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Better Call Saul S2 |OT| The Truth Is Just A Point Of View - Mondays 10/9c

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They were almost as expensive as a whole PC back then, so doubtful a law firm would be handing them out, even to partners.

I was pricing them out for trade show kiosks back then and you were looking at 700-800 for tiny 15" ones.

Uh did you miss the part about where the case he brought in was worth millions?


I had completely forgotten about that stock guy being in BB lol.

Great premiere. The show deals with fairly mundane issues, but always makes them so memorable.


I'm so glad he changed his mind. I want to see this fail or him fail at this rather than not taking the show down that road.


What was the explanation?
Vince Gilligan jokingly said it kills a random person on the planet, but it also deposits candy in Jimmy's desk. So Jimmy really needs to make a tough choice when he wants candy.

EDIT: LOL at that Jurassic Park gag in the tease on Talking Saul.


I think it's ssignificant that his act of rebellion is pointless. He's a big law automaton now.

This is what I got from it too. As much as he wants to act out, he's put himself in a place where his inner sense of rebellion has no meaning.

Edit: Actually, I think my take was a bit more depressing than what it was meant to come off as. I liked AV Club's explanation here:

But James M. McGill, Esq., has moved on, in more ways than one. After one last, futile call to Kim to join him out on the savannah where the cigar-chomping, drink-swilling gazelles laze in the sun, Jimmy decides to go to her watering hole instead. As he walks into the luxury offices of Davis & Main, grasping the welcoming right hands of all the associates and staff, he toys with Marco’s ring on his left. In one sense this is everything he once told Kim he wanted, right down to the cocobolo desk with which he furnished his dream office suite in season one’s “Bingo.” But there’s a critical difference. He’s determined to stay above the profession of law, to use it to further his own ends rather than to let it use him, to think twice before doing “the right thing” lest he fall into the trap of trying to please others. Marco’s ring is a reminder that it’s all a long con.

And when he finds a sign taped to a light switch right by his new view of the desert—“Always Leave On!! Never Turn Off!!”—it’s a chance to remind himself of the change. No more obedience. Who knows what happens when he peels back the sign and defiantly flips the switch off? Nothing visible. Maybe it’s a “Button, Button” situation and somebody dies. More likely it’s something to do with the HVAC, mold or humidity or the like. Regardless, that tiny act of defiance is an invisible graffito on those tastefully appointed office walls: Slippin’ Jimmy was here.


I'm so glad this show is back. Off to a good start so far. Glad he took the job offer at the end. It'll be sweeter to see him lose it all.


So great to have this back.

I was legit shocked when Jimmy took the offer from Davis & Main. And Jesus, him and Kim have such fantastic chemistry. It's gonna be real hard when things inevitably fall apart. Even worse than Chuck.


So happy this show is back and a nice start to the premiere. Jimmy acting out by really doing what he wants no matter what the world tells him, even something petty as a light switch lmao.

Also liked the Breaking Bad callbacks with the douche and the tequila. I had my "Hey!" moment


Talking Saul said there would be more returning Breaking Bad characters. My guess is that Hank has a role in investigating the dorky drug dealer.

That tequila was the same one Gus gave the cartel? Man the detail and easter eggs are unbelievable

Yeah, and it's called Zafiro Añejo. "Zafiro" is Spanish for "sapphire", so it's also a reference to the blue meth.


Talking Saul said there would be more returning Breaking Bad characters. My guess is that Hank has a role in investigating the dorky drug dealer.

I hope that the only non Saul/Mike Breaking Bad characters that appear are just minor ones that service the plot instead of trotting out the main characters again, like they have with Tuco or Ken. Perhaps give Gus a little bit of time once the story gets there, but I like letting this story be its own thing, with winks to the predecessor - like the tequila.
Feels Goodman

I'm morbidly eager for the pharma guy to get what's coming to him

Easter eggs are fun but yeah, I'd rather they keep it fresh until Gus comes into the picture
Thought it was great. Kim's actress is fantastic, and her chemistry with Jimmy is charming and believable. Can't wait for next week.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Weird role for Laurie.

...Did they have flatscreen computer monitors in 2002?
Haha I wondered the same thing. Seems unlikely, perhaps a bit of a goof, unless it's really clever and on purpose to show how opulent that law firm was.

Great episode. I love that they scammed the same day trader whose car Walt blew up.
Wow I don't remember this at all. Nor the tequila bottle thing.

I need to rewatch Breaking Bad some time...


Hunky Nostradamus
Solid premiere. I'm glad to have this show back.

First season one of the first episodes. He was the asshole who was just popping up and Walt blows his car up.

Walt made his car explode at the convenience store.

Ahh, I knew he looked familiar but I couldn't place exactly where I had seen him.

Wasn't that the same type of tequila Gus gave to the cartel as a gift?

I love all these little easter eggs.


Man I just watched the first two episodes of season 1 and was so surprised how good it was. It's on par with Breaking Bad and Sal isn't that bad of a character.


What episode BB was the stock trader in? I stay missing the easter eggs.
- NYTimes: ‘Better Call Saul’ Season 2 Premiere: No Seriously, Call Saul.
Now, it seems, he’d like to go back to small-time con artistry, and he demonstrates what he means, on the spot, by fleecing an obnoxious, foul-mouthed stockbroker who is drinking at the same bar and shouting into his cellphone earpiece. It’s not just any foul-mouthed stockbroker, either. That’s Ken, played by Kyle Bornheimer, last seen pulling into a gas station in Season 3 of “Breaking Bad.” He was driving a BMW convertible, with the license plate “Ken Wins,” and still spewing braggadocio into that earpiece. Walter White is so angered by Ken’s peacocking that he sabotages Ken’s car, which soon explodes.


semen stains the mountaintops
Pretty good episode, however, I'm kind of bummed that he seems to be trying to go legit again. Maybe it's just a long con that he's going to play but I was hoping we would see full on Saul and not some Jimmy/Saul hybrid.
Pretty good episode, however, I'm kind of bummed that he seems to be trying to go legit again. Maybe it's just a long con that he's going to play but I was hoping we would see full on Saul and not some Jimmy/Saul hybrid.
He's not going legit - he took the job because of love, but he's no longer trying to "walk the line," so to speak. One way this is expressed is through the light switch at the end. Yes, jimmy took the job, but this jimmy's not going to be bound by the moral boundaries that season 1 jimmy was.
Pretty good episode, however, I'm kind of bummed that he seems to be trying to go legit again. Maybe it's just a long con that he's going to play but I was hoping we would see full on Saul and not some Jimmy/Saul hybrid.

The thing about all that is, like others are saying, he took the job because of Kim. Just like Jimmy became a lawyer to impress his brother, so that Chuck would be proud that his good for nothing scam artist brother finally walked the straight and narrow path and like Mike said, for once "doing the right thing."

He gets close to Kim, and on a very important level he wants approval from her, or rather, he does what he thinks he should do if he thinks he is going to have a thing with her, or like he said, "Is this going to happen?"

Based on what happened last season, like Chuck I think Kim is going to let down Jimmy big time, if not downright betray him in some inevitable way. I don't think she would do that, but then again, neither does Jimmy, And based on his pointless, unnecessary rebellious nature (demonstrated by an innocuous light switch of all things! very funny and ironic!) Jimmy is going to cause some nasty, dangerous consequences that might push Kim too far. We saw the beginning of it with the Añejo confidence trick.

These writers are really fucking good, and I love analyzing the hell out one of these episodes, and it makes it more exciting and gives it more meat than action sequences. And I love those too, they are the cherry on top. Despite the praise it gets I still think the show is seriously underrated by some.


You all need a history lesson in flatscreen LCD monitors. I graduated high school in 2003 and my grad gift was a Sony 5:4 LCD monitor to take to college. 2003 was the first year LCD monitors outsold CRT monitors, so they absolutely were a thing in 2002. They first popped up in the 90's and by the 2000's they had come down in price enough to start being competitive with CRT's. It would absolutely be more than reasonable for a law firm offering a choice of company vehicles and food stock, and a collection of art, to have LCD's at that time.
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