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I'm still FUMING about Gaga losing to Bjork, of all people. People not voting for one of the best albums in the past 10 years, and instead voting for a rambling, warbling, screeching harpy in Bjork


I'm still FUMING about Gaga losing to Bjork, of all people. People not voting for one of the best albums in the past 10 years, and instead voting for a rambling, warbling, screeching harpy in Bjork

A Vickie Guerrero T.
Excuse me!



World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
who or what is an audrey

I thought Sony did pretty good with their conference
I have never and will never care for nintendo
ubisoft was a mess
Fitting a Lana Stan used dumpster. I imagine you're used to seeing her albums there.
You don't really expect to believe you're unfamiliar with dumpsters, do you? How else would you dispose of all those condoms smeared with feces you're left with after a night of sex? :^)


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Seriously Bjork and Emotion? I listened to Homogenic and it was so fucking bland. Her voice is so boring and you can't understand her half the time, plus the actual music sounds like it should be from a movie soundtrack. Also Emotion sounds so samey on every single track...seriousky fucking garbage...

At least vote Lemonade. AOTY 2016.



Game of All Time, Game of the Show, Best Trailer, Best Animation, best shield surfing, best rock climbing, best you name it.
Okay bitches, here's the real. I didn't post this the first time because I was confident that it would make it to the next round, but now that The Fame Monster (the Marcia Brady of pop albums you worship) just lost to a racist woman who speaks whale, I'm a little less certain. I can forgive, but I won't forget.

So to help offer some much-needed guidance, here are my TOP 4 REASONS YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR BORN THIS WAY. Read on and inform yourself.

1) It's the last pop album to sound like it was made by the world's biggest megastar. Think about all the recent string of albums from huge pop artists and notice that none of them dared take on the massive hype that preceded their release. ANTi went small and unassuming, 25 and Prism went expediently safe, and Lemonade was such a left-field project (with extra-curricular content) that it skirted around reviewers' criticism. Pop stars do this because their albums would otherwise crash under the weight of our expectations. Born This Way was the last album by a major pop star that dared to face those expectations and try to meet them. Granted, we say she didn't meet them, but the truth is that no one in the world would have either. But Gaga gets credit for having the brass balls to declare, "oh, you want an album made by the biggest popstar in the world? Here's what it sounds like."

2) It perfectly encapsulates the Gaga brand and sound. The Fame, as likable as it was, was made by a Lady Gaga who wanted to get on the radio. The Fame Monster was a step further down this path, and even with its more mature undertones, it was still heavily in queue with radio trends. Born This Way sounded virtually nothing like its contemporaries; fusing classic 80s dance music with hyper 90s house vibes, and throwing in some 70s glam rock sensibilities. It encompasses every reference, era, legacy artist, and political point of view that Gaga's expressed since she hit the scene. It celebrates artifice and unattainable celebrity while also maintaining a very personal reflection. It's stupidly eclectic, and with the 8,000 bells and whistles thrown in it all manages to be effectively cohesive. This is as Gaga as Gaga could get, but not in a bad way. It's brutally grounded in her reality while also sounding eight miles high. NO ONE ELSE HAS PULLED THIS OFF.

3) Many of Born This Way's criticisms are unfair. When your brand (and sound) is larger than life, the criteria by which people can judge you with grows as well. As I mentioned, had Lemonade been anticipated longer than a week, or wasn't accompanied by a film, then it would have collapsed under critique as well. Context is everything, and with Born This Way the context was "the world's most anticipated album by the world's biggest, loudest pop star is coming out. This better be good." By those expectations, Gaga could only have avoided backlash if she pulled a Lemonade; as in, roll out your music with a gimmick so unexpected that it disables a conventional review. Take away the expectations and the context, and you're left with a brilliant pop album.

4) The songs are great. I know, this is an obvious one for me to include, but it deserves to be said. Shave off a couple of album tracks if you want (Highway Unicorn, The Queen, Bad Kids) and you're left with over a dozen fantastic pop songs. Aside from one or two redundant moments, the album manages to change hats at every turn, which is impressive for a 17-track EDM release that never takes it down to a 1. Marry The Night and The Edge of Glory have that familiar Gaga flavor with the obvious hooks, but she turns them into soaring anthems as well. Think about how progressively bizarre Government Hooker and Scheisse are as pop songs. Or Judas with its schizophrenic production, or the fact that Gaga had the balls to make something as stupidly hammy as Hair. Electric Chapel is oozing synth-rock sensibilities, and Heavy Metal Lover is literally insane. We don't even have to talk about Gaga perfectly nailing 70s classic arena rock with You and I, or simultaneously weaving Madonna with RuPaul in Black Jesus/Amen Fashion. Nevermind the fact that Bloody Mary is a total subversive mindfuck and is probably the most smartly focused song she ever made. Even when Born This Way takes occasional dips, no song truly sounds under-thought or carelessly thrown together. And for an album of this size and scope, that's a goddamn feat.

So vote for Born This Way because it's ambitious as fuck, the music is great, and because your criticisms are wrong. Trust me on this.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Msoft > Nintendo > Sony > UBI > Bethesda > EA.

It is knowN.

Also I voted BTW and Flo.

trash gaming taste like trash taste in politicians
at least your votes were on point.


Msoft > Nintendo > Sony > UBI > Bethesda > EA.

It is knowN.

Also I voted BTW and Flo.

Your taste is TRASH.
On what planet was M$ better than Slaystation?
All their shit leaked beforehand and even then none of the games were exciting.
Fucking Nintendo beat them with one game.


The Flop

Your taste is TRASH.
On what planet was M$ better than Slaystation?
All their shit leaked beforehand and even then none of the games were exciting.
Fucking Nintendo beat them with one game.


Last Guardian is trash, it is known.
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