The way Scalebound >>> FFXV, kii
A single potato chip >>>>>> FFXV tbh

The way Scalebound >>> FFXV, kii
The way Scalebound >>> FFXV, kii
Does anyone really give a shit about Halo at this point?
No one's going to buy another $500 gaming box in this day and age.Project Scorpio. Coming for Neo's wig
Hopefully Sony's press conference is better.
No one's going to buy another $500 gaming box in this day and age.
teraFLOPS indeed
I'm so glad they showed the audience clapping "along" to Rapper's Delight.Anyone else bowing down as we speak to this black girl magic at WWDC right now
Mau ®;206785577 said:Lana Del Rey is coming to my city. She's the headliner of a festival lineup.
Chvrches is also on it so I'm going for them!
Light up a joint when she sings High By The Beach
I haven't watched a single conference this E3 tbh
she looks good thoDelete it Obese.
Probably. Everything from Sony that's leaked/been released already hasn't impressed me, and I'm not expecting any big surprises.Nintendo will win E3 with just Zelda and Pokemon news. Bookmark me.
Sony will also be great if they show more Horizon and that rumored Spider-Man game made by the inFamous team.Nintendo will win E3 with just Zelda and Pokemon news. Bookmark me.
Nintendo will win E3 with just Zelda and Pokemon news. Bookmark me.
MS conference was a capital MESS.
That long ass, terribly scripted Minecraft segment made me want to sink into the ground and disappear.
FFXV looks like it'll be trash. Persona 5 and Pokemon Sun & Moon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Is FFXV even a RPG? It seems like everything will be QTE and cinematicFFXV looks like it'll be trash. Persona 5 and Pokemon Sun & Moon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's been tossed between more directors, producers, and design committees than Big Spider's Dangerous Womyn era. At this point, a fanmade product would probably have more cohesion and competence than this surefire turd.This tea >>>>>
FFXV doesn't excite me at all. It has an odd, fanmade feel to me.
FFXV looks like it'll be trash. Persona 5 and Pokemon Sun & Moon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Excuse you but Barney: The Dinosaur theme >>>>> whatever the kidz listen this days.Your faves never had, and never will have a bop as good as Bob the Builder.
For real though, the full-version of Bob the Builder's original theme is genuinely bop-worthy.Your faves never had, and never will have a bop as good as Bob the Builder.
For real though, the full-version of Bob the Builder's original theme is genuinely bop-worthy.
Sometimes less is more, a lesson most of our faves never learn.Barney theme is so trash that it only has 30 seconds, sis. They knew it, so they made it short.
I'm really interested in a new JRPG. Is Star Ocean 5 supposed to be good? it's coming out this month.
I'm really interested in a new JRPG. Is Star Ocean 5 supposed to be good? it's coming out this month.