5H added a new [streaming only] track to 7/27 exclusively on.... Napster.
Lateysha is an icon. She was robbed by the bland white males in bbukFinally heard Katy's "Rise" and for an Olympics song, why does it not go harder or tap into that soaring inspirational emotion? It's so deflated. Not even overlayed cheers and screams from that Olympic video could save it.
Embarrassed by Knees and Perras songs, tbh.
kii. saturday night has always been my fave song of hers. i also really like television, even though it seems to be ignored
I love the whole album. ¯\_(ツi love the intro tbh
Blood Orange, Shura, Marian Hill, Broods, Maxwell, Kaytranada.. Get in.
Is PopGAF finally in the Real Musique era?
Katherine and Britney both disappoint in their own ways.
Brotney instantly gets discarded because where are the vocals? I can't listen to breathing.. Sorry.
Katy sing is cute but it drops off and doesn't get hype. The first time I heard it, I was high so it was better than normal but on a second listen.. It's okay.. Mostly GP bait.
Tinashe sing sounds like Ciara Promise Era + Tiffany Evans debut + LIZ SoundCloud mixtape and it's called Superlove. DATED
She needs to pull am azealia and scream to be off her label because they are dropping her career on the floor.
Blood Orange, Shura, Marian Hill, Broods, Maxwell, Kaytranada.. Get in.
work bitch drags this basic shit tho
at least we can all admit work bitch is a hot mess guilty pleasure slay
this is just boring forgettable trash
listen to talent and looks instead
you have to resist the garbage
Is PopGAF finally in the Real Musique era?
Katherine and Britney both disappoint in their own ways.
Brotney instantly gets discarded because where are the vocals? I can't listen to breathing.. Sorry.
Katy sing is cute but it drops off and doesn't get hype. The first time I heard it, I was high so it was better than normal but on a second listen.. It's okay.. Mostly GP bait.
Tinashe sing sounds like Ciara Promise Era + Tiffany Evans debut + LIZ SoundCloud mixtape and it's called Superlove. DATED
She needs to pull am azealia and scream to be off her label because they are dropping her career on the floor.
Blood Orange, Shura, Marian Hill, Broods, Maxwell, Kaytranada.. Get in.
hey swift stans whats the best taylor swift song
Oh! and SAFE & SOUND. How could I forget that masterpiece?Red, Begin Again, Out of the Woods, Style, Innocent, Mine, Haunted, Sweeter Than Fiction, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, All Too Well, Forever and Always - everything else. You might as well just listen to all of her post-debut albums. You won't regret it.
Britney looks really gorgeous during this promo cycle...
Britney looks really gorgeous during this promo cycle...
Im having a moment to Kill My Boyfriend. Send help.
As an artist who respects creative integrity and intellectual property, I am disgusted with how much you have copied Lady Gaga. From the hair, to the blazë lyrics and vocals, do you not have any value or respect for originality? You're a laughing stock, it's cheesy, it's disgusting, I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious.
Cruel World is such a good song fuck... when will Honeymoon
edit: this live version of Yayo....lordt. Why is all of her music better live...queen
Album Yayo sucks but the Unreleased version is whew.Honestly Yayo is my least favorite song by her...I really need to listen to her unreleased ones though.
Is there any way to record songs on Apple Music?
FTFYMILF ¢ is already on sale on UK iTunes. Yikes
2 of the 4 CLASH Magazine covers issue 101. She's coming.
I legit did not recognize Gwen.
Nah, I think it's actually filler. She could barely emote in the Misery video.Her face looks fuller. Probably photoshop thing (look the lips closely too and something looks off)
Nah, I think it's actually filler. She could barely emote in the Misery video.
Mess. I misread.Her face looks fuller. Probably photoshop thing (look the lips closely too and something looks off)
delete it fat