Human Trashcan
Both shows have this basic conflict where the primary engine of the show comes out of the fun of being surprised at watching the lead character solving challenges in creative ways (whether vis magnets, chemstry, or gift of gab), and yet the main character is doing this in pursuit of bad ends and driving away his loved one by doing so. That tension is the same. I feel like they are going to have to end Jimmy's story differently from Walt's so they don't repeat themselves. I feel like this show is probably going to deal with that tension in a more mature way -- meaning I never felt like we got a full feel for how destructive Walt was to his family, or how much Walt himself felt that. His final scenes with them were all over the phone or in that one very cold final scene with Skylar. Whereas here the series is framed by Jimmy being alone, no family, no loved ones. Walt is the one who destroys him in the end, and he's dead, so he can't get vengeance like Walt did. That leaves only redemption, which could be interesting.
Yeah that conflict is at the center of a lot of modern "prestige" television (I hate the term but it gets the point across). A lot of it is about antiheroes or straight-up terrible people, so the audience ends up rooting for them. Which is fine to an extent because if there's no protagonist, there's no show anymore. Where I think this gets nasty is when misogyny gets involved. A lot of the reaction to Skyler from BB was super toxic to the point where even the actress got a share of it. But yeah I think a lot of anti-Chuck sentiment basically comes from the fact that he's against Jimmy and Jimmy is the protagonist (as well as a more personable, affable guy despite his moral failings).
But when you say redemption, do you think the show will actually continue the present-day (post-BB) story in a meaningful way? Because redemption isn't really possible in the show's timeline.