what it will ultimately lead to. Hope they don't renew the show for too many seasons.
What's your hurry?
Unsurprisingly, Better Call Saul has been renewed for a 10 episode S3.
I'm not sure what I was expecting with this series, but the law firm storyline combined with the slow BB style makes a super boring series to me. I'll stop watching, it's not for me.
(i think the age trutherism with the multiple child actresses is creepy and weird and we can easily overlook something they can't really control)
The time-shifted numbers are very good and the show is critically acclaimed.Good to know either way. Why unsurprisingly though? I thought it was losing a lot of momentum recently in the ratings?
AMC PR said:The Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould-created series has been a strong ratings performer, pulling in 2.7 million among 18-49s in delayed viewing for its Season 2 premiere on February 15. That was a 22% increase in L+3 over its Season 1 series debut. The Season 2 debut of Better Call Saul surged 83% in total viewers in L+3 to 4.7 million. The four episode live+3 ratings averages for Season 2 are 4.4 million viewers per episode, including 2.7 million adults 25-54 and 2.5 million adults 18-49.
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyUnsurprisingly, Better Call Saul has been renewed for a 10 episode S3.
For the most part, I agree. But I have to agree the Kim montage went on too long, and it was not necessary to have it twice. The purpose of the Kim montage scene was fulfilled long before the scene ended, making it superfluous.
The cold open was entirely to demonstrate two conflicting theories the show WANTS you to have:
1. chuck is unreasonably jealous of his brother and doesn't understand his charisma;
2. only chuck can see through jimmy's con.
you're SUPPOSED to have this dissonance right now, that's completely intentional.
Both of these are furthered with the Chuck/Kim scene. You're supposed to question whether Chuck just knows Jimmy better than anyone or whether he'll do anything to try and undo his charisma. You're not supposed to know what he's doing because the show wants you to consider both.
I'm not sure what I was expecting with this series, but the law firm storyline combined with the slow BB style makes a super boring series to me. I'll stop watching, it's not for me.
That is the weirdest pet peeve.Yeah, but he's not GAF's uncle.
Loved the episode and especially the ending.
Can I ask one favor from GAF? Could you guys please refer to Hector by that name and not "Tio"? "Tio" means "Uncle" in Spanish.
Yeah, but he's not GAF's uncle.
Kim's the best character, this episode only made that more clear. That "yes!" and the long stare after Howard tells her she's still in records were both perfect.
I want to believe that the father gave Jimmy the money so he could go to that online Law School. He didnt say anything to protect Chuck's feeling because he so more potential in Jimmy.
The dinner scene showed how charismatic Jimmy was and how scared Chuck was of him. Chuck is just jealous and wants him to fail.
I'm sitting here thinking about how I want the series to end. I want a it to cut to a future Saul in black and white and for him to see Jesse and Jesse saying Walt is alive and in jail and needs your help or for him to see Kim....while slowly everything comes in to color. All I really want is some color and life to come back to him because those future scenes are heartbreaking....
Just Finished episode 5
Goddamn it, Vince! You can't close an episodes like that!Fuckin' Tio Salamanca is in the building!
Do we know anything about Giancarlo Esposito making a cameo?
I'd love if Walt and Jesse made an appearance but only if it was in the background and very brief. Maybe just leaving Saul's office lol.Love love love the appearance of Hector, this is going exactly where I hoped it would.
So a question for the Breaking Bad experts in here.. which characters from BB are technically possible to appear? Keeping in mind that Gilligan and co seem to be doing this sparingly and where it feels natural, we've yet to see a cameo where it feels phoned in.
The talent Gilligan has amassed for his team is crazy. Episodes like this and the show general are just leagues above almost everything else on TV. Just a higher quality. The Americans is probably the only show on its level right now.This show is the best thing on tv right now. Amazing camera work this episode. Kim in the garage during the rain smoking, the HHM flag looming over her in the overhead shot, jimmy in the bathroom door, beautiful stuff.
Good to know either way. Why unsurprisingly though? I thought it was losing a lot of momentum recently in the ratings?
you know what I'd LOVE? what was Hank's partner's name again? the one who we never quite knew if he was in on some cartel game? we never got resolution on that and had to assume he was clean to the end. but what if he wasn't?
I'm pretty sure Tuco called Walter grandpa in BB.
Who, Gomez?
Did Breaking Bad ever give us a reason to believe he was corrupt? I can't remember anything shady about him at all.
unsurprising, yes. but I'll feel much better when season 5 is guaranteed.
To be fair, it's not entirely impossible that a full season will take place in the Cinnabon era.I'd be surprised if it went that long if not just because the actors will really be showing their age.
What? All signs point toI doubt Jesse gave two fucks about him at that point. lolWalt being dead and even if he somehow magically lived
To be fair, it's not entirely impossible that a full season will take place in the Cinnabon era.
That is the weirdest pet peeve.
I'm a Spanish speaker and Tío is ok.
I actually am two degrees separated from Giancarlo. I won't get into those specifics but last time I asked it the person didn't know. I could ask again but even so I don't know if there are any NDAs that would prevent him from telling.
if there isn't any official statements about it, I'll just wait for the show to reveal it. I wouldn't bother the man for a question that he probably can't answer, and he probably have been already asked about it like a million times lol
and the surprise will make the reveal even bigger!
Who, Gomez?
Did Breaking Bad ever give us a reason to believe he was corrupt? I can't remember anything shady about him at all.
Chuck is an arrogant prick. There is no way his story doesn't have a special 'Chuck' tilt to it.
I don't understand wanting Saul Goodman as fast as possible.
What then? You'd get Breaking Bad redux, but without the best characters from that universe.
I want to see these new characters follow their journey as organically as needed, and if Saul Goodman isn't even on the radar, that's fine.
I just don't see what people think will happen that's so extra ordinary, once Jimmy becomes Saul.
His biggest life moment was probably meeting Walt anyway, so it's not like he's going to have something as crazy as that before he meets the guy.
Yeah, you could justify maybe some cameo a little better, but who cares? Cameos for cameo's sake are just cringe worthy.
I say let the show evolve naturally, enjoy the journey, instead of obsessing over the destination.
We've got good character drama so far, and a fun, brisk paced (maybe not as fast moving as BB, but still more than a lot of other TV shows) show.
It's all you need.